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> What are these cities like?, A few random sprawls I am curious about
post Jul 2 2009, 09:08 PM
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I don't have knowledge of all the setting books Shadowrun has made, so I don't even know if any of these have been addressed, but I am curious if anyone knows what these cities are like in the 21st Century.

Baltimore, MD, UCAS - My home town, and a very violent place
Detroit, Michigan, UCAS - I know it is home to Ares Macrotech, but I would imagine it is otherwise fairly... fragged up.
Salt Lake City, Pueblo Corporate Council - I know this is now NAN territory, but, what happened to the Mormons?
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post Jul 2 2009, 09:10 PM
Post #2

The ShadowComedian

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post Jul 2 2009, 09:11 PM
Post #3


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QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Jul 2 2009, 09:10 PM) *

I'd buy that for a dollar.
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post Jul 2 2009, 09:16 PM
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Random Post # 13
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post Jul 2 2009, 09:23 PM
Post #5

The ShadowComedian

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Oh come on, you were all thinking it ^^
Well, okay, to try and say something usefull:
Most big cities are supposed to be a dime a dozend in Shadowrun.
You can literally displace a shadowrunner from east coast to west coast and if he does not try to find out where he is, he will probably think he is still in his home sprawl for quite some time.
They are all big stinky hellholes. Urbanized untill they more or less collapsed into themselves. Center with high rise, then a belt of pretty much ghetto field. then some ooutposts with new high rises. Ghetto belt again.
this goes out from city to city and some time they merge into each other and get combined into a megaplex/sprawl.
Not as high rise as in the fifth element or judge Dredd, but otherwise Judge Dredd has a pretty good depiction i would say.
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post Jul 2 2009, 09:52 PM
Post #6

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Detroit is Ares-ville. When looking at any stronghold if Ares, it's important to remember that the megacorp is starting to show some stress fractures from internal strife. While that may not be as visible in daya to day life elsewhere, it should show up in Detroit. Beyond that, there is a displaced population from the people that got out of Chi-town when the wall went down and ran to the closest safe place.

My recollection has the last big talk about Detroit directly in either SoNA or NAGNA. (Those books are at home.) Looking through thoses sources, you can look at projects that were in the works and push forward X years to the current state. Some projects may have been completed, others fallen to the wayside.

I haven't recently done any research or thinking on the other 2. Best of luck.
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post Jul 2 2009, 09:54 PM
Post #7

Moving Target

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Dont know about 2072 Salt Lake City, but its condition in 2052 is described in Native American Nations Volume One.
As far as I am aware SLC is in Ute Lands. My knowledge of the NAN states is completly lacking for 2072 so this might of changed. The Mormons are in control of the city, basically the entire place is run like the Vatican is. If you want I can PM you some of the more detailed stuff, but I dont have an OCR'd copy of the PDF so it might be a bit difficult.

Detroit is described in Target: Ucas. Again, this is 2057 stuff. Its probably changed some in the 15 years between.
Detroit is described as being Ares land basically. Everything is nice, shiny and clean. And if you try and make it otherwise you will have so much of Knights men on your ass you wont know what hit you.

Cant find anything on Baltimore.

EDIT: Looking through Shadows of North America, it seems to have more information on Salt Lake City. Been a while since I have read it though (I was reading Native American Nations One the other night (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wobble.gif) ) so I cant remember the changes in it. *Sneaky Edit 2 Nope, it seems the update to 206* (Cant remember the exact date SoNA is) has no update on either city from NAN1 or Target: UCAS
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post Jul 2 2009, 11:24 PM
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QUOTE (CodeBreaker @ Jul 2 2009, 11:54 PM) *
The Mormons are in control of the city, basically the entire place is run like the Vatican is.

This could actually be really refreshing, as your everyday runner might now stand out with his pink mohawk, fiberoptic hair and what have you for a change.
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post Jul 2 2009, 11:55 PM
Post #9

Moving Target

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As a young man with family in Michigan and grad school in Detroit looming, I can tell you it has the dubious distinction of actually being nicer in Shadowrun than in real life.

My best guess for Baltimore is that as it's a border town now, you might wanna play up the whole "city divided" thing. There are a couple of books on Baltimore in the 1850s that might actually make for some inspiration. Otherwise, I'd just make stuff up, since you know the place. I think you've got a free hand.
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post Jul 3 2009, 12:25 AM
Post #10


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QUOTE (Megu @ Jul 2 2009, 11:55 PM) *
As a young man with family in Michigan and grad school in Detroit looming, I can tell you it has the dubious distinction of actually being nicer in Shadowrun than in real life.

