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> I am the Law (ooc/recruting), And the Law won
post Apr 25 2007, 08:23 PM
Post #176

Shooting Target

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@Toivoton: My apologies, I was not as clear as I could have been. My question was if the (fictional at this point) runners had a mage, would said mage want to deal with the drain to levitate himself and two or three companions to the window. (although he/she has prolly had a chance to heal the drain by now) Basically I'm trying to get inside the criminal's heads. And the "traditional way" is alarmed, so levitation is a better way in for our perps.
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post Apr 25 2007, 10:30 PM
Post #177

Moving Target

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Ah ok. Just so you know, levitating someone willing is very easy. Well okay a troll is a bit harder, but not that hard still. Just slowly levitating someone has a DV of 1.

If you have to levitate many people at once, it would be harder (tho not because of drain unless you had to do it in the same action). And if you wanted to make them invisible at the same time, it starts to require skill, but just levitating people one at a time isn't hard at all.

And he didn't really need to hide them himself - he most likely used a spirit for consealment while he did that. I'm just hoping he didn't use it before getting to the wall since it would really suck to not get a good photo of the suspects..
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post Apr 26 2007, 02:41 AM
Post #178

Shooting Target

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Agreed Toivoton not getting a good pic would suck.
IC post up
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post Apr 26 2007, 07:09 AM
Post #179

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next IC in the morning. Sorry, trying to keep as caught up as I can. :dead:
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post Apr 26 2007, 03:32 PM
Post #180

Shooting Target

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@Lord Imp: My clock says you posted at 3:00 AM. If I have the time difference right you were up to one in the morning local time. SLEEP! we need you fresh for this. :)

@Toivoton: If you go to the Stuffer Shack you want to do a full military hard ass on Rasta boy for me. I demand satisfaction. It just irks me that Bang couldn't scare him.
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post Apr 26 2007, 04:18 PM
Post #181

Moving Target

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Walker doesn't use that if he wants to intimidate. It only works if the target already knows he's screwed.

I doubt the rasta has any reason to be uncooperative so I don't think Walker needs to intimidate him, but if he does:

If it starts to look like the rasta isn't going to cooperate, he might start by levitating some food for himself while talking. Then when he actually says no, he will start mentioning things he could likely charge the rasta with. (You know the "you have a busted tail-light"-reason for pulling someone over and smashing it when he asks about it. Tho starting with witholding evidence since the rasta would actually BE guilty of that..) Perhaps even levitating or possessing him or something if he feels it isn't going that well and the rasta needs additional .. encouragement.

Too bad you no longer get bonuses for both wielding obvious magic and being armed..

Tho then again he HAS a reason now..
On to rolling. Using mods only to the making him scared part since I have no idea what mods would be in order for the judge intentions roll:
I'm assuming these mods:
-Walker isn't normally physically imposing, but he is in Firewatch gear so It's at least +1.
-Sharp looks at least as scary with his flamethrower and materialisation so +1 there too.
-Both me and Sharp have used obvious magic. +2
-We outnumber him. (gotta love being able to outnumber someone alone.. 8) ) +2
-I'm going with the clerk being "Suspicious" since we are cops. -1
-Just realised in the middle of rolling that you used somesort of ringer thigy for the witness so I'm just gonna take a "looks more scary" bonus of +1 from having Sharp look scary next to him instead of using teamwork (damn - sharp got 5 hits.. :()

Walker intimidate (cha 7, intimidate 2, mods 5 = 14 dice):
1d6=4, 1d6=6, 1d6=4, 1d6=1, 1d6=4, 1d6=5, 1d6=6, 1d6=6, 1d6=4, 1d6=6, 1d6=2, 1d6=5, 1d6=1, 1d6=1 = 6 hits
Walker judge intention (from the attributes thingy - somehow more intuitive then negotiation. Besides I don't have negotiation.. ;) cha 7+int 4 = 11 dice):
1d6=4, 1d6=6, 1d6=4, 1d6=6, 1d6=4, 1d6=3, 1d6=6, 1d6=1, 1d6=4, 1d6=2, 1d6=3 = 3 hits
("Resisted" with Willpower+charisma)
Sharp assensing (int 6, assensing 6 = 12 dice):
1d6=2, 1d6=6, 1d6=1, 1d6=3, 1d6=5, 1d6=1, 1d6=1, 1d6=1, 1d6=2, 1d6=4, 1d6=2, 1d6=1 = 2 hits

Aw crud. Well lets hope he's scared enough to tell the truth since I can't tell if he isn't..
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post Apr 26 2007, 08:40 PM
Post #182

Shooting Target

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Huh, He must have a mystic Ganja (marijuna) shield. Do you get a bonus +1 for Bang's comment on Not eveyone in Firewatch being as pleasent as Bang?

When I said Military hard ass I mean the whole "You WILL cooperate if you know whats good for you" routine. But you're doing fine don't let me stop you. ;)
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post Apr 26 2007, 10:36 PM
Post #183

Moving Target

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I suck at dealing with people and quite frankly couldn't intimidate a 3-year-old so I'm just guessing, but as I said: I feel that that only works if the target already knows he's screwed.

Now I don't think that you really mean the drillsargeant yelling thingy, but it's imho an exaggerated version of what I think you are getting at and if you think about it, it's actually quite amusing. It's just not that amusing to the ones he's yelling at since they know the sarge can get them in deep shit.

