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> Chummer Character Generator
post Jul 7 2011, 03:39 AM
Post #1201

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Neko Asakami @ Jul 6 2011, 08:58 PM) *
Ah, well, that's easy. Thank you. I do have a pair of problems, however. When I use the ability in the BP build option, it doesn't actually open the Initiation tab or add to the level of Initiation. I'm guessing that second half will fixed in the update, but not being able to add any metamagics via the Initiation tab in BP mode is seriously hindering creating a prime runner. I've tried it using the "Ignore Character Creation Rules" option as well, still no tab.

The problem here is that you according to the rules, you cannot Initiate using the BP build method since Initiating requires Karma to be spent (you can Initiate if you're building with Karma though). I'm not sure how to handle this...

QUOTE (Neko Asakami @ Jul 6 2011, 08:58 PM) *
Well, that and I'm totally lost on how Changeling (Class X SURGE) actually works. I see it granting free points in my build point summary (though only half of what it's supposed to), but it's not subtracted from my total BP remaining in the lower left corner. When I add a SURGE ability, it subtracts from both totals, even though it's supposed to grant its own pool. Is this intentional?

This is where things get a little nutty. Let's use Changeling Class I as the example with 400 BP. The free Qualities are applied directly against your Positive/Negative BP totals. When you purchase Changeling for 5 BP, you're down to 395 BP remaining. It then gives you 5 BP "free" Negative Quality (which actually costs you BP since it needs to offset you gaining 5 BP worth of Negative Qualities which normally grant you BP). This takes you to 390 BP. You then get 10 BP "free" Positive Qualities (which actually gives you BP since it needs to offset you spending BP worth of Positive Qualities which normally costs you BP). This takes you back to 400 BP.

You then purchase the Catlike Positive Quality for 10 BP which is covered by the "free" Positive Quality BP, putting your Positive Quality BP total back to 5 and your overall total at 390 BP. You then purchase the Addiction (Mild) Negative Quality for -5 BP which is covered by the "free" Negative Quality BP, putting your Negative Quality BP total back to 0. This puts you back at 395 BP which means you're only down the 5 BP that you spend on Changeling.

It's a little screwy, but it works. This seemed to be about the only way to handle it since you can pay off the Negative Qualities with Karma later, and means that you can still buy a Quality that is worth more than the free 10 BP - you just get a 10 BP discount on it. Clear as mud? (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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Neko Asakami
post Jul 7 2011, 05:00 AM
Post #1202

Moving Target

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Okay, that thing with Changeling makes sense, in a weird sort of way.

The reason this whole thing with Initiating came about is I had a break in my game for about two months due to work. Upon starting up again, it was discovered that not all of the players were completely happy with their characters and not everyone remembered to level up their characters in the intervening time. Since most of the players had 50 karma, I reasoned that starting players at 425 BP would be a simple way to handle things. My misreading (and subsequent house-ruling) of the Initiation costs linked up nicely with BP since everything was multiplied by 10 (rather than added to 10), thus no problems were had during character creation. Short version: We're not creating "new characters," we're redoing old characters with build points. Trust me, it's a lot simpler to do that vs saying "okay, you get 400 BP, then 50 karma. Oh, and 15 free BP for contacts. Except you, Toby, you get your barrista contact for free and Rob and Chris don't actually get anything more for having the Ancients as a 15 pt enemy since you guys did that all in game." The cost of Initiating hasn't come up since the rebuild and I didn't discover my error in reading the formula until I actually tried recreating one of the PCs in Chummer.

Uh...as to what to do about it? Code in an option to use the <enabletab /> tag in the custom xml to open the Initiate tab? Honestly, that seems like a pretty straight forward solution. It would also enable people to make an option for just buying metamagics on their own without having to Initiate, which is something my game also uses. (I had to figure out a way for my Drake player to hide herself from the other Awakened players' Astral scans and the Masking metamagic worked best.) I will be the first to totally admit that it's a corner case, but you never know who it will come in handy for.
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post Jul 7 2011, 07:59 AM
Post #1203

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Came across a glitch when trying to make a cyber martial artist. In trying to add the advantage "Reduce an opponent's 'friends in melee' bonus by 1", I get a message saying "You must select a Martial Art to add an Advantage to." It does not appear to matter which martial art this advantage shows up under, the rating of the martial art, or what other advantages have been chosen (if any).
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post Jul 7 2011, 09:04 AM
Post #1204

Moving Target

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I notice that you have the contacts from 'Runner's Companion' and 'Adventures and Contacts'. How about the contacts from SR4a(289)?

