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> IC: Never Trust an Elf: 2072., An Independant Shadowrun.
post Oct 9 2009, 11:47 PM
Post #26

Neophyte Runner

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Vera goes back from being her true age to that of a Shadowrunner. Cold ruthless and devoid emotion and scruples. She watched with first trepidation and then with cold disassociation as the last of the beating one the door stopped.

She coldly listened to the offer of Hotshida, he was in the Hotel, which meant that she had been followed, there was a larger operation in the mix and she had been targeted for this.

"I might be able to supply you with Thomas Galloway, but then with certain provisos. You give him a new face and name, and I'll give him to you. This offer is only for him, not his family or anything. Can you work with that?"

She moved closer to Hotshida, as he sits in his chair. Finally leaning over him.

"Second, I need your assistance if I am going to make contact with him. The demo i just recorded needs to be put on several forms of media, including an optical disc. Do you know anything about optical discs and what do they look like or usually held? I also need to have an accidental meeting arranged between me and Mr Galloway at the music festival tonight, can you accommodate me?"

Vera leans over and whispers into his ear. "This is without me yet negotiating my fee. With such a short window, my fees are going to be... expensive."
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post Oct 10 2009, 12:13 AM
Post #27

Moving Target

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Hotshida turns his chair his revolving chair towards her. Fidgeting a bit before becoming comfortable in the synthleather chair. He pushes a button on his commlink which leads to one of the machines ejecting a small circular optical disc behind him. Hotshida reaches over from his chair takes out the disc, places it in a silver case and hands it to Vera.

"This is the type of recording format the elf asked you to recover from Galloway. It is an old style optical disc, about twenty to twenty-five years old. I am not how old you are Miss Davis, but this type of recording was becoming obsolete when I was a teenager. These types of discs can only be heard over a matching piece of hardware that is built to play it (Think of a VCR and a VHS.) This particular disc has a recording of your session, which was very well done. I also have your music recorded in other types of formats, any of which are available to you. I would be able to personally introduce you to Mr. Galloway. And I offer the transportation services of Angelic Entertainment Studios to take you to the festival this evening."

(Getting into Grandville Island is a nightmare. There is only one road which leads to the island and it will have bad traffic. Hotshida is offering you a chauffer service or a boat to get there.)

He lets her examine the case before continuing.

"I can work with your provisions. So long as we can convince Galloway to work with us. He is currently on the hedge about becoming a employee for Saeder Krupp. If you would like, I can have a few of my men on stand-by to assist you extract Mr. Galloway. Or you can use your own resources and contacts for this endeavor."

The Japanese man then leans back, studying Vera before making his offer.

"Eight Thousand Nuyen. All up front."
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post Oct 10 2009, 12:38 AM
Post #28

Neophyte Runner

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Vera grinned and whispered into Hotshida's ear. "10,000 nuyen and I get to keep the demo and all its copies. Another 20,000 and I'll let you keep the demo, all up front."

Vera placed Hotshida's hand on top of her heart. "What do you think?"

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post Oct 10 2009, 02:38 AM
Post #29

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Hotshida ponders. Placing his forfinger underneath his chin. "If this demo is released, wouldn't that draw a lot of unwanted attention to you Miss Davis?"

"You can always change the faces and places to fit the right icon you wish to promote."

"Twenty-Thousand is a lot to pay for one song. 15,000 nuyen is what I can offer for your music. Eight-thousand up front. And the other two if the job is pulled
off successfully."

Chrysalis pulls her skirt up and sits down in Hotshida's lap. Hotshida's body tenses. The sudden cool demeanor and control of the meeting on his home turf was being threatened.

"No more?" Vera asks.

Hotshida coughs. And then fidgets a bit. "I am a married man Miss Davis..." He also unlooses his tie, making it easier for him to breathe.

"I guess that's a no then."

Vera gets off of Hotshida and replaces her skirt. Hotshida let's out a deep sigh.

"I'll take the 8000 now and the 2000 later then," Vera states "And I get to keep my music."

Hotshida nods. And then stands up very quickly, walking over to the recording equipment. He pulls out an small chip and hands it to Vera.

"No other copies or masters?"

"Yes. I am a man of my word. Eight-thousand up front. Two-thousand upon completion. My Sylph will be waiting for you at English Bay Beach at 2000 hours this evening."

"I will see you there then."

Vera takes the chip and disc and walks out of the recording studio.

Hotshida leans against the wall. Looking up to the ceiling he let's out a deep sigh. It was time for a cold shower.


Once Vera steps outside of the Saeder Krupp subsidairy she receives a incoming text message over her commlink. It's from Sunny.

