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Hocus Pocus
post Jan 26 2009, 06:42 AM
Post #1

Moving Target

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what cha think of it? good...bad....ok?

the best part for me is howling fjord...the music...the violin music is phenomin-er good. I still go back there just to listen to it.
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post Feb 5 2009, 01:41 PM
Post #2

Moving Target

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I like WOTLK a whole bunch. Liking the DK class, I think I agree with you. Overall I think the Tundra is an easier place to quest in, but i love the atmosphere in Fjord a lot more. I kinda wish that they held off releasing Wrath for another year so that I could have totally finished exporing outland but ah, whatever. If i had to give it a rating out of a 10 id probably give it an 8

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post Feb 6 2009, 03:14 PM
Post #3

Old Man Jones

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Wrathgate is a pretty epic questline culmination.

It finishes out the main Dragonblight quests, so should be available around lvl 73-74.

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post Feb 6 2009, 05:38 PM
Post #4

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The best part was the KKWRD when he gave you the OORD. I hit the final TYUDIOP right in the BALLS.
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post Feb 10 2009, 08:06 PM
Post #5

Running Target

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Fjord artwork and boat ride were amazing.
Gameplay was dumbed down so badly I was amazed. I only play periodically, perhaps two months a year. I finished all the instances on heroic by the new year. Got bored, and turned the account off again.

Now crying my way through the idiocy of Dawn of War 2 Beta.
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Hocus Pocus
post Jul 16 2009, 04:13 AM
Post #6

Moving Target

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i've really gotten into this game lately, why i haven't been on. More so the fact that I had to get vent to talk to people while running nax. A couple in particular we started talking about other things, ceberally that is. From polotics to poems to history, i've set up a correspondance that I never thought could happen via an online game. And i must admit, they are not too bad looking either (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) long has it been since i associated with people of a demenor in tandem with myself. the miracle of wow?
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post Jul 16 2009, 05:46 PM
Post #7


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QUOTE (BlueMax @ Feb 10 2009, 03:06 PM) *
Now crying my way through the idiocy of Dawn of War 2 Beta.

Oh, hallelujah! I was starting to think I was the only person on Earth who hated DoW2. Tiny squads, tiny armies... it's like somebody misunderstood the context of the word "miniature."
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Hocus Pocus
post Aug 14 2009, 03:44 PM
Post #8

Moving Target

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your thoughts on the recent patch? i've found it not much to write home about. New instance is nice, but meh....duno if i'm starting to burn out on this game...
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post Aug 14 2009, 05:41 PM
Post #9


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I heard that this patch allowed players to create horde and alliance on PvP servers.

Unfortunately I burned out back in December when I couldn't tolerate dealing with our raid leader.
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post Aug 15 2009, 07:50 PM
Post #10

Moving Target

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Not to sound like an idiot (again), but pray tell, what is WOTLK?
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post Aug 16 2009, 12:56 PM
Post #11

Moving Target

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Wrath of the Lich King - World of Warcraft add-on.
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post Aug 16 2009, 11:45 PM
Post #12

Moving Target

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Ah. Thank you.
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Hocus Pocus
post Aug 17 2009, 05:00 AM
Post #13

Moving Target

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worry not, as long as I still post you can never sound like an idiot (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

well. i found isle of conquest and been enjoying myself in this new BG. Makes me want to make a rouge or druid, seems that stealthing looks liek alot of fun. yeah I heard that you can make cross factions on pvp server as well, think that is a bad idea. I've been lucky enough with the guild i'm in lota family types, and more than a few husband/wife/kids combo ta boot, and eclectic mix ta be sure.
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post Aug 17 2009, 01:38 PM
Post #14


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QUOTE (crash2029 @ Aug 15 2009, 09:50 PM) *
Not to sound like an idiot (again), but pray tell, what is WOTLK?

my first action was a copy and paste of the thread title into firefox's search "widget". I seem to almost do that on reflex these days. Kinda worrying in a way...
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milk ducks
post Sep 12 2009, 01:10 AM
Post #15

