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> They Did a Bad-Bad Thing, Evil Acts Your Character Has Done.
post Jul 10 2007, 10:23 PM
Post #1

Moving Target

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Without getting into a debate about what constitutes an evil act this post is about finding out what sort of criminal, morally questionable, to downright repugnant acts have your characters committed in game. I won't list what each SR character I've had as done just the acts and what frequency they've occurred.

Murder (Killing not in self-defense) - Big Yes. Every character I've played has done it for various reasons.

Murder for Hire - Yes.

Assault - Yes. Numerous times.

Robbery - You bet.

Selling Stolen Goods - Check.

Receiving Stolen Goods - Yes sir.

Organlegging - Yes. I've had two characters with a Tamanous contact and one with another organlegger.

Torture - I'd say about ten times. Everything from using pressure points to get a little info from a street snitch to a four day, in game time, torture session to get everything out of one guy.

Organized Crime - Everything from being part of an organization to doing contract work for one. Jobs: Everything for protection work, gun running, and murder-for-hire.

Selling Illegal Substances: Everything from beetles to bud.

Pimping: Had two characters who were involved in that. One did it directly the other benefited from it indirectly.

The only things I haven't done with any of my characters are sex crimes besides pimping. No rape, child molestation, nothing really dark like that. In fact a character of mine beat the crap out of another player's character who tried it in game. We actually had a big fight about it out of game. We had taken this very pretty elven girl as a hostage and another PC wanted to have his way with her. He argued that my character shouldn't have cared because I was a hitman with a Tamanous contact. "Why the hell should you care? You're just going to kill her anyway and sell her for spare parts," is what he said. I didn’t see it that way.

I ended up having to kill his character later on over it. He just wouldn't let it go and hired another hitman to take me out. Surprisingly enough after the first incident we didn't take it personally and just ran with it in game. Of course he had to make a new character.

I don’t why but I’ve always had trouble committing crimes against women in game to the point where most of my characters have a built-in thing against it. It’s always sort of bugged me because I see it as a creative hindrance the whole Leon “No Women, No Kids� thing, but I just can’t get over it. Every one of my characters has it to some degree. Hell I find ways to let female hostages go, or simply wound female opposition. It really takes a lot for me to kill a female NPC in game.

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post Jul 10 2007, 11:10 PM
Post #2

Running Target

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Killing- Yes, yes, a thousand times, yes.

Assault- Yeah

Robbery- Yes, wheter hired of just freelancing

Selling stolen goods- Kinda goes hand in hand with the whole robbery thing so yeah

Recieveing stolen goods- Does "It fell off the back of a T-bird" count? :D

Organlegging- For fun and profit

Torture- Not so much my characters but I've been their and benefitted from it.

Organized crime- and piracy ARRR!

Selling Illegal substances- even tried brewing up a few

Pimping- Ain't easy... never tried don't remember anyway.

Use of Mind probe- not necessarily evil but I can see how it can be considered such

Control Manipulations- all the time

Using people as bait- yup

EDIT- The only real hangup I have is harming animals. I'm not talking the hellhound trying to eat me. I mean the corp execs puppy or kitten. Children is really dependant on the situation. 12 year old ganger pulls a gun on me is going to be "tried as an adult" as it were. A lost little corp kid I usually go out of my way to help.
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post Jul 10 2007, 11:13 PM
Post #3

Manus Celer Dei

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Well, there was this time I told a guy I was letting him go, and that he should walk away and not turn around, and then put a bullet through the back of his head. I thought it was the merciful option, though—he never had time to know he was going to die.

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post Jul 10 2007, 11:27 PM
Post #4

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
Well, there was this time I told a guy I was letting him go, and that he should walk away and not turn around, and then put a bullet through the back of his head. I thought it was the merciful option, though—he never had time to know he was going to die.


