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> 2072: Game World, IC thread for 2072: Recruitment always open!
post Jul 14 2011, 01:03 PM
Post #401


Group: Dumpshocked
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From: The Citadel
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Jamie, Jotamon & Doza
[April 15th, 2072 10:16am; NE41st St. Touristville, Redmond]

Your touching reunion is brought to an abrupt halt almost before it has began as one of the sleeping goons, the skinny one, jerks on the floor and then lolls round with half of the back of his head missing...your barely hear the whisper of the second round as it impacts in the chipped vat boy but it definitely came from across the street, high level, in the opposite direction from where the hunters came from – it would seem there’s a third player in this little game...

Your purloined commlink suddenly lights up and the trace immediately reactivates

<<Guys, what the he...oh shit...fuckers are cutting us down...get your arses back here, forget the fragging kid we’ll tag him later, where’s he gonna go? We’ve got a lock on his sig and enough bloo...fuc...>>

The trace completes, you have a window of around fifty meters that might contain the Bastard and whatever is left of his team...now you just need to worry about your own shooter
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post Jul 14 2011, 01:04 PM
Post #402


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[April 15th 2072; 20:30: Kobe Terrace Park]

Ember paused as if in thought, not that there was much to consider...this gentleman was prepared to pay him to investigate something that he intended to do without payment...this just meant that he had the resources to smooth that investigation and make sure the right people talked to him. There was always the possibility that this was an elaborate way of getting him to follow a wild chase, such things weren’t unknown in the shadows, but it should be a quick enough task to verify that Charlotte, or more precisely Argent, had been working this angle.

“Oui, this will be acceptable, Jon, I will start with Monsieur Allenby as you suggest. I presume I am free to conduct this investigation as I see fit and hire the resources I require to complete it successfully? This sum will accommodate an additional hire, but I trust that we will be able to negotiate additional fees if the job warrants personnel over and above this?”

Cursing his lack of tech savvy he dialled up the holographic keyboard on his ancient commlink and clumsily worked his way through the security protocols that would allow him to access the secure network at home. From there he followed an obscure link into Argent’s private node and her contacts lists.

He needed some affordable talent and fast...someone to watch his back while negotiations were carried out. Scrolling through he paused abruptly on a face and rep sheet...this one, he’d seen her somewhere before...hadn’t she been at the bar...the Troll something or other, looking over Tempest without the usual fear and suspicion...

He penned a text to her, hoping that she would be able to assist him...

<<@Copperhead: If you are available for immediate work for the next week (as a minimum contract period) I would like to meet to discuss. The job is initially investigation work but with a potential threat bonus payment. I will be at the Horny Troll in one hour. Mr J.>>

<<@Mr Allenby: I have been contracted to investigate the threats made against you and an assault on Argent by unknown parties. I would like to request a meeting in a place of your choosing to discuss these events. I have a personal relationship with Argent and this investigation is of the upmost importance to me.>>

It was possible that they would need technical assistance to analyse the death threats but that could wait until after their discussion with Allenby, it was unlikely that they would pick something up that the techs working for Mr J hadn’t already found...
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post Jul 14 2011, 01:53 PM
Post #403

Moving Target

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[April 15th, 2072 10:16am; NE41st St. Touristville, Redmond]

Jamie’s experience has sensitized her to notice bullet trajectories. From her crouched position beside the car, she is mostly covered against falling fire. She scuttles sideways closer to it just in case the shooter is not precisely where she thinks it is. She calls out, ”Incoming fire, high and to the right.”

She opens up the rear door on her car and suggests, ”Let’s get moving.”

She tells hands Yokinko a more sensitive signal location utility and tells it to try and find a signal from the rooftop where the shooter is.
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post Jul 14 2011, 04:36 PM
Post #404

Neophyte Runner

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[April 15th, 2072 10:16am; NE41st St. Touristville, Redmond]
[Pan=Hidden. Id = <Information not available>]

Jotamon's threat monitor exploded for the second time in less than that minute. Sniper, silenced weapon, and good with it. Detection and movement algorithms kicked in, focusing on anything remotely pipe shaped, or perhaps a broken window.

