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> Playing a Face...
post May 20 2007, 07:55 AM
Post #76

Immortal Elf

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that's my point--by your logic, there won't be any consequences. i won't have done anything wrong. i'll have made some crime lord my best friend because he thinks the way i pissed on his mother was funny--he's not gonna wake up later and realize "waitaminute, now my mom smells like urine!" he's just gonna be cool with it for no explicable reason.
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post May 20 2007, 08:03 AM
Post #77

Shadow Cartographer

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If a player is attempting do something, then they get to roll the relevant pool, subject to modifiers. If a player is calling the barman a twat or making crude innuendo to Miss Johnson, then I find it hard to consider it "attempting to do something" where the "something" is asking for a favour, etc. To extend the principle to absurdity so that I can highlight what is wrong with it, you might as well have a player pour water over a pile of wood and then roll his camping skill to start a fire. The character is clearly not attempting to do what the player says he is attempting to do. And thus inviting Wrath of GM. Unless the player, really and genuinely lacks the social skills to recognize when their character's behaviour is at odds with their intention, then they're going to get penalised and that penalty is without cap because the degree to which their behaviour can be at odds with stated intent is without cap.

If it isn't deliberate then I take a sustained approach of advice and abstraction where necessary, as I said earlier.

It occurs to me that one reason why I don't suffer this problem much (apart from sensible players) is that I as a person am capable of playing an NPC as socially aggressive. A Johnson or a Big Villain is a competent, talented professional. I consider them to be able to put down any ego-tripping 2-bit psycho who mouths off to them, and they do when you've got me GM'ing their mouth. Players are like creatures from a horror film. They can smell fear or weakness and are drawn to it. And you can sig me on that!
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post May 20 2007, 09:42 AM
Post #78

Canon Companion

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QUOTE (mfb)
that's my point--by your logic, there won't be any consequences. i won't have done anything wrong. i'll have made some crime lord my best friend because he thinks the way i pissed on his mother was funny--he's not gonna wake up later and realize "waitaminute, now my mom smells like urine!" he's just gonna be cool with it for no explicable reason.

Huh? What does this have to do with the discussion?

Anyway, if the PC did piss on some crime lord's mum(if he did not already sell her to the ghouls), then he would be hostile. Maybe even to the point he upgrades to enemy. But that would be it. The consequences of the upgrade from hostility to enemity might have a story effect but mechanically if the PC talks to the crime lord again, it would be a -1 dice more. But certainly, the crime lord would remember that, whatever the subject of conversation, he was convinced or persuaded or some such and cool with that. Unless the conversation was specifically about the crimelord's mom, then I would certainly have the crimelord use his Edge.
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post May 20 2007, 01:45 PM
Post #79

Cybernetic Blood Mage

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You know toturi I've long suspected that you weren't being serious on these forums, but this clinches it, now I know there is no way that you can possibly be serious.
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post May 20 2007, 02:16 PM
Post #80

Canon Companion

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What's not serious about my post? Perfectly serious.

You have convinced the crimelord about the subject you were discussing without the shadow of a doubt. He absolutely believes you, you made a convert out of him. But he'll hate your guts. Maybe 1 dice more if you talk bad about his mom. If you were discussing his mom, you'd have made him so angry about his mom, he'd kill her for you - if you've beat him in the test by many more hits. How likely is that? Well, let's just say that I follow the rules about NPCs too.
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post May 20 2007, 02:26 PM
Post #81

Cybernetic Blood Mage

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Oh I wasn't talking soley about that one post, I was referring to the fact that there is just no way that you can possibly be serious about running your game with such blind aherence to letter (As opposed to the spirit.) of :S RAW :S as you try to claim in the various rule discussions that come up.
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post May 20 2007, 02:28 PM
Post #82

Canon Companion

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Believe me, I intend to run that game - give me some time to clear my plate. You can quote me on that.
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post May 20 2007, 02:38 PM
Post #83

Cybernetic Blood Mage

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Call me a suspicious old man if you want, but if/when you do run that game special for mfb it wouldn't prove anything considering that the game was set up with that very reason in mind in the first place.
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post May 20 2007, 02:42 PM
Post #84

Canon Companion

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You're welcome to join, old man.
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post May 20 2007, 02:48 PM
Post #85

Cybernetic Blood Mage

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*chuckles* Thanks for the offer toturi, but I don't think I would enjoy that style of game very much at all. (Besides, I've never had much luck with IM Games, having an average lag that is counted in seconds tends to do that.)
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post May 20 2007, 03:28 PM
Post #86

Uncle Fisty

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Stop baiting tutori please.
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post May 20 2007, 05:25 PM
Post #87

Immortal Elf

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edit: i don't think this is the place for this discussion, as we're not really talking about how to play a face. i'll make a new thread.
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Kyoto Kid
post May 20 2007, 07:09 PM
Post #88

Bushido Cowgirl

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...response had been copied to a temp file for inclusion in mfb's forthcoming thread.

