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> Upgraded Character Generator, Updated Generator Based on work from Autarkis and Blakkie
post Sep 4 2009, 06:55 PM
Post #801

Moving Target

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Did you add the new vehicles from SR4a? There was a entry-level sports car by Ford and a Toyota pickup truck, IIRC.
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post Sep 4 2009, 08:59 PM
Post #802

Shooting Target

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From: Redmond (Yes, really)
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The Steel Lynx should get an external, fixed, remote control turret mount as per Arsenal 106.

The Ferret should have 10 slots, not 4 (Arsenal 118).

Specializations for Language skills aren't costing anything.

[Edit:] Anti-Theft system works fine if put in the left column, but not in the middle or right ones - except, strangely, in the second-from-bottom cell on the right column. It gives a value error otherwise (IMG:style_emoticons/default/frown.gif)

SunCell is costing 10 mod slots instead of 1.
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Dakka Dakka
post Sep 5 2009, 09:56 AM
Post #803

Prime Runner

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QUOTE (Tyro @ Sep 4 2009, 10:59 PM) *
The Steel Lynx should get an external, fixed, remote control turret mount as per Arsenal 106.
The weapon mount is no longer fixed as per Arsenal Errata. The Steel Lynx gets a turret.
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post Sep 5 2009, 04:26 PM
Post #804

Moving Target

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Fake SINs and licenses don't have the correct Availability ratings.
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post Sep 5 2009, 08:31 PM
Post #805

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Sep 5 2009, 02:56 AM) *
The weapon mount is no longer fixed as per Arsenal Errata. The Steel Lynx gets a turret.

My bad. It still isn't getting that, however (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
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Dakka Dakka
post Sep 6 2009, 09:32 AM
Post #806

Prime Runner

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I know, I posted that bug earlier. IIRC it is a problem with all the vehicles that have a weapon mount as standard upgrade.
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post Sep 8 2009, 08:55 AM
Post #807

Shooting Target

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From: Redmond (Yes, really)
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Personal armor should have a rating box (1-10) (Arsenal 141). Upgraded armor should take up 1 slot for normal, 2 for smart or concealed (Arsenal 133). Interior cameras should cost 0 slots (Arsenal errata 1.3.2 page 3). On the bottom 2 cells of the middle column of the top vehicle slot, interior cameras are costing the mod slot, but no money. They cost money as normal on the rest of the cells, but for some reason cost 1440 for my Bulldog stepvan instead of 1600 (Body x 100, as per Arsenal 136). I'd also like to request more vehicle slots; my rigger has more drone models than the page has slots. Thanks so much for the great work, DK!
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post Sep 8 2009, 06:14 PM
Post #808

Moving Target

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QUOTE ('Sconnie @ Sep 4 2009, 01:55 PM) *
Did you add the new vehicles from SR4a? There was a entry-level sports car by Ford and a Toyota pickup truck, IIRC.

Added the Ford and Toyata ground vehicles from Anniversary data in next version.

QUOTE (Tyro @ Sep 4 2009, 03:59 PM) *
The Steel Lynx should get an external, fixed, remote control turret mount as per Arsenal 106.

The Ferret should have 10 slots, not 4 (Arsenal 118).

Specializations for Language skills aren't costing anything.

[Edit:] Anti-Theft system works fine if put in the left column, but not in the middle or right ones - except, strangely, in the second-from-bottom cell on the right column. It gives a value error otherwise (IMG:style_emoticons/default/frown.gif)

SunCell is costing 10 mod slots instead of 1.

Added turret to the Steel Lynx description.

Gave the Ferret a 4 point slot upgrade, to 8. (see Arsenal Errata)

Fixed the Free Language Skill Specializations problem.

Fixed the calculations for upgrades that factored on vehicle Body.

Changed Suncell to 1 slot cost.

QUOTE (Eugene @ Sep 5 2009, 11:26 AM) *
Fake SINs and licenses don't have the correct Availability ratings.

