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> Chummer Character Generator
post Jul 3 2011, 09:58 PM
Post #1151

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jul 3 2011, 04:23 PM) *
It probably does that because it's what has focus. There is probably a property somewhere that allows for the parent object to get some mouse/keyboard things before the child object does. But then I find .net objects do not having things I'm used to having in Delphi. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Like the ability to hide tabs.

That's exactly it. If a control has focus (in this case, the number field for the Skill), using the mouse wheel affects that control. So when the mouse wheel moves, it changes the value by the number of lines you have the mouse scroll set to in Windows (which defaults to 3). There doesn't seem to be a way to actually trap and cancel this even though, but that's just from quickly looking at this. I'll do some digging around and see if there's a way around this.
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post Jul 3 2011, 10:02 PM
Post #1152

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Irian @ Jul 3 2011, 03:54 PM) *
We probably found another bug: My girlfriend's character has an orphaned +2 perception bonus hanging around (in other words, there's no quality that would give it). The sourcename for this bonus is d13d4b1f-3796-4af3-bab9-5bb6b32df6bf - but no quality/whatever with that name exists.

Hmm. Unfortunately that ID doesn't tell me anything since it's randomly generated. If you look at the <improvementsource> tag, that should tell you what type of item is granting it at least. Is this an older character? There was an issue with removing Improvements from characters a while back that I finally found and fixed a few weeks ago. If you search for that key, is there anything in the character with that matching ID like a Quality or piece of 'ware? If not, you can safely remove that Improvement from the character using a text editor.
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post Jul 3 2011, 10:08 PM
Post #1153

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jul 3 2011, 03:38 PM) *
On another note. I recall reading that you changed things to allow for items that are mods to also be mod-able?
At least I thought I saw that.
Cameras and microphones in Sensors should take up space, but also allow for accessories to be placed in them. No menu shows up to allow this.
It would be nice if an Agent/Pilot/IC located on a Commlink, or anywhere else for that matter, could have Programs/Autosofts loaded it on, ie attached within the tree.

Unless someone has been changing my notes or editing the code while I sleep, that hasn't happened yet. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) That's getting into the real of multiple capacity items with child Gear allowing further child Gear which is still the Multiple-Capacity Gear item on the outstanding issues list. The only changes I've made to any sort of Mods lately has been allowing Vehicle Mods that come with a Vehicle to be removed, support for Modular Electronics allowing Vehicles to go beyond +2 in Response/System/Firewall/Signal, Cyberweapons allowing Weapon Mods, and Gear being adding from PACKS Kits fixes.
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post Jul 3 2011, 10:17 PM
Post #1154

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 3 2011, 05:08 PM) *
Unless someone has been changing my notes or editing the code while I sleep, that hasn't happened yet. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) That's getting into the real of multiple capacity items with child Gear allowing further child Gear which is still the Multiple-Capacity Gear item on the outstanding issues list. The only changes I've made to any sort of Mods lately has been allowing Vehicle Mods that come with a Vehicle to be removed, support for Modular Electronics allowing Vehicles to go beyond +2 in Response/System/Firewall/Signal, Cyberweapons allowing Weapon Mods, and Gear being adding from PACKS Kits fixes.

I probably misread something at one point and thought it meant that this was working. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
It's possible one of the changes was something that would be required to make it work, or some such.
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post Jul 3 2011, 11:55 PM
Post #1155

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Jul 3 2011, 02:25 PM) *
At least with my PDF "printer" and the number of contacts, qualities and armor items the print out makes a page break just below the first line of the weapon boxes. Maybe you could force a pagebreak before or add options to change the location of the break.

Ok, I finally have this sorted out, however, there's an incredibly stupid bug in .NET that makes my brain hurt and took a long time to figure out what the *#@% is going on...

The character sheet itself has been updated to put in page breaks on its own so that whole tables remain together. However (and this is the part where my brain starts to scream in agony), if you're going to print the character sheet to any device (such as a PDF printer), you must make it the default printer in the Print window that appears after clicking the Print Character button (or by making it the default one in the Windows Control Panel). For some stupid reason, the .NET controls use the printer settings from your default printer rather than the printer you have selected. Once you're done printing, just change your default printer back to whatever it was before.

The other option is to save the character output as HTML, then open the HTML file in Internet Explorer 8 or 9 (Firefox doesn't seem to support the page breaking option to keep things together) and print from there without changing your default printer.

Unfortunately this isn't something I have control over, but at least there's a solution.
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post Jul 4 2011, 02:10 AM
Post #1156

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 3 2011, 06:55 PM) *
Ok, I finally have this sorted out, however, there's an incredibly stupid bug in .NET that makes my brain hurt and took a long time to figure out what the *#@% is going on...

