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> Fallout New Vegas
post Nov 13 2010, 06:58 PM
Post #301

Moving Target

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Fallout 3 worked the same way as I recall. You could get Ranger Armor and Eugene that way, rather than just one of them.
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post Nov 13 2010, 07:00 PM
Post #302

The ShadowComedian

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QUOTE (Zyerne @ Nov 13 2010, 01:08 PM) *
Never really liked Energy Weapons in Fallout 3, much more of a Small Guns and Ranger Armor type.

The Gauss-Rifle is an Energy-Weapon in FNV.
And it's single handedly the best damn long range weapon you are ever gonna get.
With a DPS closer to 500 than to 400 . .
And fort short distance work, there's the Alien Blaster with DPS closer to 600 than to 500 . .
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post Nov 13 2010, 07:23 PM
Post #303

Freelance Elf

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QUOTE (Zyerne @ Nov 13 2010, 07:08 AM) *
Never really liked Energy Weapons in Fallout 3, much more of a Small Guns and Ranger Armor type.

My outfit of choice in Fallout 3 was Ranger Armor, Sheriff's Hat, Sunglasses, and any gun that went "dakka dakka" or "bang" when I pulled the trigger (normally a Chinese Assault Rifle, but often a Hunting Rifle).

And that was before I moved to Texas. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) Now I hear New Vegas has an actual Cowboy perk I can take? Hurry up, Christmas, and I'll be in my bunk! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/love.gif)
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post Nov 13 2010, 07:30 PM
Post #304

The ShadowComedian

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Hurry up, Christmas, and I'll be in my bunk!

Creep O.o *snickers* ^^
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post Nov 13 2010, 07:44 PM
Post #305

Moving Target

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For me it was Chinese AR in open terrain, SMG to the face in close quarters.
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post Nov 13 2010, 07:53 PM
Post #306

The ShadowComedian

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Yah, the 12,7mm SMG is quite deadly . . but it REALLY is a spray and pray weapon . . Even the Minigun has less spread i think <.<
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post Nov 13 2010, 08:34 PM
Post #307

Great Dragon

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Reminds me of starting a fight in New Reno (or whatever that first slaver's den was called). If you were on the half of the map that had all the druggies, it'd take like 5 minutes between turns because everyone was on jet and so would shamble slowly around with their 20ish AP. Was crazy annoying.
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post Nov 13 2010, 08:48 PM
Post #308

The ShadowComedian

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yah, that's why VATS is optional now.
but i think you could force real time combat in F² too, in the options somehow . .
Of course, that made the game hellishly difficult . .
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post Nov 13 2010, 09:37 PM
Post #309

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QUOTE (Zyerne @ Nov 12 2010, 11:43 PM) *
Are people playing the PC version? I'm intending to get for myself as a christmas present and I'm wondering if there's any issues I should be aware of.

I'm running PC. It crashes if I alt-tab at the wrong time (especially while in VATS or zoomed). I've also had a weird error where it thinks I'm clicking, but I'm not. Easy to get around though - hold the mouse button down and act normally.

Definitely go with PC. The Mods are fantastic. I've only done a few, like slowed down the clock so night and day don't zoom by so much, and allowed more companions. I had a fantastic street fight with four people on my side and eight on the other. Really felt like the chaos of combat, with bullets flying everywhere.
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post Nov 13 2010, 09:40 PM
Post #310

Moving Target

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I had the alt-tab problem in Fallout 3. As I recall, making sure there was another program open to alt-tab to, rather than going to the desktop, tended to cure it. No idea if that'll work for NV though.
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post Nov 13 2010, 09:41 PM
Post #311

The ShadowComedian

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Fallout belongs on the PC, end of story <.<;,
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post Nov 13 2010, 09:47 PM
Post #312

Moving Target

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And is cheaper. Don't know why, not gonna complain.
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Wounded Ronin
post Nov 13 2010, 10:40 PM
Post #313

Great Dragon

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QUOTE (Karoline @ Nov 13 2010, 03:34 PM) *
Reminds me of starting a fight in New Reno (or whatever that first slaver's den was called). If you were on the half of the map that had all the druggies, it'd take like 5 minutes between turns because everyone was on jet and so would shamble slowly around with their 20ish AP. Was crazy annoying.

That was the highlight of every game for me...kicking off the New Reno Genocidal Mass Slaughter in every game by whacking a mafia boss and then running like hell into a competitor's casino and hiding behind a guard there.
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post Nov 14 2010, 01:36 AM
Post #314

Great Dragon

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QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Nov 13 2010, 03:48 PM) *
yah, that's why VATS is optional now.
but i think you could force real time combat in F² too, in the options somehow . .
Of course, that made the game hellishly difficult . .

Fallout Tactics had real time, don't think F2 ever did.
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post Nov 14 2010, 10:27 AM
Post #315

The ShadowComedian

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hmm, maybe i'm getting things mixed up here, but i barely played tactics, while i played F² religiously for quite some time O.o
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post Nov 14 2010, 03:59 PM
Post #316

Great Dragon

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QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Nov 14 2010, 05:27 AM) *
hmm, maybe i'm getting things mixed up here, but i barely played tactics, while i played F² religiously for quite some time O.o

I'm 99% sure that it was introduced in tactics, because I so clearly remember that they did it poorly and made some perks and AP in general pointless. I'm sure if you go to GameFAQ.com and look up a Fallout Tactics guide, near the start it'll say 'one of the biggest changes from the older version of Fallout is the addition of a real time mode.'

Edit: Well, didn't find a guide that said that, but I can find no occurrence of CTB in any of the fallout 2 guides.
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post Nov 14 2010, 04:13 PM
Post #317

Moving Target

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Fallout wiki seems to confirm.,

..Instead, Fallout Tactics focuses on squad-based combat and introduces near real-time combat, called "continuous turn-based" by the developers..

