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> Upgraded Character Generator, Updated Generator Based on work from Autarkis and Blakkie
post Apr 2 2009, 09:19 AM
Post #576

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Apr 1 2009, 06:51 PM) *
I don't know if this is planned be implemented but so far it is impossible to remove standard upgrades from vehicles and weapons and free up mod slots

You cant remove standard upgrades from vehicles/weapons, and since they dont take up any mod slots to begin with-being built into the item at the factory- why would you?
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post Apr 2 2009, 06:00 PM
Post #577


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I just quickly checked version i, it seems in open office you the drop down menu/input in general for magic of resonance isn't working properly.

This may be due to the version of open office I'm using, I will update and see if that fixes the problem
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post Apr 3 2009, 03:21 AM
Post #578

Moving Target

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Im having issues with using the program with OpenOffice. Any dropdown I select in any tab after the Cyberparts tab crashes the file 100% of the time. In the other tabs, about 40% of the time it crashes when I try to select something. I've updated OpenOffice to the latest version, tried opening it with macros enabled AND disabled but no change.
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post Apr 3 2009, 04:08 AM
Post #579

Moving Target

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Version 9j is here.

- Addressed many issues pointed out in this forum
- Added some missing items (sm foci, core shotguns, etc)
- Added many Qualities disabling formulas (thanks for the input on that Bobson!)
- Added cybersuite column in cyberware-bioware
> Enter any name in Suite column next to wares
> All wares will be displayed in CharSheet organized by Suite if available
> Not yet available for Cyberparts
- Finished character saving feature for Excel
> Tested in excel 2003 and 2007. Use the Beta9 schema to export your character to .xml
> Can re-import data to restore character *check for numbers as Text after importing
> No save feature for Open Office yet (it is not .xsd+xpath compatible like excel)
- Implemented small test of SRSchema_v4 for exporting character to community xml standard
> Used data arranged in hidden sheet xmlExport
> Only saves character name and primary attributes. Proof-of-concept only
> Not compatible with Import (dont even try it!)


btw, there are still some missing features I am aware of: Milspec armor, Martial Arts DV bonus not on CharSheet, Cybersuites not available for Cyberparts, No Free Spirit Support

I am very interested in hearing input about any missing options for AI characters. Also, still hoping for suggestions on new name for the spreadsheet. Its almost time for 1.0!

*edit: Ignore the comment in the sheet saying that only the main sheet is saved. The entire sheet is saved now if you are using the Beta9 schema.

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post Apr 3 2009, 04:51 AM
Post #580

Moving Target

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V 9J is great and its far more stable but Im still having crashing issues. Its far less common and its now random, but it is still crashing.
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post Apr 3 2009, 04:57 AM
Post #581

Running Target

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QUOTE (Socinus @ Apr 2 2009, 08:51 PM) *
V 9J is great and its far more stable but Im still having crashing issues. Its far less common and its now random, but it is still crashing.

These crashes are in which suite? By the above post I am assuming OpenOffice.
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Dakka Dakka
post Apr 3 2009, 06:42 AM
Post #582

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QUOTE (crazyconscript @ Apr 2 2009, 11:19 AM) *
You cant remove standard upgrades from vehicles/weapons, and since they dont take up any mod slots to begin with-being built into the item at the factory- why would you?

QUOTE ('Arsenal p. 129')
A modification can be removed to get back the slots it took up and slim down the item’s appearance.
This is not limited to after market modifications. So An Ares Alpha with the grenade launcher removed should have 6+3 slots and a Imgram Smartgun whose Gas Vent 2 ist replaced by a Gas Vent 3 should still have 5 remaining slots.
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post Apr 3 2009, 01:04 PM
Post #583

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Apr 3 2009, 01:42 AM) *
This is not limited to after market modifications. So An Ares Alpha with the grenade launcher removed should have 6+3 slots and a Imgram Smartgun whose Gas Vent 2 ist replaced by a Gas Vent 3 should still have 5 remaining slots.

