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> Back to the Future II, Track II - No McFly's here
Lady Door
post Apr 27 2007, 11:02 PM
Post #551

Dumpshock Widow aka Mrs Fisty

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Dexterity Test
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post Apr 27 2007, 11:04 PM
Post #552

Great, I'm a Dragon...

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Avoid Blow
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Ralo avoids the splashed water with inches, while he gets higher in the air and brings distance between him and the elf. He draws his sword.

Can't you just explain to me what you want to do before I get really angry?
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Lady Door
post Apr 27 2007, 11:07 PM
Post #553

Dumpshock Widow aka Mrs Fisty

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Okay, fine. I need you to take this little string, tie it around your waist and dance around on the ground while I use you for bait for the Hounds.... You can see why I might have thought that explaining this to you after the fact might have been better. Morgana crosses her arms and taps her foot.
So, are you going to put this on or are you going to starve in here? She holds out the string.
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post Apr 27 2007, 11:11 PM
Post #554

Great, I'm a Dragon...

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Are you kidding?

He looks into her face for a second.

And sighs.

No, you aren't. But tell me: why don't we just open the door - what we're gonna do anyway - and fight the dogs face to face? We can get it done if we work together. Maybe you can cast a nasty area-effect spell?

He pauses for a moment.

Passions! Forgot about the difficulties with spellcasting here. So, please, explain your plan in more detail.
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Lady Door
post Apr 27 2007, 11:15 PM
Post #555

Dumpshock Widow aka Mrs Fisty

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Morgana sighs again, looking irritated. In order for this statuette to do what we need it to do, control the hounds... as I told you, you may recall. I need to attempt to gain control of the hounds while doing something both dangerous and humerous.... Don't look at me like that. It's written in the book, if you don't believe me. And so... chew toy on a string. It's dangerous for you... and well, humerous if you look at it in the right light. C'mon... when I tell the story later I'll leave out the string bit and make you look gallant and courageous while Alexander and I cowered behind a desk. What do you say?
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post Apr 27 2007, 11:16 PM
Post #556

Uncle Fisty

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Roll Con -2
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Lady Door
post Apr 27 2007, 11:20 PM
Post #557

Dumpshock Widow aka Mrs Fisty

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Charisma & Con Test
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post Apr 27 2007, 11:25 PM
Post #558

Great, I'm a Dragon...

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Why do I need to be the toy? The dogs liked to attack you and Alex too. And they already know how you taste, remember?
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post Apr 27 2007, 11:27 PM
Post #559

Uncle Fisty

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post Apr 27 2007, 11:29 PM
Post #560

Great, I'm a Dragon...

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post Apr 27 2007, 11:30 PM
Post #561

Great, I'm a Dragon...

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You owe me so much for that. How long is the string? Can I fly?
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post Apr 27 2007, 11:30 PM
Post #562

Uncle Fisty

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Lady Door
post Apr 27 2007, 11:31 PM
Post #563

Dumpshock Widow aka Mrs Fisty

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Morgana shrugs her shoulders. Look, I'm sorry about whole attacking you water thing... but, I don't make the rules. We're a group. We have to do things like this sometimes. I'll tell you what, the next time one of us has to sacrifice our safety.. I'll do it. Morgana holds out the string, probably a 6 foot length. We'll keep hold of one end and yank you back should anything happen. You need to stay on the ground, dance around, that kind of thing. Only fly as a last ditch resort.
Once again, Morgana holds the end of the string out to Ralo.
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post Apr 27 2007, 11:33 PM
Post #564

Great, I'm a Dragon...

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Ralo rolls with his eyes, but allows Morgana to tie the string. He still has his sword ready.

Always be open for new ideas. Always have more then one plan.
He remembers the words of his teacher. Wonder if he ever has to make something stupid like that?

Ok, I'm ready. Open the gates to the realm of Death!
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Lady Door
post Apr 27 2007, 11:37 PM
Post #565

Dumpshock Widow aka Mrs Fisty

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Okay.. I'm going to let that go. I did try and turn his wings into so much soggy nothingness.. he can be a little bitter. But, the pixie is SERIOUSLY wearing on my last nerve. Morgana smiles at Ralo and watches him tie the string.
Yes, it's long enough for you to fly. No, you can't though.
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Lady Door
post Apr 27 2007, 11:53 PM
Post #566

Dumpshock Widow aka Mrs Fisty

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Once Ralo has the string tied around his waist, Morgana walks over to the desk and stands behind it, motioning for Alex to kneel beside her. She winds the string underneath the desk, making sure there's enough clearance for Ralo to come through if she needed to suddenly yank him through. Deciding that there is... give or take an inch, she then gets back up and walks over to the door.
Putting her ear to the metal, she can still hear the sounds of the hounds on the other side. Morgana slams the metal with her fist, getting the attention of the hounds. When she hears the baying start again, she returns to the desk and kneels behind it. She pokes her head up again over the edge of the desk.
You okay, Ralo? You comfortable? Do you need a pillow?
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post Apr 27 2007, 11:57 PM
Post #567

Great, I'm a Dragon...