I made the first one (bartender) and exported to .xml. Lemme know if this is a format you can work with for your next update and I'll see if I have time to make more.

[ Spoiler ]
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post Jul 7 2011, 10:28 AM
Post #1205


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Yeah that's how it works (math wise) SURGE X adds an amount of BP for the minimum amount of positive and negative Characteristics (metagenetic qualities) the Class would allow you to take. By then adding the appropriate qualities, Chummer subtracts them from this amount until you hit the actual cost OR have to pay more/get BP back if you either exceed the positive or negative pool for metagenetic quaities. I was puzzled by this at first too. Just ignore it until you have applied the metagenetic qualities you wanted to and you will see Chummer do the magic.

A suggestion though: I'd put the metagenetic qualities in an extra tab which pops up after selecting one of the three Surge Qualities. This way it's harder to mix up. Make it like with initiation where at first the pool for the metagenetic qualities is "free". Give warnings once you exceed the limits and apply the amount you have to pay / you get back AFTER closing this second window for metagenetic qualities.
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post Jul 7 2011, 10:41 AM
Post #1206

Moving Target

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My understanding for surge is that the qualities you are supposed to take for the points give are ones categorized as metagenic qualities.
This being the reason they give you a list of old qualities that qualify as metagenic qualities as well. Page 110 under "Other Metagenic Qualities" is where this list can be found.
I'm not sure that Chummer right now enforces this as it seems to allow you to take any qualities you choose as part of the Surge Quality.
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post Jul 7 2011, 11:36 AM
Post #1207


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QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jul 7 2011, 12:41 PM) *
My understanding for surge is that the qualities you are supposed to take for the points give are ones categorized as metagenic qualities.
This being the reason they give you a list of old qualities that qualify as metagenic qualities as well. Page 110 under "Other Metagenic Qualities" is where this list can be found.
I'm not sure that Chummer right now enforces this as it seems to allow you to take any qualities you choose as part of the Surge Quality.

It seems more like only qualities that are designated as "metagenetic" count against the "weird" cost modification the Surge qualities apply in chummer. That's why I suggested this second window exclusive for metagenetic qualities. As it is with Initiation or Qualities which need more information like mentor spirit or incompetence.
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post Jul 7 2011, 01:41 PM
Post #1208

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Neko Asakami @ Jul 7 2011, 12:00 AM) *
Uh...as to what to do about it? Code in an option to use the <enabletab /> tag in the custom xml to open the Initiate tab? Honestly, that seems like a pretty straight forward solution. It would also enable people to make an option for just buying metamagics on their own without having to Initiate, which is something my game also uses. (I had to figure out a way for my Drake player to hide herself from the other Awakened players' Astral scans and the Masking metamagic worked best.) I will be the first to totally admit that it's a corner case, but you never know who it will come in handy for.

Yeah, I was thinkin' about doing it as <enabletab /> last night. I'm not exactly keen on the idea because it means you can access the Initiation/Submersion stuff in BP mode, and clicking the + / - Grade buttons or adding more Metamagic/Echoes than your Grade allows for free would mean it's going to draw the Karma cost out of your BP, but since it's something that would only be done through custom data, I'm thinking it isn't a big deal.

EDIT: There is one important caveat with this: <enabletab>initiation</enabletab> should only appear in your first Quality that characters must take for Initiation. While it will still work if it appears in the others, having it in subsequent ones will mean that if the character decides to remove the Quality in Create Mode, they'll lose access to the Initiation tab entirely until they add another Quality that restores it. This will have no effect (as in the flag that gets changed is completely ignored) on characters in Career Mode or building with Karma since those tabs are always available to MAG/RES users.
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post Jul 7 2011, 01:41 PM
Post #1209

Moving Target

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QUOTE (StevenAngier @ Jul 7 2011, 07:36 AM) *
It seems more like only qualities that are designated as "metagenetic" count against the "weird" cost modification the Surge qualities apply in chummer. That's why I suggested this second window exclusive for metagenetic qualities. As it is with Initiation or Qualities which need more information like mentor spirit or incompetence.

page 73 of RC
This quality counts towards the character’s limit of Positive qualities (p. 77, SR4), but unlocks a number of additional Build Points to be used exclusively to select Positive and Negative Metagenic qualities (see Metagenetic Qualities, p. 110).