Factory standards are not 'modifications'. Ignore above, carry on.
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post Apr 3 2009, 01:45 PM
Post #584

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Socinus @ Apr 2 2009, 11:51 PM) *
V 9J is great and its far more stable but Im still having crashing issues. Its far less common and its now random, but it is still crashing.
I was able to run it in 3.0 and use various drop downs without having it crash. I did not create a full character, and it is possible the crash issues only manifest after a certain amount of usage. Can you pinpoint a specific action you were taking when the sheet crashed? Can you observe any patterns in the instability, such as 'after the main sheet is completed and I move on to Magic', or 'when I add cyberparts' etc.

There are ALOT of formulas for the spreadsheet to check/refresh as values change. Excel does a much better job of refreshing large numbers of formulas in the background. I know it would really make the sheet next to worthless, but you might try turning off the auto-refresh in open office and see if it makes it more stable. If it still crashes the same, at least we could elimate OO refresh as the culprit.

QUOTE (InfinityzeN @ Apr 3 2009, 08:04 AM) *
Factory standards are not 'modifications'. Ignore above, carry on.
I agree with Infinity. The factory mods are what makes a gun unique. If you do not like them, pick a different gun! Remember, you can always use the weapon bases at the bottom of the ranged weapons list if you want to create your gun from scratch.
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post Apr 3 2009, 03:27 PM
Post #585

Moving Target

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QUOTE (BlueMax @ Apr 3 2009, 05:57 AM) *
These crashes are in which suite? By the above post I am assuming OpenOffice.

OpenOffice, latest version.

I was able to run it in 3.0 and use various drop downs without having it crash. I did not create a full character, and it is possible the crash issues only manifest after a certain amount of usage. Can you pinpoint a specific action you were taking when the sheet crashed? Can you observe any patterns in the instability, such as 'after the main sheet is completed and I move on to Magic', or 'when I add cyberparts' etc.
Before 9J any tab usage after the Cyberparts tab would crash the program. Now its seemingly random, the last crash happened when I was adding Black Market Pipeline - Electronics. Ill play with it some more and see if a patern emerges
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post Apr 3 2009, 04:48 PM
Post #586

Moving Target

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The crashes seem to be random. I built two characters and I dont see any pattern with the crashing. It happens far less than it used to.

-I notice when trying to select a Power level for Adept powers it tells me I need to select a number that's between one and my magic rating. Well my Magic rating is 4 and Im punching in 2 and it gives me the same message. Im trying to up the Analytics skill which DOES have multiple levels.

-Entering a Quantity in the Gear section results in an Invalid Value message

-NOTES in the Gear section is a Protected Cell and cannot be modified

-The costs for a lot of the gear disappears and there is an error swatch when entering a Rating for certain gear

-Lifestyles have no cost

-Inputting Pilot or Sensor or other similar information about a vehicle causes an Invalid Value message

-Inputting a rating for vehicle mods causes Invalid Value message
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post Apr 3 2009, 06:10 PM
Post #587

Shooting Target

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Great work, DK! I wish I could give more than complaints and moral support (IMG:style_emoticons/default/frown.gif)
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Dakka Dakka
post Apr 3 2009, 06:17 PM
Post #588

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QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Apr 3 2009, 03:45 PM) *
If you do not like them, pick a different gun! Remember, you can always use the weapon bases at the bottom of the ranged weapons list if you want to create your gun from scratch.
While I like this approach, it is not RAW. AFAIK there is no way to create items from scratch. BTW how did you come up with the stats for the different weapons? The existing guns vary widely enough in many of the categories that I think your values are pretty arbitrary.
But enough of this here, I opened a new thread there.
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post Apr 3 2009, 07:51 PM
Post #589

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Socinus @ Apr 3 2009, 11:48 AM) *
The crashes seem to be random. I built two characters and I dont see any pattern with the crashing. It happens far less than it used to.

