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> Master Enchanter, what all is wrong?
post Nov 11 2003, 01:09 AM
Post #1

Free Spirit

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I was creating an enchanting buddy contact. My GM designed an initiatory magical group for me of idol shamen, so I figured this would be where we met. I looked for a likely idol and saw Creator and chose this.

As far as I can see, adepts can enchant. Enchanting is an active skill, so Improved Ability: Enchanting. Enchanting is linked to Willpower and dwarves get a +1 Willpower.

Priority A - skills 50
Priority B - Adept following Creator Totem.
Priority C - Attributes
Priority D - Dwarf
Priority E - resources

B 6
Q 6
S 6
C 3
I 4
W 8
M 8+

Grade 2+ initiate, centering (Athletics, stealth), centering (Enchanting)...

Enchanting 8
Centering 6
Prayer 6 (please god, let this work.)
Clubs 4
B/R 4
Polearms/Staffs 4
B/R 4
Edged Weapons 4
B/R 4
Athletics 2
Stealth 2

Improved Ability Enchanting 8 4pts
Improved Attribute Body 2 1pt
Improved Attribute Quickness 2 1pt
Improved Ability B/R 4 2pts

Bonus Attribute Willpower
Aptitude Enchanting
Home Ground Enchanting Shop
Combat Paralysis
Bad Karma
Incompetance Athletics

This isn't a starting character, but is at the same level as our campaign. There are skill points left over.
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post Nov 11 2003, 01:31 AM
Post #2

Manus Celer Dei

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Improved Ability only works for physical, combat, and at GM's discretion vehicle skills.

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post Nov 11 2003, 02:43 AM
Post #3

Shooting Target

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Yup, gotta agree with that. If there can be no Improved Ability for sorcery or conjuring, there shouldn't be one for enchanting.

I'd make him something of a skilled conjurer so that his spirits can help him gather good materials, find leylines, and so forth.
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Herald of Verjig...
post Nov 11 2003, 02:46 AM
Post #4


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An ally spirit is great help with lesser enchanting tasks, and to go make a sandwich and cup of caffeine when making that big project.
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post Nov 11 2003, 02:55 PM
Post #5

Moving Target

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By stirct following of actual game rules, has anyone figured out a way to enchant something so that it may heal someone later.

Like a one use magical healing potion type of thing. I mean they are common in other myths. I wonder why there is nothing like this in the world of Shadowrun.

(This seems to be the right type of topic, I mean a Master Enchanter should be able to do this if no one else can. I diffently think that someone should be able to enchant these things.)

Anyways any thoughts, comments, questions, and perhaps what I really want answers.
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Ol' Scratch
post Nov 11 2003, 03:42 PM
Post #6

Immortal Elf

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Read up on Anchoring in Magic in the Shadows, 252. That's what you're looking for. The only downfall to it is that the enchanter ends up taking Drain for the "spell" when it's activated by drinking the potion.
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post Nov 11 2003, 07:25 PM
Post #7

Free Spirit

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Improved Ability only works for physical, combat, and at GM's discretion vehicle skills.

Is this stated somewhere?

In SR3, it is stated it gives extra dice for active skills. In MitS, it goes on to say anyone with a magic attribute of at least 1 can enchant. I don't see where Improved Ability has these limitations you suggest, though I can see a GM limiting it in such a way.

Enchanting and/or B/R melee weapons are active skills. They also seem physically demanding, much more so than something mental like sorcery, conjuring, decking, etc..
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post Nov 11 2003, 07:46 PM
Post #8

Manus Celer Dei

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Mostly it's that the power gives a specific list of things it applies to. The FAQ said that it could also apply to vehicles at GM's discretion, but the power isn't open-ended. I'll give quote when I get my hands on the book.

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post Nov 11 2003, 07:49 PM
Post #9

Great Dragon

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From the FAQ:

Can the adept power of Improved Ability (p. 169, SR3) be applied towards other skills, such as Computer, Sorcery, Conjuring or Vehicle skills?
No. This power only improves physical ability, not technical or magical abilities.
As an optional rule, a gamemaster may allow Improved Ability to be applied towards Vehicle skills (at a cost of 0.5/level), but this would not improve a character's Vehicle skills when rigged.

Also, while they come down in favor of adepts being able to use enchanting, they also suggest that adepts and aspected magicians be limitd to enchanting foci that they can actually use. A full mage (who concentrates more on enchanting than on other magical skills) would be a better "master conjurer".

