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> Chummer Character Generator
post Aug 26 2011, 01:02 AM
Post #1851


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I found an additional bug with Packs.

I added the High Mage Attribute Pack and I added the Mystic Adapt Attribute Pack.
It allowed me to add more then one attribute pack, but it added the Magician and Mystic Adapt Positive Qualities.

Please correct this at your earliest convenience.


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post Aug 26 2011, 02:14 AM
Post #1852

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Credstick @ Aug 25 2011, 08:02 PM) *
I found an additional bug with Packs.

I added the High Mage Attribute Pack and I added the Mystic Adapt Attribute Pack.
It allowed me to add more then one attribute pack, but it added the Magician and Mystic Adapt Positive Qualities.

Please correct this at your earliest convenience.


This one probably isn't going to happen. You can also have a PACKS kit that gives you Adept, Magician, and Technomancer all in one. It's designed to let you quickly assemble chunks of a character where you can go in and fill the rest in, or remove undesired/unnecessary items as needed. The only thing it doesn't actually create multiple copies of are Spells without selectable values (like Slay [Metatype]). Outside of that, the PACKS stuff assumes that you know what you're doing and just blindly adds things. I see it more as of a tool for GMs to rapidly slap together an NPC rather than being used as an actual character-building method.

There are really two outcomes to adding say a Magician Kit then an Adept Kit.

1) Added a Magician Kit. Added an Adept Kit to get some of its other item, but now have the Adept Quality when a character normally shouldn't. Remove the Adept Quality. Carry on.

2) Added a Magician Kit. Added an Adept Kit. Get told you cannot have the Adept Quality but the rest of the items are added. Remove the Magician Quality. Add the Adept Kit again. Receive redundant copies of the items from the Kit. Remove all of the redundant junk. Carry on.

Neither is ideal.
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post Aug 26 2011, 02:41 AM
Post #1853


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First, I gotta say I love this program. It makes my job as GM easier.

Much thanks and praise for the fine work done here. I've been using it since about build 150.

This latest build added the ability to create custom cybersuites, but I think I have found a bug in that function.

I am creating a "cyber blogger" who has cyber eyes and cyber ears with all sorts of mods added. When I save the new cybersuite then reload it, I only get the cybereyes and ears without all the extra add ons.

And once again, thanks for all the hard work you've put into this.

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Marvelous Marvin
post Aug 27 2011, 05:14 AM
Post #1854


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Some issues i'm found.

I can't add mods to any items under the "gear" tab.

Also when I have the "Adept" quality it gives me access to the conjuring and sorcery skill groups and their skills. I should only have access to them with the "mystic adept" and "magician" qualities.
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post Aug 27 2011, 08:58 AM
Post #1855


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Great job (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) at least a very good program

Remarks :

Eye laser microphone is 500 per level, not 5000.

Here is how it look on Windows 7 on my computer :
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post Aug 27 2011, 06:38 PM
Post #1856


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UN 147 The Acceleration echo should give bonuses to Initiative passes and Reaction

UN 147 The Advanced Overclocking echo should give a bonus to living persona Response

There are a couple of things wrong with sprites right now. None of the autosofts are listed as programs only as gear so the CF tags go nowhere. Also a bunch of the tags for shield CFs are misspelled so they don’t go anywhere either. Also I don’t think any of the standard program options are currently written in. Here are the specific things not working correctly.

SR4A 242 Machine sprites should have all autosofts available as optional CFs

UN 155 Paladin sprites should have the expert defense autosoft available as an optional CF

UN 155 Tank sprites should have the AP-2 and rust program options seperatly attached to their two attack CFs. The Cascading autosoft should be added as an optional CF.

UN 179 Blight sprites should have the shredder program option attached to their attack CF.

UN 180 Contagion sprites should have the rust program option attached to their sttsck CF. The Shield CF should be added as an optional CF.

UN 180 Meltdown Sprites should have all autosofts available as optional CFs.