My best guess for Baltimore is that as it's a border town now, you might wanna play up the whole "city divided" thing. There are a couple of books on Baltimore in the 1850s that might actually make for some inspiration. Otherwise, I'd just make stuff up, since you know the place. I think you've got a free hand.

You make an interesting point actually. One of the major downtown landmarks, Federal Hill, is so named because the Federal Government loaded the site down with artillery overlooking the harbor and downtown prior to the civil war. While Maryland is wholly below the Mason-Dixon line, the proximity to DC and the strategic control of Baltimore's harbor allowed it to be forced to stay with the Union.

I think a lot of the times, I forget that there even IS a CAS really. And with the damage done to NYC for so long, Baltimore would have been one of the largest ports on the Eastern coast of the UCAS.
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post Jul 5 2009, 03:31 PM
Post #11

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From NAN 1, Salt Lake City is still a Mormon preserve. They are an acepted pinkskin tribe who provide some tech skills to the Utes who pretty much shot themselves in the foot by being the most bloodthirsty of the NAN's.

The Mormon's keep their own laws and support the NAN and basically are very happy people. the place is clean and safe and so long as you don't mind the Mormons recruiting methods it is supposed to be a surprisingly great place to be.
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post Jul 5 2009, 03:52 PM
Post #12

Shooting Target

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From NAN 1, Salt Lake City is still a Mormon preserve. They are an acepted pinkskin tribe who provide some tech skills to the Utes who pretty much shot themselves in the foot by being the most bloodthirsty of the NAN's.

The Mormon's keep their own laws and support the NAN and basically are very happy people. the place is clean and safe and so long as you don't mind the Mormons recruiting methods it is supposed to be a surprisingly great place to be.

However, since the Ute are no more and the Peublo that took over for them have far less need of the specialized services offered by the Mormons, their status may very well have changed a bit in the 20 years since NAN 1 was up to date.
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Tiger Eyes
post Jul 5 2009, 04:28 PM
Post #13

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QUOTE (HappyDaze @ Jul 5 2009, 10:52 AM) *
However, since the Ute are no more and the Peublo that took over for them have far less need of the specialized services offered by the Mormons, their status may very well have changed a bit in the 20 years since NAN 1 was up to date.

The Ute were notorious for being very racist against non-NAN. The PCC has a much more relaxed approach to "pink skins" (good thing since they have LA!). So Salt Lake City might find itself in a better situation, in regards to their nation, than before. However, I imagine that Salt Lake City is very insular and has learned not to depend on the national government at all (because the Ute certainly didn't do anything for them). If that's changed now that the PCC is there, we'll just have to see...
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post Jul 5 2009, 08:30 PM
Post #14

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Right and the PPC is far more practical, the wars are long over and the surviving NAN are better established. the PPC is not likely to close down a well establish and well behaved city that it isn't worth the bother or bad PR to move against it.
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post Jul 5 2009, 09:26 PM
Post #15

Incertum est quo loco te mors expectet;

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Whoo Baltimore. A place I've been putting some special attention towards (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Basically everything south of Baltimore County is enveloped by FDC. This puts Baltimore into spitting distance from one of the tightest controlled cities in the UCAS, and a few hours from CAS. With LA and NOLA gone, and the significant destruction in NYC, Baltimore is now one of the, if not the largest sea port in the UCAS, the largest on the East Coast (in 2009, Baltimore is #7. NYC is the only UCAS port above Baltimore. Seattle is #8. Tacoma is #9:
) So with this setup, Baltimore is a major smuggling and trade port.

Maryland as a whole got bouquea bucks from FDC annexing all of that land. Baltimore got more than its cut, and basically renovated much of the city. Tie that in with increased trade, booming success in the biomedical field (thanks to Johns Hopkins and several other corps), ongoing money serving as a bedroom community to FDC contractors (remember NOVA was annexed to FDC and is now less free than even MD), and the simple fact that Baltimore is really one of the few East Coast cities not devastated by annexation, earthquake, bug infestation, so on and so forth, Baltimore has absolutely BOOMED. Inner Harbor has been completely redone (I don't know if you heard about the new mall building they're supposed to be putting up. Well apparently that succeeds, and then some. NAGNA predicted that one pretty successfully.) There have been a lot of fortunes made (and lost) with the whole shake-up, and as a city, Baltimore has collected (and squandered) a lot of wealth.

