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> Some old plot hooks.
Prime Mover
post Sep 28 2006, 07:23 PM
Post #1

Shooting Target

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I'm sure everyone whos played since 1st edition,read some novels....even dabled in earthdawn for the lore has few unswered questions. So I thought I'd ask see if any of my questions may have been resolved and I just missed it or misunderstood. Also be happy to see some other folks questions. Looking for more storyline then rules problems...I'll try to fill in any blanks I might have insight into.

1. In very first novel a "Doppleganger type creature was used in a snatch and grab in Renraku arc. Was this creature every statted or explained anywere?

2. In first Tir sourcebook several Apt sized blocks appeared over wizard island in crater lake, was this every explained or referenced elswere?

3. In Aztec sourcbook a locus is mentioned and hinted thats its power was on par with the greatest of magics. (still waiting too see if holostreets is gonna post south america book) any other mention elsewere?

4. T-birds, every mention of a smuggler almost always includes mention of the t-birds...but ones ever seen stated are Banshee (military vehicle) and Stonewall (simply described not stated). Has there ever been smuggler version stated (gonna have to dig out some old books have in storage, possibley in rigger 2?)?

5. This ones more of observation then question and possible fix. In SR4 it implies that not haveing active commlink in certain areas can cause authorities to give you some attention. Technomancers dont seem to have need to carry or are they stated with commlinks in example charecters. Also they lack ability to store or download info without offline device. Fix in my campaign has been Technomancer has hacked team members Comm and uses it for storage, file transfers and leaveing as his contact number. Only issue then becomes the security issue which we've resolved with some "Spoofing" rolls.

Look forward to comments and some other lists, thanks ahead of time.

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post Sep 28 2006, 08:08 PM
Post #2


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My understanding is that the "smuggler" T-birds were just customized (by the rigger or for the rigger) versions of the base models. At least, that's how I run it.

Sorry, no questions coming to mind at the moment for addition.
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SL James
post Sep 28 2006, 08:43 PM
Post #3

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QUOTE (Prime Mover @ Sep 28 2006, 01:23 PM)
3.  In Aztec sourcbook a locus is mentioned and hinted thats its power was on par with  the greatest of magics.  (still waiting too see if holostreets is gonna post south america book) any other mention elsewere?

It was... "dealt with" in the Dragon Heart Saga novel trilogy.
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post Sep 28 2006, 11:03 PM
Post #4

Uncle Fisty

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to my knowledge:

1) the doppleganger was never addressed agin, except in SOTA 63, where they said the viable clones still weren't possible. So who knows what it was except perhaps "artisic license"

2) The floating stones thingies get mentioned a few more times, but no details are ever really given, except that the area eventually became a mana ebb, and blocked off by the TIr military after Dunkie's death in 57. After 61 (year of the Comet), they changed out the guard with all mundanes. Never any explanation. Mayeb that'll change soon since it's now a democracy lead by good ol' Larry Zincan, and not the Princes anymore.

4) technomancers do need "off-brain" sotrage. Check out Runner haves, end of the Hong Kong section for an example. So yeah, they'd 'prolly still carry a commlink, even if it is a bottom grade.
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post Sep 28 2006, 11:07 PM
Post #5

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Prime Mover)
4. T-birds, every mention of a smuggler almost always includes mention of the t-birds...but ones ever seen stated are Banshee (military vehicle) and Stonewall (simply described not stated). Has there ever been smuggler version stated (gonna have to dig out some old books have in storage, possibley in rigger 2?)?

SOTA:2063 featured a the stats of the Nizhinyi BMV-2, a russian "T-Bird", with the actual GMC Thunderbird listed as a "similar models". Tough still a military vehicle, it is marginally cheaper (¥1,8M) than the Banshee is.
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post Sep 28 2006, 11:15 PM
Post #6

Moving Target

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every good tm buys a link if for no other reason than disguise. That way when he's arrested, the sec for doesn't immediately throw a head jammer on him. As far as data storage goes you can use anything, clothes and guns being two of my faves.

The dopplganger thing was defintely not a drone it was grown through some draconic magic iirc.

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post Sep 29 2006, 12:09 AM
Post #7

Mystery Archaeologist

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2) The floating stone blockies are still there mentioned in Street Magic, they're still there and the place is still locked down.

4) There was a heavier version statted in aztalan. I suspect they're custom build jobs, using the old vehicle design rules.

