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> other games your group plays.
post May 3 2009, 01:33 AM
Post #1

Moving Target

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what games doses your group play other than shadowrun?

my group plays/has played ogl steampunk and maelstrom story telling.

any of you play any cyberpunk games? i was looking at ogl cybernet, but ive heard more bad then good about it. but i think thats how it is with ogl in general.
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post May 3 2009, 04:45 AM
Post #2


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Well, I just recently finally got a group started, mostly. We're kicking things off with Savage Worlds Necessary Evil with me running. We did chargen the other night, and hopefully we'll get started next weekend.

I actually own and enjoy lots of games. Shadowrun just happens to be my favorite. Don't know if these folks would enjoy it, but I'm thinking about running some pickup SR games at the local shop over the summer.
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post May 3 2009, 04:25 PM
Post #3

Running Target

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My group is made up of players from a wide range of RPG backgrounds so we tend to jump from game to game (depending on who's running the campaign). Usually what happens is someone will make up a campaign in a specific system and we play that for a couple of weeks. To date we've played the following:
* Shadowrun (duh)
* Star Wars D6
* Twilight Imperium
* Mechwarrior RPG with MWDA parts
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post May 3 2009, 05:34 PM
Post #4

Freelance Elf

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Right now we're alternating between Dark Heresy and Vampire: The Masquerade, with wargaming (Battletech or Warmachine/Hordes) going on in the afternoon before we bust out the character sheets.
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post May 3 2009, 05:50 PM
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Here Dark Heresy and D&D 3.5. Some of us also play warhammer 40k and killteam.
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post May 3 2009, 06:01 PM
Post #6


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My group:

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post May 3 2009, 09:44 PM
Post #7

Moving Target

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ok games that sound interesting that i know nothing about.

savage worlds
twilight imperium
dark heresy
hack master

guys mind telling me about these games?
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post May 3 2009, 10:19 PM
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QUOTE (Maelstrome @ May 3 2009, 05:44 PM) *
ok games that sound interesting that i know nothing about.

savage worlds
twilight imperium
dark heresy
hack master

guys mind telling me about these games?

Dark Heresy is warhammer 40k rpg focusing on the acolytes of an inquisitor. Current Publisher is Fantasy Flight Games.

Alternity is a sci-fi game system put up by TSR just before the switch over to Wizards of the Coast. It's been out of print for several years (though still easy enough to get the books). Good fan community dedicated to it here: http://alternityrpg.net/

HackMaster is a fantasy rpg put out by Kenzer and Company (makers of Knights of the Dinner Table). The 1st edition of it, known as HackMaster 4th ed was based on AD&D 1st and 2nd ed. The new edition coming out in a couple of months is a brand new beast that looks really good. There is a 80+ page thread on their message board for spoilers about it.
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post May 3 2009, 10:21 PM
Post #9

Running Target

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QUOTE (Maelstrome @ May 3 2009, 03:44 PM) *
ok games that sound interesting that i know nothing about.

savage worlds
twilight imperium
dark heresy
hack master

guys mind telling me about these games?

Twilight Imperium is more of a board game then a RPG game. It is set in the far future after the fall of a great galactic empire. There are numerous factions (including humans) and there is an additional expansion pack that adds another 7 or so alien races (including a genetically advanced human). At the start of the game each player helps to create a galaxy (with the galactic capitol in the centre and all the races around the edges). Players duke it out till one race wins the game (through conquest, or victory points). The game takes such a long time that some players even brag about just finnishing a game (let along winning a game).

Hackmaster was created by a bunch of DND first eddition fanatics. The games is nutorious for its pages apon pages of tables and ways to get every advantage they can for every roll in the game. Personally I couldn't even finish creating my character without getting annoyed by the system. I played all of one game.
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post May 3 2009, 11:24 PM
Post #10


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Savage Worlds (scroll down)

It's a generic rules set that doesn't suck. It's designed to be fast and loose but still have enough crunch to satisfy people that aren't looking for a pass the stick game. I've played Savage Dukes of Hazzard, Savage Ghostbusters, and I'm about to run Necessary Evil, a superhero system that uses it. Of those, only NE is "official".