The combat expert system kicked in with the not very helpful information that he was in a poor tactical position. It began listing options:
  • Drive car away: 80% success chance if they wish to keep the boy alive, 40% if they wish him dead
  • Cross the street to force sniper to lean out: risky in event of second sniper. 60% success clean break
  • Deploy thermal smoke grenades: supplies zero
  • Suppressing fire: weapon choice <none> supplies zero

One shock after another, first the shooting, then Doza, and now the sniper. So much for a shopping trip. The next visit to the barrens would be in heavy armor, with guns and with minions. Enough wool gathering the only real option was to move. The car wasn't big enough for them all, so there was only one real option.

Jotamon tossed the kid in the Jack Rabbit then piled in on top, the Rutger Super Warhawk in his hand as he his 'ware spotted then rejected potential snipers. Triggering his commlink he threw a datagram to Doza:

<<Meet you at the first place I kissed you. Near the place where I worked. In Seattle. I'm glad you are alive. xx>>

That should be cryptic enough. Few people reading that would work out that was the Giga Stuffer ShackTM cafe near the University.

"Drive!" he said to the surprisingly competent passerby.

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post Jul 14 2011, 07:21 PM
Post #405

Neophyte Runner

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[April 15th 2072; 20:30: Kobe Terrace Park]

<<[My Allenby]. What! What! Who is this? How did you get my private number! Go away? I don't know Charlotte. If you bother me again I will set Lone Star on you >>

Jonathon Johnson smiles wryly at the stress Ember puts on his name, and passes a card over.

"So we have a deal then. The number on this card is valid for 48 hours."

He turns back to the gardening and continues the weeding.

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post Jul 15 2011, 08:38 AM
Post #406

Shooting Target

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[April 15th 2072; 20:31: The Horny Troll]

Copperhead was swaying distractedly in time to the thrash metal music playing in the Horny Troll. The scales on her arms and torso glittered, reflecting the lights of the nearby pool table. While several of the local trogs were ogling her, and not for her cyberware, she seemed unaware of them. Snake was hissing inside her head. The mage that had been here earlier was still on her mind. Actually not so much the mage, but the glowing spirit that had sat next to him. She had looked at it in the astral and it was a thing of power and beauty. She had been wondering how to approach them when the yaks had come in and he had left with them.

Her thought drifted to Mr O. He had given her a couple of jobs and commended her on her good work. Then nothing. She wondered if something had happened to him. She had made some money on those runs but her funds were running low. She scratched her head as the incoming message tingled through the 'trode net woven into her long copper hair.

<<@Copperhead: If you are available for immediate work for the next week (as a minimum contract period) I would like to meet to discuss. The job is initially investigation work but with a potential threat bonus payment. I will be at the Horny Troll in one hour. Mr J.>>

She stopped swaying. A week's work! Her face broke into a grin and she sashayed over to the bar to order another round of beers while she carefully composed a reply.

<<@Mr J.: I am currently available for employment and can be at the specified location in one hour.>>

She took a long drink of soybeer and reviewed the message. No typos, sounds professional, looks good. She thought 'send' and the message disappeared into the ether. She swaggered back to the pool table and handed beers to Cutter and Slater. "I jus' got a offer fer some work. Mr J. will be here in an hour. Will you two keep an eye on me?"

Slater made a face. "Do I have to? Half the trogs in the bar are already drooling over you.".

Cutter just rolled his eyes and pulled the troll into a tight embrace. "You know we will, babes.".
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post Jul 15 2011, 11:58 AM
Post #407


Group: Dumpshocked
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From: The Citadel
Member No.: 18,267

[April 15th, 2072 10:16am; NE 40th / 41st St. Touristville, Redmond]


Your agent locates a hidden node in an apartment building on the far side of the street...given that it’s close to an open window there’s a fair chance it’s your shooter, most of the squatting inhabitants won’t have a comm. let alone one in hidden mode.

He may be your long lost love but he seems to be about to give you the slip again, with your package no less...granted he’s given you a cryptic message that isn’t too hard for you to decipher (you are glad now that you’ve resurrected this comm. number), but do you trust him? Life in the shadows changes people and you’ve been apart for a long time now...

You land heavily on the kid in the cramped confines of the jackrabbit...hopefully you haven’t done him any more harm, in his current state he’s unlikely to have felt it even if you did.