5) techno's in my game just buy their own commlinks, sure they don't need them but there is no rule against them having them.
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post Sep 29 2006, 12:33 AM
Post #8

Uncle Fisty

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2)my theory for the floating blocks is that they're some sort fo Citadel from the 2nd age. They're trying to distance the old ED connections now though, so I wouldn't expect much on them, but I suppose they have to address it at some point.

5) Correct me if I'm wrong, but if a techno uses a commlink to hack, they need a completely seperate computer skill don't they. If they use the channels and all that, they use computers/hacking, but if they want to use other hacking-ware, they have to work on a second hacking/computers skill since they're very different. I think I recall reading something along those lines in the SR4. Hoping I'm not just smoking crack again.
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post Sep 29 2006, 12:37 AM
Post #9

Great Dragon

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QUOTE (Prime Mover)
4. T-birds, every mention of a smuggler almost always includes mention of the t-birds...but ones ever seen stated are Banshee (military vehicle) and Stonewall (simply described not stated). Has there ever been smuggler version stated (gonna have to dig out some old books have in storage, possibley in rigger 2?)?

Not as far as I know. And per the rules they don't actually work. T-birds are really, really short ranged. You have to buy the increased range feature in rigger 3 about 12 times to get something that has a few hundred mile combat radius IIRC.
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post Sep 29 2006, 01:07 AM
Post #10

Uncle Fisty

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yeah, we worked on a smugglnig campaign for a while. The first thing we did was spend gads of cash modifying the engine so that we could go more than a few hundred miles on one tank. That jet fuels expensive ya' know. T-birds I think are more inteded to be short range interceptors for things like border patrols and countering/chasing down choppers. They work good for hopping borders in a hurry, but not much besides laying down heavy damage they way their stock fuel systems work.
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post Sep 29 2006, 01:18 AM
Post #11

Moving Target

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Can I add a question to the mix?

What was the deal with the medicine that Dunky left the formula for in his will? I know that it was never made, but did we ever find out what it would have done or prevented?
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post Sep 29 2006, 01:23 AM
Post #12

Uncle Fisty

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Read the book The Forever Drug. Supposedly it was supposed to prolong life spans. AH says it was suposed to include dragon blood or something to that effect. I think his theory was making a servitor race, but don't quote me on that. IIRC, it was destroyed by Humanis agents that were working (unknowingly) for Lowfyr. The head researcher got her brain jacked up, and when she tried to go back and fix it, Lowfy decided to step in. Wasn't that nice of him? :)
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Slithery D
post Sep 29 2006, 01:28 AM
Post #13

Moving Target

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The fiction had a few refueling stations on popular t-bird routes. Of course, the odds of such fueling points being able to avoid being busted if anyone really cared about smuggling were always...low.

SR2 era Aztlan sourcebook did have "Lobo," which was supposed to be lighter than the Banshee, but I don't have a copy of SR2 anymore and can't compare it to the Banshee of that era. It's in almost all ways grossly inferior to the SR3 stats.
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Big D
post Sep 29 2006, 05:40 AM
Post #14

Moving Target

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Does Movement multiply the speed without increasing the fuel consumption?
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post Sep 29 2006, 09:05 AM
Post #15

Great, I'm a Dragon...

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QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
2)my theory for the floating blocks is that they're some sort fo Citadel from the 2nd age. They're trying to distance the old ED connections now though, so I wouldn't expect much on them, but I suppose they have to address it at some point.

SoA has some hints to the ED/SR-connection (the rock-beings of Yakut i.e.) so I doubt that the whole crossover will be negated.

Yes I still do hope that Demonseed Elite will do hs best to strengthen it. :)
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post Sep 29 2006, 04:10 PM
Post #16

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Prime Mover)
4.  T-birds, every mention of a smuggler almost always includes mention of the t-birds...but ones ever seen stated are Banshee (military vehicle) and Stonewall (simply described not stated).  Has there ever been smuggler version stated (gonna have to dig out some old books have in storage, possibley in rigger 2?)?

No comment on the other questions at the moment, because I'm short on time. But as for T-Birds....

In my campaign, we've managed to nearly ignore the existence of these things in canon. Seriously, I find the return of magic to the world in 2011 to be more believable than widespread T-Bird smuggling given the fuel comsuption, not to mention the Aerodynamics of these things. When you consider how much fuel the Harrier burns to do a VTOL, and thing thing of how much armor plating a T-Bird has, it's ridiculous.

(Sorry, not much in the way of answers to the original questions asked I know, but I just had to chime in on the subject of T-Birds....)
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post Sep 29 2006, 05:31 PM
Post #17


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Just...change the fuel consumption.

