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> Chummer Character Generator
post Sep 7 2011, 08:45 PM
Post #1926

Shooting Target

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At long last, the language UI stuff is done and available!

Build 190
  • all language information now comes from language files which can be found in the lang directory
  • attempting to bind a Power Focus in Career Mode no longer throws an error
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post Sep 7 2011, 08:49 PM
Post #1927


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i started chummer today and got the most recent update.

then it flagged a warning: "Could not load default language file"

and now i can't access chummer at all.
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post Sep 7 2011, 08:51 PM
Post #1928

Shooting Target

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Hmm, that's weird. There are only 2 ways this should be able to happen: either from updating from a build older than 184 to 190, or if the language file was not selected as part of the update process.

In any event, you can download the whole thing from http://www.dndjunkie.com/dev/chummer/chummer.zip. Just unzip it to your Chummer directory and you should be good to go.
The other option is to create the lang directory (if you don't already have it), download the language file from http://www.dndjunkie.com/dev/chummer/lang/en-us.xml (right-click and choose save as), then copy it to the lang directory.
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post Sep 7 2011, 08:56 PM
Post #1929


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it was due to the first,. i bet anything, cause i updated the one on my netbook which i havent used in a week.

thanks for the fast response.
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post Sep 7 2011, 11:02 PM
Post #1930

Moving Target

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When marking a v184 character as created and saving as v190, got this exeption (in english or in the french language I'm making) :

System.NullReferenceException: La référence d'objet n'est pas définie à une instance d'un objet.
à Chummer.LanguageManager.GetString(String strKey)
à Chummer.LanguageManager.UpdateForm(Form objForm)
à Chummer.LanguageManager.Load(String strLanguage, Object objObject)
à Chummer.frmLifestyleNuyen..ctor()
à Chummer.frmCreate.ValidateCharacter()
à Chummer.frmCreate.ConfirmSaveCreatedCharacter()
à Chummer.frmCreate.SaveCharacter()
à Chummer.frmCreate.tsbSave_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
à System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.RaiseEvent(Object key, EventArgs e)
à System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripButton.OnClick(EventArgs e)
à System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleClick(EventArgs e)
à System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
à System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.FireEventInteractive(EventArgs e, ToolStripItemEventType met)
à System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.FireEvent(EventArgs e, ToolStripItemEventType met)
à System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea)
à System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
à System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
à System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.WndProc(Message& m)
à System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.WndProc(Message& m)
à System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
à System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
à System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

Attribute keys seems not to be found... I can't find them in en-us.xml btw.
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post Sep 7 2011, 11:15 PM
Post #1931

Shooting Target

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<key> cannot be renamed under any circumstance. They must remain exactly as they are in the en-us.xml file or things will break.
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post Sep 7 2011, 11:34 PM
Post #1932

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Sep 8 2011, 12:15 AM) *
<key> cannot be renamed under any circumstance. They must remain exactly as they are in the en-us.xml file or things will break.

That's what I did... I think. Now I feel like Moss with the fire in IT Crowd s01.

I "almost" never opened en-us.xml (copied and start translating <text>, that works well but I don't think there's the whole UI, since I can't find BOD/AGI/REA/... for exemple)

If you try to quickly create a character then release it to carrier mode and save, there's no problems in your chummer?


I'm in the point of translating "String_Force", if you have the time could you hint me what it stands for ?
-edit- found, nevermind.


There's a minor bug with armor display.
Under armor tab, it list as "Ballistic" then "Ballistic Armor" instead of "Ballistic armor" then "Impact armor". I think that's a key or string confusion there. (try 6/4 jackets)
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post Sep 7 2011, 11:54 PM
Post #1933

Shooting Target

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Argh. I missed flagging a control as having a translated string in the Nuyen window.

Build 191
  • fixed an issue that caused the Lifestyle Nuyen window to throw an error when moving a character to Career Mode
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post Sep 8 2011, 12:41 AM
Post #1934

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Sep 8 2011, 12:54 AM) *
Argh. I missed flagging a control as having a translated string in the Nuyen window.

Build 191
  • fixed an issue that caused the Lifestyle Nuyen window to throw an error when moving a character to Career Mode

Ok great, that works now.

Don't forget the armor for next release (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

What does &augs stands for ? Is it to use shortcuts or something ?
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post Sep 8 2011, 01:37 AM
Post #1935

Shooting Target

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Anything with &amp; is just an XML friendly & sign. .NET uses it to add key mnemonics. So "&amp;Add Accessory" appears as "Add Accessory" (you may need to hold the Alt key to get those to show depending on how you have them configured in Windows), and Alt+A would trigger that button instead of having to click on it. &amp;&amp; however (&& when parsed) displays a single & sign.
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post Sep 8 2011, 09:43 AM
Post #1936

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Sep 8 2011, 02:37 AM) *
Alt+A would trigger that button

Okay, so I can choose whatever the letter with &aug;, it's not written in the .dotnet programs "make Alt+A a shortcut" ?
I mean that because the word aren't the same, and for exemple I may have two A when you have only one.


