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> I am the Law (ooc/recruting), And the Law won
post Apr 22 2007, 06:02 PM
Post #126

Shooting Target

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I always thought Finland, or pretty much any of the Scandinavian countries would be a cool place to visit. Finland would be neat though, just because it is a little "wilder" than Norway and Sweden.

As for the rivalry... It's something I'll keep in mind. It might be really difficult to do properly but I'll definatly think about it.

As for Time Zones, both myself and Sybercat are Mountain Time or GMT -7:00

Oh, and next IC post is up :D
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post Apr 22 2007, 06:13 PM
Post #127

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GMT +2

About the IC post: What do you mean with the spoiler? I mean I would be defaulting on a logic 3. Walker is the combatmage, remember? ;)

Don't really think you should visit scandinavia. Russia might be a good idea if you want "wild" and otherwise I'm for places like China or perhaps africa or something.

Then again I guess everybody thinks their own country is boring..
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post Apr 23 2007, 12:27 AM
Post #128

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True, I think Canada is boring. (well at least smalltown Ontario is boring)

Um Fastball err... Sparky I'm kinda waiting on you. :) (sorry Fastball forgot who was playing who)
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post Apr 23 2007, 12:47 AM
Post #129

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Waiting for what, Meriss? Just a post, or am I suppose to do something specific?

Question for imperialus, are you using the astral visibility modifiers table in Street Magic p. 114? If you are, I'd like to request the Barren and Sparse +1 modifiers. If you aren't, no problem, because the bonuses/penalites will balance out in the long run.

I'm assuming the body is a shadow by now, but if there is any sign of emotional attachments (SM p. 112 - emotionally charged shadows are less substantial) she will make assensing tests to see if she can determine anything. The same goes for objects in the rooms.

Okay, here's the astal signature test: (Intuition (5) Assensing(Astral Sig) 2(+2) + Mentor spirit (2) - Stun Damage (1) = 10 dice (*11 rolled)
(1d6=1, 1d6=3, 1d6=3, 1d6=3, 1d6=5, 1d6=3, 1d6=5, 1d6=6, 1d6=4, 1d6=2, 1d6=6) = 3* hits.

To make it easy for you: (SR4 p. 182) - 3 hits to determine if a signature exists and to memorize, (p. 183) - 5hits to determine its cause (so those visibility modifiers might make a difference). If there is a sig., Eleanor will discuss with Walker the possibility of getting Sharp to read the signature. Otherwise, I'll have to call in a guidance spirit.

*edit: Forgot about the wound modifier (-1), subtracted the last die/hit.
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post Apr 23 2007, 12:51 AM
Post #130

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Sorry Fastball I'm waiting on ES Sparky, playing Haeffner, I forgot you were playing Owl Eyes.
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post Apr 23 2007, 01:07 AM
Post #131

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I sort of understood Haeffner went in with the rest of us. I think you are with Sharp on perimeter duty. I didn't want Sharp on the scene mucking up the signatures, but if Eleanor asks for him, Walker asks him to look around a bit.

Walker follows pretty Eleanor's lead pretty blindly on the astral thingies. I hadn't intended Walker to be this helples on the astral, but since that seems to be the case (ineptitude: Astral combat and no assensing), I might as well IC it. Thank god I have Sharp...

By the way imp - I sort of assumed that Tolstov is the guy who does comms and therefore would have the files for mr mushy. Was I right or do we have a dedicated comm officer in addition to Tolstov (who I assume is the hacker)?
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post Apr 23 2007, 01:20 AM
Post #132

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Yeah I kinda redid that a little Toivoton. Bang was kinda folowing Haeffner and trying to make conversation. He stuck around to see the body, and then was going to do the perim.
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post Apr 23 2007, 02:10 AM
Post #133

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Ok IC post is up.
@Lord Imp, I need a Perception roll for the perimeter sweep yes? Is that just the Perception skill or do I add Logic or Intuition? Next I'll need a negotiation roll to deal with my decker contact, do I get a bonus because he's a contact?
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post Apr 23 2007, 04:48 AM
Post #134

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QUOTE (Toivoton)
When he gets to Tolstov, he asks what he has found and when he hears that it's likely to take him 30-45 mins to look through the tape: "30-45mins? For 3 cameras? Do it faster!" *Thats the "reasonably modern, but in bad shape" version. If the equipment is like from 1960'ies or something he just says that try to horry, but if it's modern, he might even start yelling at the tech. I mean something like that shouldn't take more then like a couple of minutes.*

Computers only help so much with something like this. You're still stuck watching the footage. The computer would just automatically filter it for any time there is movement on the camera or some such. That still means you're looking though a lot of footage, any time someone walks to their door, the tape slows down, any time a car drives through the gate to the parkade the tape slows down ect. Remember you're searching though a total of 144 hours worth of footage. 30-45 minutes seems perfectly reasonable to me.

Oh Bang, forgot to ask, mind telling me what Bang means when he says "yah mind if I involve a civ in dis, I jest needa check sumting"?
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post Apr 23 2007, 05:53 AM
Post #135


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As I'm about to describe in the IC post, Casey is going to use the "Observe in Detail" action, and, as granted by her Adept powers, memorize the entire scene. Hooray Eidetic Sense Memory!

