What's your Vice?, IC Thread |
What's your Vice?, IC Thread |
Jul 12 2010, 07:45 PM
Shooting Target Group: Members Posts: 1,856 Joined: 25-July 07 Member No.: 12,360 |
"So find this councilman, and 'convince' him to give us the book? Shouldn't be too tough. If this is the first of many jobs, 7000 sounds fine to me."
After agreeing Big Train sits back and lets the others haggle if they want more. 7000 (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nuyen.gif) was a decent payday, and would help a lot with his problem. Of course, if not everyone on the team made it, that'd be even closer to getting him out of trouble. This sounded like a milk run to him though, so he wasn't counting their 'yen just yet. |
Jul 12 2010, 08:20 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 419 Joined: 22-May 10 From: Germany Member No.: 18,604 |
7000 didn't sound that much to Fury for the job they were supposed to do. He would definitely like to get that figure higher but there was a problem. He was a terrible negotiator when he couldn't shove guns in peoples' faces and he knew it. And apparently no one of the other members of this merry little group of career criminals wanted to give their talking skill a try either.
"I guess that's ok for a start." he said without a lot of enthusiasm, leaning back on his chair. Well at least 7000 is going to take care of the rent for quite a while. |
Jul 12 2010, 08:49 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 359 Joined: 10-June 10 From: Renton--metas keep out Member No.: 18,684 |
Seven thousand nuyen? That was half a year's pay at his real job! Clef fought the urge to break out in a toothy grin. If this was the kind of money that shadow work could earn, then sign him up!
But some of the others seemed to be hedging their bets and maybe getting some more money out of Fiona. Clef was pretty satisfied with the prospect of 7K, but he wasn't going to turn down a bonus if someone could earn it. He wasn't ready to chime in just yet so he let the others talk--unlike him they actually seemed to know what they were doing. He tried to appear nonchalant, and not fantasize too much about how he might be able to get his own place with this score. |
Jul 12 2010, 11:28 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 448 Joined: 20-July 09 From: Detroit Member No.: 17,413 |
"Don't feel as though you need to interrogate the poor fellow. My associates just want assurances that they get their property back. If you retrieve the book, the job will be complete. And any copies you find and destroy would put us in their graces, which is always nice. If you feel the need to convince the good Mr. Newhart, that is to do as you see fit. As for the tome's astral properties. I assure you, it has none of the sort."
She smiled as she told them all of the info they'd given her on the book itself. It was obvious that she was a little curious about the contents of the book as well as she spoke about it. |
Jul 13 2010, 03:22 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 993 Joined: 26-February 02 Member No.: 313 |
"Should be easy enough. Any idea how much security our little city rep will have around him? What about cherry picking anything that might be of value in the target area?"
"Big D" begins thinking of who he might know who could help get an idea about this the neighborhood the target lives. |
Jul 14 2010, 07:18 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 448 Joined: 20-July 09 From: Detroit Member No.: 17,413 |
"My associates are unaware of his current security measures. But they are under the impression that the good Mr. Newhart believes he has gotten away scotch free with their property, leaving someone to take the fall. So if luck is on your side, he may not believe he's in danger, thus security may be less than optimal. As for any items you may acquire during your endeavors, you are free to hold onto them. Though I would recommend against anything too large."
The room around them had gotten quiet aside from their voices and though nobody was obviously listening in, but their voices could be heard across the bar without the cover of chit chat from the civilian patrons. She looked at them all once last time, making sure they didn't have anymore questions she could answer. "If that is all, then I should be on my way." |
Jul 14 2010, 07:40 PM
Shooting Target Group: Members Posts: 1,856 Joined: 25-July 07 Member No.: 12,360 |
"I believe that's all the information I require to get started. Unless any of my new associates have any questions, we'll contact you once we have the item in question."
Big Train looked at the other people at the table, and spoke softly. "It would appear our conversation is becoming a point of interest here. I suggest we either change locations, or continue our planning over commlinks." |
Jul 14 2010, 08:09 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 419 Joined: 22-May 10 From: Germany Member No.: 18,604 |
"Yes I think you covered everything I need to know. Thank you Miss Fiona."