I'm taking screenshots of things that are not translated in the UI, I'll post them tonigth. I've got another semi-crash when I click on some printing things that need further documenting.
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post Sep 8 2011, 10:03 AM
Post #1937

Moving Target

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Quick and dirty :

Screenshot 3 is about an exeption I have when :
- you start chummer
- you open no character or you open one, it doesn't matter
- you click on "file" then "print multiple"
- you don't add a character to the printing list
- but you still click on "remove character"

-edit- zut, dirty indeed. Screenshot 1 got remplaced by something I don't like. It should show the metavariant panel at charcater creation, where there's still some "BP" left and names of attributes in english.
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post Sep 8 2011, 01:47 PM
Post #1938

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Jazz @ Sep 8 2011, 05:03 AM) *
Quick and dirty :

Screenshot 3 is about an exeption I have when :
- you start chummer
- you open no character or you open one, it doesn't matter
- you click on "file" then "print multiple"
- you don't add a character to the printing list
- but you still click on "remove character"

-edit- zut, dirty indeed. Screenshot 1 got remplaced by something I don't like. It should show the metavariant panel at charcater creation, where there's still some "BP" left and names of attributes in english.
Thanks for the screenshots. I'll try to have these cleaned up for the next update.
  • For now, Attributes are remaining in English.
  • Metatype and Metavariant names are remaining that way as well since they come from data files.
  • The BP and Karma items in Options and in the Select BP windows were left that way by design. I need to do some other work to get them to be language-independent.
  • The Verify button is left in English by design since the message is only going to be in English. It's there to test a translated file to see if any strings are msising. If you're able to translate the English file to another language, you're able to read the Verify button. It's useless to everyone else. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
  • The Search For and Sorted By fields in Omae get their values from the Omae webservice which is in English only.
  • The About window is being left out of translation stuff by design.

You can put &amp; wherever you like. The trick is that if you're going to use them, they need to be unique for whatever the current display is. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) (you can also choose to leave them out, but I'm sure I'm not the only person who still uses keyboard shortcuts)
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post Sep 8 2011, 04:32 PM
Post #1939

Moving Target

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Thank you. Indeed, that's a long work !

At character creation panel, I was speaking of "PC" and BOD/AGI/REA/... that are left untouched, not about metavariant & co, I guess I understood which one comes from xml and which one comes from the UI. I can provide screenshot if you want.

I have a second delivery of screenshots about Carier Mode, I'll put the charcter creation panels I refer to. Too bad for attribute names, because these are main data on the char sheet...

I can't do 2nd delivery tonigth in fact because I play L5R or SR4 by skype this evening. Maybe late this nigth or tomorow.

Thanks for the support !

-edit- Oh, by the way, if by chance you add things (attributes... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif) ) in the translate keys and labels, is it possible to put all the new elements with something like <!-- Here's comes Santa Claus 8/9/2011 --> blablabla, new keys, new labels, new texts <!-- END OF Santa Claus 8/9/2011 --> just where you want in the file ?
So this way I can find them easily if I've got to update the french file...

BY THE WAY Now if a good soul speaks german...
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post Sep 8 2011, 05:25 PM
Post #1940

Shooting Target

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New strings will be put in their respective sections like the others (at least in the English file - their placement within the file really doesn't matter but I like to keep things grouped). My plan is to include the list of new/changed strings in the release notes for each version. This way you can just search for each of the new strings within the English file, then put the equivalent in the translated language file.
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post Sep 8 2011, 06:49 PM
Post #1941

Moving Target

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This brings up a question of procedure. When Jazz finishes his language file, will he send a copy of that to you to include in the release, or does someone from each language need to find an owner who will each separately "own" the language and post a current version on their own place for download?

I guess there is a chummer wiki, you could put a place there for people to post newest file for each language or something?
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post Sep 8 2011, 09:00 PM
Post #1942


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Another tooltip problem i'm afraid:

The tooltip prices for increasing groups in career mode is wrong: it was telling me I can increase a group from 5 to 6 for 5 Karma, not 30!

The button itself charges the correct amount.