Ripper did that with a corp rigger, but he'd wired her vehicle to explode. She dusted off and he pushed the button.
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post Jul 11 2007, 12:05 AM
Post #5

Immortal Elf

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dropping gamma-anthrax into the water supply of an Ares research compound: check. killing children (who happened to have been transformed into the ravenous undead by shedim): check.
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post Jul 11 2007, 12:08 AM
Post #6

Manus Celer Dei

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Killing zombies is kinda bad, but doesn't killing children make up for it?

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post Jul 11 2007, 12:10 AM
Post #7

Deus Absconditus

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Oh, mfb... Zombie children?
I think I have to change my undies now. That's wonderful. :)

You know, this one time, my PC let somebody go who he should have killed, and they came back and almost ruined his life later. The problem got fixed about 50 rounds of point-blank EX-EX later.

On the other hand, I let someone go once who had already tried to ruin my PC's life. And she ended up saving my ass a couple of times later. But her corp had sold her out, so there is that.
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Ghostly Enigma
post Jul 11 2007, 12:24 AM
Post #8


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Me mmmm about all I can say about my Cher is they have eatten 3 ppl and set part of a bulding on fire with 5 WP gernades and.......mmmm you know don't sound as bad as some here that have already posted oh well.
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post Jul 11 2007, 12:31 AM
Post #9

Immortal Elf

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i'm not sure what's worse--the fact that he ate people, or the fact that he was still hungry after the second one.
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post Jul 11 2007, 12:47 AM
Post #10

Moving Target

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Well I've had characters kill ghoul women and children, but they're not people so it doesn't count.

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post Jul 11 2007, 01:00 AM
Post #11

Moving Target

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Also anyone ever kill a Johnson or a Fixer? Never killed a fixer. Had them killed, two of them, not by us though. Killed six Johnsons. Four of them were from published Adventures. Queen Euphoria, Double Exposure, The One with Jetblack, and Anne P the Bug VP! Her we chopped up into little bits and dumped in the Potomac.
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post Jul 11 2007, 01:40 AM
Post #12

Free Spirit

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I hurt someones feelings once.
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post Jul 11 2007, 02:25 AM
Post #13

Moving Target

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My character has been mostly law-abiding, but my players have this unnatural love for grand theft auto. Other than that: theft, vandalism, quite a few murders (several involving police, vehicles, or both), breaking and entering, a semi-kidnapping, some torture (of a J, no less!), cruelty to animals, smuggling, corruption of minors, reckless endangerment, and speeding. Lots of speeding.

Edited to Add: mfb: On the one hand, she ate those people over a long period of time, she didn't just sit down and gorge. On the other hand, she's not a ghoul.
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post Jul 11 2007, 02:28 AM
Post #14

Manus Celer Dei

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QUOTE (Taran)
some torture (of a J, no less!)

Not enough torture, though :(

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post Jul 11 2007, 02:30 AM
Post #15

Moving Target

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Whatever do you mean? You got paid.
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post Jul 11 2007, 02:40 AM
Post #16

Manus Celer Dei

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It's true, I guess money does make up for lack of torture.

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post Jul 11 2007, 02:57 AM
Post #17

Running Target

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QUOTE (tisoz)
I hurt someones feelings once.

Tisoz, you are a horrible horrible person :(
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post Jul 11 2007, 03:53 AM
Post #18

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Trigger)
QUOTE (tisoz @ Jul 10 2007, 08:40 PM)
I hurt someones feelings once.

Tisoz, you are a horrible horrible person :(

Excellent Ronin reference though.
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Kyoto Kid
post Jul 11 2007, 04:19 AM
Post #19