Then he turns to the group, looking over each of them. "You got a point there. I'd prefer the change of location unless someone here has the ability to set up a secure communication network." |
Jul 14 2010, 08:43 PM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,190 Joined: 31-May 09 From: London, UK Member No.: 17,229 |
Everything lookeds fine except this "I assure you". That Johnson crap did not reassure him at all. But it was still way too early to freak out. Hickory emptied his glass while browsing his mental map and stood up once done.
"All right, let's move. Does anybody need a ride?" Hickory@team: we can keep talking outside. |
Jul 16 2010, 01:08 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 359 Joined: 10-June 10 From: Renton--metas keep out Member No.: 18,684 |
Clef stands up, a little half-smile on his face. "Nah, I'm good," he says to Hickory, while nodding in agreement with the comm message that comes up in his field of vision. Clef doesn't respond to Fury's question about secure comms, unsure if he could handle the strain and unsure if something about the operation might reveal his status as a 'mancer. He scoots his chair in under the table. Clef drifts towards the door and hopes the group follows. There was still a lot to talk about.
Jul 16 2010, 10:04 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 419 Joined: 22-May 10 From: Germany Member No.: 18,604 |
Fury joins the others on their way out of the bar. "I'm covered too. Got my bike out front."
While walking out, Fury gave the other patrons in the bar one last careful look. Was anyone suspiciously courious? |
Jul 16 2010, 03:12 PM
jacked in Group: Admin Posts: 9,394 Joined: 26-February 02 Member No.: 463 |
"I believe there is only one thing left, then. Half up front, as usual?" Siren says.
When the team is ready to depart, she adds: "I came with my own ride, thanks. We should definitely find another place to continue our little party here. Any suggestions?" |
Jul 16 2010, 03:26 PM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,190 Joined: 31-May 09 From: London, UK Member No.: 17,229 |
Half up front? That chick was sure used to nice patrons. Hickory usually felt lucky when he was paid at all. Or maybe she knew how to make them nice? Anyway, if she could get that from Fiona, so good for him too. Not that he needed the cash right now, but one always feels better with a full credtisck.
Hickory finally found what he was looking for. He toned his commlink signal down before sending the message. Not even remotely close to secure, but that limited the number of potential eavesdroppers, and it was the best he could do for now. Hickory@team: there is an underground parking lot nearby. We should not be disturbed there. Here is the location. --attached file: detailed intinerary from the bar-- |
Jul 17 2010, 12:53 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 448 Joined: 20-July 09 From: Detroit Member No.: 17,413 |
"Always good to know that those I hire are good at what they do. It... inspires confidence, and I like being confident in those I hire."
She reached into the front pocket on her suit coat and withdrew six small credsticks. She twirled them through her fingers once or twice and held them all out in the palm of her hand for each to get their own. Her other hand was placed on her hip, which was slightly cocked to one side. It showed her figure beneath the jacket; it was the figure of a model. "3,500 each. I'm sure the down payment is worth it. But then, it is only my hopes that you all do well." She held a light-hearted smile on her face as they each grabbed their own. Her finger had at least four rings on it that clicked together with a metallic chime as she slipped her hand back into her pocket with a waving gesture of her hand. She gave them a wink and nodded her head lightly, turning to walk towards the door. "And I'll let you all be on your way. I wouldn't want to slow you down. Have fun kids." |
Jul 18 2010, 09:12 AM
jacked in Group: Admin Posts: 9,394 Joined: 26-February 02 Member No.: 463 |
"Thank you!" Siren says, as she takes one of the credsticks.
Then she checks the location, that Hickory had chosen and heads out towards her car. "See you there, guys." |
Jul 18 2010, 09:01 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 359 Joined: 10-June 10 From: Renton--metas keep out Member No.: 18,684 |
Credsticks come out and Clef drifts back from the door to get one. He tries to hide his excitement... the last time he'd had this much cred at one time was when he had bought his bike. "Thank you, Fiona," he says as he accepts it, and then--because it feels like there ought to be more--"We'll be in touch." He gives a tusky smile and slips the credstick into his pocket. He turns and heads out, eager now to get to the next site so they can begin their work.
Jul 18 2010, 09:19 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 419 Joined: 22-May 10 From: Germany Member No.: 18,604 |
Half up front! Fury had not expected such a nice advance. Luckily Siren seemed to be used to high-paying jobs and acted accordingly. He quickly turned back to accept his credstick from the asian-irish woman.
