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> [IC] Behind the Shadows, First Iteration
post Apr 10 2009, 12:22 AM
Post #126

Moving Target

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[OOC. Chrysalis, I summon a level 11 Fire Spirit to attack the car and the tennis players. I kid I kid. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) .]

The car passes by the stuffer shack area as the dwarf who is looking out the window notices him. In return he notices the dwarf as well. His eyes lock onto to the dwarf for some reason as his gaze can't help but follow the car. It was as if as if a hairy man walked by with a half way zipped jump suit, sprouting chest hairs like a Chia Pet. It's a car wreck, but you can't help but watch.

What the heck are you staring at ditbrain? First thinking this was a random guy driving by, simply staring at him.

His gaze followed the dwarf. Just as the car was about to leave his peripheral sight, Tyler picks his nose, making sure the dwarf can see him.

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post Apr 10 2009, 12:29 AM
Post #127

Old Man of the North

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"I believe we have made contact with our teammate .... such as he is. Shall we go over to the Stuffer Shack and get acquainted?"

F^%&, he picked his nose at me! Who the drek is this guy?
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post Apr 11 2009, 09:10 PM
Post #128

Old Man of the North

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When we get over to the parking lot of the Stuffer Shack, Professor sends a message via AR to the PAN of the stranger on the bike:

<< Clearly a man with a nose for business. We're in the rose business, and it appears you are too.>>
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post Apr 13 2009, 04:04 PM
Post #129

Moving Target

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A small letterhead appears in the corner of his commlink just as he returns to his body from the astral world. Without a thought he begins to key in a response and send a message back to the sender.

<Text to Prof.> "The dwarf I assume. Yes I recently was provided with a rose to represent a form of occupation. Signal as many of members of the team who are staying idle to gather. Perhaps we should become acquainted with each other."

Tyler removes the ebony cane from it's scabbard at the side of his bike. He approaches the car as he begins twirling the staff in his hand like a champion baton twirler.

*Edited. Removed Snarky comment. Hopefully providing a more positive atmosphere for replies and introductions.*
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post Apr 14 2009, 11:45 PM
Post #130

Old Man of the North

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QUOTE (SincereAgape @ Apr 13 2009, 10:04 AM) *
*Edited. Removed Snarky comment. Hopefully providing a more positive atmosphere for replies and introductions.*

[OOC - Awww! And I was thinking up some wonderful replies, too!]
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post Apr 14 2009, 11:47 PM
Post #131

Old Man of the North

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"Team, I've made contact with the biker, and he invites us to meet."
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post Apr 15 2009, 05:17 PM
Post #132

Shooting Target

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Dick nods to the tennis players as the game ends and turns to walk towards the stuffer shack.

<<Does our new teammate have a convenient meeting place selected?>>

He doesn't even stop to acknowledge the others as he enters the stuffer shack and purchases another soycaf and a soydog.
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post Apr 15 2009, 05:31 PM
Post #133

Old Man of the North

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"We're all here now, and he is approaching the car... twirling a cane!? We might as well meet here. It gives us a view of the apartment as we talk. Keeping the server unaware of the content of our discussion should be no problem."
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post Apr 16 2009, 09:38 PM
Post #134

Moving Target

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QUOTE (pbangarth @ Apr 14 2009, 07:45 PM) *
[OOC - Awww! And I was thinking up some wonderful replies, too!]

[OOC - You'll get plenty of future opportunities (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) ]

Tyler's natural low light vision manifested as the dwarf approached him. He had yet to see any other members of the team. What he did know. The dwarf is magically active, putting him one notch higher most in Tyler's book. Second, the male is a dwarf which knocked him down 5 notches. Third, the dwarf had stared at him like a slack jawed yokel (In Tyler's opinion).

Tyler came to a pause in front of the dwarf. The dark ebony cane continued to twirl (but at decreased intervals, like once every ten seconds) whenever he performed a circular motion with his wrist. It continued to rain, but that only enchanced and stylized his hair even further.

"It's curt not to be punctual for a Shadowrun. It's unprofessional to keep a colleague waiting ." The elf said to the dwarf. He offered the dwarf a wry grin. "And frankly. It's rude to stare at people. By the way. My name is the Toreador, and I'll be your friendly neighborhood ally for the evening."
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post Apr 17 2009, 01:31 AM
Post #135

Old Man of the North

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"My name is Professor. I am pleased to make your acquaintance, Toreador. How fortunate for you that your pique enabled you to stay focused on your surveillance. A lesser man might have allowed the misconception that we had a specific time to arrive to distract him. And close inspection of the stranger hanging out in the vicinity of one we are to protect for the next few days allowed us to identify you as one not to be killed immediately. Professionalism all around. How encouraging.