The character sheet itself has been updated to put in page breaks on its own so that whole tables remain together. However (and this is the part where my brain starts to scream in agony), if you're going to print the character sheet to any device (such as a PDF printer), you must make it the default printer in the Print window that appears after clicking the Print Character button (or by making it the default one in the Windows Control Panel). For some stupid reason, the .NET controls use the printer settings from your default printer rather than the printer you have selected. Once you're done printing, just change your default printer back to whatever it was before.

The other option is to save the character output as HTML, then open the HTML file in Internet Explorer 8 or 9 (Firefox doesn't seem to support the page breaking option to keep things together) and print from there without changing your default printer.

Unfortunately this isn't something I have control over, but at least there's a solution.

I gather that this printing behaviour is only happening when printing from the html viewer? Seems like if this behaviour was happening in other things it would have been fixed.
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post Jul 4 2011, 04:07 AM
Post #1157

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jul 3 2011, 09:10 PM) *
I gather that this printing behaviour is only happening when printing from the html viewer? Seems like if this behaviour was happening in other things it would have been fixed.

Yeah, it's only the .NET WebBrowser control that's doing this as far as I know.
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post Jul 4 2011, 04:54 AM
Post #1158

Shooting Target

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Vehicles, Gear, and Weapons have been updated to include Deadly Waves.
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post Jul 4 2011, 01:24 PM
Post #1159


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Since i just updated Chummer, i cant add weapons to any characters. This happens in BP and Karma build, with any metatype and any number of books checked in the selection in the options menu. When editing old characters, i can remove, but not add or even modify weapons.

When using the version of Chummer available for download (build 138 as newest in the changelog.txt file) without updating, everything seems to work fine. As soon as i update though, i get the same error message again.

The error message reads (translated from german, probably not completely accurate):

"The start-tag 'mods' in line 1998 position 5 does not concur with the end-tag 'mod'. Line 2000, position 6."

If i click "continue", the program shows an empty weapons selection menu. There is a more detailed error message, which i can post/pm, if it is of use to you. I did not include it here as it is rather long and i dont know how to include those "spoiler" texts others use.

I am running Chummer on an ancient laptop computer (german Windows XP with all the "latest" updates). I have not yet had the chance to try it on my newer desktop pc
and will update this post as soon as i get the chance to try Chummer on that system.
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post Jul 4 2011, 01:57 PM
Post #1160

Shooting Target

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Wow, I can't believe I did that. I made the changes for Deadly Waves last night, checked the file, everything was OK, uploaded it, went to bed. Realised I forgot to put in a Weapon Mod for a Weapon, added it, figured it was OK, uploaded it without checking, and went back to bed. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif) I've fixed the file and have uploaded it. Just run the update again and you should be good!
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post Jul 4 2011, 04:39 PM
Post #1161


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I just updated Chummer and everything is back in working order. Thanks for the quick fix!
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post Jul 4 2011, 07:22 PM
Post #1162

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 4 2011, 12:02 AM) *
If you look at the <improvementsource> tag, that should tell you what type of item is granting it at least. Is this an older character?

Not that old, no, perhaps two weeks. And the improvement was a quality, so I assume, it was Perceptive (+2), which the character was planned with, before, but later my gf decided to go only for Perceptive (+1).

QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 4 2011, 12:02 AM) *
If you search for that key, is there anything in the character with that matching ID like a Quality or piece of 'ware? If not, you can safely remove that Improvement from the character using a text editor.

No, that's what I meant with "orphaned". The improvement was there, but not the source of the improvement. And of course I can edit it out, no problem here, I work with XML files almost daily (btw: For other coder it would perhaps be nice if you offered the schema files *hinting*), I just wanted to report this bug.
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post Jul 4 2011, 07:27 PM
Post #1163

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Irian @ Jul 4 2011, 02:22 PM) *
No, that's what I meant with "orphaned". The improvement was there, but not the source of the improvement. And of course I can edit it out, no problem here, I work with XML files almost daily (btw: For other coder it would perhaps be nice if you offered the schema files *hinting*), I just wanted to report this bug.

I do! (though they're a little out of date now - I try to keep up with 'em, but that doesn't always happen) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) The link to 'em is on the Chummer Wiki (also now slightly out of date now that I think about it). The Wiki also has descriptions of each data file, its layout, related, items, and so on. Links to each of the files is on the Data File Overview page. Edit: Unless you were referring to a reference file for the save files, in which case, there isn't one.