You may not hear the next shot from inside the car but you certainly see the results as the rear window crazes under a close burst...you suspect the bastard is shooting a suppressed assault rifle at you and this car hasn’t got the weight to support any kind of decent armour...let’s hope your new driver can get you the hell out of dodge soon...at least there’s no other traffic to worry about so it’s a straight flight outa here
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post Jul 15 2011, 12:00 PM
Post #408


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[April 15th 2072; 20:30: Kobe Terrace Park]

Merde encore, this bastard is going to give him the runaround...given Ember’s current state of mind he was in no mood to be messed about.

He pressed his rudimentary (almost nonexistent) computer skills to the max to call up a mapping site and find his quarry. Not far from here, getting David to pick him up and drive him to Redmond and then come back would be a gross waste of time. Perhaps he could get Copperhead to come to him? Now, to find some nearby neutral ground for a meeting

<<@Copperhead: My apologies, we may have to skip the formalities of a sit down employment meeting. I require some backup for a semi-hostile meet with the first target of our investigation. If you are prepared to meet me outside the Aurora shopping centre north of Downtown instead then we can discuss the investigation and whether you wish to assist me. Either way I will pay you 100 nuyen for your trouble.>>
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post Jul 18 2011, 01:17 AM
Post #409

Moving Target

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[April 15th, 2072 10:16am; NE 40th / 41st St. Touristville, Redmond]

This guy's hiding his commlink. I bet I'm not going to be able to use it against him.

Jamie pulls open the front door and jumps in on her belly. Reaching back, she closes the door, then sends the command to the car's dogbrain: Accelerate forward NOW.
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post Jul 18 2011, 06:41 AM
Post #410

Neophyte Runner

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[April 15th, 2072 10:16am; NE41st St. Touristville, Redmond]
[Pan=Hidden. Id = <Information not available>]

Jotamon starts scanning for the Sniper, both physically and electronically. This was a very unattractive position to be in: stationary in a vehicle with thin plastic roofs. The expert systems however were reporting some good news:
  • Sound analysis: Assault Rifle. NOT repeat NOT Sniper rifle
  • Cover assessment: If primary target needed alive excellent. If kid needed dead adequate
  • Immediate threat: Sniper designated bandit1, Unknown armed third party, designated bandit 2
  • Recommend: Locate Sniper, Neutralize unknown third party

The really good news for Jotamon was that the unknown armed third party designated bandit 2 was actually Doza. No matter what the reason for her faking her death and leaving, Jotamon was sure that if she wanted him dead, it would be all over. So she was probably here for the kid too, and likely no friend of the Sniper.
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post Jul 18 2011, 11:54 AM
Post #411


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[April 15th, 2072 10:16am; NE41st St. Touristville, Redmond]

@Jamie & Jotamon

The jackrabbit accelerates away, its electric engine whining under the strain of its unaccustomed speed and Jotamon’s additional bulk, the kid hardly weighs enough for him to make a difference...no more bullets come winging your way and given the time that it takes you to get out of effective range the sniper would have had plenty of opportunity to fire again had they chosen to.


They are gone...driving out of sight with your bonus on what passes for a back seat in those poxy subcompact cars. The sniper seems to have given up...you could try and pursue him or take off after the package...

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post Jul 18 2011, 02:09 PM
Post #412

Moving Target

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[April 15th, 2072 10:16am; NE41st St. Touristville, Redmond]

Jamie climbs more comfortably into the driver’s seat. People get less nervy if they think there’s actually a person driving. She maps out a quick route that’s away from the node she traced before. I suspect he’s out of the picture, but I don’t want to drive into that firefight.

Once the dogbrain is occupied with it’s new order, Jamie maps a longer route taking them to the 405.
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post Jul 18 2011, 06:11 PM
Post #413

Neophyte Runner

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[April 15th, 2072 10:17am; Leaving Touristville in a hurry]
[Pan=Hidden. Id = <Information not available>]

Jotamon's ware calms down, and for the second time in as many minutes, he experiences the shock of coming down from combat. After a few deep breaths and mental exercises to calm his shaking hands....

"I have to thank you for your help. Not many people would have stepped forwards at a time like that. I hope that you don't come to regret it."