<<Text. Hoi sweetheart. Was able to get in contact with a enforcer of the White Triads, named Ming-Kin. He says they'll talk to you about Galloway. I can set up a meet for you, or provided you with a commlink code where he can be reached out. Either way babe, this setup will cost you 100 nuyen. Let me know. Full of rays....-Sunny.>>
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post Oct 10 2009, 08:39 PM
Post #30

Neophyte Runner

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Vera reads the message and responds to it.

<<Hi Sunny, just got your message. Provide me with a neutral third party location and say that we can meet. It has to be soon because I have to be places by 1800. If in person is not possible, lets meet over VR.>>

Vera does some quick shopping online, she has a nice outfit slected for herself. Vivacious exciting, but maybe not as good as it could be. Showing poor self-esteem issues. She had the whole thing delivered to her hotel, where she could then pick it up.
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post Oct 10 2009, 10:53 PM
Post #31

Moving Target

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Friday, January 9th 2072. 1545 Hours. Vancouver, Salish Shidhe Council. Downtown.
Hyatt Regency.

Text from Sunny.

<<"Sure thing. How does 1630 work? I know of this small pub called Barrels, in the center of downtown. A neutral territory where a lot of Fixers and Johnson frequent. It's sacred, anyone who causes trouble there will find their street reputation plummet like a rock thrown from a cliff.">>

A few minutes later a incoming Commlink, dings on the hotel telescreen. Vera has the option of a audio or visual display.

"Miss Young."
The sound of a young man. Canadian accent, with Ork undertones. "Your apparel has arrived. Shall we send up the delivery or will you come to the lobby to pick them up?"
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post Oct 10 2009, 11:05 PM
Post #32

Neophyte Runner

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Friday, January 9th 2072. 1545 Hours. Vancouver, Salish Shidhe Council. Somewhere downtown.

<<Sunny, 1630 at Barrels sounds good. I'll see him there.>>

Vera changes the direction of the car and heads for Barrels. Meanwhile she gets a message from the hotel. An AR screen opens up on her dash board on the passenger side and she smiles at the hotel clerk with a professional smile.

"Hi, I'll pick them up from reception when I finish my business meetings. I have not been in since this morning, could you check if someone has been in my room in the meantime?"

At 1630 she arrives at Barrels and walks briskly as her high heels allow into the den of inequity. She looks around a bit and seeks out her Triad contact. She was wearing her polaroid glasses and looked every inch of a Ms Johnson. She even had her commlink broadcasting the professional <<all information barred>> subroutine.
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post Oct 10 2009, 11:58 PM
Post #33

Moving Target

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Friday, January 9th 2072. 1630 Hours. Vancouver, Salish Shidhe Council.

There is a 2072 red Evo Pegasus racing bike parked outside of the pub. Vera enters. The interior of the pub has a wilderness, rustic feel to it. The area is made of a combination of real wood and synth wood. There is a smell of fresh cut saw dust in the bar. The pub has two floors, with the stairs leading up to the second floor right at the entrance. The entrance to the second floor is currently closed off by a red velvet rope.

[Interior of the first floor of Barrels.]

The bar is immediately to the left of Vera as she enters. It winds down around the corner and takes up nearly 50% of the space area. There are a few tables. They are all empty. The bartender is a human who stands about 1.8 meters tall. He has short stylish brown hair and is fairly good looking. He has a variety of tattoos on his arm. He is wiping down the counter. He smiles at Vera as she enters.

At the other end of the bar is her contact. A shorter man of Asian decent. Around 170cm tall. He has long black hair, and a glare in his face at all times. His complexion is clear. He is wearing a sharp black business suit, with a blue dress shirt underneath, and a red-tie. He is leaning forward against the bar. His commlink PAN in on private mode.

He looks in Vera's directions. Giving her a smirk, and rolling his tongue to the corner of his mouth, before turning back to her and eying her seductive body from head to toe the entire way while she approaches.

"You must be the contact."
He says in perfect English.
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post Oct 11 2009, 12:12 AM
Post #34

Neophyte Runner

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Vera looks at the bartender and smiles at him a bit and walks over to him "Club soda please."

She continues to walk over to the Chinese man, who if standing would be a bit over a head shorter than she was. "And you must be the man who knows about the secrets of a certain Mr. Galloway. I would like to know more about... him." Vera takes off her jacket and opens her bun letting her hair cascade over her shoulders. "If the information is good maybe we can talk about compensation." She sips her drink to see what is the Triad's reaction. her mind and software recording analysing and assisting in making every motion and word perfect.

[ Spoiler ]

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post Oct 11 2009, 05:27 PM
Post #35

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[Joint post.]

Friday, January 9th 2072. 1630-1645 Hours. Vancouver, Salish Shidhe Council.