Actually I don't really know what it feels like since I haven't had the pleasure to be yelled at by a drillsargeant, but I've been yelled at by a few nasty lieutenants and that worked like that. The captains didn't need to yell, the ones above that got someone else to yell in their stead and the corporals and sargeants didn't really have the experience to sound scary with the exception of the ones that weren't all "there" and had way too big muscles to be funny.

This from having endured the conscript army of Finland.

I didn't take any bonus from Bang. It would imo depend on how the original intimidation attemt went and I didn't feel like waiting for lord imp before posting.

Thinking a bit more - Do you think you could give a longer example of the "military hardass routine"? (Sort of thinking that I didn't understand you once again...)
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post Apr 27 2007, 03:09 AM
Post #184

Shooting Target

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Basically just generally mean nasty, the occaisonal threat. Think of cop shows that you watch at home, do they have a "bad cop" the mean one not the crooked one. That, only more so. Mentions of possible bad things that happen in jail, etc. Be creative, use you imagination. Heck offer to show him all your black bag moves.

May I assume from your comments that "Toivoton" translates to "toy soldier" in English. (or some thing like that I don't speak Finnish, thats just my inner translator talking)

I sucked at my attempt two successes roling 11 dice! :oops:
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post Apr 27 2007, 12:21 PM
Post #185

Moving Target

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Nope - toy soldier would be lelusotilas. Toivoton is hopeless.

And I was going for that actually. Walker is under a camera all the time and I don't really have anything good to threathen him with since I doubt it's his store. Naturally if he seems to be guilty of something, Walker would say so.

Wonder what's going on with lord imp..
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post Apr 27 2007, 01:53 PM
Post #186

Shooting Target

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@Toivoton: Ah OK cool!
@Lord Imp you OK?
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post Apr 28 2007, 02:08 AM
Post #187

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still kicking. Don't worry.
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post Apr 28 2007, 06:43 PM
Post #188

Moving Target

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Uhm.. If magic was used between 02:24-02:46 on sunday and we are getting signatures on monday 20:45 or so, the force of the effects used would have to be 42. Or am I missing something?
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post Apr 28 2007, 07:43 PM
Post #189

Moving Target

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Based on imperialus's description, I don't think I got a real signature that would be useful for tracking or recognizing again (It's probably a crow shaman, but I wouldn't be able to make a positive ID if I met five crow shaman).

The image of the crow was simply a strong mental impression that stuck to the window. It's a magic anomaly, but certainly not one that hurt us.
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post Apr 28 2007, 07:52 PM
Post #190

Moving Target

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Ah ok. Sort of just assumed that it was a signature.
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post Apr 28 2007, 10:22 PM
Post #191

Shooting Target

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Fastball, Syber are you coming with Bang to look for evidence under the window.
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post Apr 29 2007, 04:52 AM
Post #192

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Toivoton)
Uhm.. If magic was used between 02:24-02:46 on sunday and we are getting signatures on monday 20:45 or so, the force of the effects used would have to be 42. Or am I missing something?

This is sorta one of those occasions where story trumped mechanics. I wanted to give the suggestion that magic was definatly present but the signature has decayed past the point where anything useful could be gained from it. It was still a powerful spell but that's why it was simply a feeling, and a black shadow of a large bird. Elanor thinks it's most likely Crow, but it is also possible that it's Eagle, or another large bird. Basically when I rolled Eleanor's assencing she got 9 sucesses out of 12 dice so I figured a bit of a bonus was an order.
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post Apr 29 2007, 05:37 AM
Post #193

Moving Target

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Ah ok. Was starting to worry a bit.. ;)

Meriss - whaa? Walker isn't good enough? ;) Besides - isn't Bang in the Stuffer Shack atm?

Didn't roll for perception assuming you would have if there was something to be found.
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post Apr 29 2007, 05:13 PM
Post #194

Shooting Target

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Toivoton sorry, Bang is upstairs in front of the apt. he was waiting for Casey and Ellie to finish their interview. Unless Walker asked him to come with. I haven't rolled perception yet cause he's still up there. :)
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post Apr 29 2007, 06:04 PM
Post #195

Moving Target

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Ok. (didn't ask)

Imp: Is there anything to see outside the window? (or in other words - do I need to roll something?) And do you want me to roll if Walker sees any likely places to find a camera pointed in the right direction?
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post Apr 30 2007, 02:16 AM
Post #196

Shooting Target

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Everyone OK?
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post Apr 30 2007, 04:50 AM
Post #197

Shooting Target

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Hrm? Double post like 10 hours apart.
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post Apr 30 2007, 05:22 AM
Post #198

Moving Target

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and Imp:
Imp: Is there anything to see outside the window? (or in other words - do I need to roll something?) And do you want me to roll if Walker sees any likely places to find a camera pointed in the right direction?
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post Apr 30 2007, 07:09 AM
Post #199


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Hey folks... sorry for the delay!

I'm posting an IC right now, but I also wanted to send something Lord Imp's way...

There were a few questions contained in Casey's "stage directions" to Ellie that weren't given answers in the most recent IC posting... I'm hoping it's just an oversight, really... which is what I suspect anyhow.

The idea was to get a list of who knew what the research was all about - which would give us another lead to follow beyond the gang angle.

Anywhich - off to an IC post, and here's hoping for a quick turnaround!

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post Apr 30 2007, 01:56 PM
Post #200

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (imperialus)
Hrm? Double post like 10 hours apart.

Moi? sorry Lord Imp should have warned you, I speed read.

@Syber: NP Bang will be right behind you.
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