"Here is my business card."
Jotaman hands over an old fashioned business card that reads "Mareno, F. Technician". "You have done me a great favor today: possibly life saving, and I always pay my debts. It seems to me that you now have a difficult choice to make. It is likely that your presence in that place was noted, and forces will be brought to bear to find out what you know. Those forces may well use pliers, and other unpleasant things. You seem very competent, so it is likely that if you start running now you may escape them. I can offer two other options. The Family can protect you for a while, keeping you out the way, perhaps with a new identity, or you can see this out to the end.

"The same choices are available to me. Personally I am going to find out what is happening, and then decide whether to negotiate with, threaten, flee or eliminate the opposition. "

"I think that it is clear that a number of people want this child. Some want him dead. Some probably either want him alive, want the information he possesses, or want some item that he carries. Currently we don't know which. I am ethically opposed to handing him over to those that want him dead or injured. "

"The troll that appeared at the end. I used to know her. I thought she was dead..."
he pauses "it seems to me, that given her attire she was there for the child as well. Knowing her I doubt very much that the safety of the child was threatened. I have arranged to meet her, and she may well have intelligence about what happened."

"You should know a few things about me to help you make your mind up. Though an accident of birth, I was born into The Family, and am currently in good standing with them. I do not routinely engage in violence, although such is always a possibility for people in the profession that I am in. I am somewhat skilled in dealing with computers and people, although usually "
he laughs "it is in the form of an audit rather than hacking"

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post Jul 19 2011, 02:48 AM
Post #414

Moving Target

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[April 15th, 2072 10:17am; Leaving Touristville in a hurry]
[PAN = Airwave, Passive. Id = May Jiang]

Having escaped the local area, Jamie reactivates her Airwave and hides her cybercomm. She then follows her after-action protocol. She reboots her cybercomm. Once it comes back up, she runs a viral scan, then deploys Yokinko to protect it.

Jamie is familiar with the Family. Harper warned her to steer clear. That sort of protection usually came at too high a cost. Interesting that they let this guy have ethics. Now how do I say no without offense.

Aloud, she responds, "I'm not interested giving up so easily. Not many consider the life of a child worth something. I still do. Now when he wakes up and tells us he owed them some money, I walk away. I think that's unlikely. I count 5 operatives deployed to acquire him. To me, that makes him important. Finding out why will be interesting."

"I have an e-profile I can send you if you want more information about me. You can call me Jamie. We need to drop their commlinks in the box in the trunk. It should mask the signal.

Life in the sprawl makes violence required. It's not my preferred mode. I prefer computers to people, but both can be suborned if you know how. But people tend to be a bit less predictable."
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post Jul 19 2011, 09:09 AM
Post #415

Shooting Target

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@Seth, Aria
[April 15th 2072; 20:30: Horny Troll]

Copperhead was nursing her fourth beer when Mr J.'s second message arrived.

Frag, this run looks like trouble already.

She finished her beer and strolled over to the pool tables.

"I need a lift to Aurora mall downtown. Either of you two sober enough to drive me there. And can you get a car at short notice."

Her two friends shook their heads. "No wheels" grunted Cutter. "Same. And I'm also too drunk to be driving downtown." replied the elf.

Copperhead turned to the trogs at the next table. "Hey boys. I needs a ride downtown. Got 50 yen for da guy who can get me dere in an hour."

Afters some heated discussion, posturing and a short scuffle, a fat troll called Porkbelly approached her with a grin. "I got's a ride big enough for both of us."

Indeed the fat troll's Harley was modded for a troll-sized driver and passenger. She gave him directions to her squat first where she picked up her ancient shotgun and folding staff along with a few other items. Then climbing back on the bike she composed a message to Mr J.

<<@Mr J. : Got your message. I am on my way to the mall now and should be there in about an hour. Where should we meet and how will I recognise you?>>
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post Jul 19 2011, 02:21 PM
Post #416


Group: Dumpshocked
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@Seth, Copperhead, Demon
[April 15th 2072; 20:30: Kobe Terrace Park]

Ah, good Copperhead was coming...given the circumstances Ember hadn’t been sure that she would. He headed for the Aurora on foot as there was time to allow her to arrive and it gave him time to think...the rain even seemed to be holding off which made the walk almost pleasant, if circumstances were different anyway, his mind kept going back to his family battered and broken...when he found whoever was responsible...he repressed that thought. Lugh was strong in him tonight and although he usually followed the healing aspect of his warmth there was no denying the warrior in him!