The bartender makes his way over to Vera, placing a glass on the bar and then filling it with the club soda. He places a napkin underneath her drink, and provides her with a straw.

The Triad enforcer views the elf from head to toe, before returning her smile with one of his own. The Triad Forcer likes what he sees

"Hmm. Alright. But I would like to see some nuyen first."

He takes a sip from his drink and waits for Vera.

"Well, I am sure we can wave the financial viewing... if I like what I hear,” Vera begins "Besides, discretion is important in my line of work."
The Enforcer keeps an eye on her legs as he responds, not even bothering to look up.

"That's not the way it works. You provide me with a little nuyen then I can talk about Galloway. Since you gorgeous. I'll say 100 nuyen."
He looks up with another creepy smile, "With an option for more if you like what i have to say."

"Sounds acceptable." Punching in a function on her commlink, Vera sends him 100 nuyen.

"Okay." With a beautiful women in front of him and his bank account a gambling money in his pocket the Triad contact continues, "Galloway owes us money for helping finance his delta grade cyberware implants last year."
"What kinds of implants?"

"Items he couldn't put on his corporate accounts. Wired Reflexes, dermal plating, and a smartlink."

“How much did he borrow?"

"More then 40,000 nuyen."

"Must have a nice interest rate on that loan."

Vera sucks on the swizzle stick looking him in the eye.

The Triad goon snickers leaning towards Vera even further. Sliding an arm along the railing, behind her, "Galloway's a good client. He makes his payments on time, including the interest."

Vera brushes the hair from her face and peers at him "How much does he owe you in full?"

"He owes about 26,000. Making payments of 2,000 nuyen a month."

"Not much then."

"Not much more. But he still owes us. His financial numbers thus far show that he is able to pay us. If that changes in anyway....you know what happens."

"Certain things are extracted."
Vera finished his sentence.

"Exactly. Smart liang gwai-low." The Triad examines her legs once again. Rusted gears circling and squeaking in his mind.

"I know my fair bit of the trade. I thought he owed you more, what with his extravagant lifestyle."

"Galloway is a smart business man. He knows how to make money, and does a decent job spending it. Like I said. The money he borrowed from us, was for certain implants which could not explained if he put it on the Horizon tab."

"I think you answered my questions well. What would you like in recompense?"

"How does 400 nuyen sound? Or....."

"Now, what you are offering is a bit more expensive than 400."

Vera Laughs lightly "I am not that cheap"

“You can either pay ME 400 nuyen for the information I have provided you. Or we can choose a little foreplay."

"What did you have in mind?"

“The gentlemen at our club, is always looking for new entertainment. Perhaps you can attend some of our functions, as a guest. Serve as my date for one of these functions. A man with a beautiful women dangling on his arm, holds a great deal of status in the Chinese culture.”

"I might, but what's in it for me?"

"The information I provided you. At a discount price."

"At how large a discount?"

“Two hundred nuyen. With the 100 you gave me earlier, that would be 300 in total."

Vera smiles, "Agreed.” Transferring the two hundred over to the goon.

“Pleasure doing business with you.”

"The pleasure was all yours."
Vera extracts herself from the odious criminal and walks out of the bar.


When she walks out of the a message icon pops up in the corner of Vera’s digital screen. It appears to be an email or a message from the Hyatt Regency hotel.

<<Text: Miss Young, the dresses that you have ordered have arrived at the hotel. They shall be waiting for you at the counter for you to pick up at your convenience.”>>

By the time she returns to the hotel it will be 1715-1730 hours. Hotshida had planned to meet the femme fatale at the English Bay beach at 8PM or 2000 hours. The festival itself begins around that time. With the recordings in hand, and her attire awaiting at the hotel, the plan to attract Galloway’s attention at the festival was in place.
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post Oct 11 2009, 06:39 PM
Post #36

Neophyte Runner

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Friday, January 9th 2072. 2000 Hours. Vancouver, Salish Shidhe Council. English Bay Beach.

Vera had been back to the hotel and had dinner which was a selection of smoked salmon over a greek salad. Then she had gotten dressed and availed herself of the full complement of manicurists, cosmetologists and hair dressers.

She was wearing a micromini dress that changed colour depending on what it was next to. A material that utilized ideas taken from chameleon suits. It was fabricated in a way reminiscent of chiffon and was a breath away from revealing to translucent, and when sitting a breath away from revealing her matching thong. She was wearing 5 inch stilletto silver rhinestone sandals and thigh-high sheer-white memory stockings.

Ornate silver ear-rings could be seen under the white mass of curls, her face accentuated with the pinks and pastels of her makeover.

Over this she wore a dark black acryllic knit jacket, which at the moment hung to mid-thigh, tied so that the jacket framed her breasts instead of covering them.

