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> Back to the Future II, Track II - No McFly's here
post Mar 24 2007, 12:28 AM
Post #76

Uncle Fisty

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Another slice, this time through the shoulder, taking a good chunk of meat with it. It most definetely effects Mat. His eyes go wild with rage as the pain takes over, removing all thought. He roars and charges in a mad rush.

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Mat's first wild swing connects solidly, cracking ribs even through the chain mail shirt. The next two swings are completely wild, missing because Alexander is still reeling, while his final blow scrapes across the chain shirt again.
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post Mar 24 2007, 01:24 AM
Post #77


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Oouuuccch!! That hurt! Tell me something I don't know! Let's take it up a notch. Agreed! Ok, give up Arched Cat and use Dog.

Alexander changes from fighting defensively to a standard fighting stance. He waits for an opening and then attacks.

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Well done. Alexander connects solidly with his opponent as he let's out a yell.

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post Mar 24 2007, 01:34 AM
Post #78

Uncle Fisty

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Another hit connects, this one in the chest. It's definetly having an effect. But not enough. Mat comes in again
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post Mar 24 2007, 01:43 AM
Post #79


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Need to do more!

Alexander doesn't even notice that the voices in his head have come together. He merely thinks of himself as a hammer falling to the anvil, forcing the normally unyielding steel to bend to his will.

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Connecting with the undead once more, Alexander relaease a yell and puts his all into the swing.
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post Mar 24 2007, 01:46 AM
Post #80

Uncle Fisty

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The Hammer fall connects, a death knell sound. It cleaves in to the undead Mat, straight through the skull, cleaving through half the torso. The body simply collapses, it's unnatural life struck out.

it seems unanturally quiet. Looking at the horrors lyin broken on the ground, one wonders how anything can be silent. How the night its self isn't screaming in horror.
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post Mar 24 2007, 01:56 AM
Post #81


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Alexander falls to the earth, spent. Get up and go home! Warn the village! Forcing himself to his knees, Alexander is startled by the stench. Was that smell always present? Not important. Go now! Alexander hauls himself upright and heads back to the village.

Awake! Alarm! Awake my brethern! His voice cracks under the strain and pain of the cracked ribs.
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post Mar 24 2007, 02:22 AM
Post #82

Uncle Fisty

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People start looking out of windows or doors, a few of them with newly made spears in had. All of them look sleep befuddled or confused. They seem to be looking at Alexander as if he'd gone mad.
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post Mar 24 2007, 02:30 AM
Post #83


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His body able to give no more, Alexander, collapses to the ground. He manages to yell - at least in his mind, he yells. Beware the undead! He then succomes to the pain and strain of the night. Blackness takes him.
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post Mar 24 2007, 04:22 AM
Post #84

Uncle Fisty

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Alexander wakes up to the sensations of cold and wet. Someone threw water on him. He is lying on a table inside the Plow House, the local tavern. A few of the village elders and Adana, the Questor of Garlen, are gathered around looking down at him.

Elder Hommand steps forward, a stern look on his face. He is human, well in to his sixties, quite venerable in fact. He wears his whit beard long and loose, some say to show his aged wisdom agisnt the longer lived dwarves of the community, who seem to think a long beard equals wisdom.

What are you about young Alexander? you look as if you've fallen down a hill side. have you been eating the purple berries up on the green?

A few of the Council Elders actually chuckle.
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post Mar 24 2007, 02:49 PM
Post #85

Great, I'm a Dragon...

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Seeing that Morgana is stuck in close combat with the remaining cadaverman, Ralo decides to switch his weapons again and draws his sword.
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post Mar 24 2007, 03:44 PM
Post #86


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Alexander wakes up to the sensations of cold and wet. It takes him some time to realize that someone threw water on him. He raises his head and discovers that he is lying on a table inside the Plow House, the local tavern.

From a far away place he hears Elder Hommand's stern voice ask, What are you about young Alexander? You look as if you've fallen down a hill side. Have you been eating the purple berries up on the green? He then hears the chuckles of the Council Elders.

As a child I would have blushed from such a rebuke; however, I don't have the time to blush.

No, Venerable Elders, I have not. Though you may think me mad for saying it, I have battled with Mat and Lott Talden. They had been overcome by ... something. I have no name for it but ... they were undead.

He looks around the room at the faces filled with shock and concern. Alexander realizes that most of that is aimed at him and not his words.

There's more, Garen Talden is ... or perhaps was ... undead. While fighting with Mat I heard an inhuman scream that sounded like a being was being released from pain and suffering.

Realizing that many likely think him mad, he continues, Come! I will show you the bodies. He hoists himself from the table and starts for the door.
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post Mar 24 2007, 08:27 PM
Post #87

Uncle Fisty

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Elder Hommonds voice speaks clearly above the din.
Men, take poor Alexander. It's obvious something has happened. Before we know if it's his own doing, or he's just gone mad, let's be gentle with him.

Three militia men take Alexander by the arms. Alexander realizes that he's been unarmed, and his armor removed.

Take some of your men in to the hills. Find the Talden's bodies if you can. Pray to Garlen that they are well and Alexander has not murdered them as he believes. For now, lock him in a cell. We can't be to careful.

Many men nod at the elder's wisdom as they begin to take Alexander away.
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post Mar 24 2007, 10:02 PM
Post #88


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Upon hearing Elder Hommond's words, Alexander is shocked. He does not stop those from holding him; however, he gives voice to his thoughs.

