The complete critter list, The whole one hopefully. Did I miss one? |
The complete critter list, The whole one hopefully. Did I miss one? |
Oct 26 2006, 10:51 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 138 Joined: 1-September 02 From: France Member No.: 3,208 |
For a GM & web project, I'm trying to get them all. Can anyone see any critter or creature (except for "normal" metahumans) missing from that list?
Name Source Taxonomy Aardwolf PANA Proteles novalis Abrams Lobster PAE Homatus immanis Afanc PAE Crocodylus cymri Agropelter PANA Pithecocephalus hermestes Aitvaras PAE Alutuserpens lithuanii Anwuma Bavole C Armadillo, Greater PANA Dasypus major Asonwu Cyberpirates Baba Yaga C Bandersnatch PANA Pesvastus dissimulatus Bandit PANA Procyon latri Banshee SR2 Barghest SR4 Basilisk SR2 Bayard PAE Equus maximus Bean Sidhe PAE Behemoth PANA Alligator gigas Birdman PANA Eptesicus avehomo Black Annis PANA Papio annisae Blackberry Cat PANA Felis nigra Blood Kite PANA Buteo celeris Bogie PANA Canis auspicii Bombardier PANA Glaucomys teli Boobrie PANA Grus carnivori Borax Burro CalFree Equus asinus magnus Brocken Bow PAE Bulldog Stoat PAE Mustela stalinii Burrowing Beaver PAE Castor efforderis Centaur PAE Equus sagittarius Century Ferret PANA Mustela millenniae Cerberus Hound PAE Canis cerberi Chimera PANA Draco chimaera Chupacabras C Cockatrice SR2 Aveterror lapidaris Corps Cadavre PAE Corpselight PAE Crested Barbarian PAE Macaca cristatus Dakkaryne PAE Lutra ederis Deathrattle PANA Crotalus nex Demon Rat YotC Devil Jack Diamond PANA Litholepis adamanticus Devil Rat PANA Rattus diabolis Devilfish PANA Manta phobi Dog Asp PAE Vipera pseudocanis aspis Domovoi PAE Anima mansuetas Dour PANA Pan malifici Dzoo-noo-qua Each-Uisge PAE Proteles novalis Ekyelebenle C Embracer PANA Gorilla rubicundi Enwontzane C Eyekiller SR2 Bubovermis fulminis Fenrir Wolf PAE Canis lupus aesiri Fideal PANA Scyphozoa fidealis Firebird PANA Paradisia igni Firebird, Siberian C Firedrake PANA Neovaranus minimalis americanus Flame Jackal PAE Canis igni Fomorian PAE Foulmart PAE Mustela putorius magnus Gabriel Hound PANA Canis mutabilis Gargoyle PANA Gargoyle saxi Gargoyle, European PAE Gargoyle saxi sexus (Europaeus) Ghede Fly PAE Culex pestilans Ghoul Gila Demon PANA Heloderma diabolis Gloaming Owl PANA Bubo crepusculi Goat Unicorn Goblin PAE Golden Boar PAE Sus aureus Gomatia Cyberpirates Gorgon PAE Draco odiosus fabulosus Grandfather Elk PAE Alces alces vetustus Griffon SR2 Alatusleo aquila Gyre PANA Carthartes repartus H'owl Kage Otus Strideo Harpy SR2 Harpyia gregaria Hellbender PANA Cryptobranchus pollutus Hellhound PANA Canis tartari Hoop Snake PANA Natrix circumflexis Horned Bear YotC Humped Horse C Hydra Wyrm PAE Pieracanthus polycaput Icedrake PANA Neovaranus algoris articus Imperial Eagle PAE Canis lupus aesiri Incubus PANA Incubus praetexti Jauchekafer PAE Lucanis fimus Juggernaut PANA Dasypus praegrandis King Frost C Kludde PAE Kraken SR2 Architeuthis megagiganteus Lambton Lizard PANA Salamandra lambtoni Leshy C Leviathan PANA Grampus immanis Loup-garou PANA Macarιu PP Mami Wata PP Man of the Woods PANA Martichoras PANA Martichoras hastae Megalodon PANA Carcharodon neomegalodon Meistersinger PAE Megaptera palestrina Merlin Hawk PAE Falco velox Mermaid PANA Merhomo illecebrae Merrow Mimic Snake PANA Serpentes fistulae Minotaur, Wild PAE Aurochs atrox Mist Lynx PANA Lynx caligae Munchkin PANA Simiidiabolus hibernicus Mut-a-qua Naga SR2 Custos serpens New Boar PANA Sus singularis New Leatherback PANA Dermochelys novalis Night Manta YotC Nimue's Salamander PAE Salamandra exhaurirus Nomad PP Nosferatu Nova Scorpion CalFree Scorpionida novalis Novopossum PANA Didelphis ericae Nutria C Oracle Owl PAE Bubo ignavus maiusculus Pegasus PAE Equus volatilis amplus Peryton