Talking of warriors he was becoming concerned that this was too big for just two (even if Copperhead was bigger than most)...it may be that an additional body would help. Browsing the directories again he dismissed several names and then saw Demon. The man was annoying and over familiar with Charlotte but his skills were undeniable...if he was available then it would at least be a chance to speak to someone without using this barbaric tongue...

He composed two texts and fired them into the ether...

<<@Copperhead: You will recognise me...or at least my spirit companion that you were busy admiring this evening. I saw you at the Troll earlier and when your name came up again it seemed fortune’s hand was in play. I will see you within the hour. E.>>

<<@Demon: If you are interested in some investigative work then meet me at the Aurora Shopping Mall, Downtown in 1 hour. Ember.>>

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post Jul 19 2011, 02:36 PM
Post #417

Neophyte Runner

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[April 15th, 2072 10:17am; Leaving Touristville in a hurry]
[Pan=Hidden. Id = <Information not available>]

"Thanks for the data link. OK lets head to the Stuffer ShackTM near the University. "

"I don't suppose you have a spoof chip for this marvelous vehicle do you? I might know a man who knows a thing or two about them, but it would take us a couple of days to arrange a meet.

"Do you think he needs urgent medical attention? "
Jotamon gestures somewhat uncomfortably at the unconscious child
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post Jul 19 2011, 06:22 PM
Post #418

Moving Target

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Doza zigzags across the street, laying down a burst of suppressing fire as she does so. As she flattens against the wall she risks a quick glance at the speeding jackrabbit. The back window has obviously been hit by the sniper, as the plastiglass is starred but, thankfully, not broken.

The unseen gunman seemed to have stopped firing. Is it because his target has now disappeared round a corner or due to keeping his head down as random bullets danced around him? Doza considers her options, one is to cut and run while the sniper is recovering from the suppressing fire. The alternative of trying to find him and ask, oh so nicely, what the frag was going on had a certain appeal.

"Decisions, decisions" she mutters.

One thing she's learnt is it's not a good idea to rush into unknown territory, against unknown odds, without any backup.

"She who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day" With this thought she safeties her gun and slips down the alley beside the building.
"Besides, I have a date, a dinner date at that!"
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post Jul 19 2011, 06:46 PM
Post #419

Shooting Target

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@Seth, Aria, Demon
[April 15th 2072; 20:31: On the way to Aurora mall]

Copperhead throws back her head, her long hair billowing in the bike's slipstream, and lets out a deep, throaty laugh when she reads Ember's text.

Sonofabitch she thinks to herself. I though that fragger looked familiar but was too distracted by the fraggin spirit to pay him any attention.

She settles back against Porkbelly's back and gives him a wink in the rear-view mirror. The trog leers back at her.

It takes about fifty minutes to reach the mall. She dials up 50 yen on her credstick and transfers it to him.

"Thanks chummer" she grins at him then turns to walk away. He manages to smack her ass as he revs his bike and pulls a tight turn before burning off into the dark.

She gives a little yelp, drowned by the roar of the Harley's engine. So much for the stealthy approach.

She scans about for Ember, hoping that the mall security are asleep on the job.

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post Jul 19 2011, 07:18 PM
Post #420

Moving Target

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[April 15th, 2072 10:18am; Leaving Touristville in a hurry]
[PAN = Airwave, Passive. Id = May Jiang]

Jamie pulls up the mapchip on her comm. She outlines a route to the "Stuffer ShackTM near the University." She sends a route to the dogbrain driving the car. She takes a look at the card sent to her. Ugh, hardcopy. She snaps a picture with her eyecam. Using her sensor software suite, she isolates the different pieces of data and drops them into a contact list. She takes a snapshot of the location she sent the car to and sends it to Mareno, F. with a confirmation request.

While all this is going on in her head, Jamie smiles smugly, "I had one installed a while back. I still pay for service, but it's hard to figure out where I am. My car's not a hot rod, but I keep it on the downlow."