I remember why that was happening now, and that bug was been taken care of a few revisions ago. I made a handful of changes to the inner workings of the Improvement Manager - namely if it asked you to selecting something (like a Skill or Attribute) and you hit the Cancel button, the Quality was never added to the character but the actual Improvements were. (However that doesn't fix save files that were already subject to the problem)
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post Jul 4 2011, 09:04 PM
Post #1164

Shooting Target

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Vehicles, Gear, Armor, Weapons, and Cyberware have been updated with content from the German versions of Arsenal and Augmentation. They have their page number marked as 0 since they're not in the English versions that I've been using to reference everything. The formula for calculating ESS cost of Cyberware Suites will be fixed in the next update.
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post Jul 4 2011, 09:27 PM
Post #1165


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Hey, thanks for all the hard work, best character tool I've ever found for SR4. I stumbled across an issue with technomancers, tho. After submerging, though it increases the max limit of Resonance, it doesn't let you upgrade Res by spending Karma, the button stays unavailable. Magicians and initiation work fine, so I'm pretty sure it'll be a quick fix for ya. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Jul 4 2011, 10:09 PM
Post #1166

Shooting Target

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Since my time is a little limited for the next couple of days, I figured I'd toss this out to fix that Technomancer/Submersion problem, and fix up the Cyberware Suite ESS Cost.

Build 139
  • corrected the Essence cost formula for Cyberware Suites
  • RES improvement button in Career Mode now considers the character's Submersion Grade (instead of Initiation Grade) to determine if it should be enabled or not
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post Jul 4 2011, 10:24 PM
Post #1167


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Thanks for the quick update, but I've got a new one for ya now, whenever you can get to it. Increasing resonance above 6, then adding a sprite results in the error "Value of "X" is not valid for 'Value'. 'Value' should be between 'Minimum' and 'Maximum'."

Edit: Also just noticed that it's not properly calculating the dice pool for "Resist Fading With". After increasing Resonance or Charisma(using a stream that resists with Res + Cha) the number remains the same.
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post Jul 4 2011, 10:25 PM
Post #1168

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Caerdyn @ Jul 4 2011, 05:24 PM) *
Thanks for the quick update, but I've got a new one for ya now, whenever you can get to it. Increasing resonance above 6, then adding a sprite results in the error "Value of "X" is not valid for 'Value'. 'Value' should be between 'Minimum' and 'Maximum'."

Doh! I didn't have a Sprite on the Technomancer I tested it with. This will take care of it.

Build 140
  • Technomancer Sprites can now have a Rating higher than 6
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post Jul 4 2011, 10:43 PM
Post #1169


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Awesome, that indeed fixed it. In case you didn't notice just a reminder about the Fade Resistance pool not calculating right, kinda low priority since it's nothing I can't do myself in the meantime. Just wanted to be sure you knew. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Thanks for being so on top of stuff!
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post Jul 5 2011, 12:32 AM
Post #1170

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 4 2011, 03:04 PM) *
Vehicles, Gear, Armor, Weapons, and Cyberware have been updated with content from the German versions of Arsenal and Augmentation. ...

And I think that's where DK got the extras in his spreadsheet, where I got the info for my custom vehicles XML file. Looks like I'll have to do some housecleaning.
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post Jul 5 2011, 03:48 AM
Post #1171

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Caerdyn @ Jul 4 2011, 05:43 PM) *
Awesome, that indeed fixed it. In case you didn't notice just a reminder about the Fade Resistance pool not calculating right, kinda low priority since it's nothing I can't do myself in the meantime. Just wanted to be sure you knew. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Thanks for being so on top of stuff!

What's off with Fading Resistance?
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Crazy Ivan
post Jul 5 2011, 04:52 PM
Post #1172

Moving Target

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New issue, maybe its been addressed, I'm not sure. But I've got a bunch of extra cyberware suites, gear, that is from the german arsenal. Is there a way to take that off?
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post Jul 5 2011, 05:02 PM
Post #1173

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Crazy Ivan @ Jul 5 2011, 11:52 AM) *
New issue, maybe its been addressed, I'm not sure. But I've got a bunch of extra cyberware suites, gear, that is from the german arsenal. Is there a way to take that off?

Do you mean that you have multiple copies of the stuff that is in ther German Arsenal book appearing the Select lists, or you're seeing a single copy of the German Arsenal stuff in the lists and don't want to see it at all?

If you're seeing multiple copies, it means that one of your custom data files is also including this stuff. SpellBinder quickly mentioned a couple of messages above that he had this in one of his files and would be cleaning them out at some point (er, hope I'm not reading too much into that (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) ). You could also just remove the duplicate items from your Custom files yourself as well.
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Crazy Ivan
post Jul 5 2011, 05:20 PM
Post #1174

Moving Target

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I don't have custom material, so that rules the first idea out. I don't have access to the german material, and neither do my players. We love Arsenal, but we're American, and don't have access to the german book. I can ignore it, but I would much rather just be able to turn it off.
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post Jul 5 2011, 06:09 PM
Post #1175

Shooting Target

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Fair enough. They were approved by CGL for official release and thought everyone would want 'em, but was wondering if I should make them their own sourcebooks or not. I chose wrong. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) I've updated the data files to break things into Arsenal, Arsenal German Content, Augmentation, and Augmentation German Content. The German Content ones contain just the additional content found in the German printings of these books.
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