Coolest thing about it is how extensible it is, and how it manages extensibility without, well, sucking (I'm looking at you, GURPS). You can get "toolkits" that show you how to bolt on stuff to make fantasy games and worlds, sci-fi stuff, pulp, and horror, and you can find tons of conversions and stuff for it online. Its main strength is that you can pick it up and run freaking anything you want. Got a favorite TV show or movie? Run it with this. That book you really dig? Ditto.

It's a slick system.
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post May 4 2009, 04:08 AM
Post #11


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My RL tabletop gamers have never played SR. Two would like to, but the third, my wife, just doesn't get cyberpunk and I can't convince her to play.

Therefore, we have been working on Spycraft 2.0 and DnD 3.X. (We are all staying far away from 4.0.)
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post May 4 2009, 08:04 AM
Post #12


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I'm currently running SR and playing Dark Heresy, but from time to time I try to run some Dying Earth or my own cyberpunk in space hard sci-fi game (called "Space Punk" for a lack of a better name).

It's getting harder for me to have fun with regular fantasy games.
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post May 4 2009, 03:46 PM
Post #13

Shooting Target

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I'm the only one that runs Shadowrun in our group.

This group also has played DnD 3.0, 3.5 and we currently have a 4.0 game running. One of the players has run a Deadlands HOE game. Another one ran a HERO System game, but that only lasted a couple months.

I haven't played any other games with this group...pretty much DnD and Shadowrun. We all also play WoW, Combat Arms and various XBox games.
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Wesley Street
post May 4 2009, 05:01 PM
Post #14

Shooting Target

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* Dungeons & Dragons 4e
* Spycraft 2.0
* 2300AD
* probably Eclipse Phase when it's released

And when I'm too tired/burned out/just don't feel like being a GM/DM:
* Twilight Imperium 3e
* Munchkin/Space Munchkin/Munchkin Cthulu
* Tannhauser
* Battlestar Galactica
* Talisman 4e
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post May 4 2009, 11:19 PM
Post #15

Deus Absconditus

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Currently ongoing:

-Shadowrun (I GM)
-Exalted (I GM)
-A Witchcraft/Delta Green sort of game
-A different Exalted game, on Hiatus
-Legend of the 5 Rings, which for once I am NOT the GM of

Regular appearances:
-Tribe 8
-7th Sea
-D&D 4th
-Mage: The Awakening
-Teenagers from Outer Space, now that I have Bull's copy!

Things that Will Be Run But Not Right Now:
-Jovian Chronicles
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post May 5 2009, 11:06 AM
Post #16

Running Target

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Primarily my interest right now (besides SR) is DnD 4e. The only other thing I'd be willing to run right now would be a Werewolf: the Apocalypse game, possibly a non-Garou game.

I have tons of ideas for DnD right now though.
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Black Jack Rackh...
post May 5 2009, 12:25 PM
Post #17

Moving Target

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Currently Running
7th Sea
Cliffhangers (Using the HEX rules)

Currently Playing
Shadowrun (different campaign)

Recently Ended
GURPS Cyberpunk
Call of Cthulhu
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post May 5 2009, 03:14 PM
Post #18

Moving Target

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two games ive been wanting to hear about but never really did.

mage the awakening.

how are they? how do they play? how quickly can they be picked up?
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post May 5 2009, 03:20 PM
Post #19

Freelance Elf

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Earthdawn's a good time, and their core system remains one of my favorites. Gameplay (the basics) comes pretty quick, but gets more complicated at higher levels/power scales -- but by then you've got such a grasp of the basics that it doesn't present much of a problem.

Mage was always a little tougher for me and my group to wrap our head around, primarily because (the edition I played, at least) White Wolf is so much more of a "storytelling" than "game playing" company that their core mechanics always felt very sloppy to us. Mages are crazy, crazy, over the top powerful compared to other World of Darkness stuff, by and large, and to those willing to take the Paradox hit, they can pull off some pretty insane stuff.
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post May 6 2009, 06:49 AM
Post #20

Deus Absconditus

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The best and fastest way to understand Mage: The Awakening is to read:
Books of Magic - the first trade paperback.
Alan Moore's run of Swamp Thing

Especially Books of Magic - in a nutshell, Books of Magic *is* Mage, because it's what inspired the game in the first place.
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post May 6 2009, 12:35 PM
Post #21

Running Target

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QUOTE (Adarael @ May 6 2009, 02:49 AM) *
The best and fastest way to understand Mage: The Awakening is to read:
Books of Magic - the first trade paperback.
Alan Moore's run of Swamp Thing

Especially Books of Magic - in a nutshell, Books of Magic *is* Mage, because it's what inspired the game in the first place.

