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> Arsenal 2nd printing errata
post Oct 25 2008, 01:49 PM
Post #1

Moving Target

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After reading through the 2nd printing of Arsenal, I've found the following errata:

Errors are underlined, correct text is in bold

p3, 1st column:
Wrong: Weapon Modifi cations ListING
Right: Weapon Modifi cations Listing

p14, column 2:
p14, table:
p172, table:
The correct name is macuahuitl

p16, illustration:
p17, column 2:
Telescoping Staff
p17, table:
Telescopic Staff
p172, table:
Telescopic Staff
Decide what you want to call the weapon and stick to that.

p19, column 1:
Missing "." at end of: Harpoons may also be used as melee weapon, using the Blades skill and doing the same damage as the thrown weapon with a Reach of 2

p23, illustration:
There should not be an - at the end.

p23, table:
Collapsible Heavy Pistol
No such pistol in the descriptions of pheavy pistols. The PSK-3 which is the only collapsible heavy pistol has it's own entry.

p23, illustration:
p23, column 1
PSK-3 Collapsible Heavy Pistol
p23, table:
PSK-3 Collapsible Pistol
Decide what the weapon is called and stick to one name.

p24, illustration:
The correct name is Secura Kompakt at least that is what is used everywhere else.

p25, illustration:
The correct name is FN P93 Praetor

p28, column 1:
Wrong: It comes equipped with an integral barrelmounted silencer, a smartgun system, and a folding bipod.
There should not be any underlining under the "h ".

p30, illustration:
The correct name is Ultimax MMG.

p30, illustration:
The correct name is RPK HMG.

p32, column 2:
A bayonet is a long knife designed to be attached under the barrel of a rifle-sized weapon
p33, table:
Bayonet Mount Barrel. Should be Under.

p33, table:
Bayonet (on rifle), should be moved up above Flashligt, to stay in alphabetical order

p34, column 2:
"...lycanthropes like werewolves." There has never been werewolves or other lycanthropes in SR in any previous editions.

P39, illustration:
The correct name is Kusarigama

p45, column 2:
Berwick Line: ...but it represents classic eegance in perfection.
Correct: elegance

p47, column 1:
Executive Suite Line: While Vashon Island’s Actioneer Business line
There are no "Vashon Island’s Actioneer Business line", it's called "Vashon Island’s Synergist Business line"

p48, column 1:
Chain Mail
p48, table:
Chain Shirt
Decide what you want to call is and stick to one name.

p53, column 1:
Camouflage Net
p53, table:
Camouflage Netting
p183, table:
Camouflage Netting
Decide what you want to call it and stick to one name.

p53, column 2 & table
Water Purification Tablet (bottle) included under Camping and Survival Gear
p183: Water Purification Tablet moved down under Toxic Environment Gear

p59, table:
Static Scene Laser Monitoring System (described on page 60) is missing from the table.

p62, table:
The Butt Pack in the table is not described in the text.

p67, column 1:
Wrong: One the exposure time has elapsed, the astral photo develops automatically.
Right: Once the exposure time has elapsed, the astral photo develops automatically.

p73, column 2:
Wrong: As a standard rule of them, most street drugs have a Power of 6.
Right: As a standard rule of thumb, most street drugs have a Power of 6.

p76, table:
eX should be moved up before G3 to be in alphabetical order.

p77, table:
The Galak in the table is not described in the text.

p85, table:
Wrong: Bangalore Torpedo (per section) 6 1 16F 2,500Â¥
Right: Bangalore Torpedo (per section) 6 +1 16F 2,500Â¥

p86, column 2:
Gunpowder: ...modern smokeless gunpowder...(producing a cloud of smoke)...
How can smokeles gunpowder produce a cloud of smoke?

p101, column 2:
Wrong: positive towards the us of drones in everyday life.
Right: positive towards the use of drones in everyday life.

p117, column 1:
Stonebrooker Smokecloud is missing its similare models, which was included in the 1st printing.
Similar Models: Esprite Industries Smartie, Shiawase Kagemusha

p117, column 1:
Ares Heimdall: ...a speed of anywhere between 2000 and 3000 meters per Combat Turn (about 200 to 300 km/h)...
2000 meters per combat turn = 2 km/3 sek = 40 km/minute = 2400 km/h
3000 meters per combat turn = 3 km/3 sek = 60 km/minute = 3600 km/h

p124, column 2:
S-K Taurus Light Gauss Cannon
The correct name is SK Taurus Light Gauss Cannon

p125, column 1:
Wrong: Block V is a variation of Block III with the additional effect of seeking out enemy sensor emissions,
Right: Block IV is a variation of Block III with the additional effect of seeking out enemy sensor emissions,

p141, column 1
Oil-Slick Sprayer
The correct name is Oil Slick Sprayer (or at least that is what you call it everywhere else)