Many apologies in part on my behalf for this getting out of hand. My original intent was to illustrate what I felt was an inappropriate way of playing a Face Character based on the discussion at the time.
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post May 20 2007, 07:13 PM
Post #89

Immortal Elf

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im in ur threds peeing on ur moms
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post May 20 2007, 08:00 PM
Post #90

Manus Celer Dei

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The answer is simple, if not necessarily easy (or, for some people, satisfying) to put into practice: roll the dice first, then roleplay the result. Not the other way around.

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post May 21 2007, 12:07 AM
Post #91

Slacker Extraordinaire

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QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
The answer is simple, if not necessarily easy (or, for some people, satisfying) to put into practice: roll the dice first, then roleplay the result. Not the other way around.


This is an excellent way of handling social interaction. I've used it in the past.

While it may be a "role vs roll" argument; not everyone I invite to my table has experience with role playing, or has the right personality/skillset/maturity to play a character concept they want to try. I let the dice to the talking.

I do ask for basics. Who are you questioning? What basic tactic are you putting into use? And what type of information are you looking for? Additional bonuses/penalties are rare in my games, unless someone does something spectacularly brilliant or dumb. I guess I "roll play" the game, while I reward "role playing" with additional karma rewards rather than non-standard game mechanic bonuses.
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post May 21 2007, 05:02 AM
Post #92

Moving Target

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Going to edit this Post later when I can think more clearly to be about the subject, but untill then. . .

QUOTE (mfb @ May 19 2007, 08:27 PM)
if someone decided they were going to describe their stealth as running painting their naked body bright orange and running around in the most well-lit area of the facility, d'you think you might impose a dice penalty? or even maybe just not let them roll? if the player is deliberately acting counter to what he's rolling, then they should either take a dice penalty or, my favorite, not get to roll at all.

:D Well that depends did the GM say there was a Naked Marathon in support of the local colledge football team who's colors happen to be orange and blue?
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post May 21 2007, 05:38 AM
Post #93

Moving Target

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Ive been waiting for this thread to cool down a bit before throwing in my opinion.

As a player who loves to play Faces, I have found that dice are boring and put a huge knot right in the middle of what would normally be a smooth act of roleplaying. The one exception to this is when Negotiating, since the dice really need to determine that.

There should also be some checks to see if what the character is doing suceeds (such as coning a guard), but the character still has to choose their method of attack, what will he say to the guard that will make the guard want to let him through. You dont just go up to the guard, role some dice and he lets you through, that is just too easy and I suspect those who GM like that bore their faces very quickly. There is just no thrill in suceeding from dice, no learning or risk.

I have been lucky to have at least one GM that plays social situations very well, and will only call for dice rolls when he feels the character is trying for something really difficult or at a crucial moment (which helps add tension to the situation). Social interaction is a very important element of Shadowrun, and to skip past it is to loose a large part of the fun that is in this wonderful game.
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post May 21 2007, 03:50 PM
Post #94


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QUOTE (knasser)
We use dice for combat and piloting helicopters because we don't want to run around our living rooms with swords or making vroom vroom noises and playing with make believe controls whilst a critical panel of experts estimates the likely results of our actions.

We don't? Come on, that would make such a great game.

vroom :D

I just wanted to jump back in and clarify my earlier statement a bit. I do impose penalties in social situations, but I do so when what the player is saying/doing run counter to what they are actually trying to achieve. This has been mentioned by others, but I wanted my earlier post to be more clear.

QUOTE (toturi)
You GM, you God, you can change the world.

