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> Female Trolls, Do they even exist?
post Feb 17 2009, 02:44 PM
Post #101

Moving Target

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Just did another:
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post Feb 17 2009, 04:31 PM
Post #102

Old Man of the North

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I like these last few by you, raben-aas. Thanks. The last one reminds me of an instructor I had in karate. She was very solid and grounded, and was -very- impressive in sparring. She often wore a t-shirt that said, "I fight like a girl."
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post Feb 17 2009, 04:34 PM
Post #103

Running Target

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QUOTE (raben-aas @ Feb 17 2009, 06:44 AM) *

Bathe her and bring her to BlueMax.
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post Feb 18 2009, 02:24 PM
Post #104

Moving Target

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Two more:

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Wesley Street
post Feb 18 2009, 02:40 PM
Post #105

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Very nice!
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Roy Fokker
post Feb 18 2009, 02:41 PM
Post #106


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QUOTE (raben-aas @ Feb 18 2009, 09:24 AM) *

very nice proportions (arms/legs/torso). from the descriptions in runner's companion, i'd say they're most like the fomori since they don't have the obvious dermal deposits.
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post Feb 18 2009, 02:57 PM
Post #107

Running Target

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QUOTE (Roy Fokker @ Feb 18 2009, 06:41 AM) *
very nice proportions (arms/legs/torso). from the descriptions in runner's companion, i'd say they're most like the fomori since they don't have the obvious dermal deposits.

Really? what about the first one's left arm?

Also, Raben-aas A+ work.
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post Feb 18 2009, 05:25 PM
Post #108

Old Man of the North

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QUOTE (BlueMax @ Feb 18 2009, 07:57 AM) *
Also, Raben-ass A+ work.

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post Feb 18 2009, 05:38 PM
Post #109

Moving Target

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Thx Peter (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

(Raben-Aas literally means a piece of carrion left for the ravens. It's a German word roughly having the same meaning as "scoundrel". And to provide extra trivia: My initials are A.S., which – in German – reads as "Ace". I thought this would sound a little arrogant, so I put in the initial of my second name (Alexander) so it spelled A.A.S. (carrion). As AAS is already blocked as a login/name in most forums and there are not many german words containing "aas", my choices boilt down to either Raben-Aas or Aaskriecher (Carrion Crawler). Since any German not familiar with DnD would have a hard time guessing what an Aaskriecher might be (and the word is very close to Arschkriecher ("brown noser")) I picked Raben-Aas. Raben-AAS, mind you, not "Raven's Ass"). (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Feb 18 2009, 05:50 PM
Post #110

Running Target

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QUOTE (raben-aas @ Feb 18 2009, 09:38 AM) *
Thx Peter (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

(Raben-Aas literally means a piece of carrion left for the ravens. It's a German word roughly having the same meaning as "scoundrel". And to provide extra trivia: My initials are A.S., which �€“ in German �€“ reads as "Ace". I thought this would sound a little arrogant, so I put in the initial of my second name (Alexander) so it spelled A.A.S. (carrion). As AAS is already blocked as a login/name in most forums and there are not many german words containing "aas", my choices boilt down to either Raben-Aas or Aaskriecher (Carrion Crawler). Since any German not familiar with DnD would have a hard time guessing what an Aaskriecher might be (and the word is very close to Arschkriecher ("brown noser")) I picked Raben-Aas. Raben-AAS, mind you, not "Raven's Ass"). (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Please accept my sincerest apologies for the typo.
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Roy Fokker
post Feb 18 2009, 06:37 PM
Post #111


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QUOTE (BlueMax @ Feb 18 2009, 09:57 AM) *
Really? what about the first one's left arm?

Also, Raben-aas A+ work.

lol, i guess if you did a called shot to the right arm (i'm assuming that's the one you mean instead of left) the troll might get the +1 for damage tests but not elsewhere on the body. i like the work, i just think that she needs more bony spicules elsewhere on the body to be a standard troll.
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post Feb 18 2009, 08:21 PM
Post #112

Moving Target

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I have to say, Rabin's trolls are by far the best as far as I can see. They look reasonable, especially considering the size involved. Remember, bigger creatures need to be thicker... the largest human ever was 8'11", and he required braces just to stand. He looked like a scaled up human of course. So if trolls really average at 9'2", they're going to need to be much thicker just to be able to walk.

One thing I was thinking though... orcs are born in litters, right? That means they'd probably need to produce a lot more milk, so I'd expect orc girls to be a lot chestier, most of the time. The same might be said of trolls just because of the size of the baby they'd be taking care of.

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post Feb 18 2009, 08:29 PM
Post #113

Old Man of the North

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The dermal deposit discussion assumes that dermal deposits have to be above the skin. They could be spread out, flattish, underneath the skin and thereby actually provide protection more than a few spikes would.


As an interesting tangent, did you know that homo sapiens is one of the few mammals, and I think the only primate, to not have a bone in the penis? The accepted opinion is that proto-mammals had the bone, and it was kept by most species while humans lost the bone at some point through their evolution.