She turns around and looks at the kid. "I'm not sure. The medkit didn't think he was suffering from anything acute. Say, what are we going to do with him at the Stuffer Shack?"
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post Jul 20 2011, 03:29 AM
Post #421

Neophyte Runner

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[April 15th, 2072 20:15; at Elliot's on Pier 60]
[PAN = Elite, Passive ID = Aubert Benoit]

With a glass of Cassis in one hand and a freshly-lit cigarette in the other, Demon sits back and watches the sun begin to set into the Sound with a vibrant display of reds and oranges. He takes a long drag from the cigarette, and then exhales the smoke slowly. He glances back at the half-filled glass of white wine, one of the few vices from home that the Marseillais is able to indulge in while on his self-imposed exile from la mere patrie. The glass of Cassis had cost him nearly the same amount of money as he earned in "dealing an abrupt end" to an unfortunate soul, so he makes sure to relish each sip. After all, he would and does kill for a good glass of wine.

The other vice normally comes a bit cheaper---costing but a wink or a well-crafted compliment, but tonight Elliot's is filled with couples and more than a few Gianelli pawns. Not a single available woman in the room.

How incredibly banal a way to enjoy the end of a beautiful day and an expensive glass of wine, he mentally grumbles. He spots three women---unfortunately engaged with what look to be professional criminals---who might be worth pursuing, but the last thing he wants is to call unwanted attention to himself. Furthermore, if he continues his success in the shadows, the Gianellis may end up being future employers. Such a conflit would be bad for business.

Instead, he takes another sip of Cassis and holds the glass up to the sunset, watching the light play across the liquid.

A waiter approaches him.

"Monsieur, are you sure I cannot interest you in an entree or even an hors-doeuvre?" he asks in stilted French.

Demon merely smiles and shakes his head. His stomach gently rumbles in disagreement, though. He has always wanted to try the bouillabasse, but he would have to forego eating for an entire week in order to have it.

"I am certain, my friend, though I appreciate your concern. I am more than happy with the wine, the air, and the atmosphere," he answers in immaculate French. Although, he thinks to himself, I would be incredibly thankful if you could bring me a woman to share it with. Or, at least something of interest to break up this monotony...
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post Jul 20 2011, 08:15 AM
Post #422

Neophyte Runner

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April 15th, 2072 10:18am; Leaving Touristville in a hurry
[Pan=Hidden. Id = <Information not available>]

"To be honest, when I arranged the meet I had to invent a code on the moment, as I didn't have a crypto set up with the lady (She's called Doza by the way). I was mostly trying to not get shot. In retrospect I could have picked a better spot.

Thinking about it, I suggest that we meet in the car park. Isn't in the middle of a shopping area so we could buy some kids clothes. After meeting with Doza, if we are still looking after him, we can head to, say, my place. Its a two bedroom flat, so we can put him in the spare room while he sleeps it off, and we go info gathering"

Say, I wonder if the kid has any ID on him..."
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post Jul 20 2011, 11:57 AM
Post #423


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@Seth, Copperhead & Demon

[April 15th 2072; 21:25; Aurora Shopping Mall, Downtown Seattle]

Ember watched Copperhead approach. She was tall and muscled as most trolls were and the cyberarms were interesting, particularly in light of the Talent that he detected lurking in her aura.

He just hoped that Demon would choose to join them. As much as he disliked the odious killer, some hard core stealthy muscle might be necessary once he found out what was really going on...not that he intended to let anyone else exact his revenge...that would be Lugh’s prerogative.

Copperhead, I am glad you decided to come...I am Ember

He walked down the steps towards her

“Let’s go inside before the weather decides to worsen again and I can explain what’s going on and you can decide whether you can help me.”

He selected a quiet eatery on the ground floor of the mall...which was still busy despite the hour. He indicated that she should order something if she wished and then proceeded to fill her in on the modicum of details that he had

“My wife Argent was investigating a series of death threats against a corporate individual and was subsequently attacked. As I’m sure you’ll appreciate this is personal for me, but as she is a fixer of repute in the shadows it sets a bad precedent if neutral parties are targeted and that should be enough reason alone to follow this up.

I intend to speak to the target of the death threats but he doesn’t know me and is trying to avoid the issue and myself. I am in no mood to, how do you say it? Pussy foot around? I intend to confront him and get more intel and there is a chance that we will need to deal with any guards that try and interfere.

From there I am not sure where this investigation will lead and so I will give you the opportunity to bow out at any time and keep the money you have earned up to that point...it is not something most employers would do I believe?

I hope we will have at least one other joining us but I have yet to hear back from him. Between us I believe we have most of the bases covered, apart perhaps from matrix support. If it becomes evident that this is required then I’m sure I can acquire some.

