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> Unusual spells in combat, What non-combat spells would you use?
The Jopp
post Nov 5 2003, 07:45 AM
Post #1


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We all know what mainstream spells EVERYONE use in combat, the most classical ones are Stunbolt/ball, powerbolt/ball and those that NORMALLY would be effective in combat.

But what about using ones imagination? What OTHER spells could be useful in a combat situation. Ok, some spells might need some slight modification but that's what we hae MITS for.

Here are some of my ideas.

Fashion (LOS)
This is a LOS version of a fashion spell. Does the big bad troll annoy you? Well, can you SEE his formfitting armour? Well, yes, something IS sticking out of that sleeve. Good, give him a straightjacket, or even better, just make a large sack of it for him to find his way out from.

Catwalk (Fashion, LOS, Area)
Target more than one? Give all those pesky LS cops teletubby suits?

A classical spell, levitate your enemy FAR away, and drop him.

Might be troublesome due to treshold but just transform someone into something else. Remember, a Troll would be in the same weightclass as a pony or perhaps a horse, his armour, weapons and clothes will NOT. Drop the spell a moment later.


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post Nov 5 2003, 07:47 AM
Post #2

Moving Target

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Magic fingers + opponent's grenade/magazine release/sidearm trigger.
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Dim Sum
post Nov 5 2003, 08:08 AM
Post #3

Moving Target

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One of my former players used the Shape Earth spell with awesome efficiency! :)

Wanna stop a truck in order to hijack it? Make a hole appear in front of it.

Hellhounds running towards you? *Poof* Let them smack into the wall of earth that suddenly appeared from the ground!

Need extra cover in an ambush or firefight? No problem - hey, presto!

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The Jopp
post Nov 5 2003, 08:09 AM
Post #4


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QUOTE (Diesel)
Magic fingers + opponent's grenade/magazine release/sidearm trigger.

Doh! How could i forget that one.

Add "Poke them in the eyes" as well. or "Tie their shoelaces together"

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Herald of Verjig...
post Nov 5 2003, 08:29 AM
Post #5


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Mob Mood: for some reason they just started crying.
Wreck pants: just might be enough distraction
Compel truth, ask about phobias, and trid phantasm
Glue on the guy clutching the grenade (might want to delay an action for this one)
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post Nov 5 2003, 08:48 AM
Post #6

Neophyte Runner

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I wouldn't call Magic Fingers, not Levitate 'unusual spells in combat'. They're both more commonly used than any combat spell in my experience, purely for the fact that they lack the insane drain of Elemental Manipulations or Illusionary spells, and against any target with even 2 dice allocated towards Shielding, you need a helluva handful of dice to be effective with Combat Spells.

My favorite to see used is Ice Sheet. Under-rated and killer-useful.


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The Jopp
post Nov 5 2003, 09:41 AM
Post #7


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Ice sheet is highly useful against fast moving opponents, especially cars. Say, what about a version of ice sheet against flying vehicles? Something like making their engines freeze or rudders being locked by heavy amounts of ice on the wings (cant remember the official term for the actual condition)
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post Nov 5 2003, 03:53 PM
Post #8

Incertum est quo loco te mors expectet;

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I still miss an old 2nd edition rule (I'm not sure if its a spell or not)... You could make a barrier against living things only, then set up your wall in the middle of the highway and watch the motorcyclists get blown off their bikes.

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sir fwank
post Nov 5 2003, 05:46 PM
Post #9

Moving Target

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good old mana barrier. yeah a lot of 2nd ed spells were stripped out for their brokenness.
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post Nov 5 2003, 07:15 PM
Post #10

Moving Target

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Animate is my best friend.

Guns that refuse to fire, flashpacks that go off by themselves, armored jackets that try to throttle their wearer, animate a glove and watch the sam wrestle with his trigger finger! You wearing boots with laces? Hold that thought a moment dearest, I have something for you!

Course I didn't mention the obvious self detonating grenade but us monkey types, we're not big on the wanton killing, I'd rather make you look like a dufus and get you out the way, pride heals easier than gunshots.

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phelious fogg
post Nov 5 2003, 07:38 PM
Post #11

Moving Target

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Trid Phantasm of Self, replicated a dozen times..... Coupled with Invis so that they dont know which is you or not.

Allergy is a good one too, Intoxication another.

Forboding or Hot Potato are miraculous
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post Nov 5 2003, 08:19 PM
Post #12

Avatar of Mediocrity

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QUOTE (Herald of Verjigorm @ Nov 5 2003, 12:29 AM)
Wreck pants: just might be enough distraction

That's the finest spell since Turn to Goo.

And of course there's always the Reduce (Cybered) Attribute series; most combat bunnies have a low Charisma to begin with, and if you pull it to 0 they're out.
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post Nov 5 2003, 08:52 PM
Post #13

Moving Target

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Spell: Somebody Else's Problem

Hmm, Illusion or Control Manipulation?
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post Nov 5 2003, 08:57 PM
Post #14

Senior GM

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Mental control manipulation. Illusion needs to affect one or more of the senses.

I like it.
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post Nov 5 2003, 10:38 PM
Post #15

Shooting Target

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Control Actions is a good way to get the bad guys shooting each other

Barrier spells are good for advancing, or containing grenade blasts (throw grenade and have the mage cat a barrier around the baddies before they can throw grenade back - instant salsa!)

Trid Phantasm can be used for many effects - a favorite of my players is having a dragon appear from somewhere.

Physical Mask to look like the baddies - or why not stack them and 'trade places' with one of them?