-I notice when trying to select a Power level for Adept powers it tells me I need to select a number that's between one and my magic rating. Well my Magic rating is 4 and Im punching in 2 and it gives me the same message. Im trying to up the Analytics skill which DOES have multiple levels.

-Entering a Quantity in the Gear section results in an Invalid Value message

-NOTES in the Gear section is a Protected Cell and cannot be modified

-The costs for a lot of the gear disappears and there is an error swatch when entering a Rating for certain gear

-Lifestyles have no cost

-Inputting Pilot or Sensor or other similar information about a vehicle causes an Invalid Value message

-Inputting a rating for vehicle mods causes Invalid Value message

I did not get the Value error when adding quantities in Excel. Any clues why the formula would evaluate to an error in OO? Is this only happening with a specific piece of gear?

The Notes in the custom section were not locked, but the rest on Gear were. For the selectable columns these were placeholders for if I decided to add notes to the data table for selectable items. Since that has not been implmented, I will change the color of the notes to input blue/purple and unlock them.

Some gear does not have costs, or their cost is based on variable codes I have not yet programmed into the cost calculation on the right side (hidden cells) of the data page. If there is a specific piece of gear on the data page that is missing a cost and you would like to use it, please post the Item name and Cost (or other missing data) and I will get these updated in the next version. Also, you have the option of updating the Gear_Data page in your own sheet, or manually specifying item details in the custom gear section at the bottom of Gear.

Lifestyles DO have costs, but you must select a length in order for the cost to show up. Ie. get a middle lifestyle for 5k will show 0 cost, but add 2 months to the Months column and it will show 10,000 cost.

This is the same for simple lifestyles in the Gear page, and for advanced lifestyles in the Lifestyles page.

I did notice that the final cost was calculating off of Months remaining, which is silly. Fixed that for the next version. Also I saw that the third lifestyle on the Lifestyles page was not calculating into Total Nuyen Remaining. Fixed.

The problems with ratings on Vehicle Mods has to do with importing text from .xml

Right now whenever you export a character to .xml using the beta9 schema, when you re-import them back into the spreadsheet it inserts numbers as Text. This has to be manually corrected. Still better than re-entering the entire character with every release...

So it seems when I was testing Import, I had some cells mussed with. I have corrected them and will release a new version soon. Until then, just select the cell you are having trouble with and change its format to Number instead of Text.
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post Apr 3 2009, 08:43 PM
Post #590

Moving Target

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it's getting there, I'd like to see cyberparts have a suite box too, plus program options. I've added program options to the old sheet already if you'd like to see it. it's here.
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post Apr 3 2009, 08:43 PM
Post #591

Shooting Target

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haven't played with it much yet, but I really like what I see. Well done!
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post Apr 4 2009, 03:49 AM
Post #592

Running Target

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I am suffering a PBC&K board or 1D10T error.

using Excel 2007.

When I try to enter a Level for any Adept Power, I keep getting an error
"You must choose a value between 1 and your Magic rating, inclusive, or leave this blank for Powers that do not have multiple levels"

I am sure this is user error, any help appreciated.
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post Apr 4 2009, 05:04 PM
Post #593

Moving Target

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QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Apr 3 2009, 08:51 PM) *
I did not get the Value error when adding quantities in Excel. Any clues why the formula would evaluate to an error in OO? Is this only happening with a specific piece of gear?

It seems to happen with any piece of gear although I only tried it with gear that had a rating.

Sorry to complain so much (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Its a fantastic generator
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post Apr 4 2009, 05:30 PM
Post #594


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The Adept Power "Power Throw" (SR p. 179) does not influence the ranges of melee-weapons.

I've got an Adept with Strength 7 and Powerthrow 2. So the strengths for reach and damage of weapons is to low, because the Strength with the Power is 11 instead of 7.

Could you check this?
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post Apr 4 2009, 08:02 PM
Post #595

Moving Target

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For some odd reason now, the generator is crashing like mad. I used it yesterday and it was working very well but now its crashing like mad again.

