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> Upgraded Character Generator, Updated Generator Based on work from Autarkis and Blakkie
post Jun 30 2011, 04:46 PM
Post #2151

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Aku @ Jun 30 2011, 10:49 AM) *
Just getting back into SR and am using this for the chargen, one teeny tiny thing: "noteriety" should be "notoriety"
I was going to make a quip about, 'No, actually this is a spot on your sheet to note what rating of Notery Public you are licensed to be' but then I googled it and that is spelled Notary.

Bah, fixed in version t. Thanks for catching that.

QUOTE (Sengir @ Jun 30 2011, 11:13 AM) *
I wonder if there's a Latin word for "disimprovement", as that would be a far better description of this change...
I read this before the other posts and thought you were talking about my sheet and almost burst a vessel in my neck... lol.
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post Jun 30 2011, 05:18 PM
Post #2152

Running Target

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I noticed that we can choose to set max nuyen during chargen on the settings page, but if you exceed 300k, it still flags it as a warning.
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post Jun 30 2011, 05:56 PM
Post #2153

Running Target

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Also, unless I'm missing them, the varied arrow heads from Arsenal don't seem to be in the sheet...
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post Jun 30 2011, 08:27 PM
Post #2154

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Jhaiisiin @ Jun 30 2011, 12:18 PM) *
I noticed that we can choose to set max nuyen during chargen on the settings page, but if you exceed 300k, it still flags it as a warning.
Good catch. Fixed in version t.
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post Jul 2 2011, 05:40 PM
Post #2155

Running Target

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some things I added myself to one of your older versions a while ago:
-Option for purchasing Pirated Programs and calculating monthly patch costs
-added MAs, Maneuvers and Initiate Powers to the char sheets
-Option to increase/decrease lifestyle costs by x%
-Dragons as PCs from the April Fool a few years ago *g*
-getting Bioware as Transgenetic Animal feature, working with Genetic Heritage and Genecrafted
-choose Genetic Heritage free 'ware in the 'Cyberware Bioware' sheet
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post Jul 2 2011, 11:55 PM
Post #2156

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didnt look to see if this has been reported before, but per SR4A, pacifist has 2 levels, 5 and 10 points, but i dont see the second one in the list.
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post Jul 3 2011, 04:47 AM
Post #2157

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Look for "Total Pacifist" further down the list.
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post Jul 3 2011, 02:57 PM
Post #2158

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Ah, ok I wasnt actually looking for it myself, i'm just going with, umm "normal pacifist" heh but didnt see it where i thought it would be. Might i suggest renaming it to "pacifist, total" instead so that it gets sorted right next to each other?
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post Jul 4 2011, 04:15 AM
Post #2159

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any way to do multiple commlinks?
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post Jul 5 2011, 03:10 PM
Post #2160

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Aku @ Jul 3 2011, 09:57 AM) *
Ah, ok I wasnt actually looking for it myself, i'm just going with, umm "normal pacifist" heh but didnt see it where i thought it would be. Might i suggest renaming it to "pacifist, total" instead so that it gets sorted right next to each other?
Good idea. Changed in version t.

QUOTE (Makki @ Jul 2 2011, 12:40 PM) *
some things I added myself to one of your older versions a while ago:
-Option for purchasing Pirated Programs and calculating monthly patch costs
-added MAs, Maneuvers and Initiate Powers to the char sheets
-Option to increase/decrease lifestyle costs by x%
-Dragons as PCs from the April Fool a few years ago *g*
-getting Bioware as Transgenetic Animal feature, working with Genetic Heritage and Genecrafted
-choose Genetic Heritage free 'ware in the 'Cyberware Bioware' sheet
Pirated software does not have a month patch cost, but the character makes a software+logic extended test 1 week, with the different between rating as their threshold. How exactly would you like to see this implemented on the sheet?

The sheet already contains Martial Arts and Maneuvers. See the right side of the Main Sheet. They will show up on the charsheet below your active skills (maybe only on the 3rd printable charsheet). Initiate powers are selected on the Magic Page, where you initiate. Also you can purchase additional metamagics in the area below your spell list, but this requires at least grade 1 initiate status.

Lifestyle cost % change... what is the purpose of this?

Dragons were a fun joke, but are rediculous and should not be used for PCs.

As far as getting Bioware as a Transgenetic Animal Feature.. doesnt this only apply to cosmetic modifications?