A small purse held the disc, her commlink and various other sundry items.

Vera checked her lip gloss before walking over to Hotshida's boat that would take her to the island where the festival would be held.
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post Oct 11 2009, 09:50 PM
Post #37

Moving Target

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Friday, January 9th 2072. 2000-2015 Hours. Vancouver, Salish Shidhe Council. English Bay Beach.

[Grandville Island, from the water looking in.]

She approached the beach, finding Hotshida standing on a dock in the same business suite he was wearing at the studio before. The boat that was next to him was a silver Colorado Craft Sylph (Hydrofoil. Page 111 of Arsenal.) There was an ork and troll, both wearing long black leather dusters. They both had spiky black hair, and matching earnings. It almost seemed as if they the ork and troll were brothers, just off different metatypes.

[Kyle Hotshida]

In the distance she could see Vancouver. Looking from downtown to the other side of the former Canadian city, she could see all of the high rise residential apartments gleaming with life. In the distance she could make out Grandville Island. An area with no tall structures. Nonetheless, even from a distance she could see that the place was a bondfire for activity this Friday evening. Out over the water, there was a large augmented reality advertisement the size of a large ferris wheel advertising the 'Vancouver International Music Festival.' There were even pictures and AR billboards of various types of musicians, from classical, jazz, rock, etc.

Hotshida helped her into the boat. His eyes were cool, as was his expression. But anyone with some sort of intuition could tell he was thinking something else. Even the Ork and Troll brothers looked up from their preparations to notice how stunning Vera looked.

"Hello Miss Davis." Hotshida spoke. "You are picturesque."

[Bird's eye view. The boat is coming from the direciton of the high rises.]

Hotshida helped her into the boat, allowing her to sit in the shot-gun seat of the speedboat. Above her was a protective windshield which extended over her seat and past her. Thus shielding her from any type of wind during the boat ride. The ork took the driver's seat. His control rig and plugged into his datajack. He went into a trance like state as he began to operate the Slyph remotely. Hotshida sat in the seat behind Vera. The troll withdrew the anchor from the boat, and then they were off.

Hotshida spoke.

"Now Miss Davis. When the time comes, Sponge and Soak," He made reference to the two brothers, "Will be the men who will come assist you with whatever plan you have to extract Galloway. They will assist you with this job, and will be at your command. They are quiet competent. Sponge is your muscle, Soak is the transportation."

The boat ride was slow and peaceful. The ork did not use the speed boat functions to their fullest capacity. The trip felt like a slow ferry-ride or a cruise with the boat just gliding over the water. They were heading towards Grandeville Island. When they were within the vicinity of the place, Vera could already hear the chatter from the festival. Like a pack of Geese of a cocktail party. On the Grandeville Bridge which connected Downtown Vancouver to Vancouver's other neighborhoods she could see the line of traffic and headlights, twisting off to the highway trying to head onto the Island.

The Troll's commlink beeped. A advertisement for the festival. The automative speaker's voice was a female. For the heck of it, the Troll accessed his commlink.

<<International Music Festival: Hello Bill. Welcome to the 82th annual Vancouver Music Festival. This festival began in 1992 and hosts over 100 musicians from 48 different countries...this year's prime attraction will be....>>

Sponge skipped the introduction, and went straight to the song selection portion. He selected some type of hard-rock music, reminiscent of the Industrial Music scene from the 2000's. The music played while they cruised.

Vera could make out a army of other sailing vessels from yachts to sail boats, to water skis, to other speed boats. The Slyph glided into pork. Sponge jumped from the boat and tied down the vessel to the dock. Hotshida was out next. Sponge then came over to assist Vera. Up ahead was the festival.

[More photos of the Island.]

The island is littered with narrow roadways/sidewalks, and limited parking spaces, restaurants off the harbor, and teaming with people. Surrounding the entire island is a boardwalk. The island serves as a market place for fresh natural and soy products, has a main eatery area full of the finest Vancouver cuisines. Three restaurants of four to five star quality dining. The island is also the main art hub-spot of Vancouver. There are art stores of all types, even a sculpting studio. There are two pubs, all rowdy and loud. There is also a theater for live performances. At the current moment, the attraction of the hour is playing, which is a galiec band from Tir Na Nog. Grandville Island has alleyways or narrow inlets in between the antique, exotic dress and jewelry stores.

There are various 'town' square areas where live performances are being held of all types of music. The island is also littered with street performers, of all types. Awakened magicians performing dazziling showcases of their powers. Acrobats using either their magical talents or the latest in augmented wear to enhance their performances.

There is even a hotel here.