One of my players came up with a slightly different use of Magic Fingers and grenades btw - simply use the spell to carry the grenade to the target, then pull the pin, but hold on to the grenade until it explodes - if need be, you can chase the baddies with it. :grinbig:

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post Nov 5 2003, 11:22 PM
Post #16


Only problem with fashion (LOS) is the threshold rating of most armor that you'd be trying to overcome. Not to mention that if it did turn to a straight jacket, it wouldn't automatically pull their arms behind them and tie itself. But someday a combo spell will become available that does that ^_^ Our group mentioned that idea once before too.

Hot Potato is by far one of the sweetest spells I've ever seen. POW! -enemy screams in pain and drops his metallic guns, wrist watch and belt buckle-

Agony is a good one for the sick and saddistic people out there who enjoy inflicting pain, although it's more of a distraction than anything else.

Physical Manipulation ‘Ducktape’ is a great one. Much like fashion straightjacket, cast this and your opponent is wrapped and stuck up with ducktape. Kind of like a permanent Glue spell.

Wreck Gun is a nice one too, make it an area affect and you can cause some real havok.

Shadow is always a friendly team spell, doesn't affect you as long as your targets are outside its area of affect and makes you all the harder to hit.
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post Nov 5 2003, 11:32 PM
Post #17

Deus Absconditus

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I keep meaning to pick up acid spray or acid ball.
Why, you ask? That's an elemental manipulation, you say - that's standard for combat!

I also have lightning bolt. Spray a group down with water, duck behind someone and lightning bolt part of the soggy area - you don't even have to see the enemy.

Also, I stand by Influence, just for shouting, "Look out behind you!"
Enough successes, and they'll do so - thereby giving you an opportunity to be horrible.
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post Nov 5 2003, 11:49 PM
Post #18

Chrome to the Core

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"Hey, look, a distraction!" :grinbig:
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post Nov 6 2003, 02:54 AM
Post #19


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Our mage had a Vacuum spell. Essentially, it would create a spherical vaccum with its size depending on his successes.

He'd use it to silence whatever area we were working in. Plus, anyone trying a little melee attack would get a special surprise if they didn't have an air tank with them.
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post Nov 6 2003, 03:55 AM
Post #20

Moving Target

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I also have a modified version of stink, does the same thing (+1 to all target numbers per success) but instead of making people disgusted and wretching, I designed this spell to do the same thing, but the modifiers to your target #'s come from the spell which makes it's target ticklish and then tickles them. Nothing like dropping +4-6 on all target numbers on a big troll who's starting to talk tough and having him wriggling like a little kid while giggling uncontronlably. More than once, it's "taken the edge off" a potentially bad situation. It's hard to be serious when someone starts getting tickled.

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post Nov 6 2003, 04:04 AM
Post #21


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Picture this:
A Pingvin Shaman with Ice Sheet...
A Troll adept with two grenades...
The Shaman cast the Ice, and do what he always does: He glides on his belly towards the bad guys.
The Troll do what he always does: Trips on the ice and drops the grenades.
Chaos, utter chaos.
ANd this happened nearly every time.
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post Nov 6 2003, 04:15 AM
Post #22

Chrome to the Core

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Six steps to taking out your average Troll meatboy.
  • Take Female Elf with 11 Charisma (Explained later)
  • Take Male Troll with 1 Charisma
  • Elf approaches Troll seductively
  • Elf does seductive thing to Troll
  • Elf casts Overstimulate
  • Troll needs to go to bathroom
13 Charisma explination:
6 Points in generation, giving 8 total.
Exceptional Attribute and Bonus Attribute to Charisma.
Convincing the GM to let you get those Tailored Pheremones that work on every race.
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post Nov 6 2003, 06:24 AM
Post #23

Manus Celer Dei

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And make them cultured, for 13 Charisma.
No need for the Overstimulate spell.

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post Nov 6 2003, 09:00 AM
Post #24

Neophyte Runner

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QUOTE (Sunday_Gamer)
Animate is my best friend.

Guns that refuse to fire, flashpacks that go off by themselves, armored jackets that try to throttle their wearer, animate a glove and watch the sam wrestle with his trigger finger! You wearing boots with laces? Hold that thought a moment dearest, I have something for you!

Course I didn't mention the obvious self detonating grenade

Sorry to go a bit off topic here, but just wanted to clarify how Animate works a bit... You can only control the whole of an object, not parts. So you can't prevent guns from firing (though I'd give a +8 TN for trying to fire a wriggling gun with a huge chance of it backfiring or exploding), can't activate flashpacks (though you could turn them around and chase down their users once someone else activates them), do much with laces (though you could probably turn a person around by making the shoes walk away in the other direction), or have a self-detonating grenade (though having a grenade chase after the person who threw it is possible, but I don't think it could move fast enough).

Anyhows, Animate is a great spell, but a bit more restricted than was implied.

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The Jopp
post Nov 6 2003, 11:31 AM
Post #25


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Odd idea...

Picture this in your mind.

Mage armed with a slingshot or bow. He casts "Barrier" spell on the arrowtip, not the whole arrow (might not make a difference). The mage sustains the spell and takes careful aim at a group of enemies. Wether he casts the spell as a dome/ball or a wall is SHOULD point towards the enemy. What would happen?

Would ALL the enemies be hit by the barrier (it IS an area effect spell) and take base damage from the bullet due to the fact that the entire barrier moves with the speed of the bullet and THEN an extra impact from the barrier or vice versa? Would the barrier rating be augmented by the force of the bullet?

Or, would the idea work at all?

Casting "flame aura" at an arrow and let it fly against an enemy?
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