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> Upgraded Character Generator, Updated Generator Based on work from Autarkis and Blakkie
post Jul 9 2009, 03:42 PM
Post #676

Moving Target

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QUOTE (barrelv @ Jul 7 2009, 07:53 AM) *
In cells AC4 - AC10, there is a reference to Limb1_Parts_Selected in the formulas. It should be Limb2_Parts_Selected - Limb8_Parts_Selected (depending on the row). This is causing the character sheet to repeat all the Accessories selected for the 1st cyberpart to duplicate 8 times and not show any of the selections for 2 - 8.

QUOTE (Blind Guardian @ Jul 7 2009, 08:13 AM) *
In version 9m, the sheet isn't handling the Resonance attribute for technomancers correctly.

QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Jul 7 2009, 08:17 AM) *
[*]Only he first three entries in the armor section work correctly
[*]If you want to update your sheet to the rules of SR4A the cost for Increased Reflexes should be 1.5PP, 2.5PP, 4PP for Levels I, II, III respectively
[*]Focus bonding costs double if you put an x in the bonded with BP cell.
[*]If you select a melee weapon on the Weapons Sheet, the remaining reach cells on CharSheet are filled with ####.
[*]Augmented attributes show up as totals, not as BaseAttribute(AugmentedAttribute)

QUOTE (barrelv @ Jul 8 2009, 01:22 PM) *
Mage Sight Goggles makes the Gear section freak out. Looks like there are 2 entries in the Gear_Data tab

All the above problems are now fixed in version 9n.

QUOTE (Stormdrake @ Jul 8 2009, 05:54 PM) *
How do I disable or change the warning so it will accept the modified skill ratings?

You need to disable Validation. Select the cell where you are trying to modify the skill value. Goto Data->Validation->Allow:Any Value

QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Jul 7 2009, 08:17 AM) *
[*]Krav Maga is missing the "Ready Weapon becomes a Free Action" advantage.
[*]Excel 2007 sometimes crashes
[*]I like the mentioning of some Racial Traits on the CharSheet.
[*]Melee weapons cannot be modded.

- Krav Maga has this power, it is called 'quick draw' so that it will fit in the martial arts area.
- Talk to Microsoft about 2007. I do not have it so I cannot troubleshoot for it, the sheet works fine in 2003.
- You want the race description on the CharSheet? No thanks, takes up too much room. Perhaps I will work on a character background/description charsheet that can list extraneous data like that.
- Indeed, they cannot. Were you wanting a smartlink on your Nunchuks? Or maybe a lasersight on your sword? Seriously though, what mods are available to melee weapons? Make me a list with page references and I will work on adding these in.
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post Jul 9 2009, 06:56 PM
Post #677

Moving Target

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I know it is kind of quick, but I fixed quite a few bugs and will develope as quickly as I can continue to receive feedback.

Version 9n is now available.

Added a few items from the latest Errata. Also added a 3rd character sheet, which is not as pretty but holds a little more data.

Also, the dice rolling scripts now include Glitches and Critical Glitches.
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Dakka Dakka
post Jul 9 2009, 08:49 PM
Post #678

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QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Jul 9 2009, 05:42 PM) *
- Krav Maga has this power, it is called 'quick draw' so that it will fit in the martial arts area.
It is a plausible approximation but Quick Draw is something else. With Quick Draw you have to roll to see if the character can ready and shoot a weapon with the same simple action. Unless some other advantage is purchased this only works with pistol sized weapons. The advantage of Krav Maga is that you spend your Free Action to ready any weapon. Afterwards you could even use one of your simple actions to ready and shoot another weapon with Quick Draw.

- You want the race description on the CharSheet? No thanks, takes up too much room. Perhaps I will work on a character background/description charsheet that can list extraneous data like that.
My bad, it was on the MainSheet. I just thought this was a nice touch. You're right about it taking up too much room on the CharSheet.
- Indeed, they cannot. Were you wanting a smartlink on your Nunchuks? Or maybe a lasersight on your sword? Seriously though, what mods are available to melee weapons? Make me a list with page references and I will work on adding these in.
Personalized Grip (Arsenal p. 152) and Under"barrel" weapon (Arsenal p. 153) are specifically also allowed for melee weapons. There may be others but I don't remember.
I can't see any reason why Chameleon Coating (p.150), Custom Look (p. 150) and Gecko Grip (p. 152) shouldn't work with melee weapons.
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Dakka Dakka
post Jul 9 2009, 09:38 PM
Post #679

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In 9n the armor cells on the Gear Table work but the CharSheet only displays items one through three correctly. Where is MilSpec Armor? I only found the MilSpec upgrades.