Genetic Heritage is a great quality! Rather than harangue the Cyberware/Bioware sheet with a column that will only be used by 1 piece of gear, which is present on very few characters, I suggest simply going to the Karma_Log page on your new character and adding an entry 'Genetic Heritage Free [xxx]' and give your character back the cost of the one piece of gear they got for free.
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post Jul 5 2011, 07:10 PM
Post #2161

Immortal Elf

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QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Jul 5 2011, 11:10 AM) *
Dragons were a fun joke, but are rediculous and should not be used for PCs.

While they were a joke, they're no less balanced than some of the other things in Runner's Companion. It's like 200 BP to be "a dragon" (like it's 150 to be a Free Spirit).
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post Jul 5 2011, 08:23 PM
Post #2162

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Draco18s @ Jul 5 2011, 02:10 PM) *
While they were a joke, they're no less balanced than some of the other things in Runner's Companion. It's like 200 BP to be "a dragon" (like it's 150 to be a Free Spirit).

No dragons.
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post Jul 5 2011, 09:15 PM
Post #2163

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Jhaiisiin @ Jun 30 2011, 12:56 PM) *
Also, unless I'm missing them, the varied arrow heads from Arsenal don't seem to be in the sheet...
Added in version T.

Also added Adept Powers, Spells and Echoes from 'War!'

QUOTE (Aku @ Jul 3 2011, 11:15 PM) *
any way to do multiple commlinks?

Additional Commlinks can be purchased on the Gear page, complete with accessories.

If you need a complete commlink with all the features on the Hacking page... I guess you would need another Hacking page.

I think I will copy the Hacking page out into its own spreadsheet and copy over relevant data tables so you can have a stand-alone commlink spreadsheet that you can use for tracking additional commlinks.
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post Jul 6 2011, 09:40 AM
Post #2164

Moving Target

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Is there a way to purchase a Mook (an unrestricted agent from Unwired)? Thus far, all you can is to purchase a normal agent in the hacking page.
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post Jul 6 2011, 12:15 PM
Post #2165

Running Target

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QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Jul 5 2011, 11:10 AM) *
Pirated software does not have a month patch cost, but the character makes a software+logic extended test 1 week, with the different between rating as their threshold. How exactly would you like to see this implemented on the sheet?

They do have a monthly patch cost, because they degrade. Only legally bought software comes with free updates, but are counterproductive for a runner by RAW. The extended test to look for patches yourself is too time demanding for a runner, paying a contact for the patches is the most common way to handle this.
What I did, is add "xxx software, pirated" to the softs (mainly skillsofts) in the gear section and a FALSE/TRUE choice for pirated software in the Hacking sheet. Actually I'd like to choose to get maybe some software as legal and registered and some as pirated.

QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Jul 5 2011, 11:10 AM) *
Lifestyle cost % change... what is the purpose of this?

Many pieces of ware or qualities change lifestyle cost. Look up Superthyroid Gland or Ogre Stomach.
QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Jul 5 2011, 11:10 AM) *
Dragons were a fun joke, but are rediculous and should not be used for PCs.

I know, but I thought it was a fun addition and they're more balanced than let's say a Pixie (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Jul 5 2011, 11:10 AM) *
As far as getting Bioware as a Transgenetic Animal Feature.. doesnt this only apply to cosmetic modifications?

Almost any piece of Bioware can be Gentech, as long as PC and GM agree it could be found in the animal Kingdom.
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post Jul 6 2011, 02:31 PM
Post #2166

Immortal Elf

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QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Jul 5 2011, 04:23 PM) *
No dragons.

Hey, it's your sheet, that's fine. Was just sayin'
(And despite my fanatical interest in dragons, I'd never even attempt to play one in SR: 1) way too pink mohawk, 2) way to BP exensive)

Oh, and slight edit:
The cheapest true dragon is 300 BP.

Being really bored at work I took a shot at doing it myself Because I Can.
There was surprisingly little I needed to tweak formula wise (had to add in some parsing/conditioning to a few attribute cells, and then to not count the 15 BP for mage and sensative system), but it was a good exercise.

Oh, and DK, if you use:

MID(A3,1,FIND("/",A3)-1) and MID(A3,FIND("/",A3)+1,2)

On the Attribute_Data sheet instead of

MID(A3,1,1) and MID(A3,3,1)

The Race_Data sheet will support wider ranges of values, rather than only 0-9. Just in the event that someone creates their own races. This was the biggest hangup I had getting the data to work.
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post Jul 6 2011, 07:06 PM
Post #2167

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Makki @ Jul 6 2011, 07:15 AM) *
Many pieces of ware or qualities change lifestyle cost. Look up Superthyroid Gland or Ogre Stomach.
Lets make a list and then I will provide a dropdown in lifestyles to Add these effects in.