However, all is not well. Baltimore is also one of THE largest mafia cities. The old nickname Mob City is back in force (yes, I know it referred to a different mob back then, but work with me here). Flush with money, corruption has flourished. Maryland politics are a joke, and Baltimore is the worst. The Mafia have a finger in every pot. They are in construction, politics, shipping, everything. The Vory have been pretty successful at getting a foot in, but they're more low-level. Triads have some minor presence. Yaks and Seoulpa are basically unheard of. Smuggling and drugs are booming. Yes, there's a lot of money and a lot of jobs, but the poor/rich divide has gotten worse. The drug problem is uncontrollable, and there's still a whole population of people which no one knows what to do with (unlike Seattle, there's no convenient barrens right around the corner. East Baltimore IS the barrens, and it's not much of a walk back west.) Gang activity at every level is intense. The result is, the rich have a lot more money on heavy security and on physically separating themselves from the riff-raff through gated communities, high-rises, etc. Private air travel between DC and Baltimore is the way to go.

I don't know who provides security for Baltimore. I'd guess it's a mix between old Baltimore Police Department and Knight Errant. Baltimore has enough money it hasn't been forced to rent out security like other cities. Instead, it can run its old, inefficient, ineffective, expensive force (which I'm sure the mafia like, since a local PD is easier to control than the branch of a global corp).

Ares has a very strong presence here. Ares Arms is actually headquartered there (so expect lots of cheap guns!) There was a major biomedical branch, I think Yamatetsu (now Evo), which also had some major strength, but I can't recall. Shiawise Atomics is based out of FDC, so expect some bleed-over. Most of the old favorites aren't so common.

This is primarily based off of extrapolation from modern trends, and based off of what's written in Neo-Anarchist's Guide to North America (which has the only blurb about Baltimore and Maryland I'm aware of).
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post Jul 6 2009, 01:38 AM
Post #16

Shooting Target

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Right and the PPC is far more practical, the wars are long over and the surviving NAN are better established. the PPC is not likely to close down a well establish and well behaved city that it isn't worth the bother or bad PR to move against it.

Close down, no. However, I do see them taking some effort to bring it more evenly into the overall PCC culture. They don't really want a semi-indepedent entity controlled by a privledged religion in their midst. Actions by the PCC aimed at incorporating their standards while also cutting back on any special benies the Ute had offered up to the Mormons (since the PCC have far less reason to 'bribe' them) should be in order. Subtle efforts to put as many Mormons as possible into LA might be a step too.
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post Jul 6 2009, 02:00 AM
Post #17

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Who is to say horizon didn't take over the Mormons PR and it is now a tourist trap for the religious consertives with things like Bibleland and such.. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/rotate.gif)
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post Jul 6 2009, 03:24 AM
Post #18

Moving Target

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Nezumi, when you use that list to claim Baltimore is one of the largest remaining UCAS ports, you should note that the list only refers to US ports. The ones in UCAS Canada may also be a factor. Perhaps some of the Atlantic Provinces cities have grown, like Halifax or St. John's. Not likely, but it's worth noting that those ports may be factors.

Also, the public PD thing? I did pretty much the same thing for my interpretation of St. Paul, MN, for my game. SPPD is still going because the Mob wants it that way. Knight Errant is the PD in Minneapolis and there's a lot of tension between the two.
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post Jul 6 2009, 01:08 PM
Post #19

Incertum est quo loco te mors expectet;

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That is true. I don't know much of anything about Canada's ports, so I can't really compare.

Something else I did not mention, several sources (mostly Cyberpunk sources) have indicated that everything from NYC to Atlanta is basically one long city. In Shadowrun, it appears this is not quite so starkly true, with cities like Ellicott City still somewhat distinct and major gaps between Alexandria and Richmond (that being an international border) but overall I would expect that to be the case. You'll know when you've cross from the Maryland Sprawl to the Pennsylvania Sprawl because suddenly there's less money thrown at silly things and the speed limit drops. Aside from that, it'll mostly be pretty built up urban and suburban areas. Yeah, now the shooting in Aberdeen isn't military testing, it's competing gangs.
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post Jul 6 2009, 06:20 PM
Post #20

Moving Target

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One thing about SLC: Magic is a no-no

Now, unless you're dealing with the ultrafundamentalist neo-Dannites, the LDS won't kill you for practicing magic, they'll just not want to have anything to do with you, and your SLC contacts will dry up. Besides, you wouldn't want to sling spells in the SLC reserve. The enitre place is one big mana ebb, according to Shadows of North America.
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post Jul 11 2009, 04:00 PM
Post #21

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Nezumi it makes sense with what you said about FDC growing north towards Baltimore, what would the growth be like towards the more gentle and gentrified Annapolis area?
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post Jul 12 2009, 06:42 PM
Post #22


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Re: Baltimore
And what with the whole Dunkelzahn thing in FDC, plus (IIRC) the HQ of the Draco Foundation, tons of magical stuff in that area? The cryptozoological reports from that area (a big source for choosing what paracritters are native, for me) reveals that there could be an Eastern form of sasquatch in the area (maybe ranging up into PA, too, as there's a lot up there), a sea serpent or two in the Chesapeake, and there's an old report of a flying serpent in the Catoctin Mountain area, maybe a dragon. Of course, maybe a wyvern too. And please, this is Shadowrun -- do something nifty with Goatman, Bunnyman, Boaman, and all the others. And there's also the Black Aggie thing, her statue is now in DC at some government building. Maybe since the Awakening there actually is a spirit?

