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> SR Boardgame, Worldworks games
post Apr 18 2010, 07:39 PM
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There's a site called Worldworks games that makes nice cardstock buildings, they have a set that lets you build modern looking cities with interiors and lots of bits. I was thinking about trying to make an SR-lite boardgame with it all, maybe using Heroclix figures or some other miniatures for the PCs and NPCs.

I was just wondering if anyone had tried something like this before or knew of a site that has done it I could check out or had any ideas on the subject?
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post Apr 18 2010, 08:48 PM
Post #2

Moving Target

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FASA made a SR boardgame called "DMZ", that you can apparently still buy NEW from Amazon. I had a copy once upon a time; it wasn't all that great, and used a hex based system that could be hard (but not impossible) to convert to normal minis. I also had some VOR rules for SR that were fairly decent; though a far cry from the detail you'd get with SR rules, they'd beat Heroclix rules greatly.
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post Apr 18 2010, 09:24 PM
Post #3

Moving Target

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I thought about boardgame, where each player contols one megacorp in Seattle - buying parcels, building laboratories (to make research points to finish R&D projects) and office blocks (to make nuyen for new investitions), then putting there personnel and gear. And, of course, hires runners to steal other players research points, kidnap personnel or sabotage buildings.
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post Apr 18 2010, 11:16 PM
Post #4


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I've got the DMZ game. It isn't really a seperate game as I see it though, it was just reduced SR2 rules on a board.

What I've been thinking of would borrow a lot of the rules from Descent (a Fantasy Flight D&D style board game) with the players controlling members of a 4-5 man team up against a GM controlled facility with guard patrols etc... predetermined. Guards' would have chances to become aware of the runners and raise the alarm and once the alarm was raised then the GM could move his pieces freely.

I think I'll start working on this, I'll post updates if I make any interesting progress.
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post Apr 18 2010, 11:22 PM
Post #5

jacked in

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Do you know Doom the Boardgame? That's pretty similar to Descent, but a lot closer to SR in style, of course (ok, the opposition is mostly demonic (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) ).

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post Apr 18 2010, 11:45 PM
Post #6

Moving Target

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I know a guy that has, at the late prototype stage, what is effectively a SR decking 2 person boardgame. It is a tile placement game of a CPU admin vs invading hacker. Obviously he can't call it Shadowrun without licensing, and I don't think he plans to license the IP, but he will be publishing it before too long.

I've played it a number of times, I've been pretty darn impressed with it.
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post Apr 19 2010, 01:20 AM
Post #7

Immortal Elf

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QUOTE (Thanee @ Apr 18 2010, 06:22 PM) *
Do you know Doom the Boardgame? That's pretty similar to Descent, but a lot closer to SR in style, of course (ok, the opposition is mostly demonic (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) ).

There's at least one variation on that made by the same company. That is, I know there's a fantasy version.
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post Apr 19 2010, 01:30 AM
Post #8

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Kumo @ Apr 18 2010, 05:24 PM) *
I thought about boardgame, where each player contols one megacorp in Seattle - buying parcels, building laboratories (to make research points to finish R&D projects) and office blocks (to make nuyen for new investitions), then putting there personnel and gear. And, of course, hires runners to steal other players research points, kidnap personnel or sabotage buildings.

Monopoly shadowrun edition ?

QUOTE (Moomin @ Apr 18 2010, 07:16 PM) *
I've got the DMZ game. It isn't really a seperate game as I see it though, it was just reduced SR2 rules on a board.

What I've been thinking of would borrow a lot of the rules from Descent (a Fantasy Flight D&D style board game) with the players controlling members of a 4-5 man team up against a GM controlled facility with guard patrols etc... predetermined. Guards' would have chances to become aware of the runners and raise the alarm and once the alarm was raised then the GM could move his pieces freely.

I think I'll start working on this, I'll post updates if I make any interesting progress.

There was a shadowrun miniature line, was there a wargame with shadowrun team or it was only for the RPG ?
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post Apr 19 2010, 02:32 AM
Post #9

Neophyte Runner

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Am I the only one who remembers and misses Netrunner. (for the decking game... corp vs hacker cardgame, unique for the use of asymmetric decks and objectives).