I've got a perception roll here...
Perception Check: Per 4 + Intu 4 = 8 (1d6=2, 1d6=2, 1d6=2, 1d6=6, 1d6=5, 1d6=1, 1d6=6, 1d6=4)
So if I could trouble you, once you've read the IC post, I'd love it if you could point out anything that Casey's three successes would grant above and beyond that post, please imperialus.

See the IC thread soon,

Edit @imperialus I think what Bang means is he's asking for permission to involve a civilian briefly to check out his shadowrunner hunch.
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post Apr 23 2007, 11:57 AM
Post #136

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Just for the record - I think I have asperger's. That means among other things that I don't know when to stop arguing. So I'll keep arguing something until I think it's resolved one way or another or when I'm told to stop. I won't be offended when told so.

Now that said - I STILL think it wont take that long to view the tapes. I think it goes like this for a 1337 haxor:

A minute to "plug in" your comlink, configure the viewing software, fix the chair for a comfy position and so on and then a second or two per movement to see that it's once again something nonsuspicious and press next. And this is assuming he can't just get the software to look for anyone entering the aparment. Now if he if starts from the one in the fire escape and finds someone entering, the software can propably find a matching subject from the other cameras too, letting him just check what he did there. That sounds like a few minutes of real time. And he does this 3 times faster since he's in VR.

If he doesn't find one, he'll just do a more through search by checking every 10 secs of movement in case the suspect enters behind someone. Now granted if he STILL doesn't find one, he needs to look through all the tapes in the interest of being through, but that could easily take even more time since if the equipment is indeed in need of some maintenance, he wouldn't be able to trust that it gets all the motion and would have to watch all the stuff that has any motion. Including stuff that comes from the technical side and that the software normally filters out.

TLDR version: If the suspect wasn't consealed somehow, he should get it in a few minutes. If he was, then it would most likely take that long that he would send it back to HQ for the support people to watch.

By the way tell me if I need to roll something for the investigation or assensing for Sharp.
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post Apr 23 2007, 01:06 PM
Post #137

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (SyberCat @ Apr 23 2007, 01:53 AM)
Edit @imperialus I think what Bang means is he's asking for permission to involve a civilian briefly to check out his shadowrunner hunch.

Got it in one Syber! (Syber is smart) I just want to check in with my decker contact Lord Imp (He should know if theres any hits on Mr Mushy) If he doesn't know I'll ask him to check with his connections.

@Toivoton: Bang was offering the rest of the team a chance to insult him, because he felt silly for not thinking of the shadowrun angle earlier.
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post Apr 23 2007, 01:25 PM
Post #138

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I understood. Used Mushy because Walker thinks it's a word. ;)

I think it is actually a word - checked dictionary and one of it's synonyms is pulp. "any soft or soggy mass; 'he pounded it to a pulp'" Again not a native speaker tho..
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post Apr 23 2007, 03:21 PM
Post #139

Shooting Target

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It is a word. I thought you were refering to the dead guy you called Mr. Mushy. Mea culpa
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post Apr 23 2007, 04:15 PM
Post #140

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I was, but I also used it for Bang since he asked. Bang hasn't really done anything too stupid yet so Walker can't really justify any real abuse. So: Mushy.
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post Apr 23 2007, 08:02 PM
Post #141

Shooting Target

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Ahhh Ok. If you need some SR slang may I suggest this

@Lord Imp, do Istill need that perception test, and is it extended?

This post has been edited by Meriss: Apr 23 2007, 08:31 PM
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post Apr 23 2007, 08:32 PM
Post #142

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Heh.. "Decker n. Pirate cyberdeck user. Derived from 20th-centery term "Hacker"."

Going full circle and all.. ;)

Walker doesn't really use street slang so that isn't really useful for me.

And I don't know if you alluded this, but I intentionally didn't use trog, because that would have been a bit too hostile.

By the way I think there is a police line already. If there isn't, Walker would have yelled at the uniforms about it. I mean it isn't really the elite crack teams job to tell people to put them up. Even less to actually do it.

I think the point for the ones on the perimeter detail was to observe the people.
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post Apr 23 2007, 08:36 PM
Post #143

Shooting Target

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Yah that was it, I was wondering since you said Walker was a racist and all. May I suggest, Meatbrain, drek-head, doof, idiot, and others if you need them in the future
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post Apr 23 2007, 08:38 PM
Post #144

Moving Target

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Will do. :) As I said Walker tries to keep civil so unless Bang does something stupid, I won't need those.

After all if he was openly racist, he wouldn't have gotten into Firewatch.
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post Apr 23 2007, 08:41 PM
Post #145

Shooting Target

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Good to know :)
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post Apr 23 2007, 08:44 PM
Post #146

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Now if we say.. get some people to interrogate and one of them happens to be a troll or ork... 8)
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post Apr 23 2007, 08:47 PM
Post #147

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That'll work. ;) Say Toivoton do you know if a perception test includes logic or Intuition?
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post Apr 23 2007, 08:56 PM
Post #148

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post Apr 23 2007, 08:58 PM
Post #149

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Thanks Fastball, And since the perimeter sweep will take awhile it's an Extended Test yes?
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post Apr 23 2007, 09:07 PM
Post #150

Moving Target

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Depends on imperialus. He might want to do some kind of extended test, or he might want to make individualized tests for each discoverable item (hiding people, blood trails, etc...).

You'll roll the same number of dice either way, so you might want to simply place a roll here and then imperialus can decide what modifiers to apply. He might also be doing the perception tests himself, in which case he can simply ignore the roll.
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