On the Cyberware_Bioware sheet it should be "Essence" not "Essense".

If you create a character in the BP-System and want to add spells with karma the sheet adds BP, Karma remains untouched
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post Jul 10 2009, 05:14 AM
Post #680


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The fourth armor cell in the character sheet has a simple misprint, unprotect the sheet, pick the fourth cell, and change the formula from =IF(Gear!$D$7<>"",Gear!$D$7,"") to =IF(Gear!$C$7<>"",Gear!$C$7,"") The last two cells are working correctly, however cell 5 displays the information should a physical/mystic adept have the mystic armor power, and cell 6 displays what ever armor mods a characters cyberware bestows.

Anyways Ive discovered a minor error, that I can't quite figure out how to correct. For throwing weapons, the concealability modifier isn't being properly displayed, all I'm seeing is #N/A.
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post Jul 10 2009, 12:52 PM
Post #681

Moving Target

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In OpenOffice: If you want to change from Karma Creation System to BP Creation System, you can't make a selection in the drop down box because it's covered by another menu. I had to cut and paste the Karma/BP drop down menu to make it work.

Second minor bug I discovered i that the sheet output is corrupted if you have an empty row within your skills.

Just wanted to let you know.

Great program!
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post Jul 10 2009, 07:51 PM
Post #682

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Jul 9 2009, 03:49 PM) *
It is a plausible approximation but Quick Draw is something else. With Quick Draw you have to roll to see if the character can ready and shoot a weapon with the same simple action. Unless some other advantage is purchased this only works with pistol sized weapons. The advantage of Krav Maga is that you spend your Free Action to ready any weapon. Afterwards you could even use one of your simple actions to ready and shoot another weapon with Quick Draw.

Yeah, I know they are different. It doesnt seem that using an abbreviated name there is causing alot of confusion to me. I can change it to 'Quick Draw Free Action' to help with the slower folk who easily confuse Martial Arts Advantages with Phys Ad powers and innate abilities.
QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Jul 9 2009, 03:49 PM) *
My bad, it was on the MainSheet. I just thought this was a nice touch. You're right about it taking up too much room on the CharSheet.
Personalized Grip (Arsenal p. 152) and Under"barrel" weapon (Arsenal p. 153) are specifically also allowed for melee weapons. There may be others but I don't remember.
I can't see any reason why Chameleon Coating (p.150), Custom Look (p. 150) and Gecko Grip (p. 152) shouldn't work with melee weapons.

You can always add race notes to your concept, which appears on the final CharSheet.

Added weapons mods, as you suggested. Only one mod spot per line in weapons area, but added the $0 cost (add mod) option on the weapon sheet, so you can have mods on the lines after a weapon, should you want to stack on the mods.
QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Jul 9 2009, 04:38 PM) *
In 9n the armor cells on the Gear Table work but the CharSheet only displays items one through three correctly. Where is MilSpec Armor? I only found the MilSpec upgrades.

On the Cyberware_Bioware sheet it should be "Essence" not "Essense".

If you create a character in the BP-System and want to add spells with karma the sheet adds BP, Karma remains untouched

Fixed the display problem on armor on the CharSheet. Added Military Grade armors and Environmental Armors to the Armor list.
Fixed the spelling error. I can spell, I swear... that problem apparently has been there since the original Character Generator was created... But no longer! Thank you Dakka, our english hero!
QUOTE (tyvar @ Jul 10 2009, 12:14 AM) *
Anyways Ive discovered a minor error, that I can't quite figure out how to correct. For throwing weapons, the concealability modifier isn't being properly displayed, all I'm seeing is #N/A.