Moving Target

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This is probably a really old thread, but who cares? /ancestral spirit

From a progression-focused raider's perspective, WOTLK was an epic failure, pretty much across the boards. I can understand that with tBC, Blue sort of laid their hands all out on the table from the very beginning; raiders were presented, from launch, with Karazhan, the lairs of both Gruul and Magtheridon, Serpentshrine Cavern, the Eye of Tempest Keep, the Battle for Mount Hyjal, and the Black Temple of Karabor. And this is really cool if you're a raider, because you've got all of your objectives laid out ahead of you, and the best groups will naturally rise to the top. But if you're a company that's primarily interested in drawing out subscription fees from month to month, it's really not very smart; once people have finished your content (even if it's an extremely vocal 1% of your total subscriptions), shit starts piling up fast. Their solution in tBC was to release Sunwell in tiers that arbitrarily held raids for a designated period of time (ending just weeks before WOTLK).

This practice is, in many ways, even worse than leaving you without content to explore. It's like saying, "Here, play with this for a bit get off our backs. And no, sorry, we've amped up the game so much that we're actually unable at this point to create difficult content, so instead, we're only going to allow you to progress so far each couple of weeks. You're still going to buy WOTLK though, right? Good."

But in Lich King, they did almost the complete opposite: the expansion went live with all of like three raid instances; Naxxaramas (which, aside from being really, really easy, raiders had already completed it at the end of vanilla - yay for rehashed / recycled content), Sartharion (which was only difficult if you chose to leave all three drakes up, and even then, meh), and Malygos (which, for a showdown with an actual Aspect, was entirely too easy, even for bad raids). And that was it. That was all the content we had to explore. And not only that, but you couldn't even feel good about completing it because it's so easy that anyone can do it. I totally understand how that's awesome for Joe Casual, who hadn't previously been able to square off against the Big Bads of the WoW universe, but c'mon ... throw us a bone.

I finally quit WoW (for the second time) the same week that Ulduar went live. It's too little too late (oh, and even bad raids were completing it within the week - so, everyone that's still in there playing is, like, literally still in that same dungeon farming up garbage epics). I have lost all faith in Blizzard's ability to properly design encounters and classes. I mostly blame the failed Arena concept for that, as they began to put PvP talents in my PvE trees, limiting my options and forcing me to take extremely cookie-cutter "choices" in regard to viable character builds.

But the icing on the cake is Replenishment. Who thought that crap up, anyway? It must have been someone important, or else it would have been scrapped a long time ago. I was able to basically throw out every piece of regeneration gear I had in favour of +INT and Haste, and I'm a Resto Shaman for Christ's sake. We haven't built for INT since before +mp5 was viable (like Ragnaros era). Statting up for the highest possible mana pool gives you more regen through replenishment than you could get if you held 100% mp5 gear. So you get to have your cake and eat it too! And when I left, they were actually going to make it available to more classes, while nerfing natural regen across the board. The game just doesn't make any sense anymore, and I'm glad I'll never have to play it again.

Speaking of which, you guys see the new Cataclysm info? Tauren Paladins and Gilnean Worgen?


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post Sep 12 2009, 05:55 AM
Post #16


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I feel incredibly fucking dirty because I actually started playing WoW today. In my defense, I will only play when all of the group I'm playing with can be on, which is a grand total of 9 hours a week to choose from (of which we'll probably end up playing for 4), or if I'm playing with my girlfriend.

I can't believe I'm playing this damn game.
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milk ducks
post Sep 12 2009, 12:50 PM
Post #17

Moving Target

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Haha, nah it's nothing to be ashamed of, man. It's a really fun game, I just played it for far too long.

If you or your friends (if they're new as well) have any questions, feel free to toss them at me. I've got something like 4 years of Resto Shaman progression raiding under my belt, but I've also got a fair amount of experience in, really, every area of the game (played vanilla end-game content as a Hunter, and even a bit of warrior-tanking). Just let me know if there's anything I can help with.