Fake Licenses were ok. Changed fake SINs from 4 to 3 per rating.

QUOTE (Tyro @ Sep 8 2009, 03:55 AM) *
Personal armor should have a rating box (1-10) (Arsenal 141). Upgraded armor should take up 1 slot for normal, 2 for smart or concealed (Arsenal 133). Interior cameras should cost 0 slots (Arsenal errata 1.3.2 page 3). On the bottom 2 cells of the middle column of the top vehicle slot, interior cameras are costing the mod slot, but no money. They cost money as normal on the rest of the cells, but for some reason cost 1440 for my Bulldog stepvan instead of 1600 (Body x 100, as per Arsenal 136). I'd also like to request more vehicle slots

Personal armor does have an option for rating, and it maxes at rating 10.

Added slot cost for armor.

Changed interior cameras to cost 0 slots.

Fixed costs of many vehicle upgrades that were supposed to be Body based cost, but were a static number based on Body of 16.

Added 3 more vehicle slots in next version.
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post Sep 8 2009, 09:27 PM
Post #809

Moving Target

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Production version 1 is now available.


- Numerous fixes to Vehicles and Gear Data
- Addition slots for Vehicles... total of 9 now!
- New printable sheets for Mages and Vehicles!
- Other various tweaks.

I am thinking about removing Charsheet 1 and 2. If you are still using these and want them to stay, please post here.
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post Sep 8 2009, 10:06 PM
Post #810

Moving Target

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DK, you're pro.
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post Sep 8 2009, 10:25 PM
Post #811

Shooting Target

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From: Redmond (Yes, really)
Member No.: 16,558

Hail the conquering hero! *Genie impression*

Is there a way to improve a vehicle's Matrix attributes on the Vehicle tab (as per Device/Software Ratings, Arsenal 102)?

Improved Vehicle ability [Skill] is in the adept list now, but it gives a #VALUE! error across the board.

A notes section for Qualities would be EXCELLENT.

Would it be possible to put a Cracked column in for all software (incl. autosofts)? 10% of listed price.

Autosofts should properly have their own section, as they're easily copied to other drones and tend to be pretty universal (with the exceptions of pilot, targeting, and gunnery - and all of those can still be used in multiple drones, albiet with restrictions).
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post Sep 9 2009, 06:27 PM
Post #812


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Hi, great job on this generator!!! I was in the weapons section and the shockpad and airburst link are not to be found for the custom weapons.

I scanned quickly and did not see anyone mention this.

Also, will there be an option to have more than just 4 customized weapons? My current character is a bit of a gun nut (yes that was reference to FO) and has at least seven customized weapons. Thanks!
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Dakka Dakka
post Sep 9 2009, 08:52 PM
Post #813

Prime Runner

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I just found out that the RC from Underbarrel Weight is not calculated in and that the RC of the extended folding stock (i.e. 2(3)) does not go up if additional RC is installed.

An improved Gas Vent does not replace an existing one but adds to stock RC. For example the RC of an Ingram Smartgun X with a Gas Vent 3 mod shows up as 5(3) instead of 3(4). the simplest solution would probably be to give those weapons a fixed x(+1). This does not however conform with the standard format.

The improved Range Finder shows up yellow if a smartgun system is installed as mod.

The assault cannons are missing in the weapons menus.
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post Sep 10 2009, 09:40 AM
Post #814

Shooting Target

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From: Redmond (Yes, really)
Member No.: 16,558

The GMC Bulldog is still showing 16 mod slots instead of 20.

Mods in the right columns are costing nuyen just fine, but aren't affecting slots used.
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post Sep 11 2009, 06:20 PM
Post #815


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The Reception enhancer is Cultured Bioware from Augmentation page 70 and should allow a rating of 1 to 3
You currently have it in Uncultured bioware with no rating permitted.