Do you have any questions?”

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post Jul 20 2011, 02:24 PM
Post #424

Neophyte Runner

Group: Members
Posts: 2,162
Joined: 14-June 10
From: San Diego, CA
Member No.: 18,704

[April 15th, 2072 20:33; at Elliot's on Pier 60]
[PAN = Elite, Passive ID = Aubert Benoit]

Demon's eyes suddenly grow wide in genuine surprise as he sees a digital message scrawled in French pop up on his PAN. When he sees who wrote it, he is delighted. Demon has always enjoyed Ember's company---though to be honest, he enjoys the company of anyone who appreciates the subtle and complex pleasures of French culture. However, he suspects the feeling is not mutual. An understandable reaction to anyone who voluntarily walks the assassin's path, although he personally tries to carry the profession out in as civilized and delicate a manner as possible.

He scrawls his own reply without hesitation.

<<@Ember: Mon ami, I would be delighted to accept the invitation! ~D>>

However, he then sighs heavily at what must be done in order to make it in time to the meeting. He puts out his cigarette in the table's ashtray with a deft twist of his hand and then closes his eyes.

He chugs the remaining half-glass of the wine.

A shame. It is like pissing on a Monet. Alas, it cannot be helped, he thinks to himself sadly. He flags down the waiter and leaves him a tip---along with a note naming a local French tutor. As he leaves, though. A thought begins to dawn upon him.

Perhaps I will be savoring that bouillabasse sooner than I thought...

[April 15th, 2072 21:33; Aurora Shopping Mall, Downtown Seattle]
[PAN = Elite, Passive ID = Aubert Benoit]

Demon swings his jet black Suzuki Mirage into the nearest open parking spot he can find. He kills the engine and slides off the seat, somewhat frustrated that nighttime traffic kept him from making his appointment on time. Being fashionably late to a party is one thing, but being fashionably late to a potential job is somewhat...unprofessional. He quickly makes his way to the mall's entrance, inconspicuously checking his "plain attire" for its hidden arsenal.

The two kompacts...check. The guardian...check. The knife...check. The staff...check. The baton...check. The two flash-paks...check. A perfect array should this "meet and greet" happen to attract bad luck...

He walks into the mall, flashing a confident grin at a few female passer-bys. He lets his eyes trail the attractive---and apparently interested---shoppers as their paths begin to cross until something far more pressing grabs his attention.

Seeing a somewhat reflective window by a fast food restaurant, he stops to inspect his appearance. Seeing that the motorcycle ride managed to tussle his coiffure, he adjusts the stray hairs and adjusts his clothes---straightening the lapels on his lined coat, centering his belt buckle and smoothing out unwanted creases in his pants. When his eyes focus past his own reflection, he notices a familiar face in the establishment. He quickly walks inside.

"My friend, how good it is to see you again," he says to Ember, his tenor voice adopting a sing-song tone as he speaks in their native tongue, "I apologize for my lateness, but it could not be avoided. There was traffic between the pier and here. I certainly hope I have not missed anything. Ah, and what of this colorful fellowship of acquaintances you have gathered here? Do they speak the mother tongue as well?"
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post Jul 20 2011, 03:44 PM
Post #425

Shooting Target

Group: Members
Posts: 1,547
Joined: 29-July 10
From: PAN Hidden
Member No.: 18,869

@Seth, Aria & Demon
[April 15th 2072; 21:25; Aurora Shopping Mall, Downtown Seattle]

Copperhead grins down at the mage. Ember, huh. I thought I recognised you at the bar but was kinda distracted by your spirit."

She follows him into the eatery and orders a quad burger, mega fries and a large nukacola. She listens carefully to his story as she eats, her brow furrowed in concentration. When he finishes she thinks for a long moment, then blurts out several questions one after the other.

“Your say your wife was attacked. Was she hurt bad? What was da nature of da attack? Mugged, shot, magic? Dis guy you want to talk to, mundane, mage, cybered? If we need to deal wid any guards, non-lethal or lethal takedown? Oh, and I know a guy if you need a hacker."

She seems slighty embarrased by the barrage of questions and looks down at her plate and plays with her food.

She glances up as a smartly-dressed figure apporaches and speaks to Ember in a foreign language.

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