There is a concealment table on the Gear_Data page, which is linked to the weapon type. I changed the entry in the Concealment table to read 'Throwing' like the weapons are listed as, instead of 'Throwing Weapons'. Fixed in 9o.
QUOTE (10gauge @ Jul 10 2009, 07:52 AM) *
In OpenOffice: If you want to change from Karma Creation System to BP Creation System, you can't make a selection in the drop down box because it's covered by another menu. I had to cut and paste the Karma/BP drop down menu to make it work.

Second minor bug I discovered i that the sheet output is corrupted if you have an empty row within your skills.

I have not tested this sheet in Open Office much. I do not see either of these problems in excel 2003. Perhaps I will put version O on the Open Office on my laptop and see if I can sort this out. In the mean time, I am going to release version 9o. And that is 'o' for 'ooooooh man, this is good!'. You'll see (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Jul 10 2009, 08:10 PM
Post #683

Moving Target

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Version 9o is released!

- You can now play as a Free Spirit!
- Milspec and Environment Hazard Armor
- BP Build System users can now flag spells as 'Karma purchased' spells.
- Corrected various issues with Karma/BP costs

Free Spirits can purchase their Spirit Powers from the Adept Powers section of the Magic sheet.

Don't forget that there is a new CharSheet option #3. Please check it out and let me know what you think.
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post Jul 10 2009, 09:41 PM
Post #684


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Doh! I forgot to point this out in my last post, but bolos don't have a range set for them! (heh they are what clued me in that the concealability rating was missing to! doh!) on my sheet I just fixed it and forgot about it.

Some other minor omissions and errors: some of the shotgun's are missing their weapon type so don't display correctly, and the street Sweeper isn't using taser ranges.

most of the time when I find a problem, they are just minor typos so I fix them myself and forget about them. You and your predecessors have done a phenomenal job on this thing.
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post Jul 11 2009, 02:54 PM
Post #685


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I definitely like this chargen over most others. However, is there any chance of adding the Commlink mods as listed in Unwired (i.e. Hardened Case or Response Enhancer)?
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post Jul 13 2009, 01:19 PM
Post #686

Moving Target

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QUOTE (tyvar @ Jul 10 2009, 04:41 PM) *
bolos don't have a range set for them
Some other minor omissions and errors: some of the shotgun's are missing their weapon type so don't display correctly, and the street Sweeper isn't using taser ranges.

Ill clean up the weapons in version 9p. Thanks for the tip.

QUOTE (risingstar @ Jul 11 2009, 09:54 AM) *
I definitely like this chargen over most others. However, is there any chance of adding the Commlink mods as listed in Unwired (i.e. Hardened Case or Response Enhancer)?

Thats a fantastic idea. I have not read unwired but I have it. I will go through and add these in for version 9n.

Also, everyone note the revised knowledge skills (if that is not in 9o, you will see it in 9n). I have removed all of the old knowledge skills (3rd edition junk) and added in ones from 4th edition examples. Its alot shorter list, but alot cleaner. Let me know if there are any standard knowledge skills you all think I need to add in to the sheet.
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post Jul 13 2009, 05:14 PM
Post #687

Moving Target

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Do you need someone to correct all the 0 values and other data set issues, good example, like the gillie suite and slap patches. There are more but I don't have the character I made with all the 0 values with me right now. Also some things like that ratings are wrong too. For instance, for activesofts it gives a rating of 1-6 but it is only 1-5. I can give you a full list later today.

If you need someone let me know, and I can correct them for you and send you updated sheets with the correct values. I would start out with just simple things like just making sure the cost is correct.

@Dakka Dakka: I took a look at SR4A and I didn't realize it was just all current errata with an excerpt from Unwired. For some reason I thought there was much more to it.
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post Jul 13 2009, 07:18 PM
Post #688


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Mage Sight Goggles issues continue, although I like the current issue. They're free (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Jul 13 2009, 11:36 PM
Post #689

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Eleazar @ Jul 13 2009, 12:14 PM) *
If you need someone let me know, and I can correct them for you and send you updated sheets with the correct values. I would start out with just simple things like just making sure the cost is correct.