Elder Hommand, if I may have a moment. You may judge me mad and that is your right; however, I swear by all that is good and holy, the Passions themselves, and my mother, that I struck only in defense of myself. Please, see the floor of the forge. There is blood there but no body nor struggle. It was shed by an undead Garen. I followed him and was confronted by his undead brethern. If you allow it, I will show you where the bodies lie.

With his thoughts expressed, he bows his head and awaits Elder Hommand's decision.
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post Mar 24 2007, 10:06 PM
Post #89

Uncle Fisty

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Elder Hommond replies gravely
We have seen the blood in your forge son, and the trail leading up the hills the way you came from. I fear we will find the Talden's soon enough. Take him away. I can't bear the sight of him any longer.

The milita men lead Alexander out of the tavern, and toward the small village jail.
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post Mar 24 2007, 10:10 PM
Post #90


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Alexander merely bows his head and allows himself to be lead away. Upon reaching the tiny jail he turns to a member of the militia and asks, Would you ask my mother to come?

With that he kneels down and begins to pray and meditate.
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post Mar 24 2007, 10:13 PM
Post #91

Uncle Fisty

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The militia man replies Your mother will be sent for when the Council decides it's safe. Until then, pray to Mynbruje Alexander. If we find the Talden boys killed by your sword, it'll be the Passion Death you'll be seeing soon enough.
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Lady Door
post Mar 25 2007, 12:40 AM
Post #92

Dumpshock Widow aka Mrs Fisty

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Initiative: Failed
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Turning from the twice dead cadaver man, Morgana is too late to block the incoming blow from the other creature. The blow catches her square in the jaw, sending her spinning. Her head explodes with light and pain as she desperately tries to maintain her balance.
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Lady Door
post Mar 25 2007, 02:58 AM
Post #93

Dumpshock Widow aka Mrs Fisty

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Still on her feet, Morgana smiles wickedly. Her sword is up and cutting into the jaw of the cadaver man before he can take another step forward.

Melee Weapons Attack
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Broadsword Damage
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post Mar 25 2007, 03:01 AM
Post #94

Uncle Fisty

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[ Spoiler ]

Morgona's strike takes the cadaver man through the shoulder, cleaving through a number of ribs, and severing part of the creature's spine, as well as whatever magic animated it. The abomination falls, the strings of unlife cut.
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Lady Door
post Mar 25 2007, 03:14 AM
Post #95

Dumpshock Widow aka Mrs Fisty

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Morgana takes two wounds.
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Morgana's exultant cry at the cadaver mans' fall is cut short as the pain from her shoulder doubles her over. In the heat of the moment, she hadn't noticed the pain before. Feeling her shoulder with gentle fingers, Morgana winces. It's her collarbone...and it's broken. Morgana's eyes search the skies for Ralo. Not immediately seeing the windling, Morgana concerns herself with her shoulder. If something else comes now, I'm dead in the water. I need to heal.
Sitting down on the dew-wet grass, Morgana closes her eyes and slows her breathing. Concentrating on the magic flowing in the air around her, Morgana imagines it flowing into her through her breath. She can see it flowing through her blood, and finding the break. In her minds' eye, she can visualize the magic knitting the bones together, fusing them with a healing blue light.
Uses a Recovery Test
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post Mar 25 2007, 04:51 AM
Post #96


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As he ends his prayer Alexander turns inward and begs the Passions to repair his damaged body.

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I feel better. May Mynbruje temper judgement with wisdom for my sake.
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post Mar 25 2007, 05:20 AM
Post #97

Uncle Fisty

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After a few hours of sitting and praying, there's a gentle rap on the cell door. The cell it's self isn't much really. A building, three cages built to the wall, ironically built by your master.

There's an older man standing there, perhaps in his sixties with graying black hair and gray robes of an older man that no longer works the fields.

Why are you in here boy?
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post Mar 25 2007, 05:30 AM
Post #98


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Alexander stares at the cell built by his former master, Silas. Ahh, good friend, I could use your help right about now. He thinks about the half dozen different ways he could escape were he so inclined; however, he remains still. Alexander remembers the good times including the hard lessons that he learn in the forge. Alexander turns to the sound of someone rapping on the cell door. He looks up at the older man standing there and considers his questions carefully. He responds by looking the old man in the eye and speaking the truth.

Sir, I am thought mad ... or a murderer. The Talden brothers returned this night; however, they were not alive. They were ... undead. I was forced to destroy those which we knew as Mat and Lott. Garen - for some part of him was still human - went to Hound Gate and I presume that he met his end there. Until Elder Hommond decides my fate, I stay here.

With that, Alexander, holds his gaze and awaits his response.
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post Mar 25 2007, 05:35 AM
Post #99

Uncle Fisty

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The old man looks thoughtful for a moment, as if he's trying to read Alexander's tells, than nods slowly. You're young, but I can see honor and conviction in you. That is good. Things are not always what they seem. I've learned that much in my many years. Be sure of what your heart tells you, and hold to that. Be mindful of your surroundings, and look always to the truth. Perhaps you know the old saying son? "The truth shall set you free"?

Remember that.

The old man turns and heads back to walk out of the jail house. The pair of guards still sit, playing at cards, apparently completely oblivious.
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post Mar 25 2007, 05:43 AM
Post #100


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Alexander watches as the old man walks away. The truth shall set you free? Yes, I know that truth is freeing and the old man is correct. It seems I should know him from somewhere, but where. Alexander finds a comfortable spot in the cell and lays down for some sleep.
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