Now, this is just my personal opinion, but I, personally, would allow an adept to use the improved ability for B/R skills - a "master craftsman" type. Maybe you could have two people working together: a master craftsman to make the objects, and a master enchanter to enchant them as foci.

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post Nov 11 2003, 07:51 PM
Post #10

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Doctor Funkenstein)
Read up on Anchoring in Magic in the Shadows, 252. That's what you're looking for. The only downfall to it is that the enchanter ends up taking Drain for the "spell" when it's activated by drinking the potion.

Which I personally find annoying and inconsistent, so I go with some of SR2's Anchoring rules (From Grimoire 2)
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post Nov 12 2003, 12:46 AM
Post #11

Moving Target

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In reference to being referenced to MitS, and there anchoring.

One enchanter takes drain when used totally impractical, for a mage to hand them out before a run and in combat when the players need it the mage takes drain.

Two drek that is karma costing, think about it just one healing potion is to heal a moderate wound is three karma. A team of six people with three of these potions is fifty four karma.

Three a mundane probably won't be able to by this from enchanter unless the enchanter is on great terms with the NPC.

Four let's face it, that's not what I'm looking for.

Hard as it may to believe I had already looked at this before I posted. I also looked at other foci things.
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post Nov 12 2003, 06:22 AM
Post #12

Free Spirit

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QUOTE (252 @ Nov 11 2003, 06:46 PM)
Two drek that is karma costing, think about it just one healing potion is to heal a moderate wound is three karma.  A team of six people with three of these potions is fifty four karma.

Three a mundane probably won't be able to by this from enchanter unless the enchanter is on great terms with the NPC.

Go strictly by the rules. Look on the last page of buying magic items in MitS. It gives price for hiring an enchanter to make a magic item for you as well as cost of him putting in the karma to bind it. Just make sure it has triggers that you, being mundane, can activate and deactivate.

Four let's face it, that's not what I'm looking for.

Maybe we could help a bit more solving your question if you are more specific? Your general answer was like Doc said, anchoring in MitS.
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post Nov 12 2003, 06:39 AM
Post #13

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Which I personally find annoying and inconsistent
If I may ask, why?
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post Nov 12 2003, 12:43 PM
Post #14

Moving Target

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I'm looking for something that is expensive and time consuming, and probably even extremely hard to find.

However the karma costs are nill, or absolutely none.

One of the biggest things that I want to have it have is no link to the enchanter. Or else realisticly there will be absolutely NONE on the street level. Other then that I would also want the item not to have drain taken at time of use, the drain should be already applied right when this object is made. I'm not saying that there will be no drain, just that the drain will be taken right at the time of it being made.
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post Nov 12 2003, 01:19 PM
Post #15


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If you want a generic "healing potion", I think that anchoring the way they write is is fine, just remove the drain consideration and maybe lower costs, either for the unbonded anchoring focus or else the multipliers for the bonded ones, maybe both. They should remain magical links to their enchanter, though.

The thing is, if you do something like houserule that one-use anchoring foci are free to bond, be careful to make the costs otherwise prohibitive. Magic in the sixth world is rare and expensive, and D&D style healing potions don't quite fit the mold. And that's ignoring the balance issues that drain-free magic can have on a run. Nothing personal, but a game with eighteen healing potions feels a little too high fantasy for my tastes, and by all rights should require usurious outlays of cash (or less cash and a good deal of karma); after all, if you have that kind of disposable income, you're probably playing high fantasy Shadowrun by default.
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post Nov 12 2003, 05:46 PM
Post #16

Manus Celer Dei

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Indeed. Three healing potions per team member? I'd be more inclined to see one per team per decade or so.

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post Nov 14 2003, 04:45 AM
Post #17

Moving Target

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Remember healing only heals a wound once. If it doesn't heal fully well you are screwed. The healing potions won't automaticly heal. That is just not how it works, you still have to work for the successes.
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post Nov 14 2003, 05:00 AM
Post #18

Manus Celer Dei

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So? They're still magical healing potions. They're like having a healing mage in your pocket.

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post Nov 14 2003, 09:10 AM
Post #19


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Healing potions on tap in Shadowrun?

I'd say go play D&D.