"Now that the niceties are out of the way, shall we retire to the dryness of the Stuffer Shack to discuss our immediate future? Or do you have another place out of the rain? I would be happy to introduce you to our fellow team members there. I see one walking over here from the tennis courts, and the others are in the car."
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post Apr 17 2009, 03:44 PM
Post #136

Moving Target

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An amused expression permeated from his face.

"I wouldn't dare assume that this group consists of paranoid blood-thristy mercenaries whom would kill an innocent man without striking a civil conversation with him first, besides I was simply adimiring the beauty and grace of the young troll female within." he replied to the Professor with a stoic expression at first, but upon mention of the troll his face cracked a sardonic smile. He continued. "The confines of the stuffer shack will be adequate for now. I do have a safehouse in Fairfax prepared for us already. Seemingly the location of the haven should be convenient, since Fairfax is a town adjacent to Arlington."

With that Tyler gave the Professor a fancy bow and motioned for the dwarf and the others to enter the stuffer shack for the time being.
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post Apr 17 2009, 07:22 PM
Post #137

Old Man of the North

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Professor proceeds to the Stuffer Shack.

"Zoltan warned me about runners like this one. I hope he is as good as he thinks he is."
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post Apr 18 2009, 07:11 PM
Post #138

Moving Target

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Tyler files in behind the Professor and enters the Stuffer Shack as well. He then gives a small smile to the troll cashier as he sends her a commlink text.

<Text to the troll cashier.> "Hello darling. Is there my friends and I may rent for a few minutes?"

He then grabs a bag of soy chips and begins to eat. Tyler slots the troll 50 nuyen.
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post Apr 19 2009, 04:48 PM
Post #139

Neophyte Runner

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The troll girl according to her AR screen as being called Abigail, belonging to a chastity circle, by the silver around her. Marking her as being christian, new age, fundie. She hesitates a bit and heads into the employee only service area. An area that is about the size of a Japanese phone booth and as clean. They say the UV light is to kill germs, but it is mostly that Stuffer Shack staff have to use derms instead of needles.

The Stuffer Shack is empty except for the stoic and short Professor and the efacious, but graceful Toreador.


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post Apr 19 2009, 05:19 PM
Post #140

Moving Target

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He provides a bow to the Abigail just before she shows the two of them the back room to the stuffer shack. Japanese phone booths. Something has to give. This situation was in favor of the dwarf. That wouldn't do. Not at all.

Tyler looks down at Le'Prof. "It pays to be under four feet tall for once. Still something is missing."

The elf goes and finds a milk crate. He then places it inside of the booth and then motions fo the dwarf to enter.

"A stool for you. Your majesty." He says with a smug grin.
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post Apr 20 2009, 03:31 PM
Post #141

Old Man of the North

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"Thank you, no. Air at that altitude affects the thinking." Professor nods to Dick, "Come join the party."

"While the rest of the team takes it's time arriving, I have analyzed the earlier killings of virologists and have found some interesting information. Let me pass the info to you to fill you in." Professor makes an AR link available to Toreador. [OOC - use the previous thread for info.] "There is significant infiltration expertise among the other members of the team. If the adjacent apartment is truly vacant, we should be able to use it to set up an observation post close to the good doctor.

Does our subject know anything about the potential danger to his life, or protection we are providing?
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post Apr 20 2009, 09:51 PM
Post #142

Moving Target

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"Not that I know of. I began my surveillance earlier this morning while Karkoff was working at the abortion clinic. The man is a machine, working non stop, going to and fro despite being old enough to be my grand father. I did astral reconasense at the clinic but was unable to determine the nature of his work. From there I trailed him to back home." Tyler pauses as he looks back into the stuffer shack before continuing. "He made a brief stop at a local store for dinner before returning home and then making stew, rice, and vegetables. After eating dinner he played a CD with African music from his stereo and then began to read a book while drinking scotch. Moments later he puts down the book and begins pacing around his apartment. I was unable to make out the source of his present anxiety, but that was where I last saw him. Which was about 15 minutes ago..."

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post Apr 21 2009, 12:54 AM
Post #143

Old Man of the North

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"Hmm... if he's agitated now, he may head out somewhere. We should keep an eye on his place. We can see it from here, can't we?" Professor looks.
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post Apr 22 2009, 03:30 PM
Post #144

Moving Target

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"You and I can if we perceive him astrally." He said responding to the professor's question, "Why don't you send one of your 'minions' to keep an eye on the apartment in case he does leave. You and I have more important things to do such as planning how to execute this mission. I for one would like nothing more then to barge down his door and use coercion to force Karkoff to work for us."

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post Apr 22 2009, 04:20 PM
Post #145

Old Man of the North

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"The other team members are not my minions, and the skills they bring to the team are valuable in the planning process as well as the execution phase. I would value their input greatly. There are things they know and can do that are beyond either of us.