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post Sep 12 2009, 08:18 PM
Post #18

Grumpy Old Ork Decker

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*points and laughs at Eido*

Err, what server you play on, man? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Oct 9 2009, 09:53 PM
Post #19

Moving Target

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I really like my paladin character. He's only 49 so far. To me it seems as if paladins are designed to fight outside of their weight class. When taking on, I believe the term is mobs, of my level I have been known to nod off and still wipe the floor. The only time I get into a challenging fight is when fighting something at least 2 levels higher. Is that normal?
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post Oct 9 2009, 11:20 PM
Post #20

Shooting Target

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No, it's not normal. Normally, you'll be fighting groups of 4 yo 6 things a level or two above you, and nodding off. Unfortunately, Blizzard was stupid in designing paladins and made all their interesting tanking and DPS abilities 41 and 51 point talents, so the class is both mindless and overpowered until then. Then you hit level 50, and it becomes less mindless and more overpowered. Then you hit 60, and all semblance of balance goes out the window.

Fortunately, the brute force of the class means you can focus your attention on enjoying the journey rather than obsessing over playing well.
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milk ducks
post Oct 10 2009, 09:31 PM
Post #21

Moving Target

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Paladins have it pretty easy, yeah. But then again, every class has it easy these days. If you want to see a really broken class, though, you gotta try a hunter; back in vanilla, after we had BWL on lockdown (and pre-AQ / Naxx) I leveled up a hunter; mostly just to kick the wheels a bit. Of the disgustingly broken things I accomplished, here are a few; soloed the 30-something elite Wandering Protectors in Ashenvale when I was like lvl.16; solo-kited every dragonspawn in Razorgore encounter*; and tanked both Onyxia and Vaelastrasz*.

* Still pre-Burning Crusade.

Seriously, (well played) hunters are just that fucked up.

Unfortunately, DPS grows on trees; I only ever used that character post-BC for tricks.

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post Oct 12 2009, 05:31 PM
Post #22


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QUOTE (crash2029 @ Oct 9 2009, 05:53 PM) *
I really like my paladin character. He's only 49 so far. To me it seems as if paladins are designed to fight outside of their weight class. When taking on, I believe the term is mobs, of my level I have been known to nod off and still wipe the floor. The only time I get into a challenging fight is when fighting something at least 2 levels higher. Is that normal?

No, it's not normal. I was soloing 5-person quests as a Retadin, and clearing around 5-10 mobs at a time. Don't get me started about doing it as a protadin. When I do that I take on about 20+ mobs my level at once.... by myself....
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Hocus Pocus
post Aug 10 2010, 03:48 AM
Post #23

Moving Target

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my game card expired today and I have resolved to stop playing this game anymore. I believe I've gotten as much out of it as I ever will. I'd like to go back to reading more and just doing other stuff. I wonder if my resolve will hold out past Cat.

All last weekend while I was on, doing ICC 10 and 25 and stuff, everyone in the guild was begging me to stay, known some peeps for years, hope to keep in touch with them. Man the women in guild were trying to entice me to stay extoling love through mail, whispers and vent. Nice to be wanted by the babes, been a long time since I felt that desired and wanted. It will be a tough detox.
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Doc Chase
post Aug 10 2010, 02:08 PM
Post #24


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Heh. I still stick around, but I'm on an RP server so I've got things to do besides raiding.

Not that I don't like raiding too. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
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post Aug 10 2010, 08:00 PM
Post #25

Shooting Target

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Its been just over a year since I cancelled my subscription. I was in a small, local guild and we only have 12-15 people. Some night it was hard getting enough people in a 10-man and slowly that number kept dropping so we only have 5-7 regulars playing. I miss playing from time to time, but since I ended up being more casual, its actually a lot less stressful than having a handful of friends asking me if I'm going to be on tonight and the like.
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