Shadowrun is supposed to be a nasty, fairly lethal game. Having healing potions floating around like that is going to simply break the friggin' game setting. If you can do a Heal potion like that, how about Cure Disease? Detox? Increased Reflexes +3?

That's to say nothing about the fact that hospitals aren't even necessary any more (just hop on down to MagiCorp's local shop and pick up some stuff for that Deadly damage you took), and that DocWagon is just a glorified push-cart apothecary.

But, hey, if a GM wants to run things that way, far be it from me to nay-say them. Some folks like being munchkin; most of those I game with don't.
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post Nov 14 2003, 07:03 PM
Post #20

Free Spirit

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QUOTE (252)
I'm looking for something that is expensive and time consuming, and probably even extremely hard to find.

However the karma costs are nill, or absolutely none.

One of the biggest things that I want to have it have is no link to the enchanter. Or else realisticly there will be absolutely NONE on the street level. Other then that I would also want the item not to have drain taken at time of use, the drain should be already applied right when this object is made. I'm not saying that there will be no drain, just that the drain will be taken right at the time of it being made.

A magic item is always going to have a link, either to the enchanter or someone else who paid the first bonding cost. Yet magic items still make it to street level. The rules say a character may pay an enchanter 5000¥ per point of karma to bond the focus, so it can be done with no link to the PC and it will make the focus more expensive.

If the focus isn't bonded to the PC, the focus will either not work for the PC, always be active (PC cannot turn off), or needs to have triggers the PC can activate (such as saying a phrase, performing an action, or putting in the presence of something detectable.) The only focus capable of having triggers is an anchoring focus.

The only way I know of for a spell not to cause drain is for a free spirit to cast the spell.

The above conditions should make the item very expensive and scarce.

If you are looking for a plot device, you don't need to follow the rules. There was a magic focus in a published adventure that didn't require bonding and was usable by at least any magically active person. I don't recall if mundanes could use it, but if you're making crap up, I don't see why they couldn't.

You could say the focus contains a free spirit bound to it that is compelled to cast spells when asked. Whoever the PC gets the focus from has determined what spells the spirit knows. For that matter, someone could pay karma to have the spirit learn a given spell.

I don't know of real rules for such an item, but here is an idea of how it could work. An ally with the inhabitting power that is immobilized inside another item and set free. The ally is now a free spirit with sorcery power.

For example, the ally could have inhabited a diamond and been set in a ring. It could have been created with the intent to cast a healing spell whenever the magician took damage and went free when the mage took deadly damage. Whoever finds the ring and assenses it can find out its nature, quest for the spirits true name and bind it, all at no karma cost. The master can order the spirit to give a complete spell list and powers list.
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post Nov 15 2003, 04:10 AM
Post #21

Great Dragon

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Actually, if you want some kind of healing potion, you should check out the rules for Magical Compounds in Man & Machine. They are prepared with secret metamagical techniques, are made with rare materials (which are still useless, or even toxic, to someone who doesn't know the secret of their preparation), and are frequently made in the form of potions. So you merely need to create a new Magical Compound that acts as a healing potion (if it is in keeping with the flavor of how other Magical Compounds are handled, it should have a few disadvantages or drawbacks as well).

This meets all of your criteria - rare, expensive, hard to make... and with no Karma cost or link back to the enchanter.
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post Nov 15 2003, 06:32 PM
Post #22

Shooting Target

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I was just about to suggest that. One of the existing ones, Immortal Flower, grants regeneration for a short period of time. I don't really remember the rest.
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post Nov 16 2003, 01:01 AM
Post #23

Great Dragon

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It also permanently reduces overflow for damage, and messes up cyberware. Nasty stuff. Nothing a character would ever want to take voluntarily (unless the alternative was death), but great for psychotic eco-terrorist NPCs.
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post Nov 16 2003, 08:02 AM
Post #24

Moving Target

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Okay so what other kinds of magical metals are there besides Orichalcum. I'm not talking in a strictly Shadowrun since. I'm talking about myths of our world, that could be taken over to the Shadowrun world.

Any ideas.

Oh and the magic item that was discussed in a previous post is known as the "bottled demon" at least that was the adventures name.

Arleesh by Shadowrun Canon had destroyed that item.
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post Nov 16 2003, 08:13 AM
Post #25

Immoral Elf

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QUOTE (252)
Arleesh by Shadowrun Canon had destroyed that item.

News to me. Last time it was seen was in a shop in Denver, if I recall correctly.
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