Sure. And I absolutely refuse to do so just to support player asshattery. ;)
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post May 22 2007, 07:03 PM
Post #95

Moving Target

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To continue discussion outside of "Playing a Face" please goto

Had to take some time to think for a minute why people play Faces.
I figure that people play a Face because they either: Want to be the dashing charismatic person that they see in movies; They enjoy Social Interactions and wish to explore the Social side of the shadowrun universe; or They have a Shaman and want to use their high Cha for something else as well.
That being said.
A Face should attempt to walk a line between saying to much and saying to little.
Saying to little tends to make playing a Face kinda boring. You wind up just sitting in the background making die rolls every now and then after a short description of an action.
Saying to much can cause problems as well, either by possibly insulting the person your talking to, or just generally causing them to kinda fade out or forget the point.
As the gunslinger might ask the GM to describe the area so he can make decisions on his actions so should you ask questions about the person you wish to sway.

"Be Short. Be Sincere. Be Seated." FDR, on public speaking.
Somehow I imagine a LARPer would have several good suggestions on playing a Face.
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post May 24 2007, 01:22 PM
Post #96

Moving Target

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I realize this part of the discussion is over, but I just would like to state I agree with Shadow's position, though not necessarily how he gave that position. The whole point of Role-Playing is the chance to assume the identity of the character. Given some people's "style of play" on these forums, a mentally handicap(this is the extreme I realize this), socially inept, uneducated, or unintelligent person could never play in one of their games. The whole ROLL-playing remark has really lost it's wit and cunning, especially since I don't think it applies very well to Shadow's posts. He still advocates role-playing while enabling those players to role-play a character that is very different from their own individual character. Everyone has their style of play, I understand this. People have a style of play that might seem elitist to Shadow, but this style of play fits very well to the people of the group.

If I make a create a character that is polite, suave, and has great etiquette, I don't want to be axed by the GM because the only way I know to speak is a bit uncouth. If you would then respond that such a player should not play a "James Bond suave character", then I would ask, why should a GM and his "style" dictate the type of character I want to play?
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post May 24 2007, 06:16 PM
Post #97

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Demon_Bob)
"Be Short.  Be Sincere.  Be Seated." FDR, on public speaking.

Not to be crass, but that last part seems a little biased, to me... :spin:
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post May 24 2007, 07:45 PM
Post #98


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I didn't read all the posts before posting, but this has worked well for me in other games as a GM: If the player doesn't know what to say, but his character would, he gets a etiquette or knowledge skill (if appropriate) check to see what to say. The GM can then give the player a "line" to say to the NPC. If the GM can't think of something, it is pretty clear that know amount of role play or roll play will work.

For SR4 - I would use a threshold of 3 unless it is a very tense or difficult situation, which might require a threshold of 4 or 5.

You might suggest that as an alternate rule for your GM. It still preserves the Roll play aspect of the game while still giving your character the benefit of the dice you clearly paid for in character generation.
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post May 25 2007, 12:02 AM
Post #99

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Shev)
QUOTE (Demon_Bob)
"Be Short.  Be Sincere.  Be Seated." FDR, on public speaking.

Not to be crass, but that last part seems a little biased, to me... :spin:

I believe he was telling Congressmen to make thier point and move on.
If sometime during your speach a person wonders,"What were we talking about?" Then you have been talking to long. And Yes it might be a little biased, as if that is new to boards.. :wobble:
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post May 25 2007, 12:15 AM
Post #100

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Unarmed @ May 17 2007, 06:38 PM)
I agree that people who are socially inept shouldn't play faces, but I'm certain that not a single person I've met would call me that. It's just that I've made a character that is far more charismatic than anyone I know, really. Still, I know very little about guns and that doesn't really impede my ability to play a character who uses them.

It's a tough line to tread, and really I need to tell the GM that I want to make rolls for more things rather that just let them get RPed out. I do love the flow of RP though, and so sometimes I don't want to blurt out "I want to roll for this!" in the middle of a good conversation, but at the same time I actually want to have my character's skills have as much impact as a street samurai who is really talented with an SMG.

Also, should a character's social skills impact interactions between PCs? My brother's character insulted my character and then I insulted him back, several times, and then he got mad at me and as a result his character no longer likes mine. I attempted to tell him that he probably wouldn't dislike my character as a result of the conversation and interactions, but he was having none of it.

If you guys are in the groove, doing some RP, and you run out of thing to say when your character wouldn't. Ask the GM to help give you some ideas of what to say next based on the roll you make. Or if you make a good roll, let every one come up with something to say at the next spot and use it.

However, between two characters, influence skill wouldn't affect anything I don't think.

Edit: didn't realize this was 4 pages long, this reply is from the first page I think. Sorry for the disruption.
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