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> He said - She said, Why should anyone listen to you?
post Jul 9 2007, 07:50 AM
Post #26

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Talia Invierno)
Hmm. This might be an interesting point to remind that the original discussion which sparked the opening quote was a heated argument not over an interpretation of a specific rule, but over the right way to GM a group.

One side held that the numerical RAW was the only valid authority, and anything else ranged from the GM doing it wrong to the GM getting his jollies off the suffering of the other players.

The other held that the numerical RAW was not the sole authority as to the rightness or wrongness of a style of GMing, and that not all in-game situations distilled to a character roll.

(I specify "numerical", because it's easy to overlook that the RAW also includes less quantifiable guidance -- or, if not overlooked, then overruled by the quantitative RAW in all things.)

Well, the RAW says to ignore the RAW if the RAW gets in the way or fun.

Kinda paradoxical.

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post Jul 9 2007, 08:01 AM
Post #27

Cybernetic Blood Mage

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Well although I'm feeling too lazy to double check before bed, I seem to recall a second axis of debate that disagreed over whether or not it was fair to punish a player for not knowing as much about the setting as the DM reguardless of RAW.

However, it may just be my aging memory playing tricks on me again. :cyber:
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Talia Invierno
post Jul 9 2007, 08:14 AM
Post #28

Shooting Target

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True, Ravor ... although the concept of "punishing" can only arise where GM judgement overrules strict numerical RAW. Where the GM subordinates personal judgement to the numerical RAW in all things, the concept of punishment cannot exist, since the only arbiter is the numerical RAW.

Rules don't punish. Only people do.
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post Jul 9 2007, 02:32 PM
Post #29

Neophyte Runner

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Ok first this thread may be a hair silly, and it's good to have a reference as to what this might be talking about, but don't make this that other argument all over again. That thing went for a ridiculous length.

Anyway for things like that the key thing to remember, at the end of the day, is that there isn't one "winning" forumla. In fact what works for one group may not work for another.

However stuff like that can still be useful because it can clue you in to benifits and potential pitfalls before you get to them.
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post Jul 9 2007, 03:17 PM
Post #30

Cybernetic Blood Mage

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Well I'd disagree with that statement because by itself RAW doesn't do anything, it just sits there in a book, for instince in the Technomancer example even if the DM had called for whatever rolls was decided would detremine whether or not the Techno would remain on his feet or not it would still be an example of a DM punishing a player, just like if the DM called for a Perception Test at -2 everytime a character crossed the street without declaring that they looked both ways beforehand or used RAW to decide how long the characters could go before declaring that they had taken a breath.
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post Jul 9 2007, 03:28 PM
Post #31

Moving Target

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Whether something is good advise is usually situational and therefore requires personal interpretation.
Sadly that in this format every post must be weighed on merit on each individual's personal scales.

The manner of the post obviously flavours the easy of this judgement. We have all seen abrasive and aggressive posts turn free wheeling debate into flame wars. When something becomes an argument for me is when neither side is open to changing their point of view.
On the plus side Dumpshock is much better than it used to be for the baseline polite respect afforded to each user.

Why should you listen? Personal choice and the possibility of help/a useful idea.
Why you need to weigh everything? Because it might not work for you.
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Solomon Greene
post Jul 9 2007, 04:16 PM
Post #32


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QUOTE (tisoz)
I believe this topic is silly.

Cool, but now I have to discount the wisdom of your entire post. ;)


Now that you've horribly offended me, even though you used an emoticon, I must fly off the handle, attacking your percieved authority so my own remains unblemished. I'm going to do this in an irrational, looping way that has no bearing on the conversation at hand, hoping to distract you with a flame war to keep the conversation firmly away from my poorly-made point.

clears throat

Your momma.

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Caine Hazen
post Jul 9 2007, 04:27 PM
Post #33

MechRigger Delux

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Being as I've found this discussion to have nothing to do with SR4 and more to do with personal rantings for now, I'll just move it to General gaming. And even though you are all playing nice so far, please make sure this doesn't get out of hand.
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Rotbart van Dain...
post Jul 9 2007, 04:30 PM
Post #34

Hoppelhäschen 5000

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QUOTE (Talia Invierno)
Is the RAW in fact the only source of "inherent" value in content?

Of course - you paid for it. To get the value of the rule in question, you just have to compare it's lettercount to total lettercount of the book and put what you paid for the RAW into that relation. :wobble:

So, the more RAW you can quote, the more worth is your opinion - and thus, the righter you are. :facelick:
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Talia Invierno
post Jul 9 2007, 05:52 PM
Post #35

Shooting Target

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Though apparently the RAW doesn't have inherent value enough for discussion of its value and appropriate role to be considered SR4-related ;)

Edit: Pendaric, thank you for reiterating the importance of mutual respect. It's what has allowed us to discuss this topic at all -- even if our esteemed moderator seems to have missed its existence in this thread entirely.
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post Jul 9 2007, 11:39 PM
Post #36

Free Spirit

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QUOTE (Pendaric)
On the plus side Dumpshock is much better than it used to be for the baseline polite respect afforded to each user.

Stricter moderating, pre-emotive thread closings and bans take their toll.
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post Jul 10 2007, 02:33 AM
Post #37

Manus Celer Dei

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QUOTE (Pendaric)
On the plus side Dumpshock is much better than it used to be for the baseline polite respect afforded to each user.

If by "better" you mean "more obnoxiously moderated".

Enforced politeness is no kind of politeness at all.