142, table:
Special Machinery
p144, column 2:
Special Machinery/Storage
Special Machinery

p149, table
The slots entry for the first 6 items is misaligned

p166, column 1:
How fast does a character move in weightless environment (normal movement rate divided by the g-strength), but g-strength is 0. This will be a problem doing the math for most of us.

p168,column 2:
Mild Radiation Poisoning
Effect: Physical Malaise
Radiation Effects:
Physical Malaise:...manifest from moderate or worse radiation poisoning...
How can you get Physical Malaise from Mild Radiation Poisoning, when it manisfest from moderate or worse?

p168, column 2 & p169 column 1:
Both mild and moderate radiation poisoning takes effect by 2 SV.

Bayonet page ref is in italic
Katar page ref is in italic
AZ-150 Stun Baton page ref is in italic
Garrotte page ref is in italic
Hardline Gloves page ref is in italic

Blowgun page ref should be 40

Collapsible Heavy Pistol is not described on page 22 or anywhere else.

Great Dragon ATGM Launcher page ref should be 32
M79B1 LAW page ref should be 32
Phalanx Vogeljäger page ref should be 32
Advanced Safety System page ref should be 32
Ammo Drum/Box page ref should be 32
Bayonet (on rifle) page ref should be 32

Flashlight page ref should be 32
Underbarrel Bola Launcher page ref should be 33
Underbarrel Flamethrower page ref should be 33
Subsonic Rounds page ref is missing, should be 35

Shotgun Rounds:
Flare Rounds & Shock Lock Rounds should be tabbed in one level.
Ballista Missiles are missing from the Miscellaneous Ammunition table.
Gauss Rifle Rounds page ref should be 35
Great Dragon Anti-Tank Missiles page ref should be 35
Flash Grenades page ref should be 36

Ballista Missiles page ref should be 35
Overcoat & Corset/Vest should be tabbed in one level

Massaging Liners page ref should be 47
Chain Shirt called Chain Mail on page 48
Wrong: Helmet +2/+2 4 — 1,200¥ 49
Right: Helmet +2/+2 4 — +1,200¥ 49

Security Spacesuit page ref should be 55
Spacesuit Maneuvering Unit page ref should be 55
Survival Bubble page ref should be 55

Misc. Electronics: Expandable Jammer: "Hardening (Rating 1-6)" should be tabbed in one level.

Awakened Drugs table:
Galak is not described on page 77, nor anywhere else in the book.
Laël page ref should be 77

Wrong: Bangalore Torpedo (per section) 6 1 16F 2,500Â¥ 85
Right: Bangalore Torpedo (per section) 6 +1 16F 2,500Â¥ 85

Awakened Ivy: Why the page ref to p64, when all p64 does is refer you to p126 Street Magic?
Awakened Ivy Nutrients page ref should be 126 Street Magic
Flourescing Astral Bacteria: Why the page ref to p65, when all p64 does is refer you to p126 Street Magic?
GloMoss: Why the page ref to p65, when all p64 does is refer you to p127 Street Magic?
GloMoss page ref should be 127 Street Magic
Guardian Vines: Why the page ref to p65, when all p64 does is refer you to p127 Street Magic?
Guardian Vines page ref should be 127 Street Magic
Guardian Vines, Black: Why the page ref to p65, when all p64 does is refer you to p127 Street Magic?
Guardian Vines, Black page ref should be 127 Street Magic
Haven Lily: Why the page ref to p65, when all p64 does is refer you to p127 Street Magic?
Haven Lily page ref should be 127 Street Magic

Toyota MK-Centipede (Search & Rescue) page ref should be 117
Transys Steed (Wheeled Personnel) page ref should be 119

GE Vanquisher Heavy Autocannon page ref should be 124
Cardeon Mark 78 Torpedo page ref should be 125

Small and Large Desktop Forge have no page ref. Should be 130
Anti-Theft page ref should be 132
Assembly Time Imprvmnt. page ref should be 133
Body Stabilizer (Rating 1-3) is missing from the table
Cyborg Adaption is missing from the table
Electromagnetic Shielding is missing from the table

Chameleon Coating and all the following items on pages 196, 197, a98 and 199 (except Ducted Waterjet) page ref should be one or more pages higher.

Mimic is missing from the table
Nanomaintenance System is missing from the table

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post Oct 25 2008, 03:36 PM
Post #2

Moving Target

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Wow, thats a lot of errors in a second printing.