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I thought your Troubadour skills would allow you to make better jokes than that!

[ Spoiler ]

Tightening his grip around his sword, Ralo readies himself for the dogs.
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Lady Door
post Apr 28 2007, 12:21 AM
Post #568

Dumpshock Widow aka Mrs Fisty

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Morgana eyes Ralo derisively.
Close your mouth, little bug, before you say something that will really make me angry.

Morgana lifts the statuette and begins to concentrate on the threads. Seeing them form their pattern, she nods and then begins to cast Shatter Lock on the door.
Spellcasting Test: Shatter Lock
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Morgana grinds her teeth, frustrated and trying desperately not to ruin their plan by crushing the mouthy windling. Calming herself, she tries again.
Spellcasting Test: Shatter Lock
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Threadweaving Test #1: Shatter Lock
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Morgana digs her fingernails into her palms and tries again.
Threadweaving Test #2: Shatter Lock
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Threadweaving Test #3: Shatter Lock
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Effect Test: Shatter Lock
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Morgana cries out in frustration as she watches the spell fizzle against the lock.
Damnit, Ralo! This is your fault. I swear on all that is holy.. when I'm done here... Morgana calms herself and begins casting again.

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post Apr 28 2007, 12:23 AM
Post #569

Uncle Fisty

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There's a terrific *BANG*, and the door cracks as the spell hits home, but holds. The dogs yelp, then scrabble and pound against it again, the door still holding.
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post Apr 28 2007, 12:25 AM
Post #570

Great, I'm a Dragon...

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My fault? Pffff.... if you let my words distract you so easily...

Ralo lets the sentence hang in the air unfinished. Calling me a chewing toy and starting complaining when she gets a blow back. She's weaker-willed than I thought.
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Lady Door
post Apr 28 2007, 12:29 AM
Post #571

Dumpshock Widow aka Mrs Fisty

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Morgana casts the Shatter Lock spell again.
Spellcasting Test: Shatter Lock
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Threadweaving Test #1: Shatter Lock
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Threadweaving Test #2: Shatter Lock
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Threadweaving Test #3: Shatter Lock
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Effect Test: Shatter Lock
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Morgana finally lets out the breath she didn't know she had been holding when she hears the crack from inside the metal gears.
Crouching down behind the deck, Morgana watches from around the side, the figurine clasped in her now tired fingers.
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+Quote Post
post Apr 28 2007, 12:38 AM
Post #572

Uncle Fisty

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The door breaks open and the now excited hounds leap through barking. They stall for just a second looking for a target. Three hounds inside, and all of their eyes fall on Ralo. They growl, forming a half circle around him, bending low to prepare to rush.

Init 5
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Lady Door
post Apr 28 2007, 12:39 AM
Post #573

Dumpshock Widow aka Mrs Fisty

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Initiative: 1
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post Apr 28 2007, 12:42 AM
Post #574

Great, I'm a Dragon...

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Ini round 1: 8

Anticipate Blow

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Movement: up in the air, to be able to use Dive Attack.

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Dive Attack -2 to PD
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Ralo flies a few feet in the air, what gives him enough space to maneuver and hit one of the dogs with a diving attack.
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+Quote Post
post Apr 28 2007, 12:56 AM
Post #575

Uncle Fisty

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Ralo tries to fly up, then is caught by the string. It has only 6' of reach, ending underneath the table where Mogranna and Alex are crouched. The string prevents him from being able to pull of his dive attack. He stalls as he tries to fly, stuck/ Alex yanks on the string to pull Ralo to "safety" but the dogs get in first.

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Dogs Attack Ralo

#1 =9
#2 =3
#3 = 11 hit Dmg =3

The dogs snap at the air where Ralo was as Alex jerks him back under the table, one tooth razing Ralo as he zziiips by.
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