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post Sep 8 2011, 09:01 PM
Post #1943

Shooting Target

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For the sake of having everything together, it would probably be best to email me updated copies, then I can toss them up on the server and include them the update process so people don't have to go hunting for language files and file updates.
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post Sep 8 2011, 09:01 PM
Post #1944

Shooting Target

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Build 192
  • Roll button in the Dice Roller window now reads from the language file
  • clicking Remove Character in the Print Multiple window with no character selected no longer throws an error
  • Build Method lists now read BP/Karma strings from the language file
  • Omae login and filtering fields are now properly translated
  • Select a Side window now reads from the language file
  • corrected the translation tag for Impact on the Armor tab so it no longer incorrectly appears as "Ballistic Armor"
  • Matrix Initiative now compares using a Commlinks total Response instead of its base Response so Custom Commlinks will now affect Matrix Initiative properly
  • added missing Matrix IP information to Sim Module Cyberware
  • added Join Group/Network Karma cost to Options window (default 5)
  • added Leave Group/Network Karma cost to Options window (default 1)
  • added support for joining and leaving Groups/Networks
New Strings
  • Button_DiceRoller_Roll
  • String_Improvement_SideLeft
  • String_Improvement_SideRight
  • Label_SelectSide
  • Label_Options_JoinGroup
  • Label_Options_LeaveGroup
  • Label_Group
  • Label_Network
  • Checkbox_JoinedGroup
  • Checkbox_JoinedNetwork
  • String_ExpenseJoinGroup
  • String_ExpenseLeaveGroup
  • String_ExpenseJoinNetwork
  • String_ExpenseLeaveNetwork
  • Message_ConfirmKarmaExpenseJoinGroup
  • Message_ConfirmKarmaExpenseLeaveGroup
  • Message_ConfirmKarmaExpenseJoinNetwork
  • Message_ConfirmKarmaExpenseLeaveNetwork
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post Sep 8 2011, 09:03 PM
Post #1945

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Bobby @ Sep 8 2011, 04:00 PM) *
Another tooltip problem i'm afraid:

The tooltip prices for increasing groups in career mode is wrong: it was telling me I can increase a group from 5 to 6 for 5 Karma, not 30!

The button itself charges the correct amount.

Doh! I know exactly what I did, and of course I see this right after posting an update! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) I'll have this fixed up in the next update as it's part of the internal code and not the language files.
Also noticed that the ones for Knowledge Skills are wrong as well.
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post Sep 8 2011, 11:14 PM
Post #1946

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Sep 8 2011, 05:25 PM) *
New strings will be put in their respective sections like the others (at least in the English file - their placement within the file really doesn't matter but I like to keep things grouped). My plan is to include the list of new/changed strings in the release notes for each version. This way you can just search for each of the new strings within the English file, then put the equivalent in the translated language file.

Yeah but... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/frown.gif)

That makes me having to read each release notes, copy/paste in the same order (for the same sake) and maybe forget some (since I can't really compare by the line, languages are different so number of line can be too).

Packing them anywhere at one place but by release would ease a lot my work : at that pace I think I have 60-80 hours of work to translate that file... Or at least comment them with version markers because it's a pain in the rear to find these by name :/

QUOTE (Nebular @ Sep 8 2011, 09:01 PM) *
For the sake of having everything together, it would probably be best to email me updated copies, then I can toss them up on the server and include them the update process so people don't have to go hunting for language files and file updates.

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post Sep 8 2011, 11:30 PM
Post #1947

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Jazz @ Sep 8 2011, 06:14 PM) *
Yeah but... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/frown.gif)

That makes me having to read each release notes, copy/paste in the same order (for the same sake) and maybe forget some (since I can't really compare by the line, languages are different so number of line can be too).

Packing them anywhere at one place but by release would ease a lot my work : at that pace I think I have 60-80 hours of work to translate that file... Or at least comment them with version markers because it's a pain in the rear to find these by name :/


As the above post shows, he lists all the changes to the strings. It shouldn't be that difficult to search the english file for them, and then copy that to the other language files and put in the new language string.
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post Sep 9 2011, 12:00 AM
Post #1948

Moving Target

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I'll post minor stuff as they comes...

* Message_RemoveCharacterAssociation
==> The \n doesn't pass a line en/fr. It's displayed in the message. Removed in french.

* Matrix IP help popup
==> It's not "Hit Sim", it's "Hot Sim" (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Sep 9 2011, 12:09 AM
Post #1949

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Jazz @ Sep 8 2011, 07:00 PM) *
I'll post minor stuff as they comes...

* Message_RemoveCharacterAssociation
==> The \n doesn't pass a line en/fr. It's displayed in the message. Removed in french.

* Matrix IP help popup
==> It's not "Hit Sim", it's "Hot Sim" (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

Sigh. I had the \n working before but I forgot to put the code for that back in when I found a much better way of doing things. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif) This will be fixed in the next update. Updated the English file to fix the typo.
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post Sep 9 2011, 01:40 AM
Post #1950

Moving Target

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GM Mr. Fix-it 2071 is wrong. It is a medium drone (identified as such) but is tagged as a small drone for listing. It is missing its two arms, toolkit, and autosoft(3).

And I'm going to add to the kudos. Thank you.
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