Descent based game would be interesting but very rough IMO... one of the big things which makes it work is the hole teleport mechanic. (going to town... and coming back at any activated portal, as it allows you to avoid the overlords hordes to a degree). Also if someone 'dies' they just end up in town and come back through a portal. SR's lethality curve and no teleport/resurrect/etc... you end up w/ the computer game (makes warding sign) if you're not careful.

At various times I've been tempted to adapt an old vector based racing board game to more of a car wars type deal which would also work well w/ shadowrun.
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post Apr 19 2010, 03:08 AM
Post #10

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Falconer @ Apr 18 2010, 08:32 PM) *
Am I the only one who remembers and misses Netrunner. (for the decking game... corp vs hacker cardgame, unique for the use of asymmetric decks and objectives).

The game in development that I mentioned is asymmetrical but more directly head-to-head than NetRunner, although the author is definitely aware of NetRunner (he also literally has one of every SR book ever published). The hacker is trying to crash the CPU, the admin is trying to trace back to figure out which jackpoint is real and which are the dummies (a continuous trail of tiles with the tracing property running from the CPU to a jackpoint completes the trace), then take out the jackpoint. Or the admin can also win on a time-out (hacker running out of tiles to play).
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post Apr 19 2010, 03:11 AM
Post #11

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Delarn @ Apr 19 2010, 02:30 AM) *
There was a shadowrun miniature line, was there a wargame with shadowrun team or it was only for the RPG ?

The Ral Partha SR minis were not marketed as part of any wargame; they were just a tie in to the RPG.
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post Apr 19 2010, 04:22 AM
Post #12

Street Doc

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Frank made a board game awhile back. Not sure if it at all similar to what you are envisioning, but you can check it out here.
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post Apr 19 2010, 08:53 PM
Post #13

Moving Target

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There was also "Shadowrun Duels" game - its life was short, but figures are really cool:

Monopoly shadowrun edition ?

That was cruel...

Some of my ideas for mentioned game:

1) Board - Seattle map, with districts divided into parcels. Players need to buy parcels, then put there buildings and upgrade them; upgraded office blocks generate more money, upgraded laboratories - more reseach points.

2) Corps - each corp has some stats: income (how much nuyen it gains each turn from buildings and completed R&D projects), security level, and maybe influence. Perhaps some special bonus - shadowruns against S-K are more expensive, for example.

3) R&D - laboratories, some personnel (sciencists) and gear generates research points, represented by tokens: blue (tech), green (bio), and purple (magic). They can also send runners to steal tokens from other players' labs.
Players need to complete sets of tokens from their Project cards; for example - new cyberarm needs 2 green and 2 blue tokens, new drug - 4 green, cyberzombie - 3 green, 3 blue, 2 purple. Completed project upgrades player's Income stat, maybe something more (completed Project: Security Drone raises also security Stat).

4) Cards - at each turn, players can draw cards from 4 stacks:
a)Gear - example: weapons upgrades security of a particular building, lab gear gives more research points. They are added to buildings.
b) Personnel - just like Gear with higher bonus, but can be kidnapped.
c) Black Ops - some dirty tricks (ex: "Mole" - you can look at other player's hand or Projects)
d) Projects - look at point 3.
Each card has a cost, of course - player has to pay with nuyen generated by his/her Income.
I also think about Event cards ("Omega Order", "Riots", "Matrix Crash"...)

5) Runners - also cards, but to choose, not to draw randomly. Each has Cost and Sterngth, some have skills like Hacking or Demolitions.
To make a shadowrun, player have to make one or more teams from chosen (and payed) runners and send them to enemy buildings. To complete mission, summary of Strenhgt of all runners in team has to be higher than (building's Security + owner Security stat).
Mission can be:
- kidnaping - steal a Personnel card from building:
- datasteal - steal some Research points; needs a Runner with Hacking Skill;
- sabotage - destroy one or more levels of a building; needs a Runner with Demolitions.
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post Apr 19 2010, 11:07 PM
Post #14

Neophyte Runner

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QUOTE (Delarn @ Apr 18 2010, 09:30 PM) *
Monopoly shadowrun edition ?
There was a shadowrun miniature line, was there a wargame with shadowrun team or it was only for the RPG ?

DMZ was basically a mass combat rules set for shadow run. Sort of....IIRC it still bogged down a bit once you got above 10 vs 10 opponents. The mini's line was originally grenedier then ral partha and completely different.
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