Shadow's Dawn: Diving into the past- recruitment, Recruiting reserves |
Shadow's Dawn: Diving into the past- recruitment, Recruiting reserves |
Feb 28 2011, 06:20 PM
Neophyte Runner Group: Members Posts: 2,248 Joined: 14-October 10 Member No.: 19,113 |
I'd like to remind everyone to get as much of there character posted as they can by the end of today. I know I originally said "starting on the 7th", but I am happy to kick off sooner it thats ok for people. I am quite happy for people to carry on fine tuning their character for the next week, and I'll remind people that they can have a free respec once in the near future.
My wife and son are both still recovering from Jet Lag, so their characters won't be posted for a couple of days. I mentioned before but:
So I think most bases are covered. Magically its a tough group. Physically and utility wise it looks ok. I am little concerned that only 1 hacker might cause problems, but I am sure Aria will be up to it, and anyway how bad can Black IC get? I'll post an OOC and IC thread soon, with some posting guidelines (what colours to use etc). |
Feb 28 2011, 07:34 PM
Immortal Elf Group: Validating Posts: 7,999 Joined: 26-February 02 Member No.: 1,890 |
You may want to add one or two reserved posts in your IC thread, too.
I'll get to work on finishing things up. When you extended to the 7th, I kinda started rethinking things so I'm in a big mess right now. It shouldn't take too much to clean things up, however. |
Feb 28 2011, 07:38 PM
Dragon Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 4,258 Joined: 9-March 10 From: The Citadel Member No.: 18,267 |
So I think most bases are covered. Magically its a tough group. Physically and utility wise it looks ok. I am little concerned that only 1 hacker might cause problems, but I am sure Aria will be up to it, and anyway how bad can Black IC get? Aren't I immune to Black IC as an AR using adept hacker?!? Of course my icon can still get shredded... |
Feb 28 2011, 07:39 PM
Immortal Elf Group: Validating Posts: 7,999 Joined: 26-February 02 Member No.: 1,890 |
Quick question: Where is our equipment being stashed during this initial run? Is it back in the Tir, or are we leaving it with our insertion team, or something else entirely? Most notably things like weapons and armor that we can't smuggle into a prison-type facility, but which we may not want to just throw out the window.
Feb 28 2011, 07:40 PM
Immortal Elf Group: Validating Posts: 7,999 Joined: 26-February 02 Member No.: 1,890 |
Aren't I immune to Black IC as an AR using adept hacker?!? Of course my icon can still get shredded... While they're expensive at character creation, you can always try writing some Agent programs to back you up for future runs. I do believe that is one area (Software programming) that my character can assist you with, too. <turns and eyes Seth up and down, expecting the worst> (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) |
Feb 28 2011, 07:40 PM
Prime Runner Group: Members Posts: 3,996 Joined: 1-June 10 Member No.: 18,649 |
Aren't I immune to Black IC as an AR using adept hacker?!? Of course my icon can still get shredded... You are, but you can't always be in AR. You can't slow-hack in AR without all of us kicking you in the groin (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) as an example. Interval of (day) intead of (hour) is just too painful. |
Feb 28 2011, 07:49 PM
Great Dragon Group: Members Posts: 5,486 Joined: 17-March 05 From: Michigan Member No.: 7,180 |
I went for an implanted comm so I don't need to worry about elastic bands! You won't have to worry about the elastic because none of the cyberware is available in drake form... but you also won't have to worry about dropping or losing the commlink, so that's a plus. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) |
Feb 28 2011, 08:39 PM
Neophyte Runner Group: Members Posts: 2,248 Joined: 14-October 10 Member No.: 19,113 |
OK I have posted an IC and OOC thread. My plan now is for you lot to do a flashback covering your information gathering and optionally grumble about being coerced into doing the job. I haven't GMed like this before, so be sure to help me by pointing about places where I am failing to be clear with the information I am giving, and advice on how to improve.
Looking at characters I think most of the character details are becoming concrete. I would appreciate a little fluff though if that's OK: @Halinn, Sabs & Sephiroth: Can you decide on a Name provide some Contact details (name and quick bio) and how you are being coerced into doing this job @Aria: Contact details (name and quick bio) and how you are being coerced into doing this job @Ambrose: Everything looking good. Thanks. @Mandala: Looking good. Any chance of giving those contacts some names and a quick bio? @everyone: Decide on a group name please. "The Snafu's" will be used unless anything better comes along (IMG:style_emoticons/default/ork.gif) |
Feb 28 2011, 08:51 PM
Immortal Elf Group: Validating Posts: 7,999 Joined: 26-February 02 Member No.: 1,890 |
Re: Group Name
I'm leaning towards something with Ouroboros in the name, with the symbol being a common denominator in our foci or what have you. The Grey Order wasn't bad, either, but it's kind of vague. Which could be a good thing considering how diverse we are. I didn't care for The Ivans though; felt too Russian to me, and maybe a little too gangish. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) |
Feb 28 2011, 08:56 PM
Great Dragon Group: Members Posts: 5,486 Joined: 17-March 05 From: Michigan Member No.: 7,180 |
Seems like with a group that old, the name wouldn't even be in English. Or maybe it is, if the group (and its concept) have evolved over time. Did Earthdawn have some common languages that are not used anymore?