"I am not sure why the good doctor Karkoff would not be willing and eager to cooperate with us if he were informed of the potential danger to his life. A simple exposition of the pattern of murders would bring any logical person to the conclusion that he was a legitimate target for the killer. Simply talking to him should bring him on board. Were he to decline, then we could take a more forceful tack. The downside of this option is that if he doesn't want to cooperate, or is in fact somehow in collusion with the killer for reasons unknown, then we may have exposed ourselves unacceptably."
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post Apr 23 2009, 01:43 AM
Post #146

Moving Target

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There was a brief silence.

Tyler nodded his head at the Professor.

"Simply going up and talking to him whether through intimidation or empathy has some merit," Tyler paused before continuing. "We should also take a moment to view all of our other possible options to approach this task. According to your words I'm assuming the others are not as useless as I originally thought so let me divulge this information as well. Earlier in the day there were two plumbers and a painter who conducted renovation work in the living space adjacent to Karkoff's. Maybe one of the others could make use of this information."

*Edited once again to remove abrasiveness on the characters part in order to move the story.*
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post Apr 27 2009, 04:34 AM
Post #147

Old Man of the North

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"Hoi, Zoltan. I have some cash available. Can you see if anything in this list is available?

Forensic Thaumaturgy Kit,
Lucifer Lamp,
Lucifer Lamp Bulbs, 10 hrs. capacity,
Pocket Mage Library(top of the line).

Thanks for anything you can come up with."
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post Apr 29 2009, 10:00 AM
Post #148

Neophyte Runner

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Zoltan come back with a message his red beard and wings making him look like an escapee from a Wagnerian epic.
<<Hi, let me have a look at the list. Hmm... Sure no problem. Can get you everything tomorrow around noon to you. Except the forensics kit unless you want a loan one. Look. I am in a bit of a bind, a friend of a friend sent me something in lieu of cash owed. Its more your job than anything. Could you have a look at it? There might be even some money involved.>>
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post Apr 29 2009, 04:12 PM
Post #149


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The lone figure pounded along the trail heading North-West along the South Bank of the Potomac.

She had elected to make the trip this way to avoid being seen with the team by the millions of sensors blanketing this area of DC although now that she had passed Spout Run the trail had deteriorated markedly and the number of sensors had dropped off as well.

She had the Agent running on the new hardware she had installed in the warehouse this morning alter her 'link's Access ID and made a call to Liz Crane's Fixer.

Bonsoir Michel, it's Liz Crane. Yeah, long time, long time. Listen, I'm having some domestic issues with one of my new room-mates and I was wondering if you could set me up with some of that wiz' gear that you got me before?

Remember the RFID tags you got me to track my makeup? They were totally my favourite thing ever. I need some tags like that but set up with cameras and mic's and built in laser links to beat a signal scanner. There's some other stuff I need too, like a Decrypt routine and maybe some other sensors, micro ones with better quality cameras and stuff. I'll send you a list. Cool, cool.

Do you still use that cloak'n'dagger dead drop routine? Cool, I love that, makes me feel like a real spy. Anyway, gotta go, love ya, bye, bye.

She hung up the call and fired off a list of her requirements to the Quebecois Fixer. She didn't know if he bought any of that spoilt little rich kid routine but you had to at least play the game.

Here at the bottom of the Potomac Gorge the trail was narrow and broken. There was nobody else around, although she could hear the occasional car rumble past on the road above her. With a bit of luck somebody might try to mug her but she wouldn't hold her breath.

After about another mile or so she reached the mouth of Donaldson Run which she followed all the way to the top of the bike trail.

She was smiling as she listened to the byplay between the Prof and their new associate while she worked her way down to the streets of Arlington.

Her sensors started to light up under her mental command as she slowly jogged along the front of the University, ramping up to a fever pitch as she passed the trees screening the target apartment from the street. She paused at the local telecoms nexus to tie her shoelace and gave the structure a good close range scan with the Ultra Wide Band Radar.

She drained her bottle of water while her Agent pin-pointed all the active nodes in the area and then went into the Stuffer-Shack for a refill.
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post Apr 29 2009, 10:01 PM
Post #150

Old Man of the North

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QUOTE (Chrysalis @ Apr 29 2009, 03:00 AM) *
Zoltan come back with a message his red beard and wings making him look like an escapee from a Wagnerian epic.
<<Hi, let me have a look at the list. Hmm... Sure no problem. Can get you everything tomorrow around noon to you. Except the forensics kit unless you want a loan one. Look. I am in a bit of a bind, a friend of a friend sent me something in lieu of cash owed. Its more your job than anything. Could you have a look at it? There might be even some money involved.>>

<< Thanks for collecting the equipment. I have book-rate payment ready for you and am sending it ... now. Let me know if there is an adjustment necessary. Usual delivery system for the goods? As far as the job-in-a-bind goes, send me the data and let me know what you need. I am on a job right now, as you know, but I will have some moments of down-time in which to give it a scan. Is there a deadline? >>
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