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Talia Invierno
post Jul 10 2007, 04:25 AM
Post #38

Shooting Target

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Did anyone else notice a real rant in this thread? I don't mean just agendas or strong povs: those run rampant in most SR4 threads anyway ;)
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post Jul 10 2007, 04:41 AM
Post #39

Freelance Elf

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I can add one if you guys want.
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Talia Invierno
post Jul 10 2007, 04:54 AM
Post #40

Shooting Target

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Ah, but that would scarcely work, Critias. The difference between unacceptable rant and acceptable agenda may be whether or not those in power agree with you: and we've established that your opinions are popular.

In fairness to Pendaric, he did post before moderation intervention interrupted the pre-existing level of spirited but non-vicious discussion in this thread.

... and after active intervention: what has become of it?
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Solomon Greene
post Jul 11 2007, 05:48 AM
Post #41


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I'm sorry if my attempt at humor in any way caused this to be moderated or moved, I was just poking fun at "t3h internets" in general, not at any specific poster.
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post Jul 11 2007, 05:55 AM
Post #42

Freelance Elf

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QUOTE (Talia Invierno)
Ah, but that would scarcely work, Critias. The difference between unacceptable rant and acceptable agenda may be whether or not those in power agree with you: and we've established that your opinions are popular.

In fairness to Pendaric, he did post before moderation intervention interrupted the pre-existing level of spirited but non-vicious discussion in this thread.

... and after active intervention: what has become of it?

I'm sure my warning level can explain that my opinions aren't always popular. They might be amusing and fun to read, but (especially to "those in power") they're hardly always popular.

But, ah well. I just figured I'd offer, since a rant-less thread is like peanut butter without jelly or a basket full of kittens without fire.
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Talia Invierno
post Jul 11 2007, 06:13 AM
Post #43

Shooting Target

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post Jul 11 2007, 06:18 AM
Post #44

Freelance Elf

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I know. Thinking about a basket full of kittens without fire makes me tear up a little, too. *sigh*
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DuckEggBlue Omeg...
post Jul 11 2007, 04:14 PM
Post #45

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
QUOTE (Pendaric @ Jul 9 2007, 10:28 AM)
On the plus side Dumpshock is much better than it used to be for the baseline polite respect afforded to each user.

If by "better" you mean "more obnoxiously moderated".

Enforced politeness is no kind of politeness at all.


I dunno, I remember long ago there was a time when the politeness and political correctness and the general attitude that dumpshock was above all that petty falaming and trolling stuff, was so pervasive it was actually annoying.

There were exceptions ofcourse, I seem to recall the name Dr. Funkenstien, but there was at one point a thread where someone began talking about how, as their character fell in love with another character he was developing feeling for the player and though he'd never considered himsef gay etc, etc. Basically alot of drivel, but there were pages and pages of support and advice before someone finally posted that the guy was a freak, loser, or possibly both and should get some damn help and off the f**king forums with that crap, and that everyone else was equally messed up for not telling him the same thing.

I stopped visiting DSF for a time when I realised I found myself agreeing with the 'obnoxious' individual whom I'd so often found irritating in the past. There is such a thing as too polite and it was truly an odd time.
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post Jul 11 2007, 06:42 PM
Post #46

Freelance Elf

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Got a link? That might've been me. It all sounds fuzzily familiar.
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Talia Invierno
post Jul 11 2007, 07:23 PM
Post #47

Shooting Target

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Evil reptilian kitten-eater from another planet!
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post Jul 12 2007, 03:34 AM
Post #48

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Critias)
I know. Thinking about a basket full of kittens without fire makes me tear up a little, too. *sigh*

Swwweeeet! I bow before you good sir.

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post Jul 12 2007, 03:49 AM
Post #49

Moving Target

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Man I don't know if anyone should scan what I'm typing. Sure I can list my gaming resume. The longest SR game I played for five years in real time and we had our characters played from 2048 in gametime to 2061. Each got over 1000 karma or there abouts.

Does that mean I know what I'm talking about? Nope. I don't even know what RAW or IIRC stands for. Everytime I see it on the boards I'm too embarassed to ask.

I try to post on topics that interest me because I want to talk about SR because I don't play it much anymore, and I hope that I can make someone else's game enjoyable. I've asked questions on here in the past and people have offered great and not so great advice. Hell sometimes I think I come across as a HUGE d**k when I don't mean to be. Other times I find myself writing posts but deleting them thinking "Dude it's not personal. You probably didn't communicate your idea effectively." or "He's a f**ker and do you really want to get into this?"

As far as being in a gaming group it's like anything else. You gotta find who you can deal with. One my favorite DMs I played with for about ten years he and I used to fight all the time. He even threw a boxed set at me once. <It was the Tales of the Lance boxset I think.> He was a great AD&D DM, but he sucked at SR, mainly because he wanted to play it like AD&D.

One of my good friends was one of the best and worst players depending on which night we played. If he was in a good mood everything rocked. If he was in a bad mood, like he fought with his Ex, then he would go out of his way to cause chaos. (In fact I think he had a character named Chaos in SR. Yeah he was a decker, and a f**ker.) He used to give me fits as GM and as a player. I would go almost insane and he would smile. Good Times. :)
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post Jul 12 2007, 04:00 AM
Post #50

Manus Celer Dei

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How do you manage to move so fast? We've been playing three years, and our characters played from mid-June 2055 to late August 2055.

RAW is an abomination. You should not bother to learn what it means.

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