Just PM me a complete list of the specific corrects I need to make. I usually start modding a new version so quickly that I would have to merge with a sheet you changed, so it will be easier to just make the updates myself on the current Dev copy.
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post Jul 14 2009, 03:52 PM
Post #690

Moving Target

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Alright, will do.
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post Jul 14 2009, 07:00 PM
Post #691

Moving Target

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Finished adding Comlink upgrades. Added VR Initiative and Passes, which is modified by Simsence Accelerator and Simsense Booster. This is your hot-sim VR # of passes.

Added cost to Magesight Goggles. I see alot of free stuff there. Aid with this data entry is appreciated.
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post Jul 15 2009, 02:00 PM
Post #692

Moving Target

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Found the problem. For some reason it switched to Karma Build and screwed me up.
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post Jul 15 2009, 04:31 PM
Post #693

Moving Target

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Version 9p is now available.


- Completed list of Advanced Metamagics, with prerequisite functionality
- Added missing drug and magical compound prices. Still alot of missing prices in Gear table.
- Revised Charsheet: Fixed custom gear not appearing error
Revised combo area for Powers/Spells/Wares/Programs/Forms!
Note that Charsheet option 3 has a very large combo area, perfect for the heavily cybered.
- Other various tweaks and fixes

Thanks for all the help with troubleshooting!
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post Jul 16 2009, 02:01 AM
Post #694


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when I was playing with version 9o, I noticed that after switching to build points, when I put points in knowledge skills or languages, it didn't add on the upper right totaling area... did I do something wrong? previous versions did that, but not sure if I needed to turn a feature on or off.

second observation: When working with weapon customizations and adding things like heavy barrel or gas vent, it turns yellow and doesn't add recoil modifiers... no recoil modifier for personalized grip either... again, is there something I should be doing differently?

Also, not sure if this is possible, but would be nice to see a 'used' option in vehicles to allow for a discount on base vehicle price in some future change.

Is there a way to turn off the building aspect of the sheet? for example, if you pick up a gun off a dead guy in a gaming session, but try to add it to your list, you can't do it without it forcing the money from your balance. Or, if you recover a commlink with programs or agents and have a hacker friend transfer them to your commlink, you can't select a way to reduce the price to 0 to list it as loot... maybe if there was a column in pricing areas that allowed you to put an 'x' in it to classify it as loot and remove the price from calculations?

I'm still new to playing with the generator, so don't know if I'm finding errors or if I just don't know what i'm doing (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Thanks for all the work, it's awesome!

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post Jul 16 2009, 06:26 AM
Post #695

Moving Target

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In Beta version 9p the positive quality "Born Rich" Reports its cost as 20 Actual cost is 10. Thanks and keep up the awesome. And keep up the awesome work too.
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post Jul 16 2009, 03:32 PM
Post #696

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Regiment @ Jul 15 2009, 09:01 PM) *
when I was playing with version 9o, I noticed that after switching to build points, when I put points in knowledge skills or languages, it didn't add on the upper right totaling area... did I do something wrong? previous versions did that, but not sure if I needed to turn a feature on or off.

second observation: When working with weapon customizations and adding things like heavy barrel or gas vent, it turns yellow and doesn't add recoil modifiers... no recoil modifier for personalized grip either... again, is there something I should be doing differently?

Also, not sure if this is possible, but would be nice to see a 'used' option in vehicles to allow for a discount on base vehicle price in some future change.

Is there a way to turn off the building aspect of the sheet? for example, if you pick up a gun off a dead guy in a gaming session, but try to add it to your list, you can't do it without it forcing the money from your balance. Or, if you recover a commlink with programs or agents and have a hacker friend transfer them to your commlink, you can't select a way to reduce the price to 0 to list it as loot... maybe if there was a column in pricing areas that allowed you to put an 'x' in it to classify it as loot and remove the price from calculations?

1. When using the building point system, you get a number of free knowledge skill points based on your logic and intuition attributes. Until you surpass those free points, you are not costing yourself any BP so no tally is shown on the totals on the right.

2. Your right, many weapon customizations are not working correctly. I need to fix concealment and recoil modifiers.

3. Your right... players should be allowed to buy used cars. Anyone have any suggestions on what kind of price multiplier should be given to used vehicles? Also, at what rate would the vehicle decrease its speed/accell/handling/body? I could add a vehicle mod called 'Slightly Used' that lowers price... another called 'Used' which lowers speed/accel slightly, then one called 'Old beaten wreck', which includes penalties to handling, speed/accel, and armor? Input is appreciated.