The crowd is filled with people of all classes, races, metatypes. There are corporate suits with escorts, families with children, couples looking for a lively way to spend their evening, teenagers 'hanging' out, and large parties. Hotshida walks next to her.

[Map of Grandeville Island on your AR Display.]

"I'll see if I can find Thomas Galloway."
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post Oct 11 2009, 10:40 PM
Post #38

Neophyte Runner

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Vera is helped onto the boat. In some ways heels are not the best thing to have on when navigating around boats. For one its really hard to stay upright, especially as she is already leaning on the forward balls of her feet.

She smiles at Hotshida and replies to the complement, "thank you, you're looking quite handsome too tonight."

She nods at being intrduced to Sponge and Soak. "Galloway had some delta grade cyberware put in him, a move by wire system and subdermal armour. So just in case it gets rough, you should know. He also like combat sports."

In another life she would have wanted to siply wander around the evening listening to music, eating over priced soydogs and generally enjoy the spectacle.

She took a hold of Hotshida's hand as they stood there on the edge of a waterfront 'town' square. unfortunately she was on the job and her priority was finding Galloway.

"Maybe I should come with you."

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post Oct 11 2009, 11:04 PM
Post #39

Moving Target

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Kyle Hotshida takes a hold of Vera's hand and glides through the festival. Checking the various PAN networks, around the area, Soak is unable to pick up a sign of Galloway's known Commlink code or any type of RFID tag on him. His commlink must be turned off or set to private.

Eventually Hotshida, runs into two suits, standing at the entrance way to the Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design.

"Roger! David!"

Their PAN networks state that they are business and advertisement employees of Shangra-La.

"Kyle Hotshida. You son of a gun, how have you been?"

One of the men embraces Hotshida and then shakes his hand. They make a comment about Vera's looks in a kind way. The three engage in a short conversation about business and sports, before Hotshida asks.

"You actually was hoping if you could tell me where I can find Thomas?"

The one named Roger thinks.."Yes. You should be able to find him on the boardwalk behind the Net Loft."

Hotshida thanks him, and then leads Vera towards the direction. Vera notices that they are heading in an area away from all of the music, away from the crowd. A place where all of the cars are parked. A area of the island where the people are headed in the opposite direction. They pass a small parking lot and then a small park before seeing the boardwalk.

There is Thomas Galloway, over looking the pier. Standing alone underneath a neon lamp post, staring outwards the False Creek Channel into the Pacific Ocean. There is a small bench beside him. He is wearing a dark gray blazer with matching khaki pants. Underneath he has a top quality brand black dress shirt. His hair is cut short, the color of a perfect chestnut brown.

Hotshida approaches him, with Vera in tow.

"Thomas. Thomas Galloway." Hotshida calls.

Galloway turns around. He looks happy. His eyes are smiling. And he seems at peace standing alone, away from the crowd..

"Kyle." He says with a faint British accent. One that appears to be lingering after spending years away from his native country. He smiles. "Glad you could make it. Wasn't sure if you were attending the festival this year."

Galloway's eyes stop at Vera. He smiles at her. He smiles at her for a good amount of time. "Hello." He says rather softly.

"Thomas. Let me introduce you to a friend of mine, who is looking to break into our business. Please meet......"
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post Oct 11 2009, 11:14 PM
Post #40

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Vera smiles her winning smile "Hi, I'm Jennifer Davis. Wow, I finally get to meet you. I've heard so much about you." She laughs for a moment looking him in the eyes. "Umm, Hi." She tilts her head a bit and looks at him over her bang.

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post Oct 11 2009, 11:23 PM
Post #41

Moving Target

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Galloway matches her smile. One where he laughed lightly. "That can be either a good or bad thing, depending on who you ask. So Kyle tells me that you are looking to become a sim-star? Is that true? If so, maybe I could help you."
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post Oct 11 2009, 11:49 PM
Post #42

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takes one step towards Thomas and looks him in the eye, "Yes, it's what I would like more than anything... I want to become a sim-star, and I think I am ready for it too." Jennifer smiled at him, the pleading and pleasing promise in her eye.
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post Oct 12 2009, 12:16 AM
Post #43

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Galloway turns to Kyle.

"Kyle. She has that look."

He then turns back to Vera.


"The one of someone still optimistically holding onto their dreams." He says slowly. "Maybe I can listen to you sing in person or at a performance, of if you have a recording of some sort, I can see what type of talent you have.."
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post Oct 12 2009, 12:21 AM
Post #44

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Jennifer looks at Galloway as if he said the magic words. "I brought my demo with me. Do you want to hear it? It's on optical disc. Please?"