So yes, I would also suggest having a tab or some method to allow for filtering so you only see the Metagenic Qualities listed. This would make it a lot easier to choose the Metagenic Qualities you need to.
It would also be better to separate the additional BP out from other qualities, and shown as Changeling, or Metagenic Qualities required. Or some like that.
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post Jul 7 2011, 01:45 PM
Post #1210

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (whatevs @ Jul 7 2011, 04:04 AM) *
I notice that you have the contacts from 'Runner's Companion' and 'Adventures and Contacts'. How about the contacts from SR4a(289)?

I made the first one (bartender) and exported to .xml. Lemme know if this is a format you can work with for your next update and I'll see if I have time to make more.

Not quite - this was done using the Export to XML from the Print window I see. This is done so you can see what the print XML looks like so you know the structure when you want to create a custom XSLT character sheet and is very different from the actual character save file. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) It's the .chum save files that I would need so they can be bundled up and put out into the wild.
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post Jul 7 2011, 02:09 PM
Post #1211

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (SpellBinder @ Jul 7 2011, 02:59 AM) *
Came across a glitch when trying to make a cyber martial artist. In trying to add the advantage "Reduce an opponent's 'friends in melee' bonus by 1", I get a message saying "You must select a Martial Art to add an Advantage to." It does not appear to matter which martial art this advantage shows up under, the rating of the martial art, or what other advantages have been chosen (if any).

Argh! It's the single quote/apostrophe in the name that's screwing it up. I'll have this fixed up for tonight's update.
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post Jul 7 2011, 03:09 PM
Post #1212

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jul 7 2011, 08:41 AM) *
So yes, I would also suggest having a tab or some method to allow for filtering so you only see the Metagenic Qualities listed. This would make it a lot easier to choose the Metagenic Qualities you need to.
It would also be better to separate the additional BP out from other qualities, and shown as Changeling, or Metagenic Qualities required. Or some like that.

Filtering it so you can choose to see only Metagenetic Qualities is easy enough and will be in the next update. Show how many Free Quality BP remain on their own probably isn't going to happen. There are a couple of reasons. The Free Positive Quality BP and Free Negative Quality BP Improvements need to be generic because I'm sure at some point, there's going to be some other wacky Quality that adds X Free Quality BP for some other reason (either from a book, or someone make their own Qualities). I'm trying to avoid tying things to eachother through code to allow for greater flexibility, both on my side, and for people who want to enter custom data. There's no real way to determine which Qualities should consume the "free" BP, which ones shouldn't, and when a Quality eats up all of the "free" BP and must draw more from the Quality BP pool. This is why I went with just applying "free BP" modifiers to the Quality pools themselves. It's also possible that GMs may choose to allow more than just Metagenetic Qualities to count against those Free Quality BP.
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post Jul 7 2011, 03:52 PM
Post #1213

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Neko Asakami @ Jul 6 2011, 08:58 PM) *
Ah, well, that's easy. Thank you. I do have a pair of problems, however. When I use the ability in the BP build option, it doesn't actually open the Initiation tab or add to the level of Initiation. I'm guessing that second half will fixed in the update, but not being able to add any metamagics via the Initiation tab in BP mode is seriously hindering creating a prime runner. I've tried it using the "Ignore Character Creation Rules" option as well, still no tab.

Completely forgot to mention this last night - don't add these Qualities to any of your characters yet. They won't work properly until tonight's update, and Chummer doesn't retroactively apply bonuses from Qualities. It only applies them at they time they are added. Once tonight's update is available, you can add the Qualities to the characters and should be good to go.
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post Jul 7 2011, 06:15 PM
Post #1214

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 7 2011, 11:09 AM) *
Filtering it so you can choose to see only Metagenetic Qualities is easy enough and will be in the next update. Show how many Free Quality BP remain on their own probably isn't going to happen. There are a couple of reasons. The Free Positive Quality BP and Free Negative Quality BP Improvements need to be generic because I'm sure at some point, there's going to be some other wacky Quality that adds X Free Quality BP for some other reason (either from a book, or someone make their own Qualities). I'm trying to avoid tying things to eachother through code to allow for greater flexibility, both on my side, and for people who want to enter custom data. There's no real way to determine which Qualities should consume the "free" BP, which ones shouldn't, and when a Quality eats up all of the "free" BP and must draw more from the Quality BP pool. This is why I went with just applying "free BP" modifiers to the Quality pools themselves. It's also possible that GMs may choose to allow more than just Metagenetic Qualities to count against those Free Quality BP.