PAE Cervus insolens Phoenix SR2 Phoenix aureus Piasma PANA Ursus piasma Pricuricu PANA Hylocichla cynophilus Protean PAE Entamoeba imitatrix Quicksilver Mongoose PAE Herpestes illustris Red Deer Unicorn Road Racer CalFree Geococcyx californianus paisanus Roc, Lesser PANA Diamedia roc Rock Lizard PANA Phrynosoma caliburni Rockworm PANA Vermes Saxi Saber-tooth Cat PANA Felis novalis Sangre del Diablo YotC Sasquatch Contacts Satyr, Wild PAE Capra satyrus Scintillant Albatross PAE Diomedea scintillans Scorpyrine PAE Euscorpius igneus Sea Drake PANA Neotylosaurus pacificus Sea Leech CalFree Serpent, Freshwater PANA Pleuracanthus laci Serpent, Saltwater PANA Pleuracanthus oceani Shadowhound PANA Canis umbrae Shambler YotC Shapeshifter C Shasta Deer CalFree Siberian Bee C Siren PANA Siren canori Slime Mold PP Snow Moose PANA Alces natisis Snow Snake PANA Ophidia niphophilia Spider Beast PP Spitting Pike PAE Esox sputare Stone Toad PAE Bombina invisus Stonebinder PANA Myotis saxi Storm Dolphin PAE Delphinus periculosis Stormcrow PANA Corvus procellae Stymphalian PAE Ardea foedus Tachypus PANA Antilocapra celeriter Talis Cat PANA Felis mutabilis Tarantella PAE Lycosa saltator' Thunderbird C Avesfulmen splendidus Thunderbird, Lesser PANA Avesfulmen minori Torpedo Shark PANA Portheus velocis Troglodyte PANA Pan speluncae Unicorn SR2 Unicornis validus Unicorn Fish PANA Monodon novalis Unicorn, Greater Unicornus magnus Vampire Volleying Porcupine PAE Hystrix sagittarius Water Buffalo Unicorn Wendigo White Buffalo PANA Bison bison blanc Wild Hunt PAE Wodewose PANA Cebus wodewosnis Wolverine, Greater PANA Gulo impii Wooly Mammoth C Wraith PAE Wyrd Mantis PAE Mantis malus Wyvern PANA Alatuserpens pil americanus Need to be added : Dragon, Feathered Serpent SR1 Alatuserpens Quetzalcoatlus Dragon, Western SR1 Draco occidentalis Dragon, Eastern SR1 Draco orientalis Dragon, Sirrush Dragon, Leviathan Sasobonsam Cyberpirates Drop bear T:AL Wombrick T:AL Spirit, Shedim YotC Spirit, Shedim, Master SM Spirit, Toxic Grimoire Spirit, Blood Aztlan Spirit, Air SR4 Spirit, Beast SR4 Spirit, Earth SR4 Spirit, Fire SR4 Spirit, Guardian SM Spirit, Guidance SM Spirit, Man SR4 Spirit, Plants SM Spirit, Task SM Spirit, Water SR4 Spirit, Shadow SM Spirit, Bug, Ant UB [SM for the up to date entry] Spirit, Bug, Locust UB [SM for the up to date entry] Spirit, Bug, Termite UB [SM for the up to date entry] Spirit, Bug, Wasp UB [SM for the up to date entry] Spirit, Bug, Beetle UB [SM for the up to date entry] Spirit, Bug, Cicada UB [SM for the up to date entry] Spirit, Bug, Firefly UB [SM for the up to date entry] Spirit, Bug, Fly UB [SM for the up to date entry] Spirit, Bug, Mantid UB [SM for the up to date entry] Spirit, Bug, Roach UB [SM for the up to date entry] Spirit, Bug, @Caretaker UB [SM for the up to date entry] Spirit, Bug, @Nymph UB [SM for the up to date entry] Spirit, Bug, @Scout UB [SM for the up to date entry] Spirit, Bug, @Soldier UB [SM for the up to date entry] Spirit, Bug, @Worker UB [SM for the up to date entry] Spirit, Bug, @Queen UB [SM for the up to date entry] Spirit, Bug, UB [SM for the up to date entry] Spirit, Bug, UB [SM for the up to date entry] Spirit, Bug, UB [SM for the up to date entry] Sprite PAE This post has been edited by Jιrιmie: Oct 28 2006, 12:58 AM |
Oct 26 2006, 11:14 PM
Uncle Fisty Group: Admin Posts: 13,891 Joined: 3-January 05 From: Next To Her Member No.: 6,928 |
Oct 26 2006, 11:33 PM
Great Dragon Group: Members Posts: 6,748 Joined: 5-July 02 Member No.: 2,935 |
No'bad. If you're going to include the KAGE critters, however, you might want to include all of them. Ye are also missing a couple critters from miscellaneous supplements, such as the sasobonsam from Cyberpirates, or the drop bear and wombrick et al. from Target: Awakened Lands.