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post Sep 11 2009, 09:28 PM
Post #816

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Tyro @ Sep 8 2009, 05:25 PM) *
Is there a way to improve a vehicle's Matrix attributes on the Vehicle tab (as per Device/Software Ratings, Arsenal 102)?

Improved Vehicle ability [Skill] is in the adept list now, but it gives a #VALUE! error across the board.

A notes section for Qualities would be EXCELLENT.

Would it be possible to put a Cracked column in for all software (incl. autosofts)? 10% of listed price.

Autosofts should properly have their own section, as they're easily copied to other drones and tend to be pretty universal (with the exceptions of pilot, targeting, and gunnery - and all of those can still be used in multiple drones, albiet with restrictions).

Good question. I will look into adding this in the next version.

Sorry about the adept vehicle problem... a period where there shouldnt be on the Adept_Data page. Fixed.

No, no notes section for qualities. Probably going to remove notes sections from other areas. I prefer page references, as this is less likely to infringe on Catalyst License. If you need more info on a quality, buy the book and look it up.

Cracked software needs alot of tracking, as it degrades. I recommend tracking it manually.

I disagree about autosofts. Different vehicles have different sensors, so Clearsight would be custom for each model of drone. Defense is based on movement, so it is unique per model. Covert Ops includes how to move in a quiet non-attention grabbing manner, which is unique as per its type of movement. Chaser and Trailblazer may only slightly variate between drones, but that is up to house ruling. Oh, adaptability may be the most non-specific to a drone, but it could still be influences based on the type of drone it is (a jet powered drone is going to have to adapt to different types of things than a crawling micro drone). I am going to leave them as they are. You can always add a log in the Karam_Log page which gives you money for a reason of 'Duplicated Autosoftware' if your numbers are off.

QUOTE (moyphotos @ Sep 9 2009, 01:27 PM) *
shockpad and airburst link are not to be found for the custom weapons.
Also, will there be an option to have more than just 4 customized weapons?

For version DK_1a :
Added mods from the SR4 book, cant believe I missed these!
Added 5 more custom weapon slots.

QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Sep 9 2009, 03:52 PM) *
I just found out that the RC from Underbarrel Weight is not calculated in and that the RC of the extended folding stock (i.e. 2(3)) does not go up if additional RC is installed.

An improved Gas Vent does not replace an existing one but adds to stock RC. For example the RC of an Ingram Smartgun X with a Gas Vent 3 mod shows up as 5(3) instead of 3(4). the simplest solution would probably be to give those weapons a fixed x(+1). This does not however conform with the standard format.

The improved Range Finder shows up yellow if a smartgun system is installed as mod.

The assault cannons are missing in the weapons menus.

Good suggestions. Fixed all of these issues in version DK_1a

QUOTE (Tyro @ Sep 10 2009, 04:40 AM) *
The GMC Bulldog is still showing 16 mod slots instead of 20.

Mods in the right columns are costing nuyen just fine, but aren't affecting slots used.

Fixed. Thanks.

QUOTE (Fireleaf @ Sep 11 2009, 01:20 PM) *
The Reception enhancer is Cultured Bioware from Augmentation page 70 and should allow a rating of 1 to 3
You currently have it in Uncultured bioware with no rating permitted.

Fixed in DK_1a, thanks for pointin this out.
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Dakka Dakka
post Sep 11 2009, 09:33 PM
Post #817

Prime Runner

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Some qualities don't show up on all three versions of the CharSheet. The ones in cells X48, X50, X51, X52 are missing.

The box for armor on the CharSheet one has less line than the box on the Gear sheet. Neither number is enough to accommodate FFBA, all PPP items and a main piece of armor and helmet

On the Gear sheet there are two empty categories named Weapon Accessories and Category.

The MMG and HMG from the BBB Stoner-Ares M202 and Ultimax HMG are missing. AFAIK a concealability modifier of +8 is not RAW.

