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> Upgraded Character Generator, Updated Generator Based on work from Autarkis and Blakkie
post Aug 6 2009, 07:13 PM
Post #751

Moving Target

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Version 9t is available.

Added a place to select weapons on your vehicles/drones. They still need to be purchased on the weapons page.

Added attribute column for players who become infected after character creation.

Fixed various things, mostly related to vehicle mods. Still have some changes left to make on the Vehicles page.

Background sheet will be available in the next release.

Input is appreciated, as always.
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post Aug 6 2009, 11:59 PM
Post #752


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could you ad a couple of spots in the quality column? if you take the karma build option with experienced character, the spots you have tend to fill very quickly, with surge, martial arts and the quality you can buy after character creation (or when you create a experienced character to be on par with your gaming group after you previous character went sadly to a better world lol)

is there a way to put the optional rule for adept and mystic adept - if you dont take a metamagic at initiation you can get a power point when you initiate?

thanks, splendid work as always!
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post Aug 7 2009, 01:12 PM
Post #753

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Noirfatale @ Aug 6 2009, 06:59 PM) *
could you ad a couple of spots in the quality column? if you take the karma build option with experienced character, the spots you have tend to fill very quickly, with surge, martial arts and the quality you can buy after character creation (or when you create a experienced character to be on par with your gaming group after you previous character went sadly to a better world lol)

is there a way to put the optional rule for adept and mystic adept - if you dont take a metamagic at initiation you can get a power point when you initiate?

thanks, splendid work as always!

Sure thing. Could you give me the book and page # for this optional adept rule. I remember it from 3rd, but I cannot seem to find it in 4th.
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post Aug 7 2009, 10:04 PM
Post #754


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One minor nitpick that may be there for a reason. On the cyberparts page theres no way to return a selected box to blank. Once you select to use a cyberpart your stuck with it
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post Aug 8 2009, 01:54 AM
Post #755

Moving Target

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Genetic optimization has been mentioned before.

There are optional qualities that could be added. For instance on pg. 106 of RC.
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post Aug 8 2009, 07:29 AM
Post #756


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if your street magic is blue like mine you wont find it, its in tweeking the rule p 31 in the new orange version or in the errata on catalyst website:


p. 31 Tweaking the Rules
Add the following Tweak:
“Adep. Initiation. Group. may consider allowing adepts to gain
1 Power Point instead of a Metamagic at Initiation.�

also is it possible to ad adept powers the same way you add skills? just wondering before I mess my sheet up:)
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post Aug 8 2009, 08:02 AM
Post #757


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Dude, very nice work. I seem to be having a small problem I hope you can help me fix. When making a technomancer I keep getting a N/A for resonance attribute. I’m not sure how to fix it. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/dead.gif)
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post Aug 8 2009, 11:38 AM
Post #758


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QUOTE (AlaskaSean @ Aug 8 2009, 04:02 AM) *
Dude, very nice work. I seem to be having a small problem I hope you can help me fix. When making a technomancer I keep getting a N/A for resonance attribute. I’m not sure how to fix it. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/dead.gif)

yep does the same to me:)
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post Aug 8 2009, 04:45 PM
Post #759

Moving Target

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DamienKnight you've done a pretty stellar job keeping this thing maintained. kudos to you dude.

d:- )
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post Aug 10 2009, 10:02 AM
Post #760

Moving Target

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So, input.

I've noticed a couple bugs or lacks that could require some fixing:
-The Chemistry skill from Arsenal is missing,
-In the Gear section, the explosives (foam and plastic) can't be given a rating - the rating box turns yellow and the price doesn't change,
-In the weapon section, on the range weapon list, the ammo doesn't display.

Otherwise, thanks for your hard work !
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post Aug 10 2009, 04:04 PM
Post #761

Moving Target

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If you add an Anti Theft System to a vehicle it skews the cost to an error
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post Aug 11 2009, 06:29 PM
Post #762

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Noirfatale @ Aug 8 2009, 02:29 AM) *
if your street magic is blue like mine you wont find it, its in tweeking the rule p 31 in the new orange version or in the errata on catalyst website:


p. 31 Tweaking the Rules
Add the following Tweak:
�€œAdep. Initiation. Group. may consider allowing adepts to gain
1 Power Point instead of a Metamagic at Initiation.�€�

also is it possible to ad adept powers the same way you add skills? just wondering before I mess my sheet up:)

Finished adding this. It does not increase your magic rating, just your points available for adept powers. Check it out in the next versions Magic tab.