Jennifer looked hopefully into Thomas' eyes.
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post Oct 12 2009, 01:00 AM
Post #45

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He gives her a simple smile while nodding his head slightly. It is the type of smile you would give someone if you sincerely wanted to do for a favor for them. It wouldn't have mattered if Vera was good or bad, he just wanted to give her a chance.

Vera handed him the disk, the circular optical disc.

"Oh." He smiles at her, "It's my favorite musical format. The quality on the chips isn't nearly as good as it ways back in the day when Jetblack, the Shadows, and Maria were selling out the venues. You really did your research Jennifer."

He looks at her, very impressed. Galloway turns to speak to Hotshida.

"Kyle. You don't mind if I borrow her for the rest of the night?"

"Not at all," Kyle says bowing. "Miss Davis, I shall take my leave. You have my commlink number if you need anything."

Hotshida walks off. Galloway then turns his attention back to Vera.

"Unfortunately, we can't play this optical disc on our commlinks. The programming is not available on our devices. We'll have to listen to your recording at one of the theaters."

Galloway smiles at her and leads her down along the boardwalk, heading south. After they had been walking for a few minutes, Galloway's hand naturally find hers. It was comfortable.

"Tell me about yourself Jennifer. Make me forget about the sins of my past. Make me forget about the regrets that I have. Make me forget about everything I cannot seem to get away from."
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post Oct 12 2009, 08:38 PM
Post #46

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Jennifer smiles and laughs at the comment.

"Well not much I can say about myself. I grew up in Seattle, my parents moved around a lot as they both worked for Ares. I went through Ares college and ended up as a secretary/receptionist. Always liked doing music and singing. Three months ago, I decided to have enough of my job, quit and started doing some gigs at clubs and drifted here to Vancouver."

She grinned and squeezed his hand. "So far I haven't regretted it."

She hesitates for a while before continuin. "Do you want to stop off at that wine garden? I would kinda know more about you too."

She gave her a simple smile, the kind often replied to when someone has sincerely done a favour to you.
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post Oct 12 2009, 11:55 PM
Post #47

Moving Target

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The timing was good. Straight ahead was a wine garden. It was in the Southwest of the Island where there were only a few patrons in number. The wine garden was a small restaurant with nature as it's theme. According to the AR display, the wine was distilled and refined within the restaurant.

"Sure. I would love to." Replied Thomas Galloway. Taking her hand, Galloway lead her into the garden where they were greeted by a Maître d'.

"Bonsoir. Quel joli couple." The Waiter stated. "Comment puis-je vous aider"

Galloway responded.

Bonjour. Je voudrais une table pour la jolie dame et moi-même

Oui. Droit cette voie. Suivez-moi
The waiter smiled and lead them into the garden. It was like walking into an oasis inside the already beautiful city of Vancouver. The technology of 2072 enabled such a place to exist. In the center of the restaurant, there was indeed a garden. The restaurant itself was square in shape, like a wall. The dining area itself was like a courtyard inside of a castle.

[Wine Garden]

The host lead them to a small table. Galloway went behind Vera, and pulled the chair out for her. Galloway ordered the house wine for the both of them, thanked the waiter, and then sat down himself. Looking across from Vera, he took her hands over the table and cupped them in his own.

"This is nice." He said. "So you would like to know more about me? I'm what people would call a corporate shark who makes a six-digit salary. I smother the dreams of hopeful, talented, adoring, musicians such as yourself." He leans over the table with small laughter, and a kidding smile on his face."Other then that. I am a regular guy, who loves British Football, enjoys dinners with beautiful and alluring women, and if he could leave the corporate life for something simple...."
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post Oct 13 2009, 12:06 AM
Post #48

Neophyte Runner

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From: Neverwhere
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Jennifer smiles as he pulls the chair out for her. She sits crossing her legs and slipping off her wool jacket. She looked around and admired the scenery.

"This place is certainly nice. And you say the sweetest of things..."

Vera looked him in the eye and leaned over the table only to be broken off with a polite cough and bottle of housewine and two glasses. The wine cork is offered to Galloway to sniff and two glasses are poured one third full.

jennifer picked up a glass, "May I propose a toast? To getting to know someone as fascinating as you, and hopefully you find something that will distract you from your complex life for something simple."

She grinned at Galloway and drank a bit of the wine.
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post Oct 13 2009, 12:25 AM
Post #49

Moving Target

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Galloway embraced the toast. And when she removed her jacket, he took notice of the dress she was wearing. Galloway smiled at her wit.

"Wouldn't say I am fascinating per say. I am in a fascinating business which is as cut throat as they come. You know it's funny. Your recording, which I would like to eventually hear of course, is in a similar format of something I came into possession not to long ago.." He pauses a bit. Thinking. "Ah. Nevermind. I am talking about work again. Things have indeed been complex and full of stress these past few weeks. To be honest, I was rather blue before you and Kyle came over to greet me. So I thank you. I am glad that you were able to grab my attention this evening, instead of some of my colleagues."

