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> Help with "translation", Ever heard of a 'security sheaf'?
post Mar 6 2007, 10:42 PM
Post #1

Incertum est quo loco te mors expectet;

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From: DeeCee, U.S.
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I'm in the process of writing the most excellent fan mission, "Bear With Me". After some discussion, I was forced to agree that SR4 fans are people too, so I am working (struggling) to try and dual-stat the run. I have most of the physical attributes down, but obviously matrix is COMPLETELY different. To start with the easy part, do the stats for this decker:
Deck: MPCP-9/9/9/9/0 Hardening 4, Response Increase 2
Pools: Hacking Pool - 4
Skills: Computer 5
Programs: Browse-6, Scanner-4, Track-3, Black Hammer-4, Armor-2

Translate reasonably well to:
Equipment: Response 3, Signal 4, Firewall 2, System 3
Attributes: Matrix Initiative of 9, 3 passes
Skills: Cybercombat 3, Eletronics Skill group 3, Electronic Warfare 4, Hacking 2
Programs: Analyze-6, Browse-6, Command-4, Edit-5, Encrypt-6, Armor-2, Attack-4, Black Hammer-4, ECCM-6, Sniffer-6, Track-3

I know I added some programs, I'll probably stick encrypt and the like in the SR3 decker too. But overall my concern is with the hardware. I have no idea how to translate one to the other.

(For SR3 veterans, the 9/9/9/0 represents that the fellow is running a legal deck that doesn't have a masking rating, therefore that rating is 0 and everything else is maxed out.)

Even more worrying, I notice that the security sheaf is gone. How then do you manage the gradually increasing degrees of paranoia in a system? Should I just write 'the first time the hacker attracts attention, he gets X, the next time, Y, the next time Z...'? I understand IC has been replaced with agents with programs, so that I think I can manage, but the whole sheaf thing has left me feeling lost and confused.

How would you translate:
Access 12
Control 13
Index 12
Files 15
Slave 12

Trigger Step Security Event
003 Trace 7 ®
007 Tar Baby 9 ®
010 Trap Trace 7 ® / Killer 7
015 Passive Alert (+2 on all Subsystem Ratings)
019 Trap Trace 5 ® / Blaster 7
024 Trap Trace 7 ® / Killer 5
028 Blaster 9
032 Active Alert
036 Lethal Black IC 9
041 Non-Lethal Black IC 5
045 Ripper (Bod) 9
048 Non-Lethal Black IC 9
051 Lethal Black IC 7
054 Shutdown Started


(R indicated Reactive IC).

I understand a lot of the IC will have to be dropped because, for instance Tar Baby, can no longer be made with current SR4 rules. I'm cool with that. It's mostly the whole order of things that worries me. Any help is welcome!

Thanks in advance.

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post Mar 6 2007, 11:03 PM
Post #2

Neophyte Runner

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For whatever anyone else tells you the matrix is far from figured out in SR4.

Otherwise, while I'm away from my SR3 books at the moment, I want to say that the deckers deck seem a little low. No biggy if they're an NPC. But I seem to recal 9/9/9 was pretty solid, possibly as high has a char could start with. Whereas rating 3 in SR4 is pretty wimpy.

The triggers and all that is completly gone. To figure out roughly what IC are present figure out the response of the host system and see how many IC it can run without bogging the system down and than halve that to account for progs the systems has to run for others. Adjust based on how aggressive a system is. If all it does is store high end data you could have the IC present dig into response a little, if it's a server maybe it would only run and IC or two. In my opinon that's where "orange" comes into play. Red would be chock full of IC, orange would have maybe have 3/4-1/2 amount alowed before a response drop, green 1/2-1/4 and blue would only have one.

It's debated but I'm in the school where each program each IC has running counts toward the total number of programs running.

Than you have to decide on system response. Typically you then base all software off of that one value but if you really want to mix it up you could have analyze be a little high or low or tweak firewall a little too.

I want to say those ratings look like corperate level, but not so bad. So maybe response 7 or 8.
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post Mar 7 2007, 02:11 AM
Post #3

Moving Target

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One thing I would like to note: Going by the random security sheaf generation rules in Matrix, that security sheaf is way to freaking short. I usually get to the 150s-200s before shutdown using the chart.
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post Mar 7 2007, 02:47 AM
Post #4

Moving Target

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The question is not how do you translate all that into SR4... But why you would want to.

I vaguely remember having to fence with our party's decker (the only one who knew the rules) and everyone else falling asleep while he and I did his acronym-enriched trip to Candyland.

These days I just say "There are three rating 5 agents in the system. One is constantly analysing for intrusion, one monitors commands on the system and probes anything *I* think it would see as suspicious, and the last one carries a big hammer but sleeps until one of the others needs it."
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