I know we all get stuck in "canon" mode, I'm not poking anyone with the nyahnyah stick. But it is a really easy fix, and doesn't really do a whole lot to hurt the game, especially when you get workable baddassery out of it. :D
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post Sep 29 2006, 06:35 PM
Post #18

Moving Target

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Unfortunately I'm a pilot in real life, so the whole suspension of disbelief becomes flat out impossible for me when it comes to the aerodynamics and fuel consumption of T-Birds, especially compared with the economics of them. (i.e. what the things would actually be useful for that other flying machines couldn't do better).

Realize this is just a personal pet peeve of mine that I couldn't resist chiming in on, not meant to be any kind of serious discussion of the things.
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post Sep 29 2006, 06:53 PM
Post #19


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Well sure, if you're going to let reality get in the way. ;)
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post Sep 29 2006, 06:55 PM
Post #20

Prime Runner

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Given the way Shadowrun Magic works, the T-Bird concept doesn't seem weird to me at all. Spirits have Movement. That lets them get things from point A to point B in 1/6th the time. And that means 1/6th he fuel consumption.

So the idea of putting your contraband on a rocket that has a toggled nozzle that allows it to set down in a parking space is pretty silly with modern technology and no Magic. The fuel involved would ruin you.

But divide the fuel consumed by 6 and you're talking. Energy is just Energy, a rocket is potentially a fairly efficient use of fuel if you're going to be burning a lot of it. It's damned fast and with the adjustable directionality it is pretty maneuverable. I can easily see that as being the best possible template to llay the Movement power on - it's going through the air so you can take advantage of your whole speed, it's setting down somewhere other than an airstrip so you have a chance in hell of getting away with it, and it's extremely fast to begin with (being a rocket and all) so the speed multiple puts it into the mid-machs.

Honestly, if you're the air defense of some country like the CAS, a T-Bird can be over your entire country in minutes. In the time it takes for someone to request authorization for an interceptor to shoot down that T-Bird, it's not in CAS airspace anymore. That's a reasonable smuggling tactic.

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Mr. Unpronouncea...
post Sep 29 2006, 07:11 PM
Post #21

Moving Target

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QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
5) Correct me if I'm wrong, but if a techno uses a commlink to hack, they need a completely seperate computer skill don't they. If they use the channels and all that, they use computers/hacking, but if they want to use other hacking-ware, they have to work on a second hacking/computers skill since they're very different. I think I recall reading something along those lines in the SR4. Hoping I'm not just smoking crack again.

You're slightly off here - a technomancer needs the duplicate hacking skills to hack using a comlink + programs just like a normal hacker...but there's nothing saying he can't hack his comlink like any other node.
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post Sep 29 2006, 07:11 PM
Post #22

Great Dragon

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QUOTE (FrankTrollman)
Honestly, if you're the air defense of some country like the CAS, a T-Bird can be over your entire country in minutes. In the time it takes for someone to request authorization for an interceptor to shoot down that T-Bird, it's not in CAS airspace anymore. That's a reasonable smuggling tactic.

ADA protocols for dealing with unidentified military aircraft intruding into your airspace and heading for a populated area vs a light civilian aircraft would be expected to be rather different, and far briefer.
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post Sep 29 2006, 07:22 PM
Post #23


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True, but when their radar says that you're a flock of pigeons... :D
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post Sep 29 2006, 07:51 PM
Post #24

Great Dragon

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QUOTE (eidolon)
True, but when their radar says that you're a flock of pigeons... :D

Considering that your jammer only has an effective range of 50 meters, I don't think so. ;)
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post Sep 29 2006, 07:57 PM
Post #25

Prime Runner

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QUOTE (kzt)
QUOTE (FrankTrollman @ Sep 29 2006, 01:55 PM)
Honestly, if you're the air defense of some country like the CAS, a T-Bird can be over your entire country in minutes. In the time it takes for someone to request authorization for an interceptor to shoot down that T-Bird, it's not in CAS airspace anymore. That's a reasonable smuggling tactic.

ADA protocols for dealing with unidentified military aircraft intruding into your airspace and heading for a populated area vs a light civilian aircraft would be expected to be rather different, and far briefer.

Good luck with that. The SR71 was able to make a lot of survey runs over Moscow based solely on the fact that its cruising speed was slightly over a kilometer every second.

A T-Bird backed up by movement should be able to double that while flying at an elevation of about 50-100 meters. I don't care how brief your reactions are, there isn't a military on the planet that could intercept that thing. It's travelling at 1/100,000th the speed of light, the time it takes the radar to be projected from the emitter, bounce off the vessel, and return to the receiver actually fucking matters at this speed.

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