Yes, you can add new powers. The new version includes the Digital Grimoire powers. You can add your own via the Adept_Powers sheet. Just be sure to insert the new line (or replace and existing) before the end of the list, or else you will have to adjust the 'Names' range that point to the adept powers list.

QUOTE (Werewindlefr @ Aug 10 2009, 05:02 AM) *
So, input.

I've noticed a couple bugs or lacks that could require some fixing:
-The Chemistry skill from Arsenal is missing,
-In the Gear section, the explosives (foam and plastic) can't be given a rating - the rating box turns yellow and the price doesn't change,
-In the weapon section, on the range weapon list, the ammo doesn't display.

- Sure thing, added this option Active skill.
- Corrected, they now have max 15 rating
- Yes it does.

QUOTE (Socinus @ Aug 10 2009, 11:04 AM) *
If you add an Anti Theft System to a vehicle it skews the cost to an error

There was a formula problem (big one) on the vehicles cost. Corrected in next version.

Thanks for the help, new version coming soon.
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post Aug 11 2009, 08:47 PM
Post #763

Moving Target

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SR4CG Upgraded Gencon Edition is now available.

Fixed technomancers resonance attribute.
Fixed vehicle cost bug.
Added Adept powers from the Digital Grimoire.
Added 'Power Point' metamagic for physical adepts, allows for purchasing more phys ad powers.
Fixed Main_Sheet/Karma_Log so negative karma and negative nuyen entries total correctly.
Added a neat new SRgencon logo (blend of Shadowrun and Gencon indy logo) to Main_Page and CharSheet3.

Enjoy all, see you at Gencon!
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post Aug 12 2009, 01:01 PM
Post #764

Moving Target

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- Yes it does.
Must be an open office problem, I guess. Anyone else on OO.o able to see the ammo?
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post Aug 12 2009, 01:56 PM
Post #765

Moving Target

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You can find the ammo under the gear tab, and the ammo catagory.
Not on the weapon tab.

You'll only find rockets and missiles on the weapon tab.
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post Aug 13 2009, 06:40 AM
Post #766


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DamienKnight, Dude! You are the man! Thanks for the fast fix for Technomancers! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Aug 13 2009, 09:42 PM
Post #767

Moving Target

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There's still some problems on the Technomancer sheet, at least in Open Office:

For Registered Sprites, you can't select number of tasks owed; the dropdown box for that column is a duplicate of the dropdown box for sprite type (which doesn't include any of the Unwired sprites, for the record).
You can't select a Submersion Task to reduce the amount of karma it costs to Submerge.
You can't select the Swap echo twice, despite this being allowed by the rules.
EDIT: Also, karma is not being deducted for karma expenditures on the Technomancer sheet (submersion or complex forms).
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post Aug 14 2009, 01:13 AM
Post #768

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Marduc @ Aug 12 2009, 08:56 AM) *
You can find the ammo under the gear tab, and the ammo catagory.
Not on the weapon tab.

You'll only find rockets and missiles on the weapon tab.

Well, that's not what I meant.
What I meant is that clip capacity doesn't display for most weapons in the weapons tab for most weapons, though it does in the custom weapons section. That might be OpenOffice. Can someone with MSOffice check for an Ares Alpha in the standard list of weapons?
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post Aug 14 2009, 04:31 PM
Post #769

Moving Target

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how do I add gear? I want to add the armored kilt, and the chain shirt.
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post Aug 14 2009, 07:14 PM
Post #770

Shooting Target

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on the charsheet page, the base mental stats get the modified mental stats instead.

IE: instead of Cha 4 [7], it's showing Cha 7 [7]

missing drugs from the BBB.

Vehicle gear prices are all zero.

