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> How dangerous can a troll go-gang be ?
post Mar 10 2010, 06:55 AM
Post #51

Neophyte Runner

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Probably would force more vehicle tests to avoid crashing (for both van and bikers) than causing any serious damage. Not saying it's a bad idea.
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post Mar 10 2010, 07:36 AM
Post #52

Shadow Cartographer

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We've neglected an important question here - that of the musical accompaniment to the attack. These are troll go-gangers. They have to have massive speakers on their bikes or mounted in their flatbed blasting out music. Now modern goblin rock would probably be most appropriate but for some reason, perhaps because the Spikes are a racist organisation, I'm picturing the steady notes of Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries blasting out as the eleven foot long choppers with the 10" wide tires appear in the mirror.

You know, when I get my Shadowrun game going again, I'm going to drop this in as a flying encounter. The PCs will be riding along, there'll be a van in front of them, suddenly, strangely, they hear music (I'll put it on low at this point, if they wind down their window, I'll turn it up). Coming up alongside them - the Spikes. I'll leave it up to them whether they want to interfere or just watch the show.

Great ideas, here!
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post Mar 10 2010, 09:23 AM
Post #53

Moving Target

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(IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) I'm glad someone else was getting a Wagner vibe from this thread.

Also nice to see so much fun, pink mohawkness. I love sunglasses, but sometimes you need some Smokin Aces. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smokin.gif)
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post Mar 10 2010, 11:08 AM
Post #54


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QUOTE (AngelisStorm @ Mar 10 2010, 04:23 AM) *
(IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) I'm glad someone else was getting a Wagner vibe from this thread.

Also nice to see so much fun, pink mohawkness. I love sunglasses, but sometimes you need some Smokin Aces. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smokin.gif)

Excuses my naivete, but can someone please define these slang terms? Apparently I missed the memo...

Pink Mohawk
Smokin Aces
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Dakka Dakka
post Mar 10 2010, 11:28 AM
Post #55

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QUOTE (lunavoco @ Mar 10 2010, 12:08 PM) *
Excuses my naivete, but can someone please define these slang terms? Apparently I missed the memo...

Pink Mohawk: Over the top action-oriented gameplay with lots of big guns. Stealth, deniablity and inconspicuousness are not an issue.
Sunglasses: Also called Black trenchcoat and mirrorshades. The opposite of Pink Mohawk. Remaining unseen and undetected is a great part of gameplay.

Actual gameplay usually is somewhere in the middle between the two extremes.

Smokin Aces: I'm stumped there too.

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post Mar 10 2010, 11:51 AM
Post #56

Moving Target

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Smokin Aces: a stereotypical Shadowrun movie.

Big reward, no time to plan, many teams after the same goal. Cops + Swat. .50 sniper rifles, chain saws, double barreled shotguns, machettes, grenades, dual wielding SMGs. Disguise Checks.


Pretty good video (as far as 2 min videos go).

Dakka (of course) got the other definitions.
- Pink Mohawk: over the top, troll in the back of the pickup truck, wielding a minigun. Style is paramount; if you are cool, then you will live forever. (Over the top anime is often a good example.)
- Sunglasses/Mirrorshades/Black Trechcoat: We are the Men in Black. Agent Smith. Very "reality" based, often gritty. Professionalism is key; if you are noticed by the big players, then you are dead. (Ghost in the Shell)

It seems like Shadowrun is really going in the Sunglasses direction. I personally love Sunglasses. But I also play 7th Sea and the Firefly system (drama die systems). Smokin Aces is -really- pink mohawk. It disrupts the Sunglasses hitmen plans to no end.
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post Mar 10 2010, 11:57 AM
Post #57


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So many posts suddenly make more sense now. Thanks!
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post Mar 10 2010, 12:27 PM
Post #58

The ShadowComedian

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Well shadowrun has it's own vocabulary, it was only a matter of tick tock untill we had our own too ^^
also: damn, i need to see that movie o.o
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post Mar 10 2010, 01:44 PM
Post #59

Moving Target

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They just came out with a sequel too!

Smokin Aces 2
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post Mar 10 2010, 07:01 PM
Post #60


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QUOTE (AngelisStorm @ Mar 10 2010, 07:51 AM) *
It seems like Shadowrun is really going in the Sunglasses direction. I personally love Sunglasses.

It really depends on the GM, I think. Personally, I take a page from Johnny Mnemonic and approach it this way: Runners are valued for their ability to take things as they come and they have a unique ability to interact with the environment they find themselves in on its own terms-- people don't write "death by culture shock" lines about street samurai, they write them about company men. There's all sorts of sane professional types out there who can shoot straight or hold their own in cyber combat and they get well-compensated for it. But how do you think Mr. "I'm-hot-shit-in-the-combat-sims" does on his composure tests when being treated to an acapella version of Wagner's most famous by a truckload of troll gangers barreling down the highway? Dat TADAH da DAH!