You put put something in the xml to denote a quality gives special BP
<SpecialBP Name="Metagenic" PositiveAmount="15" NegativeAmount="5">
<SpecialBP Name="My Special BP" PositiveAmount="20" NegativeAmount="10">

Then in a quality you could have an optional that has
<UsesSpecialBP Name="Metagenic">

Which would basically mean that what is in the cost uses BP from that special pool. Also means it can only be bought with points from that pool.

Doing it this way would allow for people to create their own Special Quality Pools that act like Metagenic Qualities but are completely separate from all other.

No need to make special code for Metagenic Qualities, when you can make it generic and allow for additions in the future.

Ignore rules would ignore all of this and let you do whatever you want. Could also put something in the options on how to deal with these types of things.
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post Jul 7 2011, 06:17 PM
Post #1215

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 7 2011, 11:52 AM) *
Completely forgot to mention this last night - don't add these Qualities to any of your characters yet. They won't work properly until tonight's update, and Chummer doesn't retroactively apply bonuses from Qualities. It only applies them at they time they are added. Once tonight's update is available, you can add the Qualities to the characters and should be good to go.

Although if there are characters in build mode already created you could open the character, delete the quality and then add it back.
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post Jul 7 2011, 09:13 PM
Post #1216

Shooting Target

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Build 142
  • added support for <uncouth /> to Improvement Manager which impacts the cost of Social Active Skills
  • added support for <initiation /> to Improvement Manager which adjusts a character's Initiation Grade
  • added support for <submersion /> to Improvement Manager which adjusts a character's Submersion Grade
  • list of Qualities in the Select a Quality window is now sorted alphabetically
  • Fading Resistance total is now correctly updated when modifying an Attribute in Career Mode
  • Skillsofts now affect Active Skills and Knowledge Skills (for Knowsoft/Linguasoft, you must create a Knowledge Skill with the same value you chose for the Skillsoft, such as "Spanish")
  • Uncouth now properly affects the cost of Social Active Skills and locks Skill Groups that are made up of Social Active Skills
  • double-clicking on a Critter Power in the Select Critter Power window now accepts the selected Critter Power as though the OK button was clicked
  • list of Critter Powers that the character has is now sorted in alphabetical order
  • Critters can now raise their Skill Rating to their standard maximum Rating rather than just the starting Rating
  • added support for convering Mundane Critters into Mutant Critters (Special menu > Convert to Mutant Critter)
  • added support for convering Mutant Critters into Toxic Critters (Special menu > Convert to Toxic Critter)
  • added an option for a flat number of free Contact BP (disabled by default)
  • renamed Online Help in the Help menu to Chummer Wiki
  • added a checkbox to the Select a Quality window to show only Metagenetic Qualities (only appears when the character can select Metagenetic Qualities)
Oustanding Items
  • Secret thing that may or may not work but I'm trying anyways!
  • Multiple Clips and Different Ammo
  • Technomancer Complex Form Skills
  • A.I. Inherent Programs
  • Cheat Sheets?
  • Multiple Capacity Items
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post Jul 7 2011, 10:33 PM
Post #1217


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I just wanted to say - thank you so much for making such an amazing tool! It makes keeping track of everything a breeze.

One tiny typo I noticed - under create critter, under mundane critters - it should be 'cactus cat' (currently says cacuts cat).

I'd love to see support for pets in the future (cost to purchase, training, monthly upkeep)! Thank you for your incredible work!
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post Jul 7 2011, 10:38 PM
Post #1218

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Arkiya @ Jul 7 2011, 05:33 PM) *
One tiny typo I noticed - under create critter, under mundane critters - it should be 'cactus cat' (currently says cacuts cat).

Corrected! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Jul 7 2011, 11:17 PM
Post #1219

Neophyte Runner

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Something that's been sitting in my mind for a while regarding the free points for knowledge skills in the karma build, and I do appreciate that house rule being present, but was thinking if there could be a change in how it calculates not only the free points but also the spent points once you've run out of the free points.