No program options
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post Aug 17 2009, 04:24 AM
Post #771

Moving Target

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Do you think you could add an Import/Export Character option, for upgrading versions? I have a rigger I made in 9s, but the vehicle weapons selector would be very useful. I want to upgrade him to using the 9t sheet, but I don't know how.

I can also post an updated vehicle_data worksheet that includes all the vehicle mods if you'd like. Notably missing are Amenities and Drone Racks (though if there was an option for drone racks in turret slots, that would also be amazing - maybe grey out all the entries if a drone rack is selected under the Vehicle Weapon?)
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post Aug 18 2009, 12:11 PM
Post #772


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Hi there,
First I must thank you, DamienKnight for a very fine piece of work you've done so far *bow*
But I think I've found two minor glitches.
1. For infected chars is the 5. magic point the maximum, and costs 25BP instead of 10.
2. The "Infertile Infected" quality is worth 10BP for chars with the Infection Power instead of 5.
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post Aug 19 2009, 12:05 AM
Post #773

Duplicate account of "Paul"

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I had extensive problems using this Generator, and other XLS generators with Open Office. I use Windows XP; and I generally use Open Office for my various needs. I make it about 20 seconds into a character, and then everything crashes. This on occasion also includes my machine. I've tried re downloading Open Office, and the Generator several times. Let me know if I need to add more details.
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post Aug 19 2009, 05:45 PM
Post #774

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Kronk2 @ Aug 14 2009, 11:31 AM) *
how do I add gear? I want to add the armored kilt, and the chain shirt.

Format->Sheet->Unhide And select Gear_Data.

Find the armor list there and insert your data.

QUOTE (Nigel @ Aug 16 2009, 11:24 PM) *
Do you think you could add an Import/Export Character option, for upgrading versions? I have a rigger I made in 9s, but the vehicle weapons selector would be very useful. I want to upgrade him to using the 9t sheet, but I don't know how.

I can also post an updated vehicle_data worksheet that includes all the vehicle mods if you'd like. Notably missing are Amenities and Drone Racks (though if there was an option for drone racks in turret slots, that would also be amazing - maybe grey out all the entries if a drone rack is selected under the Vehicle Weapon?)

If you look back at some of the earlier 9 versions you will notice embedded XML coding, which allows export/import. It has a very nasty side effect... when importing data it overwrites the number format with Text Format, and messes alot up!

Your best bet is to manually copy data. Should only take about 10 minutes.

Any vehicle data you provide is welcome, just remember to include page references and availability, cost etc.

QUOTE (datawuppi @ Aug 18 2009, 07:11 AM) *
Hi there,
First I must thank you, DamienKnight for a very fine piece of work you've done so far *bow*
But I think I've found two minor glitches.
1. For infected chars is the 5. magic point the maximum, and costs 25BP instead of 10.
2. The "Infertile Infected" quality is worth 10BP for chars with the Infection Power instead of 5.

Infected characters lose a point of essence, which affects their effective magic, not their natural maximum.

QUOTE (SeriousPaul @ Aug 18 2009, 07:05 PM) *
I had extensive problems using this Generator, and other XLS generators with Open Office. I use Windows XP; and I generally use Open Office for my various needs. I make it about 20 seconds into a character, and then everything crashes. This on occasion also includes my machine. I've tried re downloading Open Office, and the Generator several times. Let me know if I need to add more details.

XP and open office are a bad match. OO with Vista works great, and excel works dandy on all windows platforms.
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post Aug 19 2009, 05:48 PM
Post #775

Moving Target

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Gencon was awesome. The highlight for me was when I went to the catalyst booth and spoke with Jennifer Harding, the writer behind alot of NetCat's stuff. When I mentioned the spreadsheet she said 'You made that? Thanks! I wanna shake your hand!' I shook her hand proudly, 'Damienknight, nice to meet you.'

I also nabbed a shirt with the Ares symbol on it that simply says 'Business is Boomin'

Its a huge compliment to know some of the writers for SR use the spreadsheet. Thanks for everyone's help with the sheet... I never wouldve had the patience or motivation if it had not been for Dumpshock (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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