Also notice there's a Fallout MMO scheduled for release in 2012
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Doc Chase
post Nov 14 2010, 05:10 PM
Post #318


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We'll see about the MMO. Bethseda and Interplay have been fighting in court over that for over a year now.

And yes, Fallout 2 had the exact same system as the original did. Tactics added the realtime.
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Wounded Ronin
post Nov 14 2010, 05:38 PM
Post #319

Great Dragon

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QUOTE (Doc Chase @ Nov 14 2010, 01:10 PM) *
We'll see about the MMO. Bethseda and Interplay have been fighting in court over that for over a year now.

This crap should just be settled in the Thunderdome. Judicial combat....think of how much public money we'd save!
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post Nov 14 2010, 06:07 PM
Post #320


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QUOTE (Doc Chase @ Nov 14 2010, 06:10 PM) *
We'll see about the MMO. Bethseda and Interplay have been fighting in court over that for over a year now.

And here i thought interplay had been belly up for a long time. Undead corporations, even worse then zombie hordes...
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post Nov 14 2010, 06:28 PM
Post #321

Great Dragon

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QUOTE (Wounded Ronin @ Nov 14 2010, 12:38 PM) *
This crap should just be settled in the Thunderdome. Judicial combat....think of how much public money we'd save!

Two Lawyers walk in.. one Lawyer walks out.

At least it would justify their massive fees (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
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post Nov 14 2010, 06:32 PM
Post #322

Moving Target

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Looks like they almost went belly up at the end of '06 but selling the Fallout rights to Bethesda in '07 saved them.

Atari now owns a significant amount of Interplay, between that and recently formed Interplay Discovery, hopefully they'll stay afloat long enough to get Fallout Online out the door.
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post Nov 15 2010, 12:24 PM
Post #323


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QUOTE (Karoline @ Nov 12 2010, 11:50 PM) *
Some people seem to be having some trouble. I've had it crash a couple times, but I'm running on a laptop that just has issues sometimes and has also crashed on Civ V a few times. Other than that and it being somewhat slow (once again, blame my laptop, not the game) it works well.

A Bethesda game being a Bethesda game. That's all.

Basically, you choose between more stability and more customization. Comparing FNV and Oblivion on the PC to F3 on the PS3... I can honestly say that I had fewer crashes on the PS3, but that was before some of the patches. The game got a bit sluggish when I had a lot of litter lying around, but that was that. Oblivion, and FNV, have had a lot more crashes, but that 3rd person mods make up for it along with the ability to make your own personal vault.


QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Nov 13 2010, 03:42 AM) *
Only in Anime of all kinds Laser-Weapons build up with an impressive glow and soundeffects . .

And physics defying effects like bending, in space, with no obviously strong gravity fields around.


QUOTE (Critias @ Nov 13 2010, 02:23 PM) *
My outfit of choice in Fallout 3 was Ranger Armor, Sheriff's Hat, Sunglasses, and any gun that went "dakka dakka" or "bang" when I pulled the trigger (normally a Chinese Assault Rifle, but often a Hunting Rifle).

Ranger Armor, Lucky Shades, and Three-Dog's Doo-rag was my go to outfit in F3. Althought I did ditch the armor for the Chinese Stealth Suit.

I also made heavy use of the Xuanlong Assault Rifle (Unique Chinese Assault Rifle).


QUOTE (Wounded Ronin @ Nov 14 2010, 12:38 PM) *
This crap should just be settled in the Thunderdome. Judicial combat....think of how much public money we'd save!

The US inherited English Common Law, while it has been banned in England, trial by combat is still technically a viable option in US law since the English ban on it came after the United States was established. No one has ever attempted it and undoubtedly it would get tossed out and promptly banned if someone should try it, but it's nice to imagine. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Nov 15 2010, 12:41 PM
Post #324

Running Target

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I'm glad I went the PC route for this game. Patches, official or otherwise, seem to occur much quicker on PC. Plus community mods. The only time this doesn't seem to hold true is when games are suspiciously locked to any tinkering. In which case, they tend not to do so well: Aliens vs Predator (the newest one) and Alpha Protocol, for example. I have both, played and finished both, but have no reason to play them again for at least a couple years. There's no official support. There's no community ability to add things or address balance issues the official support guys couldn't be bothered with.

As I've noted in my fable 3 thread, my current game is flat out stuck until they patch it. Since you only have 1 save, if you're stuck, you're stuck. Eta on patch? Weeks.

For new vegas, within the first week of play there were loads of community mods to tailor my experience. Appearance tweaks (since for as good as they are, for some reason the Fallout guys can't make attractive female character models/faces), better looking armor (but not god-armor), even tweaks for the hardcore experience related to food/water/sleep.

In a similar note, STALKER, a game that came out years ago is still viable cause of community level support and mods. Deus Ex was like that too, but not so much with DX2. The purpose of a mod-able game is to keep interest in your original game until your sequel can come out.

Unless your business model is just churn out sequels without really changing things, Madden, WWE games, etc.
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post Nov 15 2010, 01:35 PM
Post #325


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QUOTE (Voran @ Nov 15 2010, 07:41 AM) *
Unless your business model is just churn out sequels without really changing things, Madden, WWE games, etc.

Madden is weird in that aspect. Yes the game doesn't change much (mostly just a graphics refinement and updated rosters), but every once in awhile they come out with a new big feature. Franchise mode, rookie mode, etc. Eventually that series is going to reach a point where it pretty much mimics the NFL as much as possible and new features to the game will only come about when there's a "new feature" added to the NFL. Otherwise it's just roster updates from there on out.

If you want a game franchise that -really- embodies that... Guitar Hero.
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