"Thanks Ms. Fiona. Pleasure working for ya." The finances dealt with he left the bar and hopped on his sleek black japanese racing bike. Covered with flashes of red nano paint it was probably a little to eye-catching to suit a professional runner but sometimes style was just important. Smiling under his helmet, Fury drove to the designated meeting place. |
Jul 19 2010, 08:10 PM
Shooting Target Group: Members Posts: 1,856 Joined: 25-July 07 Member No.: 12,360 |
After arriving at the meeting place, Big Train waited until everyone from the bar arrived.
"Alright; how do we want to get this done?" he asked, waiting to see what the others plans were. |
Jul 19 2010, 09:17 PM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,190 Joined: 31-May 09 From: London, UK Member No.: 17,229 |
-April 23rd 4:53pm, Tacoma, Seattle-
Hickory set his radar on when he entered the parking lot. If anybody approached them, he would know. "First of all, do we have an idea where the damn book is? Home? Office? And how much time do we have? Fiona said the Octagon want their book before it leaks into the press. If there is a data wizard among us, it would be good to know if Mr Newhart has scheduled an appointment with a journalist anytime soon." |
Jul 19 2010, 09:36 PM
jacked in Group: Admin Posts: 9,394 Joined: 26-February 02 Member No.: 463 |
Siren had fetched her car and entered the underground parking lot with her white SUV. Once parked, she gets out to join the rest.
"There we are. Now what to do? Good question. First we should figure out where he lives and works, I guess. Also places he frequents, maybe. Finding out what he plans to do with the book would be great, of course, but that information might be difficult to obtain, I believe. Eventually, we will need to find a place where we can talk to him, privately, and see how it goes." |
Jul 19 2010, 09:41 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 993 Joined: 26-February 02 Member No.: 313 |
Big D parks his Contrail near the other runnners and walks over slowly. He listens to the others before lighting a flickstick.
He's probably going to keep book at home, where away from his public office. What do we know about him? Friends, enemies, favorite bedmate, anything we can use as leverage. |
Jul 20 2010, 12:32 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 359 Joined: 10-June 10 From: Renton--metas keep out Member No.: 18,684 |
"Well, I'm trying to get some data now," Clef says after joining the group and listening to what everyone has to say. "Just basic info to start with. Once I have that I can delve a bit deeper and see about any appointments he's made, any security he has with him, things like that."
Jul 20 2010, 01:23 AM
Shooting Target Group: Members Posts: 1,856 Joined: 25-July 07 Member No.: 12,360 |
Big Train shrugs.
"I'll be useful for getting him to talk when we find him, but I don't know anyone who would know someone like him. Plus I know some places we could lay low if there's heat following us after." Big Train rubs the back of his neck nervously, feeling a bit out of place but trying to appear useful. |
Jul 20 2010, 01:42 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 419 Joined: 22-May 10 From: Germany Member No.: 18,604 |
Fury was relaxedly sitting on the railing in the parking lot, letting his legs dangle in the air, his hands playing with one of his guns, letting it twirl around his index finger, switching it from left to right and back. He kept silent for a moment while everyone started to throw out plans. Then he interjected.
"My My, have you people no manners?" He grinned. "Before we get into the whole planning stuff we should introduce ourselves. I don't know about you but I like to know the names of the people I work with. I'm Fury and you'll find no one better at using a pistol than me. Also I'm quite good at stealthy stuff if I have to, even though I personally prefer a more flashy style." He slowly let his ice-blue eyes wander from one member of the group to the next, lingering longest on Siren, the gun still dancing in his hands. |
Jul 20 2010, 07:45 AM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,190 Joined: 31-May 09 From: London, UK Member No.: 17,229 |
Let's just hope you are also good at NOT using your guns, kid...
"OK, let's get over with the mundanities if that is what you prefer. And while we are at it, it is also time to exchange keys." Hickory's encryption program had finished generating a new key to use with this team before he finished talking. "You can call me Hickory and trust me with whatever it takes to get the job done, although computers are not my strong. Since our lady here seems to have much bigger... arguments than I for the smooth talk, I guess I will have to be the bad cop on this one." --Hickory@team: attached file, Hickory's certificate-- |
Lo-Fi Version | Time is now: 4th February 2025 - 11:56 PM |
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