UN 181 Spike Sprites should have the psychotropic program option attached to one of their attack CFs. Cascading autosoft should be added as a CF. Shield should be added as an optional CF. I get an error message whenever I try to create a spike sprite.
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post Aug 27 2011, 08:16 PM
Post #1857


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Chummer is Great Thanks Again!
I noticed when I was making an Adept that If I take Improved Reflexes 1-3 and Improved Physical Attribute Reaction that the Improved Physical Attribute doesn't transfer over.
Now I could be completely wrong but I thought that Improved Reaction Added to the base total same as Improved Reflexes, Just thought I should point it out.
Thanks Again!!
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Dakka Dakka
post Aug 27 2011, 08:23 PM
Post #1858

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QUOTE ('SR4A p. 196')
The maximum rating of Improved Reflexes is 3, and the increase cannot be combined with technological or other magical increases to Initiative.

Wired Reflexes unfortunately tells us that indirect increases to Initiative through REA are increases to Initiative as well.
QUOTE ('SR4A p. 342')
Wired reflexes cannot be combined with any other form of Initiative enhancement, except Reaction Enhancers.

I know it is stupid and probably not RAI, but that is what he authors wrote.
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post Aug 28 2011, 02:44 AM
Post #1859

Old Man Jones

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The vast majority of GMs I've run into interpret "initiative enhancers" as "just things that grant extra IPs", though, pretty much treating the reference to Reaction Enhancers as a specific special case.

Including a number of the Shadowrun writers.

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Dakka Dakka
post Aug 28 2011, 06:26 AM
Post #1860

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QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ Aug 28 2011, 04:44 AM) *
The vast majority of GMs I've run into interpret "initiative enhancers" as "just things that grant extra IPs", though, pretty much treating the reference to Reaction Enhancers as a specific special case.

Including a number of the Shadowrun writers.
I agree, that this is probably the intention and I do it in the same way at my table, but logically unless Reaction Enhancers are "a form of Initiative enhancement" the "except Reaction Enhancers", the whole sentence is nonsense.
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post Aug 28 2011, 06:54 PM
Post #1861

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (TP13 @ Aug 27 2011, 01:38 PM) *
UN 147 The Acceleration echo should give bonuses to Initiative passes and Reaction

UN 147 The Advanced Overclocking echo should give a bonus to living persona Response

Unfortunately these are not something I can put in as they are situational modifiers (Acceleration only applies to real-world actions, while Advanced Overclocking only applies in VR).
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post Aug 28 2011, 07:00 PM
Post #1862

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (esprism @ Aug 27 2011, 03:58 AM) *
Great job (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) at least a very good program

Remarks :

Eye laser microphone is 500 per level, not 5000.

Here is how it look on Windows 7 on my computer :

I've updated the Cyberware file to correct the price on the Eye Laser Microphone. Not entirely sure why your screen is looking like that. My first guess would be your font size, but I wouldn't think it would cause problems with the layout itself, like a few of those areas being much smaller than they should be...
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post Aug 28 2011, 07:26 PM
Post #1863


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You are right. It's the system font size.
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post Aug 28 2011, 07:27 PM
Post #1864

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (TP13 @ Aug 27 2011, 01:38 PM) *
There are a couple of things wrong with sprites right now. None of the autosofts are listed as programs only as gear so the CF tags go nowhere. Also a bunch of the tags for shield CFs are misspelled so they don’t go anywhere either. Also I don’t think any of the standard program options are currently written in. Here are the specific things not working correctly.
... STUFF! ...

Part of the problem was that the Agent and Drone Autosofts were just plain missing, not misspelled. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) I've updated the Complex Forms data file to add these missing items. The rest will require actual updates to support Critters' (Sprites) Complex Forms data to include Program Options.
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post Aug 28 2011, 07:29 PM
Post #1865

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (esprism @ Aug 28 2011, 02:26 PM) *
You are right. It's the system font size.

Good to know. At some point I'll look into forcing the font to be a particular size then instead of letting Windows dictate it. This has happened to a few people now. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
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post Aug 28 2011, 10:26 PM
Post #1866


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after adding a standard credstick ratting 0 during creation
[ Spoiler ]

(The exception is not systematic)
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post Aug 30 2011, 08:51 AM
Post #1867


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Hello, this is my first post on this forum (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Thanks to a french forum (1 success to a test of investigation allows you to know that i am french^^) i have discovered Chummer last week...it's a really really great tool! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/love.gif)

A friend and i used it with our old characters (created about 19 years ago)...our Master allowed us to have a bonus of 10% for cyberwares and biowares...i think it was an option rule in a precedent edition, or maybe just a house rule of our Master at this time : the doc could made a test for the surgery that give the bonus when successfull...

