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> Wait...Shadowrunners cleaning up the streets?!?, Ok, so my gritty campaign hit a soft spot in my group
post Nov 19 2010, 09:09 PM
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Moving Target

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After a few runs my players started feeling a bit depressed about things, they did get paid they did kill people, things weren't looking so bad, etc. etc. NOW however, one of my gamers is going through a very religious time in his life and has decided to turn that on the game, but, in a good way really, he's deciding that his ex-criminal Shadowrunner who likes to blow things up is going to start cleaning up the streets. So far I've been playing this one by ear but they're getting more and more efficient at blowing the shxt out of gangers and mafioso's. We even roleplayed the hell out of some Lone Star under the table action, basically making the team bail bondsmen and "walking tall" types. The thing is, I'm having trouble coming up with stuff to throw at them, because they just like to move forward, coming to the rescue of prostitutes and drug addicts, beating down drug dealers, they even negotiated a 15 minute lone star blackout in downtown seattle so they could bomb the shxt out of a mafia drug den, heavily guarded (I rolled like crap that night, they basically marched right over the top of the mafia soldati.) Now as I've said I'm a bit clueless, any ideas what I can throw at them? so far they've steered pretty clear of the Triad and Yakuza, maybe this is a good time to introduce a mafia prime runner?
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Doc Chase
post Nov 19 2010, 09:22 PM
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If they're hitting the Mob that publically, then the Mob is going to hit back.


Show them that there are consequences. The runners aren't the only ones with bombs. They have friends, family. Use that to escalate the situation. Let the ultimate arc be the shutdown of the Mob chapter in the area, or even the region if it's high-powered enough.

The Mob is going to lean on the team's contacts once they figure out what is going on. They'll lean on the 'Star first since there was a lack of police response, and there's always someone on the Mob payroll. From there, they can start backtracing the team until things come to a head.

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post Nov 19 2010, 09:25 PM
Post #3

Moving Target

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Good idea, but I mean, is the mob really going to have cybered up dudes like the Yakuza? I may just be having a hard time giving that kind of criminal syndicate much credit. I can see some tough mundanes with a little cyber, but nothing like yakuza biohitmen or triad gun slinger adepts. But, still, a good idea, and there are always people the mob can contact that are cyber or bio or magi enhanced.
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post Nov 19 2010, 09:29 PM
Post #4

Shooting Target

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Whether they do or not, they can find out where they live and start messing with that, people they know, places they go, etc.

You turn your runs into rescuing people they know, tracking down baddies that blew up their car, apartment or favorite bar...

And its not like the Mafia can't just hire other runners to take your guys down...
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post Nov 19 2010, 09:32 PM
Post #5

Moving Target

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I can see that, a bit like Smoking Aces, a showdown between Shadowrunners, not a bad time to make a team of dudes for them to head off against.
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post Nov 19 2010, 09:42 PM
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I'd suggest introducing some like-minded NPCs, and then make their lives difficult and see how the players react.

Perhaps a pair of genuinely good Lone Star/Knight Errant cops (Miami Vice or Alien Nation might make for good inspiration) who are doing the best they can to live up to the "To Protect and Serve" ideal. Have them be sort of the Lt/Commissioner Gordon or Harvey Bullock to your teams Batman. Assuming the players take a liking to them, a few games down the line introduce some hardships to those NPCs. Off the top of my head, corrupt officers trying to frame them for something, or Internal Affairs hearing that they're working with fragging Shadowrunners.

On a similar note, Runner Havens describes the Crimson Crush as being more of an armed neighborhood watch organization then a regular gang. In my game, Crimson Crush is trying to expand, and one of our contacts is the leader of the new Puyallup Barrens chapter, and he's in a little bit over his head. Assuming the PCs become friendly, perhaps the Crush asks for help with an offensive, or conversely the team finds out the Crush were recently hit really hard by a rival gang. Maybe they hear that a different runner team has been hired to take the Crush leader out.
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post Nov 19 2010, 09:43 PM
Post #7

Great Dragon

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QUOTE (Pollux710 @ Nov 19 2010, 03:25 PM) *
Good idea, but I mean, is the mob really going to have cybered up dudes like the Yakuza? I may just be having a hard time giving that kind of criminal syndicate much credit. I can see some tough mundanes with a little cyber, but nothing like yakuza biohitmen or triad gun slinger adepts. But, still, a good idea, and there are always people the mob can contact that are cyber or bio or magi enhanced.

The mob has lots of people who know people who know people.

Like fixers who know the phone number of highly skilled teams of runners who don't care where the money comes from or how many people they have to cut the fingers off of with pruning shears in order to find where your PCs hang out.
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Christian Lafay
post Nov 19 2010, 09:44 PM
Post #8

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Massive warfare with gangs like The Spikes.
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post Nov 19 2010, 09:47 PM
Post #9

Shooting Target

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Exactly. Just because the mafia itself doesn't have a street samurai in its fold, doesn't mean they don't know where to find one. Specially one with little to none moral restraints.
Start making one or two of their contacts going missing, then showing up in a hospital completely beaten with a message to them.
If the scale up the things, next a contact shows up dead, etc.
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post Nov 19 2010, 09:54 PM
Post #10

Moving Target

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Also the Mob has managed to hold it's own (and actually expand it's territory in many areas) against the likes of the Yakuza, Triads, and Rings. So I wouldn't underestimate their fighters.