If I didn't know any better I'd say they've got Kevin Siembiedas wife doing the proof reading and editing on that one.
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post Oct 25 2008, 04:25 PM
Post #3

Prime Runner

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QUOTE (Larsine @ Oct 25 2008, 04:49 PM) *
p77, table:
The Galak in the table is not described in the text.

Try shecking page 74 at the end of the despriction of EX.
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post Oct 25 2008, 06:48 PM
Post #4


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Anyone know where I can get the table data for the Mimic mod?
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post Oct 25 2008, 07:57 PM
Post #5

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Mäx @ Oct 25 2008, 06:25 PM) *
Try shecking page 74 at the end of the despriction of EX.

Why? I see nothing (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sleepy.gif)

Who would think that I've looked at this page abouth a gazillion times.

I stand corrected.

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post Oct 25 2008, 07:59 PM
Post #6

Moving Target

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QUOTE (AaronH @ Oct 25 2008, 08:48 PM) *
Anyone know where I can get the table data for the Mimic mod?

p138 of the 2nd printing: Mimic Modification (Rating 1-3) 2 15 Facility Rating x 5000Â¥ Rating x 3 Cybertechnology

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post Oct 25 2008, 08:10 PM
Post #7

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Larsine @ Oct 25 2008, 03:49 PM) *
p101, column 2:
Wrong: positive towards the us of drones in everyday life.
Right: positive towards the use of drones in everyday life.

What, you no drone?
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post Oct 25 2008, 08:51 PM
Post #8


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QUOTE (Larsine @ Oct 25 2008, 02:57 PM) *
Who would think that I've looked at this page abouth a gazillion times.

And therein lies the heart of proofing.

Please remember that even with dozens of people proofing these books, errors are likely to slip through. It's not the number of minor (and many of those are REALLY minor) things missed, but the many major things that are caught. I bet you can find just as large a list of errors in a brand new D&D book, and they've got just a slightly larger budget than we do. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

Obviously we appreciate you pointing these out, and will endeavor to incorporate them into the next iteration of the book & PDF (of which the PDF release will be free as always).
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post Oct 26 2008, 09:19 AM
Post #9

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Vairdic @ Oct 25 2008, 09:51 PM) *
And therein lies the heart of proofing.

Please remember that even with dozens of people proofing these books, errors are likely to slip through. It's not the number of minor (and many of those are REALLY minor) things missed, but the many major things that are caught. I bet you can find just as large a list of errors in a brand new D&D book, and they've got just a slightly larger budget than we do. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

Obviously we appreciate you pointing these out, and will endeavor to incorporate them into the next iteration of the book & PDF (of which the PDF release will be free as always).

Hey chummer leav That Other Game out of here!!

And you botched this a bit, so what? It happens, just make sure to nuke 'em so that we didn't check for nothing and everything is going to be ok!

Errare umanum est chummers.
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post Oct 26 2008, 09:25 AM
Post #10

Prime Runner

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QUOTE (AllTheNothing @ Oct 26 2008, 05:19 AM) *
Hey chummer leav That Other Game out of here!!

I'm going to speak for David here: No. Dungeons and Dragons is not and should not be a dirty word. When it's a relevant comparison, people should feel free to use it on these boards.
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post Oct 26 2008, 10:48 PM
Post #11

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Adam @ Oct 26 2008, 10:25 AM) *
I'm going to speak for David here: No. Dungeons and Dragons is not and should not be a dirty word. When it's a relevant comparison, people should feel free to use it on these boards.

Sorry I didn't meen shut anyone up, it was what in italian is called an "iperbole".

Now if someone tells me how to tell it in english I would be thankfull.
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post Oct 26 2008, 11:07 PM
Post #12

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QUOTE (AllTheNothing @ Oct 27 2008, 12:48 AM) *
Sorry I didn't meen shut anyone up, it was what in italian is called an "iperbole".

Now if someone tells me how to tell it in english I would be thankfull.