And in regards to the Mason-Dixon line, keep in mind Cresap's War up here in PA. Cresap's fort was actually located not more than a half hour from where I sit now, basically it was an early border war between PA and MD. I think maybe even that the Mason-Dixon line was a result of this.
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post Jul 13 2009, 12:35 AM
Post #23

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QUOTE (Snow_Fox @ Jul 11 2009, 11:00 AM) *
Nezumi it makes sense with what you said about FDC growing north towards Baltimore, what would the growth be like towards the more gentle and gentrified Annapolis area?

Odd... never really noticed that you and Nezumi were also in this rough area. (always has seemed something of a dessert for finding other SR players)

Quite frankly as someone who is in between Baltimore & Annapolis... I'd love to see Baltimore razed in fiction... before getting rebuilt in any way shape or form.

Though I have a hard time seeing Annapolis get any treatment outside that of a higher end life style small city/big town. MD all told is basically just a federal client state now (if it weren't for all the federal money spent in DC... central MD and NoVA would collapse).
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post Jul 13 2009, 01:15 AM
Post #24

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I live north of Philly but my Brother and his family live near Annapolis. I was thinking the small town feel of Maryland's capital city, the water front plus a government office and military achedemy would actually give room for a few adventures but the size of the town would mean a small, very intimate shadow community.
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post Jul 13 2009, 12:26 PM
Post #25

Incertum est quo loco te mors expectet;

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QUOTE (Snow_Fox @ Jul 11 2009, 12:00 PM) *
Nezumi it makes sense with what you said about FDC growing north towards Baltimore, what would the growth be like towards the more gentle and gentrified Annapolis area?

Good question. Annapolis has probably gotten a lot nicer, for one. Again, Maryland got a shock of money, and Annapolis would be one of the few areas which is pretty, reasonably local and, well, pretty! You still can't build tenements on the ocean (at least not very easily). I'm sure house prices around there have skyrocketed, and it's gone from A to AAA.

I would bet that the Naval Academy has lost some of its lustre, being something like a hundred miles from enemy territory, however. That would likely free up a lot of land, and I'm not aware of any other big industries or corps who would want to stake that area out. So not much push for high-density anything.

Since Annapolis is quiet, local, pretty safe, but not as tight as FDC, with access to the water, I could understand it being a good choice for high-end runner hang-outs, like Matchsticks. Likely some mafia houses down that way as well (not to mention a bunch of politicians and corpers).

QUOTE (Garwllwyd @ Jul 12 2009, 02:42 PM) *
Re: Baltimore
And what with the whole Dunkelzahn thing in FDC, plus (IIRC) the HQ of the Draco Foundation, tons of magical stuff in that area?

You're not going to find a sasquatch in Baltimore (although who knows - maybe he's got some little appliance repair shop off North Street). I wouldn't be surprised if there are some sort of weird, magical urban critters, but I haven't seen anything on them. Goatman is PG county, if memory serves, so he's FDC's problem now (and according to NAGNA, there's still plenty of abandoned turf for him to roam). (Never heard of bunnyman, boaman, etc.) From what I've read of NAGNA, the magical stuff seems pretty well contained to around the mall. By the time you get forty minutes north, well, I'm guessing any bad spirits would have settled into Laurel first.

So you're definitely welcome to put in the paranormal critters aspect. I don't know much about that. You're right, it seems to be coming up all over the map around Baltimore, but Baltimore itself seems a bit too grimey and full of crazy crackheads with guns, I guess. If you do some paranormal critters stuff, I'd love to read it (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

QUOTE (Falconer @ Jul 12 2009, 08:35 PM) *
Odd... never really noticed that you and Nezumi were also in this rough area. (always has seemed something of a dessert for finding other SR players)

Dessert, yum!

Yep, up here in Balmer. Been taking some time off from tabletop to care for my brood, however.

Quite frankly as someone who is in between Baltimore & Annapolis... I'd love to see Baltimore razed in fiction... before getting rebuilt in any way shape or form.

Why's that? Baltimore already has everything you need for a good Cyberpunk setting. Far moreso than Seattle! I think behind Philly, it's supposed to be one of the top most depressing places to live. Continuously in the top ten for homicide rates, and claims more of the top homicide-count neighborhoods than any other city. Highest for crack abuse and, if memory serves, herpes too. Don't F#%$ with Baltimore.
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