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> Law Enforcement Corporations., A list.
post Apr 14 2010, 01:34 PM
Post #1

Moving Target

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Hi. Greetings Dumpshock.

Seeking some help. In a Northern Virginia Shadowrun group we are embarking on a campaign centered around the characters being apart of a law enforcement agency. The setting will be Seattle, UCAS, September 2070, thus taking place before the events of Ghost Cartels.

Other then Lone Star, Knight Errant, Dimamato Security (From the novel Terminus Experiment by Jonathan E. Bond and Jak Koke) and the NYPD (Which is in NY) are there any other law enforcement agencies that are operating in the Seattle area?

Requirements: Pretty much anything. They can be A, AA, AAA or a subsidiary of a major corporation like Crash Cart (EMT Medical field) is a subsidiary of MCT I believe.

Thanks for the help. I’m just looking for possible law enforcement agencies that the PCs can possibly be affiliated with.

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post Apr 14 2010, 01:38 PM
Post #2


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At least two other I know of are Hard Corps (wasn't that Ares' "low-budget service"?) and a service called Wolverine Security. There were a whole lot more of them in the old Corporate Security Handbook, I think.
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post Apr 14 2010, 01:49 PM
Post #3

Incertum est quo loco te mors expectet;

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Just about every major corp has a security group, however most of them do not make them available for hiring out for police operations. You'd have to do some searching for each one (Renraku has the Red Samurai. MCT has some group they also make up like samurai, but I don't recall the name, and so on).

There are about half a dozen minor corps which provide security services. I believe they appear in the Corp. Sec Handbook, and I believe also New Seattle.
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Prime Mover
post Apr 14 2010, 01:55 PM
Post #4

Shooting Target

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From Sprawl Sites- Eagle Security.

From Neo-Anarchists Guide To Real Life- Bloch, Desert Storm, Fargo, Hard Corps, Hartford, Jolly Roger, Knight Errant, Len Grubb and Assoc, Night Dancer Home Protection, Olympic Home Defense, Sydney Services, Wolverine and Zero-Zone.

Grr can't find my copy of Corp sec book at moment.
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Demonseed Elite
post Apr 14 2010, 02:01 PM
Post #5

Neophyte Runner

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There used to be a Winter Security in New York City, but it was phased out in the recent e-book. But it did appear in the Neo-Anarchist's Guide to North America entry.
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post Apr 14 2010, 02:03 PM
Post #6


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QUOTE (Demonseed Elite @ Apr 14 2010, 02:01 PM) *
There used to be a Winter Security in New York City, but it was phased out in the recent e-book. But it did appear in the Neo-Anarchist's Guide to North America entry.

Wasn't the security contract for New York a weird split between NYPD, Knight Errant and Winter? I think I remember something like that from the book, at least.
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post Apr 14 2010, 02:22 PM
Post #7

Moving Target

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Don't forget the government based agencies either. The FBI and others are still around.

Ohh now that I think about it, a campaign where the players are undercover DEA style agents who form a smuggling operation. They hire themselves out to different criminal enterprises. All the while, gathering info on the bad guys and tracking drug movements. They live under under the constant fear of discovery while trying to evade their criminal rivals and the agencies of multiple nations.

Thank you OP for the inspiration. I must go write now.
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post Apr 14 2010, 04:51 PM
Post #8