Currently it calculates INT + LOG * 3 for either system, with any excess costing 2 karma per rank of a knowledge skill. I was wondering if it could be changed to INT * LOG * 6 for the karma build for free knowledge skills, with knowledge skills costing the normal karma per rating?
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post Jul 8 2011, 12:31 AM
Post #1220


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QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 7 2011, 08:52 AM) *
Completely forgot to mention this last night - don't add these Qualities to any of your characters yet. They won't work properly until tonight's update, and Chummer doesn't retroactively apply bonuses from Qualities. It only applies them at they time they are added. Once tonight's update is available, you can add the Qualities to the characters and should be good to go.

Just out of curiosity, wouldn't it be best to redesign the character save file sooner rather then later so that the character is rebuilt on load using updated information from the XML files in Chummer? It seems to me, the only things the character save file really needs in it is the name and if applicable value(s) of a stat/skill/spell/quality etc.. Then whenever Chummer opens up a character file it looks up in the XML files any other applicable data. Things like cyberware, weapons, armor, etc. would be updated automatically on the character sheet whenever you start up Chummer and load the character.

The only exception I could see would be if an XML item was misspelled and then corrected in the XML files. But then that item could probably be deleted and reapplied using the corrected spelling XML item or else have a separate but temporary XML list that tells Chummer to replace a misspelled item with the correctly spelled item in the save file upon re-saving the character. You could either update the Corrections XML file once every 30/60/90 or over whatever time period you like before removing corrections. Heck with your XML file manager, you could just throw up Correction_<insert date>.xml files out there and leave them as optional downloads for historical updates. That way someone who took a break for 6 months or a year from Shadowrun could come back, update Chummer download the correction files from your website then update all their characters fairly quickly to the new information and not have to worry about typos over the long run.

Hope this sparks some thought and consideration.
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post Jul 8 2011, 12:41 AM
Post #1221

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 7 2011, 01:45 PM) *
It's the .chum save files that I would need so they can be bundled up and put out into the wild.

Born Free! As free as the wind blows... <tear in eye> I'll send 'em by email.
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post Jul 8 2011, 02:21 AM
Post #1222

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Wizard_Thoarin @ Jul 7 2011, 08:31 PM) *
Just out of curiosity, wouldn't it be best to redesign the character save file sooner rather then later so that the character is rebuilt on load using updated information from the XML files in Chummer? It seems to me, the only things the character save file really needs in it is the name and if applicable value(s) of a stat/skill/spell/quality etc.. Then whenever Chummer opens up a character file it looks up in the XML files any other applicable data. Things like cyberware, weapons, armor, etc. would be updated automatically on the character sheet whenever you start up Chummer and load the character.

The only exception I could see would be if an XML item was misspelled and then corrected in the XML files. But then that item could probably be deleted and reapplied using the corrected spelling XML item or else have a separate but temporary XML list that tells Chummer to replace a misspelled item with the correctly spelled item in the save file upon re-saving the character. You could either update the Corrections XML file once every 30/60/90 or over whatever time period you like before removing corrections. Heck with your XML file manager, you could just throw up Correction_<insert date>.xml files out there and leave them as optional downloads for historical updates. That way someone who took a break for 6 months or a year from Shadowrun could come back, update Chummer download the correction files from your website then update all their characters fairly quickly to the new information and not have to worry about typos over the long run.

Hope this sparks some thought and consideration.

Even misspellings should not cause problems because you use an ID that does not change from one iteration to the next. So the character file just contains pointers to items in the data files and everything is generated on the fly when the character is loaded.
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post Jul 8 2011, 02:37 AM
Post #1223

Shooting Target

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The save files are going to stay the way they are for now. Part of the goal with the save files was to make them as isolated as possible so that if you copy the save to your laptop but forget to copy over a custom data file that contains an item your save uses, you should still be able to use your character and access that item's information since the save has all of the information it needs to keep going.
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post Jul 8 2011, 02:39 AM
Post #1224

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (whatevs @ Jul 7 2011, 07:41 PM) *
Born Free! As free as the wind blows... <tear in eye> I'll send 'em by email.

whatevs has been kind enough to provide the save files for the SR4 Contacts, complete with full-colour mugshots, so I've rolled them into the NPC Saves file. Enjoy!
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post Jul 8 2011, 01:40 PM
Post #1225

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 7 2011, 04:13 PM) *
[*]Secret thing that may or may not work but I'm trying anyways!

Ooo...now I'm curious!
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