Ogre Stomach
-20% lifestyle cost

Superthyroid Gland


I cannot find anywhere where it may suggest how your race affects your lifestyle cost, but I image a Troll would require more room and alot more food than a gnome, so there seems like there should be some variation there...

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post Jul 6 2011, 07:28 PM
Post #2168

Immortal Elf

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QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Jul 6 2011, 03:06 PM) *
I cannot find anywhere where it may suggest how your race affects your lifestyle cost, but I image a Troll would require more room and alot more food than a gnome, so there seems like there should be some variation there...

Sounds like a neat house rule. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
Stick a column in the race_data and a flag in settings and drop some values in.

Off-hand I'd say:

Human +0%
Elf +0%
Dwarf -5%
Gnome -10%
Pixie -10%
Orc +5%
Troll +10%
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post Jul 6 2011, 07:34 PM
Post #2169

Moving Target

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QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Jul 6 2011, 11:06 AM) *
Lets make a list and then I will provide a dropdown in lifestyles to Add these effects in.

Ogre Stomach
-20% lifestyle cost

Superthyroid Gland


I cannot find anywhere where it may suggest how your race affects your lifestyle cost, but I image a Troll would require more room and alot more food than a gnome, so there seems like there should be some variation there...

Photometabolism gives a -10% lifestyle cost, and Beak is either a -10% or -20% (don't remember which, and don't have RC on this computer).
I think that there may still be others, too, though.
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post Jul 6 2011, 09:55 PM
Post #2170

Moving Target

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New List:

Ogre Stomach -20%
Superthyroid +10%
Simbiotes +20%
Photometabolism -10%
Beak -10%
Hyper-Glucagon +10%
Vegsin -10%
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post Jul 6 2011, 11:07 PM
Post #2171


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Two things I noticed-

Adding Improved Strength to any MilSpec armor doesn't adjust the character's strength on the character sheet. That may be intentional since it's gear and not augmentation, but it'd still be helpful it did IMO.

Setting any rating for an anti-venom patch causes the cell to go yellow as if to confer a warning.
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post Jul 7 2011, 05:24 AM
Post #2172

Neophyte Runner

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QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Jul 6 2011, 01:06 PM) *

I cannot find anywhere where it may suggest how your race affects your lifestyle cost, but I image a Troll would require more room and alot more food than a gnome, so there seems like there should be some variation there...

Well, if you're able to account for the metagenetic qualities there's the Ogre and Xapiri Thëpë that have Ogre Stomach and Photometabolism (respectively). Beyond that, though, I've never seen anything saying something like that a Troll pays more for the same kind of lifestyle that a Dwarf has.
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post Jul 7 2011, 01:09 PM
Post #2173

Running Target

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optional rule Infected Lifestyle (RC p78) +30%
Lifestyle costs for Sapient Critters (RC p84) +50%
Free Spirits don't need food (RC p91) -10%

Low Oxygen Adaption Genware +10%
Cyberzombie +2000 Y for medication (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)

House rule: Adept Power Sustenance -5% - -10%
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post Jul 7 2011, 01:57 PM
Post #2174

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Sparrowhawk @ Jul 6 2011, 06:07 PM) *
Two things I noticed-

Adding Improved Strength to any MilSpec armor doesn't adjust the character's strength on the character sheet. That may be intentional since it's gear and not augmentation, but it'd still be helpful it did IMO.

Setting any rating for an anti-venom patch causes the cell to go yellow as if to confer a warning.

Armor strength increase is not constant (you arent going to wear milspec all the time are you?) so it will not be reflected in your final strength on the sheet.

Added max rating of 6 to antidote patch.

QUOTE (Makki @ Jul 7 2011, 08:09 AM) *
optional rule Infected Lifestyle (RC p78) +30%
Lifestyle costs for Sapient Critters (RC p84) +50%
Free Spirits don't need food (RC p91) -10%

Low Oxygen Adaption Genware +10%
Cyberzombie +2000 Y for medication (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)

House rule: Adept Power Sustenance -5% - -10%

Nice. I have loaded the complete list into the lifestyle sheet's new section called 'Other Factors'. It will calculate into final cost (after dividing for roommates if applicable, because they may not have the same factors).
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post Jul 8 2011, 10:10 AM
Post #2175


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QUOTE (Draco18s @ Jul 6 2011, 03:31 PM) *
Being really bored at work I took a shot at doing it myself Because I Can.

You 'broke' the damage overflow on the char sheet screen. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/rotfl.gif)
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