The King In Yellow

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- Lone Star Security Services HQ: Austin, Texas, CAS; CEO: Theodore W. D. Winslow. The world’s largest provider of police and security services.
- Nitama Security Services President: Inaki Nitama; HQ: Kyoto, Imperial JapanNitama, a large japanese company, deals with every field in security, from simple guards to paramilitary strike forces. Being almost exclusive to Japan save for the German Alliance, it is less well known and smaller than Lone Star, but contracts with the Imperial forces in Japan and it's colonies continue to help this company thrive. Nitama is notorious for it's racist and supremacist persnnel. Nitama forces are among the worst there was during Saito's regime. Nitama also seems entangled with Human Nation.
- Birnoth Comitatus One of the best and most expensive bodyguarding agencies in America.
- Fratellanza, Incorporated This 'brotherhood' is a sharp competitor to Birnoth in the premium personal security market. It is also run by a mad nosferatu.
- ParSec Consulting A Munich security provider who specialises in magical security, especially warding.
- Bailey Security Control Systems A Seattle-based security technology manufacturing company.
- Fuyitama Security Endeavors A japanese security provider.
- Eagle Security A Sioux based security and policing provider
- Wolverine Security Authorised to use lethal force, hires ex-military and LS cops. Unmatchedly short guaranteed reaction time. Wolverine offers comprehensive home security packages that follow the same design principle as any other home service – seamless, transparent to use, and invisible unless they’re needed. Cairns is Wolverine’s first city-wide policing contract, and the company is dedicated to make it a shining example of their competence.
- Acheron Enforcement A local Australian security company, providing police services to the City of Darwin. Notoriously corrupt.
- Bloch Security Usually hires washed-up ex-cops, wannabes who couldn’t make it through the Star’s tests, or oldsters who got pensioned off. Competent, but a bit slow.
- Jolly Roger Security Authorized to use lethal force, but as likely to geek themselves or each other as an intruder.
- Desert Storm Security The Shiawase security provider. DSS specialises in automated security systems such as drones and robotic cannons.
- Sakura Security This subsidiary of Yakashima has contracts throughout the Japanese Empire. Not surprisingly, it blatantly engages in metatype profiling and has a disturbingly high rate of instances where metahumans have been gunned down during routine stops.
- Fargo Security Services Having no lethal force license, this small UCAS-only-provider can only offer limited services, and there suffers bad reputation.
- Hartfort Security Hartfort has no lethal force license. It's a small outfit operating mainly on the american west coast; no-frills basic guard service. Expensive for what they have to offer.
- Len Grubb and Associates A small but excellent on-site security provider from Seattle.
- Nightdancer Home Protection Small, medium-quality on-site and home security provider from the UCAS.
- Olympic Home Defense Small, medium quality Euro security company.
- Sydney Services A smaller, medium quality Australian provider.
- Zero-Zone Security MCT's small premium security provider. Zero-Zone Security offers comprehensive home security packages that follow the same design principle as any other home service – seamless, transparent to use, and invisible unless they’re needed.
- Pueblo Security Enterprises ThePCC's largest native security provider, who hold the policing contract for the PCC part of Denver.
- UCASPro A DC local company that aims for playing in the big leagues but so far by far isn't there yet.
- NYPD, inc. New York security provider
- Flash Point Enforcement A paramilitary company that offers SRT and SWAT services for the city of Philadelphia
- Omni Police Services A policing company holding contracts on the Eastern seaboard, most notably in Camden and Newark. It's quietly owned by the Sapporo corporation, a subsidiary of the
Nagato Combine, a corp controlled by a NEw Way Yakuza clan.
- Risk Minimizers, plc. AAn elite british security and bodyguarding provider.
- Revlup Security The world's leading prison management company, which has several prisons in eotic places for maximum security.
- Nobanaga Corporation Handles customs operations in Japan's protectorate in the CFS; persistent rumors claim the company a Yakuza front
- CityMed A small LA provider of hospitals and armed emergency response.
- Garant A small German outfit that provides the SWAT and SRT for the city of Duesseldorf.
- Pueblo Security Services, Inc. A state-owned security provider that polices most smaller settlements.
- Sand Creek Security Services A Ute based security company named after a massacre committed against Native Americans, and notorious for anti-Anglo racism.
- VIP-Best-Health A london personal security outfit specialising in celebrity protection. It's men are reputed as discreet, able and very willing to quietly and efficiently discourge paparazzi in any way nescessary.
- Centurion One of the first major European police corps, Centurion has in the past decade centered it’s activities on areas of Africa awhere tribal disputes have made it impossible to have an unbiased local police force. It stimm maintains contracts in several Balcan, Spanish and Italian cities.
- ProSecuritas A german security provider that, apart from all kinds of home and personal security, offers a unique service: so-called Walkers, extraordinarily dressed individuals, can be hired to trace target people and spread the word of how bad a business partner they are. They belong to the Farnkfurter Bankenverein corporation, a German local AA.
- SternSchutz A subsidiary of IMFU and notorious for violence. Police a couple German and Eastern European cities.
- Schwarze Sherrifs Munich's notoriouly racist private policing and security provider. They were recently bought out by Renraku.
- Verband der Wach- und Schliessgesellschaften VWS A medium-quality German only security provider specialising in small-scale on-site protection.
- Deutscher Sicherheitsdienst DSD A German on-site and secure transport provider
- Eberhardts Wach- und Schließgesellschaft A small, no-frills Security company from Rhine.Ruhr City in Germany.
- London Security A British private law enforcement agency
- ScotSecure A British private security services
- Midland Guard A British private security company
- Prison Corporation International A niche prison management corporation specialising in luxurious minimum security facilites. Rumored to be run by the Alta Commissione as a place to retire promient members and prevent them from spilling anything on the Mob.
- PriCor Deutschland A German luxury high-security prison management corporation, catering to very rich and very nasty people.
- Kagi Enterprises A med-sized UCAS security provider and security electronics manufacturer. Also does R&D into magical security and employ it's own coven of wage mages.
- Light Escorts A Hannover bodyguard company
- Tyr, inc. HQ: Copenhagen, Denmark; CEO: Helle Jensen. Tyr, inc. Was formed in 2006 when several diverse companies merged to provide integrated security solutiuons, from physical and magical security to staff screening and internal investigations. Tyr later expanded to provide armed medical assistance with it’s valkyries, and it’s Einheriar elite security force takes contracts all over Europe. Tyr made waves when it announced to have won the security contract for Maersk’s global operations, and they consolidated by acquiring the Free City of Christiana, making it the fastest-growing company in the Scandinavian Union. Tyr’s structures and operations are named after norse mythological warrior ethos elements: CEO Jensen is both Jarl and gydje. Tyr gets away with a lot of things (like quasi-exterritoriality in Christiana despite not having an AA rating), leading to much speculation about the company’s backer.
- Phénix Sécurité A Geneva on-site security company specialising in high-value objects.
- Securitas Switzerland's largest native security provider. Is often employed by local corps without their own standing forces, and provides everything modern corporate security can provide.
- Protector A swiss luxury on-site security company specialising in protecting private homes of rich people.
- Heimdall Security Another Swiss Security provider.
- De Maas-Waker A dutch company made up mostly of privatised state services. Contract holders for police work in Europort. De Maas-Waker Medical is the UNL's largest medical emergency and armed response provider.
- Uniforce Dutch police corp
- Sinjoor, inc. Dutch police corp
- Pinkerton Security Services A small, no-frills Seattle outfit.
- Crusader Security A small, Seattle outfit with persistent racist attitude, especially against orks and trolls.
- NitroSec A Bronx security provider exclusively offering troll guards. Nitro does a lot oflocal work. It's employees are known to be rather violent.
- Hanse Security (HanSec) A state-run provider that polices the free city of Hamburg.
- Bulis Hassun al Arab Global Sandstorm's security outfit and Lone Star's strngest competitor for security and policing contracts in the Middle East.