That first Books of Magic TPB is fucking awesome, by the way.

My group has been having issues with scheduling lately. The only thing we've played recent is Shadowrun 4E. If I wasn't pushing to get the group to meet, that probably wouldn't be happening.

We made characters for 7th Sea not long ago, but the GM sort of fell through. He didn't feel the adventure he'd cooked up was good enough. Which is silly, IMO.

There's talk of playing D20 Modern or D&D 3.x at some point. The GM was the one who was going to run 7th Sea, so... we'll see. He said he'd run canned adventures. Maybe that will help.

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Wesley Street
post May 6 2009, 01:22 PM
Post #22

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Adarael @ May 6 2009, 02:49 AM) *
Alan Moore's run of Swamp Thing

Great stuff. Hellblazer I could give or take depending on the writer (Delano and Ennis [maybe Ellis] = good, everyone else = bad) but Moore's Swamp Thing is classic.
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post May 6 2009, 01:55 PM
Post #23

Running Target

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QUOTE (paws2sky @ May 6 2009, 05:35 AM) *
We made characters for 7th Sea not long ago, but the GM sort of fell through. He didn't feel the adventure he'd cooked up was good enough. Which is silly, IMO.

Ugh 7th Sea. The single biggest gaming disappointment in my life. Marketed as high seas and piracy, in reality.... highfalutin Lords, ladies and k-niggets. Not even decent rules for running a ship. Of course when your friends write parts the mechanics, you play anyway.

Our group has a 4th Edition D&D game we play ... sometimes. It attracts about 1/3rd of the Shadowrun players. Frankly, we don't think it was made for gamers like us and we are ecstatic to hear it works for WoW Players and former card gamers. If its the crack that leads them to other games, great.

Someone young, energetic and with an abundance of time write me a great RPG at Sea. Something where when you play a pirate you die of an infection. Where the wind matters. Where ... Where the chain of command is the thing you get beaten with if you don't follow orders. Or at least the Cat.

/Even in its bag
//The Cat holds power
/// Maybe I should keep mine out in the game cave
//// For tangents and the like.....
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post May 6 2009, 02:43 PM
Post #24

Running Target

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QUOTE (BlueMax @ May 6 2009, 09:55 AM) *
Ugh 7th Sea. The single biggest gaming disappointment in my life. Marketed as high seas and piracy, in reality.... highfalutin Lords, ladies and k-niggets. Not even decent rules for running a ship. Of course when your friends write parts the mechanics, you play anyway.

Yeah, only one of the players had ever touched it - as far as I know - and he GM'd. The guy who was going to run was hoping to find something different do, I guess?

There were some interesting things about the rules (raises, the damage system), but other parts were exceptionally chunky/unwieldy (ships, some of the magic systems). Also, several inconsistencies about how much things cost - one chart would list one price, but the description would be different. And so on.

Anyway... it looked interesting, but we'll probably never get around to playing.

As for high seas adventure... well... I don't know. There's a section in D20 Past about Carribean pirates. >.>


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post May 6 2009, 05:55 PM
Post #25

Freelance Elf

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QUOTE (paws2sky @ May 6 2009, 08:35 AM) *
My group has been having issues with scheduling lately...If I wasn't pushing to get the group to meet, that probably wouldn't be happening.

I'm right there with ya. I don't have any idea how or when the hell it happened, but apparently at some point in the last few years I became "the responsible guy," that Cyclops/Apollo/Captain America straight-man that has to get everyone else's asses in gear to get anything at all to happen, instead of being the Wolverine/Starbuck/Hawkeye asshole that tosses out pithy one lines and snarky comments.

I don't recall approving this change in where I fit in the group dynamics, but one the rare occasion I haven't sent out emails and gotten things in order, nothing at all has happened (whether it's been an evening of gaming, or people going to Gencon, all of a sudden if I don't push the buttons, nothing gets done).
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