Feb 28 2011, 08:58 PM
Neophyte Runner Group: Members Posts: 2,248 Joined: 14-October 10 Member No.: 19,113 |
The common language of earthdawn was basically dwarven. I don't think shadowrun has a dwarven language (I've only seen elvish and orcish...anyone seen any dwarven?)
Feb 28 2011, 08:59 PM
Immortal Elf Group: Validating Posts: 7,999 Joined: 26-February 02 Member No.: 1,890 |
Barsavian (aka "Dwarven") was the main trade language we probably used. Each race had their own, with only Sperenthiel and Or'zet surviving to the modern era. I do agree that it wouldn't have been in English, that's pretty obvious, but just throwing a bunch of jumbled letters down isn't much of a solution; it should have had meaning then, and it should be easy enough to translate into English.
There are rumors that immortal dwarves are out there. But Barsavian isn't known by the public at all. The Atlantean Foundation and similar organizations doubtlessly have relics featuring its script, though, and I know Ambrose still knows it fairly well (as well as Trollish, Windling, and even Theran) since he liked to use them in his journals. |
Feb 28 2011, 09:03 PM
Neophyte Runner Group: Members Posts: 2,248 Joined: 14-October 10 Member No.: 19,113 |
I'm just looking at all the characters and I am surprised that most of you think that damage won't be a problem: there is hardly a heal spell among all of you.
Don't worry the bad guys have plenty of healing, and I am sure that they can share some for you |
Feb 28 2011, 09:08 PM
Immortal Elf Group: Validating Posts: 7,999 Joined: 26-February 02 Member No.: 1,890 |
Pfft, magical healing is overrated. (Besides, I'm adding a Heal spell, too, as well as grabbing a Savior Medkit and some magical compounds like Rock Lizard Blood. With Invoking I can even gain access to Regeneration if I absolutely have to.)
By the way, did you see my question a few posts up, Seth? Also, since we haven't talked about prices for them yet, how many of my magical compounds can I start the game with? Maybe one per point of Enchanting? |
Feb 28 2011, 09:17 PM
Prime Runner Group: Members Posts: 3,996 Joined: 1-June 10 Member No.: 18,649 |
If you look at my Character sheet you'll see Throalic N (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Throalic being the main dwarven language of the area. Remember, we were Adventuring Heroes originally, and our power level was tied to how Glorious our Legends were. So our group name should have been fairly Boisterous.
Feb 28 2011, 09:19 PM
Immortal Elf Group: Validating Posts: 7,999 Joined: 26-February 02 Member No.: 1,890 |
Ah, was it called Throalic? I always get it confused. Thanks. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
Feb 28 2011, 09:35 PM
Prime Runner Group: Members Posts: 3,996 Joined: 1-June 10 Member No.: 18,649 |
Okay so from what I can tell
We were originally made up of: Windling Thief Dwarf Wizard Troll Weaponsmith/Alchemist Elven Weaponsmith (Now a Hacker) Elven Warrior Bear Shifter Warrior Nethermancer Free Spirit That's a pretty Motley Cru We could either be named after our leader, or a famous battle/encounter. The Nine (we lost our leader in a freak Horror Accident) The Lions of Travar The Daggers of Skypoint (if we were particularly anti-Theran) Diamonds and Pearls (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) The Riders of Spirehome. Ambrose and the Potions The Hounds of Kaer Forlorn |
Mar 1 2011, 12:45 AM
Old Man of the North Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 10,075 Joined: 14-August 03 From: Just north of the Centre of the Universe Member No.: 5,463 |
My knowledge of Earthdawn lore is non-existent, so I can't help in digging up a name from there. I don't much care for being the X of Y. I feel as we are our own entity.