When I first start it up, ANYTHING I set (about 90% of the time) will crash it.
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post Apr 4 2009, 09:38 PM
Post #596

Neophyte Runner

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QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Apr 3 2009, 11:17 AM) *
While I like this approach, it is not RAW. AFAIK there is no way to create items from scratch. BTW how did you come up with the stats for the different weapons? The existing guns vary widely enough in many of the categories that I think your values are pretty arbitrary.
But enough of this here, I opened a new thread there.

QUOTE (Arsenal p.129)
A modifi cation can be removed to get back the slots it
took up
and slim down the item’s appearance.

Factory-installed features do not take up any of the items available modification slots, & thus do not give any back if you remove them. Removing them, however, should be possible.
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post Apr 5 2009, 05:41 AM
Post #597

Moving Target

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I might be missing something, but I can't type in specializations for weapon skills - I have to select from the drop-down list of skills.

I have a similar problem with languages - I can't select "Spanish" from the list. I find this curious, as I am able to select Malayalam, a language spoken almost exclusively in the somewhat backward Kerala province of India - only about 3% of the population of a single country.

Also, the "rating" box for cyberware/bioware turns yellow regardless of what number is entered into it.

I'm running the spreadsheet through Gnumeric under Linux. (OpenOffice Spreadsheet wouldn't display it properly for some reason.)

Otherwise, this thing is just awesome.
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post Apr 6 2009, 12:11 AM
Post #598

Moving Target

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For some reason now its failing 100% of the time when I use or do ANYTHING.

I can input one value or select one option from a drop-down, I get the hourglass next to the mouse pointer for about three seconds, then I get the full hourglass, then it crashes. I can restore it and what I selected is there but I have to repeat this to enter anything else.
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post Apr 6 2009, 05:21 PM
Post #599

Moving Target

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QUOTE (SpasticTeapot @ Apr 5 2009, 12:41 AM) *
I might be missing something, but I can't type in specializations for weapon skills - I have to select from the drop-down list of skills.

I have a similar problem with languages - I can't select "Spanish" from the list. I find this curious, as I am able to select Malayalam, a language spoken almost exclusively in the somewhat backward Kerala province of India - only about 3% of the population of a single country.

Also, the "rating" box for cyberware/bioware turns yellow regardless of what number is entered into it.

I'm running the spreadsheet through Gnumeric under Linux. (OpenOffice Spreadsheet wouldn't display it properly for some reason.)

Otherwise, this thing is just awesome.

Specializations for weapons... try clicking the cell and typing in the name. That works in excel and Open Office. If Gnumeric does not allow manual entry in optional data validation cells, then you should try disabling data validation on the cell you are attempting to use as a specialization. I will not be removing the drop down skill list from the sheet to accommodate Gnumeric's lackings.

36+ million people across Singapore, Malaysia, the Persian Gulf and Kerala speak Malayalam. Kerala has a 96% literacy rate... I would hardly call it backwards. I added languages from a list of the worlds more commonly spoken languages. It seems 'Spanish' was replaced when that list was entered.

A simple "Languages - Add Spanish" would suffice next time.

The rating box for cyberware/bioware works fine in Excel. You are only supposed to enter ratings for items that expressly allow ratings (usually have a (1-3) or (1-6) type of suffix).

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post Apr 6 2009, 05:23 PM
Post #600

Moving Target

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QUOTE (BlueMax @ Apr 3 2009, 10:49 PM) *
I am suffering a PBC&K board or 1D10T error.

using Excel 2007.

When I try to enter a Level for any Adept Power, I keep getting an error
"You must choose a value between 1 and your Magic rating, inclusive, or leave this blank for Powers that do not have multiple levels"

I am sure this is user error, any help appreciated.

This problem has to do with the errors from testing xml import. The rating column was set to 'TEXT' by excel when I imported from the .xml file in testing. I saved the changes without realizing all of the changes it has made. Simply format the rating column to be 'Number' and the problem should not persist. This will be fixed in the next version.
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