The obvious advantage to having a bone is that it facilitates copulation under 'less than ideal' conditions. One wonders what evolutionary advantage came along with losing the bone, since if there were no advantage, it would have been unlikely that 'no-boners' would have replaced 'boners'.

Coming back to the dermal deposit issue, I wonder if such deposits would also manifest in the recurrence of this lost phenotype.
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Roy Fokker
post Feb 18 2009, 09:03 PM
Post #114


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QUOTE (pbangarth @ Feb 18 2009, 03:29 PM) *
The dermal deposit discussion assumes that dermal deposits have to be above the skin. They could be spread out, flattish, underneath the skin and thereby actually provide protection more than a few spikes would.


As an interesting tangent, did you know that homo sapiens is one of the few mammals, and I think the only primate, to not have a bone in the penis? The accepted opinion is that proto-mammals had the bone, and it was kept by most species while humans lost the bone at some point through their evolution.

The obvious advantage to having a bone is that it facilitates copulation under 'less than ideal' conditions. One wonders what evolutionary advantage came along with losing the bone, since if there were no advantage, it would have been unlikely that 'no-boners' would have replaced 'boners'.

Coming back to the dermal deposit issue, I wonder if such deposits would also manifest in the recurrence of this lost phenotype.

true about the dermal deposits, although 20 years of official SR art tends to show them above the skin. as for the other question, we obviously gained the ability to wear tight pants. think of how boring the 70's and 80's would have been without the wardrobe of all those rock bands, not to mention the devastation it would cause to the gay community. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Feb 18 2009, 10:12 PM
Post #115

Old Man of the North

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QUOTE (Roy Fokker @ Feb 18 2009, 02:03 PM) *
true about the dermal deposits, although 20 years of official SR art tends to show them above the skin. as for the other question, we obviously gained the ability to wear tight pants. think of how boring the 70's and 80's would have been without the wardrobe of all those rock bands, not to mention the devastation it would cause to the gay community. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

We could have kept codpieces from the 1500s.
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post Feb 19 2009, 08:58 AM
Post #116

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Roy Fokker @ Feb 18 2009, 10:03 PM) *
true about the dermal deposits, although 20 years of official SR art tends to show them above the skin.

Actually, 20 years of official SR art show a lot of stuff that was called "unrealistic" and "not like a troll/orc/elf/grinch really™ looks" here and in other threads.

That side note aside, even the art that portrays trolls "in the right way" show SOME deposits to be above the skin (otherwise trolls would look like giant crabs). In all troll art, you see actually more flesh (= supposed deposits under skin) than horns and stuff (= deposits above the skin).

While I totalle agree that the male troll pix I like best have MORE deposits above the skin than the female trolls I did (errrh... doodled) I think they have an okay share of deposits above the skin.

Also, please be reminded that the task was to do a pic of an ATTRACTIVE female troll. If you want to know what an "average" (or sub-average) looking female troll looks like, follow this method:

(1) Take picture of male troll
(2) Remove beard
(3) Add breasts

And you're done.

As an additional note, I think what male trolls like best about their "big girls" is that they are tough and not total whimps. Male trolls might still find pix of human girls attractive and switch their AR to playboy channel when in the bathroom a lot, but actually having sex with a norm girl will be out of the question, most of the time ("Watch your tusks", "Ow that hurt", "Don't give me any bruises", "Your horn ripped my incredibly expensive jeans", "Oh no, now I broke my nail", "You are too heavy, get off me", "Ow, you big lark, watch it", "Ouch", "No, honey, not today, my arm still is in a cask, see?").

With female trolls, you can "really go wild", let yourself go, not worry about hurting anyone (if you do, she will punch your jawbone off your face). That makes for A LOT of sexual attraction.

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post Feb 19 2009, 10:16 AM
Post #117

The ShadowComedian

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Horns: Power-Steering for Oral Sex
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post Feb 19 2009, 02:35 PM
Post #118

Running Target

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QUOTE (raben-aas @ Feb 19 2009, 12:58 AM) *
As an additional note, I think what male trolls like best about their "big girls" is that they are tough and not total whimps. Male trolls might still find pix of human girls attractive and switch their AR to playboy channel when in the bathroom a lot, but actually having sex with a norm girl will be out of the question, most of the time ("Watch your tusks", "Ow that hurt", "Don't give me any bruises", "Your horn ripped my incredibly expensive jeans", "Oh no, now I broke my nail", "You are too heavy, get off me", "Ow, you big lark, watch it", "Ouch", "No, honey, not today, my arm still is in a cask, see?").

With female trolls, you can "really go wild", let yourself go, not worry about hurting anyone (if you do, she will punch your jawbone off your face). That makes for A LOT of sexual attraction.

Suddenly, I am filled with images from Star Trek Deep Space 9. Where Worf and Dax go at each other. She would come back broken to pieces but Bashir would just fix her up.

Thankfully, in Fourth Edition, every group I roll with has a guy who can head 5 boxes with first aid (if he rolls well). I am still going after the lovely troll ladies.