The Ouroboros idea sounds good. It is an ancient archetype, and could very well have been in Earthdawn mythology, too. Same name, but current language works for me. I'll toss in a vote for simply "Ouroboros". I will work on finalizing Mandala's stats tonight, and get what fluff in I can. I'm in the process of a truckload of job applications this week, too. Yes, yes I know... priorities, boy. |
Mar 1 2011, 02:00 AM
Old Man of the North Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 10,075 Joined: 14-August 03 From: Just north of the Centre of the Universe Member No.: 5,463 |
Mar 1 2011, 02:17 AM
Neophyte Runner Group: Members Posts: 2,248 Joined: 14-October 10 Member No.: 19,113 |
QUOTE Quick question: Where is our equipment being stashed during this initial run? Is it back in the Tir, or are we leaving it with our insertion team, or something else entirely? Most notably things like weapons and armor that we can't smuggle into a prison-type facility, but which we may not want to just throw out the window Ask this in a flash back, that way I can be nasty and you hate the NPC not me (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) QUOTE While they're expensive at character creation, you can always try writing some Agent programs to back you up for future runs. I do believe that is one area (Software programming) that my character can assist you with, too. <turns and eyes Seth up and down, expecting the worst> Its so sweet when you grovel. Yes you can. Pilots have availability 3*rating. With software 4, you can get availability 16. So hello Mr rating 5 pilot: just pay the cash. Have a look at all the autosofts if you want to go down this route. Character comments: @Halinn. Heavy pistols are bigger than your pixie. Light pistols maximum please. @Sabs. Thanks for taking great ritual. Remember I gave you a freeby in a PM: "Psychometry". What tradition are you? @Aria: Love the background story. The missing details you still have till the 7th for, so no pressure. What was your 4th age profession? What tradition are you @Ol'scratch: I've just noticed that I cannot find your list of adept powers: I might just be blind. You seem to be using Mind Over Matter though. I'm afraid that is a War! power. You asked earlier how many potions you start with: 6 (except for the elixier of life) @Pbangarth: What tradition are you? @Sephiroth: What was your 4th age profession? What tradition are you? I've just noticed that you have Shape Earth, so I will chance the IC did the tunneling to get here, the magic ring of tunneling is for the concrete. @everyone: Can you check the 2nd IC post, and check the names / details. I put roles in, as out have known each other a long time IC, so you should be familiar with how you work together. Feel free to change the wording of the role (post here) |
Mar 1 2011, 02:32 AM
Old Man of the North Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 10,075 Joined: 14-August 03 From: Just north of the Centre of the Universe Member No.: 5,463 |
Mandala is Buddhist Tradition. It's there below Qualities.
Made some changes just now to put 4th Age Remnants where it belongs and used the BP to buy 1 level of Ritual Spellcasting, specialize Assensing, and get two new spells: decontamination and radiation barrier. See his nascent backstory. |
Mar 1 2011, 02:36 AM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,147 Joined: 2-May 10 Member No.: 18,539 |
I do not know enough about Earthdawn mechanics to know what profession he'd have had, not having ever actually played Earthdawn before.
Tradition is Path of the Wheel, sorry. |
Mar 1 2011, 02:41 AM
Neophyte Runner Group: Members Posts: 2,248 Joined: 14-October 10 Member No.: 19,113 |
QUOTE decontamination and radiation barrier You will probably be OK without these: you are all tough, and the LD 5 minutes is for weedy mortals. You won't be taking radiation damage from the reactor, unless you are in there for 5 minutes. Of course if there are radiation spirits in there...thats a whole different story. As far as decontamination goes: a respirator and a shower will do for you. These are pretty specialist spells, and you don't need to damage your character to get them. |
Mar 1 2011, 02:43 AM
Immortal Elf Group: Validating Posts: 7,999 Joined: 26-February 02 Member No.: 1,890 |
@Ol'scratch: I've just noticed that I cannot find your list of adept powers: I might just be blind. You seem to be using Mind Over Matter though. I'm afraid that is a War! power. You asked earlier how many potions you start with: 6 (except for the elixier of life) I'm guessing by "I'm afraid that is a War! power" that means no? And here I was happy that I was pretty much done and just needed to type everything up. <goes back to shuffle things around one last time> QUOTE @everyone: Can you check the 2nd IC post, and check the names / details. I put roles in, as out have known each other a long time IC, so you should be familiar with how you work together. Feel free to change the wording of the role (post here) If you mean this OOC post instead, I've made a minor change that I've yet to post. His tradition is "Akashic" instead. It'll be in my next update once I figure out what to do with my adept powers. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) Will post here when I do so. |
Mar 1 2011, 02:46 AM
Old Man of the North Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 10,075 Joined: 14-August 03 From: Just north of the Centre of the Universe Member No.: 5,463 |
They make sense for his history. Whether they are needed now or not, I believe he would have taken them to help his teammates in L.A., working for Gnarley. I am playing a Free Spirit in my home game, based in L.A., and the toxins and radiation are a key issue for our team. Last night we sank a couple of vans of opponents into the bay, and the opponents didn't come up.
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