Oct 26 2006, 11:39 PM
Uncle Fisty Group: Admin Posts: 13,891 Joined: 3-January 05 From: Next To Her Member No.: 6,928 |
Oct 27 2006, 12:53 AM
Immoral Elf Group: Members Posts: 15,247 Joined: 29-March 02 From: Grimy Pete's Bar & Laundromat Member No.: 2,486 |
I think it's extremely fitting that of all the critters that could be left out, Drop Bears top the list. :D
Outstanding job, Jιrιmie. |
Oct 27 2006, 02:03 AM
Canon Companion Group: Members Posts: 8,021 Joined: 2-March 03 From: The Morgue, Singapore LTG Member No.: 4,187 |
Yes, the first thing I looked for on the list was Drop Bears. And imagine my delight when they were left out... (unless it is another one of those Drop Bear conspiracies - we are not really here)
Oct 27 2006, 02:14 AM
Uncle Fisty Group: Admin Posts: 13,891 Joined: 3-January 05 From: Next To Her Member No.: 6,928 |
They're hiding just above the dzoo-noo-quo, letting it draw your attention. 8)
Oct 27 2006, 10:27 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 138 Joined: 1-September 02 From: France Member No.: 3,208 |
Thanks. To be honest, most of the credits are due to the 6th World Wiki contributors.
I don't have Kage issue, so I included the one I know about (it's in the wiki), but I don't have access to the others. Thanks for the pointers AH, I'll add those. I'll also add the dracoform, I can't believe no one has see them missing :P Is the bunyip referenced as a critter in T:AL? I can't remember... Any others ? |
Oct 27 2006, 10:31 PM
Immoral Elf Group: Members Posts: 15,247 Joined: 29-March 02 From: Grimy Pete's Bar & Laundromat Member No.: 2,486 |
Depends what you mean by 'usual Spirits'. On another quick glance, I don't see Shedim (or Master Shedim), or any 'unusual Spirits'.
Oct 27 2006, 10:56 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 834 Joined: 30-June 03 Member No.: 4,832 |
Gotta catch 'em all?
Oct 27 2006, 11:13 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 138 Joined: 1-September 02 From: France Member No.: 3,208 |
Indeed. Shedim it is, thanks. I'll also add the global Toxic and Bug spirits. By "usual" I meant Beast, Air, Fire, Man, etc. The SR4 spirits list in another word.
Oct 27 2006, 11:48 PM
Immoral Elf Group: Members Posts: 15,247 Joined: 29-March 02 From: Grimy Pete's Bar & Laundromat Member No.: 2,486 |
Along with the 'Threat Spirits' you mentioned (don't forget Blood), I was also referring to the new Tradition Spirits in Street Magic, but I now kinda assume that you are including them in the "Beast, Air, Fire, Man, etc." list.
Oct 28 2006, 12:22 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 138 Joined: 1-September 02 From: France Member No.: 3,208 |
Yup. But so that it would be clear (including to me, if I missed one) I added them in so many words :)
I'll also add Shadow, and clarify the Bug ones. In fact, the goal of the list (beside having it ready, adding the missing one to the Wiki, getting the whole picture before making the French localization, others projects, and so forth) is to build a small software to help the GM select critters to flesh out a locality or a setting. Such as "I'm sending my PC to wilderness Spain, if I want to what could possibly be lurking there to bit them, distract them, wonder them", etc. without the need of sifting though a dozen books. That's why I left out the spirits at first, but since the list may be helpful for other uses ... first, getting the list mostly right has to be done. This post has been edited by Jιrιmie: Oct 28 2006, 12:28 AM |
Oct 28 2006, 12:28 AM
Immoral Elf Group: Members Posts: 15,247 Joined: 29-March 02 From: Grimy Pete's Bar & Laundromat Member No.: 2,486 |
Then you might as well add all the Free Spirit types as well. And of course, the Dragons all need to be attended to, lest they become spiteful. ;) |
Oct 28 2006, 12:33 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 138 Joined: 1-September 02 From: France Member No.: 3,208 |
I'll classify Free Spirit as sentient individual, much like any Human, Elf, Oni, etc. Yup I know, it's a very subjective call, because if that's the case dragons shouldn't be in there, and neither some type of spirits.
I'll sort these out later, or tag this in a way anyone can browse or left out the things he doesn't want. |
Oct 28 2006, 12:47 AM
Immoral Elf Group: Members Posts: 15,247 Joined: 29-March 02 From: Grimy Pete's Bar & Laundromat Member No.: 2,486 |
Some people advocate that the Sasquatch should be considered sentient as well. ;)
Seriously though, not complaining about your categorization ... just trying to help. |
Oct 28 2006, 12:52 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 138 Joined: 1-September 02 From: France Member No.: 3,208 |
Several in the list are sentientsghoul, sprite, some gargoyle, some centaur, a lots of spirits, etc. They are just more usable by the GM as critter, or setting's flesh, than common metahumans and the like.
I will have a "sentient" field in the final list/database, don't worry :) Edit : added Sprite, and expanded Dracoform into the 5 real dragons. This post has been edited by Jιrιmie: Oct 28 2006, 12:59 AM |
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