Hyperbole (pronounced /haɪˈpÉ?Ë?bÉ™li/ hye-PER-buh-lee; "HYE-per-bowl" is a mispronunciation) comes from ancient Greek "ὑπεÏ?βολή" (meaning excess or exaggeration) and is a figure of speech in which statements are exaggerated. It may be used to evoke strong feelings or to create a strong impression, but is rarely meant to be taken literally. Hyperbole is used to create emphasis. It is a literary device often used in poetry, and is frequently encountered in casual speech.
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post Oct 26 2008, 11:29 PM
Post #13

The ShadowComedian

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you have way too much time on your hands to look something like that up O.o
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post Oct 27 2008, 08:20 AM
Post #14

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Chrysalis @ Oct 27 2008, 12:07 AM) *
Hyperbole (pronounced /haɪˈpÉ?Ë?bÉ™li/ hye-PER-buh-lee; "HYE-per-bowl" is a mispronunciation) comes from ancient Greek "��'πεÏ?βολή" (meaning excess or exaggeration) and is a figure of speech in which statements are exaggerated. It may be used to evoke strong feelings or to create a strong impression, but is rarely meant to be taken literally. Hyperbole is used to create emphasis. It is a literary device often used in poetry, and is frequently encountered in casual speech.

Hey could be wikipedia!!

So all I have to do is replace "i" with "hy", easy.

Much thanks Chrysalis.
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post Oct 27 2008, 08:58 AM
Post #15

Neophyte Runner

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Yes from wikipedia. ^^

I was going to say something about much and many. Much is used for non-count nouns and many for countable nouns. See difference between greatly and great.
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post Oct 27 2008, 09:52 AM
Post #16

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Chrysalis @ Oct 27 2008, 09:58 AM) *
Yes from wikipedia. ^^

I was going to say something about much and many. Much is used for non-count nouns and many for countable nouns. See difference between greatly and great.

I suppose that after seven years that I don't use it my english has become a bit rusty!
Thanks again, if it happens you to come in Italy let me know, I might have a use for some chatting in english.
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post Oct 27 2008, 12:38 PM
Post #17

Running Target

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Languages always deteriorate if you don't use them. I learnt several languages to a moderate level at school, but now struggle to communicate in them at all. Roll on Linguasofts!
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post Dec 14 2008, 01:08 AM
Post #18


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Found a minor one concerning the change from +2 to +5 for flechette ammo.

Page 28 - Street Sweeper
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Rotbart van Dain...
post Dec 24 2008, 03:12 AM
Post #19

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Shiawase Kanmushi: Walker Mode is missing.
Lockheed Opti-X: Assembly Time Improvement is missing.
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Rotbart van Dain...
post Feb 12 2009, 02:56 PM
Post #20

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p. 118, Entertainment Systems Falcon, Standard Upgrades are missing:

Special Machinery (Beak/Claws: DV 1 AP +1)
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Rotbart van Dain...
post Feb 12 2009, 03:37 PM
Post #21

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p.197, Table is missing the Nanomaintainance System.
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post Feb 12 2009, 11:39 PM
Post #22


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I would just like to take just a minute for those who were mentioning how many "mistakes" were made ...

Misspellings, format errors and typos are not, by definition in the publishing world, called "errata". When information is wholly left out or mis-presented (such as the incorrect numbers or data) (and there was some of both), that is when "errata" is published. I am just a little incredulous that someone would pick apart the spelling errors, and complain about something being in italics or not. The information is still there, and you can still read it just fine. And if it's one letter out of alphabetical order in the list, it's not like we aren't all familiar with multiple persons on an editing team ... list get compiled, and little things happen. If all that kind of stuff is taken off this list, and simply real "errata" is looked at, there's really not all that much left to complain about. Especially if the correct info is still presented in the book, just the table conflicts the text or other table, and things like that.

I say this, because I am a 24+ year gamer, and alot of people dont' appreciate how well these books are produced nowadays, and how much we all appreciate when companies DO publish actual errata. I still recall gaming books in the 80s and how awful the layouts were, and how non-existant organization was. Within my personal experience, the SR4 bools are absolutely marvelous and well-designed. I don't mind the little typos ... because I know it could be (and has been) a whole lot worse.

Just my .02 (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nuyen.gif)

aka Icarus
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post Feb 13 2009, 02:17 AM
Post #23

Moving Target

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Yes but if you were running a gaming company wouldn't you want free proof reading? That is effetively what was presented here. No reason to just leave errors in a book for no reason. I'm not saying they should fix these and rush out a new printing, but there isn't a real reason to not include fixing these next time they get around to another printing. Besides it doesn't look like anyone was ranting and raving that these errors were there. Seemed more of a, "Btw thought you might want to note these." kind of a deal.
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Roy Fokker
post Feb 13 2009, 03:52 AM
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QUOTE (IcarusATB @ Feb 12 2009, 06:39 PM) *
Within my personal experience, the SR4 bools are absolutely marvelous and well-designed. I don't mind the little typos ...

that made me smile! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Feb 13 2009, 01:00 PM
Post #25

Running Target

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I love that little bit of irony too.
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