4. No, there is no Building mode/playing mode on the sheet. This really only affects Money. My recommendation is that once the character is created, you must keep track of his money manually. There is a spot for putting their 'Current Nuyen'. Once they are built, simply ignore the 'Remaining' number. Maybe I should make it so that once you have entered something into the 'Current Nuyen' field, the Starting/Remaining fields grey out.

QUOTE (Kronk2 @ Jul 16 2009, 01:26 AM) *
In Beta version 9p the positive quality "Born Rich" Reports its cost as 20 Actual cost is 10. Thanks and keep up the awesome. And keep up the awesome work too.

Ill check that out, thanks for pointing that out.

Actually, the BP cost of Born Rich is 10, so the character sheet will report 20 when you are using the Karma Build System. You can flip Karma Build System on and off on the upper right of the Main Page.
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Dakka Dakka
post Jul 16 2009, 04:08 PM
Post #697

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QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Jul 16 2009, 05:32 PM) *
3. Your right... players should be allowed to buy used cars. Anyone have any suggestions on what kind of price multiplier should be given to used vehicles? Also, at what rate would the vehicle decrease its speed/accell/handling/body? I could add a vehicle mod called 'Slightly Used' that lowers price... another called 'Used' which lowers speed/accel slightly, then one called 'Old beaten wreck', which includes penalties to handling, speed/accel, and armor? Input is appreciated.
That is a nice idea, however this does not help with items that have been "found" on runs. How about using a field that contains the fraction of the base price the item has really cost. 1 should be standard, but you could put in anything from 0 to infinity. The end price would then be modifier cell * baseprice cell. Adding all the possibilites that change the street price (SR4 p.303/SR4A p.312) as distinct mods to me is a lot of work for little gain. Just let the user enter the net modifier for the price. You might want to consider making cells for modified handling/speed/acceleration so that the user can decide just how busted the vehicle is. AFAIK there are no guidelines in the books as to how to simulate used vehicles so the modifiers will probably vary from game table to gametable anyways.

4. No, there is no Building mode/playing mode on the sheet. This really only affects Money. My recommendation is that once the character is created, you must keep track of his money manually. There is a spot for putting their 'Current Nuyen'. Once they are built, simply ignore the 'Remaining' number. Maybe I should make it so that once you have entered something into the 'Current Nuyen' field, the Starting/Remaining fields grey out.
A good idea IMHO
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post Jul 16 2009, 08:16 PM
Post #698

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Jul 16 2009, 11:08 AM) *
That is a nice idea, however this does not help with items that have been "found" on runs. How about using a field that contains the fraction of the base price the item has really cost. 1 should be standard, but you could put in anything from 0 to infinity. The end price would then be modifier cell * baseprice cell. Adding all the possibilites that change the street price (SR4 p.303/SR4A p.312) as distinct mods to me is a lot of work for little gain. Just let the user enter the net modifier for the price. You might want to consider making cells for modified handling/speed/acceleration so that the user can decide just how busted the vehicle is. AFAIK there are no guidelines in the books as to how to simulate used vehicles so the modifiers will probably vary from game table to gametable anyways.

'Found on Run' does not apply to the charsheet. It is intended for tracking starting money, but the only way it helps you with money post character creation is to provide a cell for you to track the money your character has yourself.
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post Jul 16 2009, 09:00 PM
Post #699


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I was thinking the same thing on the Used parts for vehicles... maybe a box for used, and when you put an x in it, it opens another where you put the percentage of total price paid, so if its loot, it's 0, or if you bought it used, it's 50-80? (which would be 20%-50% discount

Again, thanks for the superb work, heh, just playing around with character creation has become fun using this as the way to find balances.

Oh, found something cyber/bio/nano stuff... the nanohive, from what I've gathered reading RAW and the boards, the capacity is 2 regardless of the level of the implant. Current calculations on the spreadsheet make this where the capacity is increased by a multiplier of the rating you select from the drop down menu. So a nanohive rating 6 ends up being 12 capacity instead of staying at 2 capacity.
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post Jul 16 2009, 09:00 PM
Post #700


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oops. doubleposted
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