Bushido Cowgirl

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...Killing: huh? oh yeah, with my gun, that's what the bullets are for.
...Assault: kind of goes with the territory
...Assassination: Night Angel and Jill liked to think of it as being "politically pro-active"
...Committing Terrorist Acts: yeah, that is if you only take it from the from viewpoint of the opposition. But Leela's so damn cute...
...Sabotage: kind of goes hand in hand with the above.
...Making and transporting of controlled substances (namely Milspec Explosives): yeah, little Leela is guilty as charged. But she is so damn cute...
...Theft: well it was from that nasty evil corp so it was okay, right?.
...Selling of stolen goods: can't get a real job so gotta make a living somehow & it beats walking the streets selling tricks.
...Felony use of Government Property: Night Angel likes to refer to it as "creative requisitioning"
...Bribing of a Government official: "better public policy through :nuyen:"
...Vehicle Jacking: kinda like FlexCar without all the membership drek. Goes well with...
...Piracy: be it on the high seas or in the air, a big "Yaahrrrr!" here too.
...Organised Crime: not so much directly but had dealings with various syndicates
...Torture: mostly through the use of certain compounds and the occasional bared shoulder to help grease the interrogation skids as opposed to more direct methods.

Things my characters generally stayed away from

...Organlegging: just have issues about this one & the parties you end up dealing with. Eventually it usually comes back to bite you.
...Sexual assault: I'm on the same bus with Lazarus on this.
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Solomon Greene
post Jul 11 2007, 05:57 AM
Post #20


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From a somewhat IC perspective:

"I've never touched a child. I've never killed someone out of anger. Anger makes you sloppy. I've killed people who've made me angry oh, dozens of times. But never while I was mad, you see.

I've never raped anyone either. That's just too vunerable a position to be caught in... but I have made plenty of women change their minds."

There's plenty I'm guilty of portraying in games, and only one thing I'm really not.

Eh, it's okay. My character's brother who is a Contact is a priest.
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post Jul 11 2007, 06:04 AM
Post #21

Running Target

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Hmm. One of my characters:

- Pushed a still conscious man face-first into a smear of burning thermite and held him there until he stopped screaming. (the guy really had it coming, though - he'd held our rigger hostage and buried a bunch of people alive)

- Shot a Johnson twice (well, the second time was with a gel round) then squeezed him for money. (the same one Kagetenshi and Taran talked about)

- Bought surplus Russian nerve agent on a whim.

- Painfully executed several badly wounded scumbags with a sharpened piece of rebar in a fit of righteous rage.

- Kidnapped two Knight Errant officers.

- This one is just a theory of mine, but I suspect we took a job involving killing an old Johnson of ours in revenge for a murder (or murders) that our team itself committed while working for that Johnson.

- Burned the aforementioned Johnson alive. (only way he'd die, the bastard, but still)

- Fired/tossed grenades into enclosed spaces containing 5-10 people more times than I can readily recall.

It's really weird to list it all like that, though, since he's actually - except in extreme circumstances - a really nice guy. Unselfish, kind, polite, etc. I guess the problem is that extreme circumstances tend to come up more often than you'd think, when you run the shadows...
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post Jul 11 2007, 06:05 AM
Post #22

Freelance Elf

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You're asking a bunch of Shadowrun players what bad stuff their characters has done? Well, duh. We're talking about professional criminals, who break at least a half dozen laws with even the most routine and generic (IE, a datasnatch, let's say) of jobs they take on.

Of course the lists of "sins" are going to be impressive.
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post Jul 11 2007, 06:58 AM
Post #23

Cybernetic Blood Mage

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Well a player of mine once injected himself with a new strain of VITAS before taking a stroll through Sea-Tac Airport. Granted he knew he was going to die whether he took the job or not, but he figured that his kid sister was worth killing untold masses that he would never actually know. (Of course the bastards didn't uphold their end of the bargin.)
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post Jul 11 2007, 09:32 AM
Post #24

Moving Target

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Most of what's been said before (murder, assault, trade in illicit subtances, ect).

Does framing someone count? We actually did the murder and pillaging, and set up everything to look like the fall guy did it (including doping up the fallguy with novacoke after Laesing him so he couldn't remember what he did while under the influence). Even the fallguy thought he did it.
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post Jul 11 2007, 11:06 AM
Post #25

Shooting Target

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I think one of my characters got a speeding ticket...

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