To this point, Galloway's wine glass remained full other then the sip he took from the toast.
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post Oct 14 2009, 09:59 PM
Post #50

Neophyte Runner

Group: Members
Posts: 2,141
Joined: 26-February 02
From: Neverwhere
Member No.: 2,048

Friday, January 9th 2072. 2100-0030 Hours. Vancouver, Salish Shidhe Council. Granville Island.

The wine garden was quite empty, despite how full the island was for the International Music Festival. The surrounding white noise generators and luscious garden decor made the place quite serene. The AR displays were muted and the occasional violin could be heard as it flitted between expanses of artificial silence.

Jennifer looked at Galloway, a handsome and rugged Englishman, who had weathered many years in Vancouver. As a hard cold businessman and promoter of the music industry, her hopes and aspirations a mere commlink call away. She looked at Galloway’s untouched glass of wine, his strong hands and his stress hardened face.

She quietly asked him looking in his eyes, from under her bangs, "Can we pretend that we aren't simstar hopeful and corporate shark for tonight?" She reached out and took his hand into hers.

He held her hand and his face softened, the years of corporate suitdom slowly fading away. His eyes becoming softer, "I was hoping you would say that. What were you thinking?"

She laughed and sipped at her wine. "Let's just start over again. Hi, I'm Jennifer, what's your name?"

"Thomas." Galloway brings her hand to his mouth. "Jennifer that's a lovely name." He added kissing her hand.

They talked about many things between heaven and earth. The wine glasses emptied and a new bottle of the wine garden's finest was brought. After leaving the wine garden leaving a heavy tip to the waiter, heady, laughing and giggling, they continued to walk down along the waterfront.

Heady with the wine she looked at Galloway with a wink and guided his hand to circle her waist and rest against her hip. He winked back at her holding her tight by his side. She leaned against him as if she could at any moment trip and fall. In response, he moved his hand over to her arm, holding her tightly and shielding her from the cold and anyone else who might make claim to his beauty.

A crowd of people started heading their way, trying to get in for the last show. As they did, Galloway turned his back towards them and shielded Jennifer from the oncoming crowd, wrapping both of his arms around her very tightly. Jennifer hugged Galloway, looking him in the eyes.

As the crowd angled around them, Galloway protected her with his sheer presence. It was a perfect moment, lowering his head, he kissed her. The kiss lasting as long as it would take for the crowd to finally pass.

Even after the last person had gone by, he still held onto her looking into her eyes, asking her silently if she was okay. In response Jennnifer kissed him again. Satisfied with the answer, he drew her very close, as they continues to walk. He had her lean against him and said, "I have a boat, docked on the island. We can sail around the harbour. It's not a rowboat, but a yacht. It’s my floating citadel from the pressures of work."

She leaned against Gallloway's shoulder and said, "Mmm... you're very handsome and cute for a British man. I can't wait to see your boat."

They laughed and slightly teased each other as they walked to the dock. Galloway brought Jennifer to the end of the dock where there was a Harland and Wolff Classique III yacht. He took her commlink and entered in a LTG code. A visual display of a dwarf comes up. "Dobson. Get ready to embark, we're leaving early."

He turned off her commlink and handed it back to her. Vera smiled winsomely and guided him ahead of her onto the gangplank. She asked innocently, looking at him from the dock, "Permission to come aboard?"

"Permission granted. Welcome to my pride and joy." He replied, taking her hand and helping onto the yacht.

He lightly told her, showing her around the expansive aft deck of the yacht. "This is my personal yacht, bought and paid for by Horizon. If I were to lose her or even worse sink her. I am not sure what they would do to me. Still, despite all that I have yet to name her."

They entered the main salon with its highly comfortable and impressively leather furnished furniture. Every surface gleamed with extensive wood panelling accentuating the harmonious light aquamarine pastels of the islands of furniture. He pulled her back into his arms and rested his forehead against her, "How comfortable are you with me? Would you like to get to know your date more, or are we past that?" He inquired gently, his fingers lightly brushing down her neck.

Jennifer let out a minor gasp at his electric touch, her dress changing colour to a more subtle pink, highlighting herself well from the rest of the room. She gasped out in quick breaths "Can we know each other a bit more? I would love for you to show me around your Pride and Joy."

He continued to caress her neck, brushing her away from, his fingers tracing down her back, causing her to shiver. He whispered into her ear, "of course, I would love to show every seam of her."