So, yeah, going in sunglasses style is a smart idea when you're casing the meet or have to operate in a zone with A grade security. But in Shadowrun, being professional means you also need to take it in stride when that Coyote shaman insists you take enough peyote to make a bear lose its cookies. The best rule to remember is the one that says that not everyone plays by the same rules. Ice Cold Pro has its advantages, but that doesn't mean the rest of the world will respond in kind.
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Saint Sithney
post Mar 10 2010, 07:03 PM
Post #61


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QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Mar 10 2010, 04:27 AM) *
also: damn, i need to see that movie o.o

It's more of a style>action>plot thing than the preview suggests. There's not all that much action, but when there is, it's pretty quickly resolved, as most RL gunfights tend to be.
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post Mar 10 2010, 09:59 PM
Post #62

Moving Target

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Oh, it's a horrible movie. But it's a lot of fun to watch. (Opinions may vary: you have been forwarned.)

I just really like it because it sets up the scene. Then they put a bounty down. The word is sent out, and even a couple of fixers/johnsons get involved. There is a very finite time frame. Everyone (well, some of them) come up with plans. Then all the plans go down, but you have 7(ish) independent Shadowrunners/teams (a lot of them are solo agents) tripping over one another's plans. There are cops, SWAT, and Feds. Even some bail bondsmen. And lots of fun toys (seriously: a chain saw, and a .50 cal).

It's not sophisticated at all. But I enjoyed it, and it's a fun intro movie to Shadowrun (as opposed to a lot of good, but overly serious ones).

Btw, I like your description Whipstitch.
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post Mar 10 2010, 11:34 PM
Post #63


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Watch Smokin' Aces followed by Johnny Mneumonic (Up to the dolphin, then stop), and finish up with The Saint.
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post Mar 10 2010, 11:46 PM
Post #64


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In regards to gas-vent on miniguns - isn't the thing supposed to be a gas-vent chamber? I'm no serious gun freak, but it seems to be that there are indeed firing chamber modifications to lower recoil in reality.
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Dakka Dakka
post Mar 11 2010, 12:09 AM
Post #65

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While there are different firing chambers that are supposed to reduce recoil the gas vent is on the tip of the barrel. Openings on the upper side of the barrel release the gas upwards which pushes the gun down and thus reduces muzzle climb.
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post Mar 11 2010, 12:39 AM
Post #66


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For the record, I've never actually seen the Johnny Mnemonic movie. From everything I've heard, this is a good thing. It is perhaps ironic, but I generally have a seething hatred for the movies most people describe as being shadowrun-esque.
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post Mar 11 2010, 12:52 AM
Post #67

The ShadowComedian

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*shrugs* i liked the movie.
But then again, i also liked the machine girl . .
And Johnny Mnemonic is as close to a canon shadowrun movie as you are likely to get.
It's based on one of William Gibsons Short Stories, if i am not misremembering.
And that story more or less is what cyberpunk and thus shadowrun are based in as well.
You have the Decker, you have the Yakuza, you have the Mega-Corporation, you have the Cyberware street samurai . .
A worldwide epidemic . . aside from magic, most everything that makes shadowrun shadowrun is in there actually.
Watch it with an open mind. If only for the famous room service ^^
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post Mar 11 2010, 12:59 AM
Post #68


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It was based on his short story titled... Johnny Mnemonic. Although technically the main character is Molly Millions, who also makes an appearance in another story of his you might be familiar with, Neuromancer.
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post Mar 11 2010, 01:09 AM
Post #69

Running Target

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muzzle brakes are also nice for reducing recoil.

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post Mar 11 2010, 03:31 AM
Post #70

Moving Target

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Some style pictures for the go-gang:


Also, to make a trike (for your WarBoss gang leader), I think it's pretty reasonable to use the existing "sidecar" mod, but simply not add the sidecar. Ups the body, lowers the speed, accel, and handling. Add in metahuman size customization, and perhaps the unofficial body increase mod (which you can find here on the boards) if you like.

Working off something a poster said earlier, I love the idea of da Troll boss rolling up with a modded trike, with the steampunk style from Arsenal, and a sawed off elephant gun (with EX-rounds, of course).
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post Mar 11 2010, 05:46 AM
Post #71

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QUOTE (FriendoftheDork @ Mar 9 2010, 10:38 PM) *
Won't the van simply be able to ram the bikes?

Not all five at once. He has to hit each one individually. Even assuming greater skill on the part of the van driver, the choppers have better Handling. That evens out the dice pools somewhat, meaning that it's very uncertain that he can succeed. And even if he does hit, he needs to make yet another Crash Test. That means he'll be making six crash tests per turn, with a decent chance that he'll fail one of them.
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post Mar 14 2010, 03:58 AM
Post #72

Moving Target

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With regards to drugs & stacking:

Do drugs stack with one another? I'm not asking with regards to IP or pain tolerance, but stats such as Strength. (For example, Kamikaze & Nitro.)

Added: (Ooo, but stacking unresisted Damage is fun. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Since most of the cool combat drugs do unresisted damage when they wear off, maybe I'll houserule that drug effects do stack. That is, of course, if they don't stack by raw.)
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post Mar 14 2010, 04:19 AM
Post #73


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For all I know, drug effects stack. I believe Arsenal has rules for combining drugs, too.
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post Mar 14 2010, 05:19 AM
Post #74

Running Target

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QUOTE (Fatum @ Mar 13 2010, 08:19 PM) *
For all I know, drug effects stack. I believe Arsenal has rules for combining drugs, too.

Indeed. It's often called "speedballing" and the effects (and side effects) of both drugs will indeed stack.
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post Mar 14 2010, 05:19 AM
Post #75

Running Target

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Yet another double post.
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