By no means an exhaustive lsit, but I think it should do.

Edit: Oh, Seattle only? Well ... then again, no. Every Seattle provider is mentioned as such, after all.
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post Apr 14 2010, 04:54 PM
Post #9

King of the Hobos

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You can find a list of security companies on the Sixth World Wiki.
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post Apr 14 2010, 05:06 PM
Post #10

Shadow Cartographer

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Vice has a whole chapter on Law Enforcement that's got quite a bit of background information on everything from the FBI to the low-level rentacops. I obviously wont copy paste big sections here, but it covers the big players like Knight Errant and Lonestar, as well as second tier players such as Centurion (primarily Europe and Africa, police with a merc division), Eagle Security - the people who lost Chicago. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) But they have contracts throughout North America with an edge in the NAN states and Wolverine, who probably break more laws than the people they're arresting.

Hope that helps,

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post Apr 14 2010, 05:23 PM
Post #11

Moving Target

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There's a Middle Eastern-based company called Efreet, too, if memory serves. I think they're headquartered in Egypt, but I might be wrong.
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post Apr 14 2010, 06:41 PM
Post #12

Incertum est quo loco te mors expectet;

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QUOTE (hermit @ Apr 14 2010, 11:51 AM) *
By no means an exhaustive lsit, but I think it should do.

Edit: Oh, Seattle only? Well ... then again, no. Every Seattle provider is mentioned as such, after all.

Funny enough, you missed Knight Errant.
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