Not all weapon slots on the Char sheet show if the weapon is purchaesd several times.

Could you make the ammo selectable on the CharSheet so that for instance SnS shows up as 6S(e) instead of the normal damage code?

Also it would be really cool to make the weapon's mods visible on CharSheet, not just those that modify the standard entries.
Maybe you could design a printable Vehicle and Gear sheet.
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post Sep 11 2009, 11:39 PM
Post #818

Immortal Elf

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Just a question, where would I go to modify the amount of Build Points a character is allowed?

For Higher- and Lower-Powered games.
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post Sep 12 2009, 01:23 AM
Post #819

Moving Target

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QUOTE (DamienKnight @ Sep 8 2009, 09:27 PM) *
I am thinking about removing Charsheet 1 and 2. If you are still using these and want them to stay, please post here.

I find them VERY useful and would deeply appreciate them staying (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Great job on the generator
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post Sep 12 2009, 06:17 AM
Post #820

Moving Target

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From: Bozeman, MT
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I can't belive no one has mentioned this in the many versions of the sheets put out, but shouldn't the Astral Sight, Latent Awakening, Spell/Spirit Knack qualities (and any other psuedo-awakenings, perhaps that one from Unwired, Latent Technomancer? I think it was...) be placed in the special entry (right under race) as they are all mutually exclusive, rather than with the other positive qualities?

I suppose no one has bothered to change or notice this because no one really uses the qualities in question.

Also thanks for all the work you've put into this.
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post Sep 12 2009, 10:20 AM
Post #821


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Mr Knight (et al)
beyond fantastic work.

can i ask that you leave the discription brief in the sheets, i can't see some of the page numbers on the sheets for the likes of cyberware.

and can i check- in the sheets from 9t onwards the knowledge skill mutliplier has changed from *3 to *6- where does that rule come from?

again truely outstanding work.

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post Sep 13 2009, 10:14 AM
Post #822


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New sheet is great,technomancer option works now for me when it didnt before.Only problem is the AI and Free Spirit options for characters are gone. I have a AI character i wanted to update on your sheet but can't now.
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post Sep 13 2009, 08:29 PM
Post #823

Moving Target

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I can't download the file anu one else having this problem.
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post Sep 14 2009, 06:49 AM
Post #824


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As usual you have done some awesome work here DK (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Missing Streams on the Technomancer-page.
Missing all Assault Cannons.
Missing Enfield GL-67 Grenade Launcher.
The Bioware "Reception Enhancer" has ratings 1-3.
Vehicle Modification "Chameleon Coating" uses only one slot per errata.
On Charsheet3 in the Cyber/Bio-Section it says Essence 6 but it should be 0.4 .
There should be a section for Matrix- and Astral-Ini on the Charsheets.

When I try to select a Charsheet for printing it throws an error (OpenOffice.org 3.1.0 PPC). I'll try to translate:
An Scripting-Framework-Error occured in Basic Script vnd.sun.star.script:Standard.optCharSheet3_Click?language=Basic&location=document
Message: The following Basic script could not be found
library: 'Standard'
module: 'optCharSheet3_Click
method: ''
location: 'document'
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post Sep 14 2009, 03:33 PM
Post #825

Moving Target

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QUOTE (datawuppi @ Sep 14 2009, 01:49 AM) *
When I try to select a Charsheet for printing it throws an error (OpenOffice.org 3.1.0 PPC). I'll try to translate:
An Scripting-Framework-Error occured in Basic Script vnd.sun.star.script:Standard.optCharSheet3_Click?language=Basic&location=document
Message: The following Basic script could not be found
library: 'Standard'
module: 'optCharSheet3_Click
method: ''
location: 'document'

The charsheet radio buttons trigger a vb script, which will only run on vb enabled spreadsheet programs, such as excel. Open Office uses Open Office Basic, which is incompatible with vb scripts.

Try selecting the desired print location and doing a 'Print by Selection'
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