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> Do the big boyshave embassies, AAA's
Playing Games
post Nov 30 2003, 11:45 PM
Post #1

Moving Target

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I know they basically have most if not all the rights and powers of a country..But would they have or need embassies?
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post Nov 30 2003, 11:52 PM
Post #2

Immortal Elf

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no. any corporate facility would effectively be an embassy, since they have extraterritorial rights there.
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Playing Games
post Dec 1 2003, 12:12 AM
Post #3

Moving Target

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Yes, but embassies serve more needs, than just that.

After all, if I recall correctly they have something to do with politics.I would think that AAA's would have to deal with politics more than any country.Think of this way.evrytime any of the AAA's opens a store,they are basically annexing a part of a countries land.Not many countries like giving away land.So, wile any corporate facility would do.One would think they have some built in such away that the act as embassies.
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Digital Heroin
post Dec 1 2003, 12:32 AM
Post #4

Neophyte Runner

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I wouldn't think they'd have embassies... I see them as probably opening up PR firms instead... you know, a public face to you friendly neiborhood corporation which happens to be located in the same city as the seat of government... after all, business and politics have to appear to remain seperate from one another...
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Guest_Crimsondude 2.0_*
post Dec 1 2003, 04:47 AM
Post #5


Well, it may have something to do with the fact that according to CD, the Corporate Court does maintain embassies in several countries' capitals after a "incident" in London. In my universe, for instance, the Corporate Court Mission to the UCAS sits where the World Bank HQ is right now (good location, beautiful building, nice size) with attendant offices and nearby sycophantic corps nearby in the various buildings (e.g. the IMF buildings) all the way into GWU (which is itself effectively owned by a AAA, but that's a story for another day). Meanwhile, the AAA corporate presence in DeeCee is generally geared towards "government-business relations" with the more obvious corps having the most overt presence, but plenty of influence being tossed around. The two wildcards in DeeCee are the fact that the Draco Foundation is based out a HQ in Georgetown and Shiawase Atomics is also based in DeeCee (I put them where the old DoE Forrestal building was in taking up a good chunk of Southwest). The proximity to the Capitol doesn't hurt things.

Of course, DeeCee is unique insofar as it is not the predominant commercial center for the UCAS, so the presence isn't as significant as it would be in, say, London or Paris, but it's definitely tangible for the size of the market. In many countries, having a major corporate presence in the capital is necessary on a commercial as well as political level.
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post Dec 1 2003, 04:56 AM
Post #6

Immoral Elf

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The C.C. is a totally different thing to an individual Megacorp though. It's reasonable to assume that the C.C. has some kind of office/consolate/embassy in the capitals of certain countries, whereas I don't see the need for Ares to do so.
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Guest_Crimsondude 2.0_*
post Dec 1 2003, 05:06 AM
Post #7


Of course not. There's no need to have one, but it generally helps if you're going to lobby a government (and by lobby I don't mean to overtly threaten and cajole) to have a single point of contact. However, from a non-lobbying perspective I can see the purpose of the CC having their embassies to make sure bad things don't happen. However, for most corps the non-lobbying relations can probably be done at the local level of contact, through the CC embassy with the national government, or if it's particularly important between the head office and the national capital directly--screw the middleman.
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Dim Sum
post Dec 1 2003, 05:15 AM
Post #8

Moving Target

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Corps don't have "embassies" as such in my games. You have to remember that AAA (and AA) corps have extraterritorial status in regards to their property - this does NOT give them the "rights and powers" of a nation state. Synner has already given an excellent overview of the issue of extraterritoriality in the Extraterritoriality thread (sorry, don't know how to link it for you) so I won't repeat it.

Corp executives and employees do not enjoy diplomatic immunity and there is no corp "ambassador" to the host nation. Sure, there are probably hundreds of corp liaisons execs and lobbyists. You also have to bear in mind that the corp may not own the land on which their facilities sit on; the corp may have simply leased the land from the government (federal or local) or from another corp - the corp does not "annex" these lands from the host nation. If they truly went out of their way to pose a serious national threat on their facilities (eg. dump pollutants in their facility which then spills over to neighbouring areas), they might find their lease revoked and their corp butts evicted.
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post Dec 1 2003, 05:28 AM
Post #9

Running Target

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Or buy out the government, like Tsimshan.
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Playing Games
post Dec 1 2003, 05:35 AM
Post #10

Moving Target

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What powers of a goverment do AAA's lack?
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post Dec 1 2003, 06:33 AM
Post #11

Immortal Elf

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official recognition as a political body. they don't have embassies, they can't appeal to the UN to settle disputes (as if they'd want to sumbit to that), they're not--officially--countries. they've got a kind of quasi-political status, in that their employees can claim megacorporate citizenship, but there's no direct political interconnect between megacorps and nations.
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post Dec 1 2003, 10:09 AM
Post #12

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Digital Heroin)
I wouldn't think they'd have embassies... I see them as probably opening up PR firms instead... you know, a public face to you friendly neiborhood corporation which happens to be located in the same city as the seat of government... after all, business and politics have to appear to remain seperate from one another...

Im with you, they would have normal facilities and offices, and a PR office in the same city as the seat of government. The seat of the reigonal VP and the head of public relations. This office would be SQUEAKY CLEAN! The most illegal thing you might find in there is a hardcore german porn chip in one of the mailroom lockers.

Their computers would be regularly scoured by a friendly decker for anything even remotely linked to anything quasi-legal.
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Digital Heroin
post Dec 1 2003, 10:24 AM
Post #13

Neophyte Runner

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Not to mention that every employee, down to the janitor, would be submitted to a background check Cross's Seraphs would be envious of. Can't have any dirtiness amongst your public people.
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post Dec 1 2003, 02:19 PM
Post #14


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:silly: I saw "Do the big boy shave embassies" as the title and was very confused before I noticed the lack of a space. Not a comment on someone's typing, just a brief exploration of my brain's attempt to be useful that wasn't.

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