(Perhaps I'm spacing out, but why exactly wouldn't the mob have cybered individuals?)
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post Nov 19 2010, 09:55 PM
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While I'm all for Shadowrunners beating the Mob up (the consequences of which everyone else seems to be covering pretty well). They are called ShadowRunners for a reason. In most games I've played/heard about, if stuff is getting blown up a lot, something has gone wrong. Explosions get covered by the media, and if things the team does consistently make it to the evening news, then work is going to rapidly dry up. No one wants to hire deniable assets that are going to make what should be a discreet run the week's big story.
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post Nov 19 2010, 10:39 PM
Post #12

Shooting Target

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It seems they are not being hired anymore, instead doing stuff like Big Daddy e Hit Girl do against the Mafia. Steal their money and kick their asses.
Also, there is no problem in the world that can't be solved by a bigger explosion. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/grinbig.gif)
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post Nov 19 2010, 10:43 PM
Post #13

Moving Target

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Oh believe me its on the news, the thing is they keep working with people like Lone Star and KE to keep their faces off of it, but the shadows know so notoriety goes up etc. Isn't phasing them, I think they're having more fun playing the underdogs in the shadows than they were corporate espionnage.
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post Nov 19 2010, 11:20 PM
Post #14

Great Dragon

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Then it's cool.

But yeah, if the bad guys are not effectively reacting to the PCs it gets old fast. And people who run any organized criminal operation are typically pretty smart, know a LOT of people and are completely ruthless.
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post Nov 19 2010, 11:20 PM
Post #15

Great Dragon

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DDoouubblle pposstt
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post Nov 19 2010, 11:47 PM
Post #16


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Sounds like the plot of Boondock Saints to me. And I agree with the the above. It sounds like time for the bad guys to start hitting back. Putting your runners on the defensive for a change can be a lot of fun.
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post Nov 20 2010, 12:33 AM
Post #17

Neophyte Runner

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It is too less to give any specific advice on.
We are talking about runners, so I guess they stayed off the grid before they turned on the mobs.
So there will be no trace to follow.

The next point is, how good they covered their traces.
If it runs down to some dudes with guns, the mob has no chance to find them.
If they showed their (real) faces or their was a possibility to track their movement, then they should be on the run or hiding.
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post Nov 20 2010, 12:34 AM
Post #18

Moving Target

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Ok, so what kind of guys should I start throwing at them? I'm looking for nasty ideas. Snipers, riggers, gun bunnies, etc. and ideas for a prime runner.
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Christian Lafay
post Nov 20 2010, 12:41 AM
Post #19

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There is always the movie tried and true version, send their evil equals.
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post Nov 20 2010, 12:52 AM
Post #20

Neophyte Runner

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Snipers: Realistic but deadly. Hard play out the preparations. (They have to find out when and where to hit)
I personally dislike the idea of riggers. It is so impersonal.

But it all depends on your team. If you got good mages, they need magical backup.

An other good idea is planting a bomb. Killing persons close to the runners or the like before going after them.
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post Nov 20 2010, 01:25 AM
Post #21

Great Dragon

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QUOTE (Pollux710 @ Nov 19 2010, 06:34 PM) *
Ok, so what kind of guys should I start throwing at them? I'm looking for nasty ideas. Snipers, riggers, gun bunnies, etc. and ideas for a prime runner.

Snipers and bombs are extremely realistic ways to deal with the kind of annoyances they have made of themselves, if they can be located with enough notice to deal with. However, they are limited fun. "Jack gets into his car and takes 50P when his car blows up." "Donna sneaks up to her back door without anyone seeing her, but when she goes to unlock it it the key jams. She is working on it when the Barrett APDS round hits her behind the ear."

Not a lot of options for the players.

The drone rigger dropping off a half dozen armored combat drones with MGs and grenade launchers to play might be kind of fun turnaround.

If people know what they look at like having a couple cars full of random strangers do drive-bys might be interesting.
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post Nov 20 2010, 01:29 AM
Post #22

Neophyte Runner

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Well, bombs do not just appear under your car.
You have to locate their car, you have to wire the bomb and you have to make sure it is not found. A cybernose might ruin your day.
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Christian Lafay
post Nov 20 2010, 01:38 AM
Post #23

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Irion @ Nov 20 2010, 02:29 AM) *
Well, bombs do not just appear under your car.
You have to locate their car, you have to wire the bomb and you have to make sure it is not found. A cybernose might ruin your day.

Meh, piss on the bomb. After not drinking much water, or course.
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post Nov 20 2010, 02:38 AM
Post #24

Great Dragon

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The characters probably have underworld contacts if they can find these things. Are the high loyalty? For $50,000 their L3 ganger contact can probably be convinced to shoot them in the face.

Cops can collect the big bucks from the mob and the acclaim of the brass when they bring down one of the terrorists.
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post Nov 20 2010, 02:43 AM
Post #25


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QUOTE (Pollux710 @ Nov 19 2010, 05:25 PM) *
Good idea, but I mean, is the mob really going to have cybered up dudes like the Yakuza?

God yes. According to Seattle 2072 one of the more important Seattle Mafia figures is a guy named Caesar “Chrome” Ciarniello. Obviously, the rank and file guys won't be as cybered as the stereotypical Yak ninja/boogieman assassins you can find in rengos that are totally in bed with the corps-- those guys are often Prime Runner level company men. But frankly, there's a lot of wiggle room between "Not As Nasty As The Best Red Samurai" and "Uncybered Pushover." Never forget that there's some cheap but brutally effective 'ware that makes sense for organizations to use en masse even if a player would almost always pay the extra one or two BP to take the next step up. For example, Muscle Replacements take up so much essence that PCs tend to skip them, but the cost of Muscle Replacements 1 is like walking around money to a Don or some of the more successful capos. Having a few guys around with jacked up attributes isn't very expensive and it makes a lot of sense given the setting.

This post has been edited by Whipstitch: Nov 20 2010, 03:18 AM
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