Would it be possible to add this rule in the "house rule part of chummer"?

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post Aug 30 2011, 09:43 AM
Post #1868

Moving Target

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A few questions/remarks :

A] The french community of Shadowrun is looking to translate Chummer but...

We're arguing about two problems :
- how can we make it compatible with english stuff (existing character sheets, omae & so on)
- how can we manage to make it compatible with the automatic db changes.

To sumurize, we came to the conclusion that the better solution would be for us to program a translation parser, with a translation .xml of ours. It would do the I/O in all the displays and printings.

We have access to the official .xls masterfile of all translations for english/french that is currently updated very frequently by the french translation team.

We have an interfacing need within the program + a language listbox need. Is it possible / easy to make that ?

We're also hoping that this would serve to make other translations aswell (for exemple german/future japoneese stuff) and make all items available from these languages to english.

B] "Enemy", for groups, is bugged. The stats of the group don't add to the Connection.
Exemple : enemy with the IRA (that I created as a +17 to connection), connection 2, incidence 1 should give 20 BP, not only 3.

C] Is it possible to / How would I change the "Starting BP", "Max avail" and "Ignore Character Creation rules" settings when a character is allready being created, without recreating him from the begining ? Even a dirty solution (notepad++) would be nice because I couldn't figure out how.

D] Right click "The GM gives that for free" would be sooooo nice (Nuyen/BP cost and maybe Karma). The item/quality/power should "ignore character creation rules" aswell.

E] An in-chummer custom item creation would be, also, sooooooo nice.

F] Clips dedication and unstack, ammo dedication and unstack. Same for RFID sensor tags.
For exemple yesterday I tried to make 3 stacks of injection darts for the same Slivergun.
First stack of 20 ammo, I choose "Heavy Pistols", then load them with some Warp toxin.
Second stack of 20 ammo, I choose "Heavy pistols" and... Got 40 ammo with Warp.

What I did was choose three differents weapons then load them with different drugs then open the .chum in notepad++, change the weapon type back to "Heavy Pistols" for the three stacks I made.

G] For lazyness purposes, could you make "Human" as an allready highlitgthed item in the "new character" second pop-in menu ?

That is all for today (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Aug 30 2011, 10:30 AM
Post #1869

Moving Target

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QUOTE (esprism @ Aug 28 2011, 11:26 PM) *
after adding a standard credstick ratting 0 during creation
[ Spoiler ]

A temp solution is either creating a custom empty credstick, or allowing a 1 nuyen credstick.
I made custom credstick but not entirelly satisfied with them (I am translating the Bitos/Glandus pack 2.0 and making them 2.5.).
All credsticks in Chummer are Ebony credstick aswell.
I'd like to create 5 credsticks and "Nuyen in credstick" item. And maybe AAA chips.
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post Aug 30 2011, 01:20 PM
Post #1870

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (esprism @ Aug 28 2011, 05:26 PM) *
after adding a standard credstick ratting 0 during creation

This should be fixed in the next update.
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post Aug 30 2011, 01:22 PM
Post #1871

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Labrada @ Aug 30 2011, 03:51 AM) *
Hello, this is my first post on this forum (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Thanks to a french forum (1 success to a test of investigation allows you to know that i am french^^) i have discovered Chummer last week...it's a really really great tool! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/love.gif)

A friend and i used it with our old characters (created about 19 years ago)...our Master allowed us to have a bonus of 10% for cyberwares and biowares...i think it was an option rule in a precedent edition, or maybe just a house rule of our Master at this time : the doc could made a test for the surgery that give the bonus when successfull...

Would it be possible to add this rule in the "house rule part of chummer"?


I'm not sure if I quite understand what you're asking for... It sounds like you just need an option to reduce the Essence cost of a piece of Cyberware or Bioware by 10% on an as-needed basisc. Is that correct?
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post Aug 30 2011, 01:28 PM
Post #1872

Moving Target

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For translations I would suggest the following.