Continued apologies with regard to the typo.

/Drek, now I want to play a gene freak
// Bashir, a doctor
/// why do I play so many medical types?
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post Feb 19 2009, 03:10 PM
Post #119


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In our group we have a human whose favourite pastime is watching naked troll women’s lacrosse. I challenge any of you artisty types to make a drawing of that, and still have some smidgeon of sanity left afterwards…

Oh the images, the horrible images!
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post Feb 19 2009, 03:50 PM
Post #120

Neophyte Runner

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With female trolls, you can "really go wild", let yourself go, not worry about hurting anyone (if you do, she will punch your jawbone off your face). That makes for A LOT of sexual attraction.

You know, there is nothing saying there aren't prissy, prim female trolls who are skinny as rails, either. In fact, I'd be willing to be, that the ''public opinion'' of beauty might make some of them, particularly ones who expressed later in life, very self-conscious, and turn to things like anorexia/bulimia, massive amounts of cosmetic surgery, and the like. Just like not all male trolls are big tough fighters, I doubt all female trolls are just ''males with boobs.'' Indeed, there are probably a good portion of trolls who are just average Joes and Janes, who just want to get their(large) apartment and work their desk job, with little or even no interesting in wrestling or heavy weapons.
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post Feb 19 2009, 03:58 PM
Post #121

Moving Target

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QUOTE (ElFenrir @ Feb 19 2009, 04:50 PM) *
You know, there is nothing saying there aren't prissy, prim female trolls who are skinny as rails, either.

Uh. Yes there is: Physics. Like another one wrote in this very thread: Humans that exceed a certain height but lack the "built" to go with it need help getting up or must even support themselves somehow.

I'm all for "Average Joe" kinda trolls, but given their general appearance and height (and racial bonuses to attributes) even "average" is "above average" by norm standards.

I mean, a certain gorilla may be a whimp in comparison to other gorillas, but he can still beat the shit out of a chimp.
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post Feb 19 2009, 03:59 PM
Post #122


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QUOTE (ElFenrir @ Feb 19 2009, 11:50 AM) *
You know, there is nothing saying there aren't prissy, prim female trolls who are skinny as rails, either. In fact, I'd be willing to be, that the ''public opinion'' of beauty might make some of them, particularly ones who expressed later in life, very self-conscious, and turn to things like anorexia/bulimia, massive amounts of cosmetic surgery, and the like. Just like not all male trolls are big tough fighters, I doubt all female trolls are just ''males with boobs.'' Indeed, there are probably a good portion of trolls who are just average Joes and Janes, who just want to get their(large) apartment and work their desk job, with little or even no interesting in wrestling or heavy weapons.

Which reminds me of something I read about SR orks: They often get problems with anorexia or similar eating disorders simply because the orkish physique tends to be heavier than the human, particularly with a wider girth leading many ork girls to see themselves as fat compared to the human "norm". This might apply to evenly, or possibly even more so, to trolls.

And yeah: I'd say most trolls are just people, they want to go through their lives without too many knocks, feed their kids and avoid trouble.
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post Feb 19 2009, 04:18 PM
Post #123

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Fleinhoy @ Feb 19 2009, 10:10 AM) *
In our group we have a human whose favourite pastime is watching naked troll women’s lacrosse. I challenge any of you artisty types to make a drawing of that, and still have some smidgeon of sanity left afterwards…

Oh the images, the horrible images!
Actually that is so awesome it is pure win. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Feb 19 2009, 05:09 PM
Post #124

Great Dragon

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QUOTE (pbangarth @ Feb 18 2009, 02:29 PM) *
The dermal deposit discussion assumes that dermal deposits have to be above the skin. They could be spread out, flattish, underneath the skin and thereby actually provide protection more than a few spikes would.


As an interesting tangent, did you know that homo sapiens is one of the few mammals, and I think the only primate, to not have a bone in the penis? The accepted opinion is that proto-mammals had the bone, and it was kept by most species while humans lost the bone at some point through their evolution.

The obvious advantage to having a bone is that it facilitates copulation under 'less than ideal' conditions. One wonders what evolutionary advantage came along with losing the bone, since if there were no advantage, it would have been unlikely that 'no-boners' would have replaced 'boners'.

Coming back to the dermal deposit issue, I wonder if such deposits would also manifest in the recurrence of this lost phenotype.

That's assuming the Theory of Evolution is true.

Also, I thought the dermal deposits were referred to as "sub-dermal" in a couple places. I always figured that wherever the bones are closest to the skin (shins, forearms, sternum, collarbone, ect.) the bone would have grown closer/through the skin. Natural shin guards, chest guard, and forearm guards. Harder bone. More armor.

It should be noted that the dermal deposits only add 1/1 armor. Clothing adds more armor in this game. Think about how much armor 1 point is.
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post Feb 19 2009, 05:17 PM
Post #125

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I did the conversions into American, and trolls average 8.2 feet tall and about 668 pounds. A motorcycle weighs about 500.
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