He showed her around, past the dining room and into the galley and then up the stairs to the pilothouse and from there onto the bar area. The bar is well lit with gleaming brass fittings and two large red couches framed by ornately shaped glass tables. He led her to the railing where they both admired the view as the yacht pulled ever deeper into the blackness of the Burrard Inlet. She could help but admire the view and Galloway cannot help but admire the view of her.

He tore his eyes away from her for a moment to drink in the receding panorama of a lit Vancouver, "I grew up here and I'll probably never leave." He stopped his train of thought, looking back at her and leaned over to lightly pull aside her wool jacket to kiss her shoulder. He pulled a bit more incessantly and her jacket came away from her. Leaving her only in her ultra thin dress.

"Is it just the two of us on the boat?" She asked him carefully as he nuzzled her.
His hands were moving slowly over her body as he replied, "Dobson is down below, but I am sure he won't be bothering us."

Jennifer turned around and ran her fingers under his tie loosening it. She lightly pushed against him with her body quietly but firmly asking, "so are you going to show me the rest of your boat?"

Galloway guided her down the spiral staircase past the main deck, to the lower deck. He stood at the beginning of the corridor showing her two VIP bedrooms and the master bedroom.
The master bedroom was large, with ornate wooden cupboards and wall space. Against one wall a large wood relief of Buddha had been placed. The rest of the wall space was filled with strategically placed mirrors and TriD screen, making the place from large to expansive.

The red and white of the room made her dress turn to a more wilder red as she also adjusted her dress’ opacity from tantalizing to titillating. This change did not go unnoticed as stopped and simply admired her as she walked around the room, before sliding to sit down on the bed. Her legs crossed, her body slightly arched as she pouted at him. She ran her fingers over the coverlet admiring the rich texture of silk. He slides in next to her, looking at her inquisitively rubbing her arm.

She lay slightly back turning to him and said, "You have a very impressive boat..." She winked at him and added, "...and the bed is quite soft too."

They slowly kissed his hands running down her back as she gave a small squeak as he pulled her forcefully towards her. She breathlessly between kisses asked, “Mmm... do you... want to... listen... to my music?”
He reluctantly broke off the embrace as Jennifer carefully looked at him, slowly unbuttoning his shirt. She asked him in a teasing manner, “I don't think you would have an old optical disc player in this high-tech boat of yours.”

Galloway grinned and pulled himself away from her, rubbing his finger along her cheek. "Oh I have a few surprises.” He said as music pipes in from around the room, “I'll be right back."

Galloway looked back for a second at her as he pulled off his tie, nearly running into the door frame. She blows him a kiss and a wink as she waited for a few moments. Shortly afterwards he came back with two glasses and a bottle of Laurent-Perrier's Grand Siècle, of 2055 vintage. He took the optical disc from Jennifer and poured them both a glass. They both lay on the bed listening as the music started to play.

It was an ethereal song of of nature, of decay and love lost the possible promise of a brighter future at the final apex. It was beautifully played and executed. While she was enjoying she could not help but notice that while Galloway looked relaxed he had an unreadable expression on his face. He takes her hand and while listening tabs his index finger on the back of it with each reverberation of the bass.

Frowning and not to be outdone by her own dulcet tones, she ran her finger along her thigh, playing with her lacy stocking tops. It causes him to stop tapping and focus on her finger as she plays with the hem of her thigh high dress. The song reaching its final lull, Galloway's expression goes from scrutiny to acceptance. She took a hold of his hand and in a hopeful and fearful way asked, "Are you alright?"

He turned around and looked at her, "It's really good." He begins "You have talent. There a few things I would recommend, but the charisma and emotion they are all there."

Jennifer grinned and gave Galloway a hug. He smiled and pulled her back.

"If you would like, I am willing to sign you Jennifer Davis. You'll have to work with my engineers and my instructors, but we can make you into a star. Before you continue, I want to make sure you know what you're getting yourself into. Fame isn't everything; you’ll have a lot of people... Who will want a piece of you, in more ways than one."

Jennifer nodded, understanding his words, but not really. She was about to become a star and any words of wisdom were drowned out by the promise of fame.

He grinned at her and gave her a hug, "Good. Now, for some reason I can't erase the image of you running your finger down your thigh."

Jennifer mischievously ran the digit in question slowly down her body, before running it up and hooking the hem of her dress. She pulled on it lightly, revealing nothing more between her and the air than nature had put there. She pouted letting it relax to just below her hip. "Like this?" she inquired.

"Yes like that." Galloway gasped his eyes riveted to her, his hand slowly reaching out to her chin and kissing her delicately on the lips.

Jennifer broke off the kiss to finish the glass. He filled it up again, splashing some on her hand. She smiled as he kisses it off. She puts down her glass as he pulls himself on top of her. As they consummated their passion Jennifer's siren song started and looped in the background.
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