Put all of the UI text into an xml file.
Have the config window have a drop down for languages with the default being either English or the O/S language.
Have the language added into the file name of each of the xml files. So ui.english.xml or ui.french.xml.
Use the ui files to populate the languages drop down.
Use the data files with the appropriate language in it's name.
So if french is selected then use armor.french.xml and so on.

This way the files are not dependent on being directly part of chummer but more like custom files, but this would allow for multiple languages at the same time.
Could just use custom files directly and X out the books that are not the language you want, but that doesn't change the ui. So the ui text would need to go into a file and be loaded on execution or on language change.
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post Aug 30 2011, 01:43 PM
Post #1873

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Jazz @ Aug 30 2011, 04:43 AM) *
A few questions/remarks :

A] The french community of Shadowrun is looking to translate Chummer but...

We're arguing about two problems :
- how can we make it compatible with english stuff (existing character sheets, omae & so on)
- how can we manage to make it compatible with the automatic db changes.

To sumurize, we came to the conclusion that the better solution would be for us to program a translation parser, with a translation .xml of ours. It would do the I/O in all the displays and printings.

We have access to the official .xls masterfile of all translations for english/french that is currently updated very frequently by the french translation team.

We have an interfacing need within the program + a language listbox need. Is it possible / easy to make that ?

We're also hoping that this would serve to make other translations aswell (for exemple german/future japoneese stuff) and make all items available from these languages to english.

I'd really like to update Chummer to work with multiple languages, and I've been getting more and more requests to translate it to German. Everyone has been asking for the source code though which isn't a feasible solution as there would then be different versions floating around - English version is at build Y, meanwhile the German version is updated independently and is only at version X because it takes a while for translations. What I'd like to do instead is put all of the language strings into a language-specific XML file. This would mean that only a single version of the application would need to exist, and people just need to provide translations for new strings as needed (with it falling back to English if a translated version isn't available). There are a few big problems with this.

1) There are a large number of strings in the application and pulling them all out, indexing them, and dumping them into an XML file is going to take a long time (and is about as fun as watching paint dry). This would also hold up any other updates as this is an all-or-nothing sort of change and cannot be released half-done. There are no critical bugs right now, so perhaps this is the best time to do it.

2) This only addresses the application. The data files and character sheet files would still be in English. I don't know if that would be a problem or not, but I have no idea how to handle this if they would need to be in another language as they're replaced with each data/character sheet file update. My first thought is to provide identifier keys for all of the items, but that is a massive amount of work, would require a lot of stuff to be re-written, and would break every save file, so it's not really a solution as far as I'm concerned.

Omae service itself shouldn't be a concern. It doesn't return any strings, only a status which the application interprets into a message, so those would be a part of the translated strings. The only snag is things like Qualities and Metatypes, if translated into another language, would not be translated back to English when someone searches.
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post Aug 30 2011, 01:43 PM
Post #1874


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QUOTE (Nebular @ Aug 30 2011, 03:22 PM) *
I'm not sure if I quite understand what you're asking for... It sounds like you just need an option to reduce the Essence cost of a piece of Cyberware or Bioware by 10% on an as-needed basisc. Is that correct?

yes exactly
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post Aug 30 2011, 01:47 PM
Post #1875

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Aug 30 2011, 08:28 AM) *
For translations I would suggest the following.

Put all of the UI text into an xml file.
Have the config window have a drop down for languages with the default being either English or the O/S language.
Have the language added into the file name of each of the xml files. So ui.english.xml or ui.french.xml.
Use the ui files to populate the languages drop down.
Use the data files with the appropriate language in it's name.
So if french is selected then use armor.french.xml and so on.

This way the files are not dependent on being directly part of chummer but more like custom files, but this would allow for multiple languages at the same time.
Could just use custom files directly and X out the books that are not the language you want, but that doesn't change the ui. So the ui text would need to go into a file and be loaded on execution or on language change.

Custom data files would work, but if something like Full Body Armor needs its values updated, you end up duplicating a bunch of work and the information has a chance of getting out-of-synch (English file is updated but the French one isn't for example). I *think* having a translation file for each type (like armor.french.xml) containing the English name and the translated value might work though. It would just read through the appropriate file and display the translated name if available instead, but keep the English name in the save file so you can change the language and have the item's name translate with it...
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