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> Chummer Character Generator
post Sep 13 2011, 01:42 PM
Post #2026

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Sep 13 2011, 01:40 PM) *
Yikes, that's apparently been there for quite some time and never caught. This will be fixed in the next update.

Wonderful (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Sep 13 2011, 01:44 PM
Post #2027

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (deurk @ Sep 13 2011, 07:30 AM) *
Another request regarding UX:

Could we have a checkbox on the skills page to hide all the skills where we did not put any points (ie any 0 rating skills).
It would make that page easier to use when you just want to tweak already defined skills.

If you don't like the idea, maybe then switch the label of the skill in bold as soon as points are spent on it, or anything that could help identify quickly skills that have been picked.


This is currently in Career Mode (there's a drop down list right above the Active Skills to choose what you'd like to see). I intentionally left this out of Create Mode since everything is a 0 Rating Skill until you put points into them. I could copy this over to Create Mode if people really wanted it.
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post Sep 13 2011, 01:49 PM
Post #2028

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Sep 13 2011, 01:44 PM) *
I could copy this over to Create Mode if people really wanted it.

Would be great imo.
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post Sep 13 2011, 01:57 PM
Post #2029

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Jazz @ Sep 13 2011, 07:28 AM) *
Nebular, I'd like you tell me what you think about that, to provide further translation for Chummer. I'm making hypothesis on how Chummer works, too.

... Stuff! ...

I have a very rough idea in my head that is something like that. New items or variations from the English versions would need to be handled as custom data files. My intention is to keep using the English content and replace the item name, category name, and page number from the translated version of the file (book wouldn't change, though the name and code would which would be handled by the translated version of books.xml). Custom data files would not be covered by translations - only the standard data files will be. At least that's how I originally envisioned it. I'm honestly not ready to start thinking about more translation stuff just yet. (I'd also like to get all of the current translation issues out of the way before introducing any new ones)
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post Sep 13 2011, 02:06 PM
Post #2030

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Jazz @ Sep 12 2011, 06:53 PM) *
* Tooltips from (+) and (-) buttons (from lifestyle, equipement and so on) are in english.

* Tooltips from (+) and (-) buttons from lifestyle are the same "Decrease the number of pre-paid"...

* All of these tooltips seems hardcoded (sorry for messages and button names there)

* Would appreciate a (+) button for item, especially depleted ammo. I'm not sure if it's a bug or a feature, let's call that a very handy bug, that makes depleted ammo stacks not disappearing from your Gear list. Usefull as a reminder. In this case and this case only, a "Buy more" button would pop up calling the buy menu with that item allready founded and highligthed. Or, for any item, put that "Buy more" option in the "add gear" submenu for exemple.

* Selling an item (for exemple an armor) : the pop up windows kept its english name. I think that's Title_SellItem

*sigh* Just when you think you've got 'em all... (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wobble.gif)
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post Sep 13 2011, 02:57 PM
Post #2031

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Sep 13 2011, 01:57 PM) *
(book wouldn't change, though the name and code would which would be handled by the translated version of books.xml)

That's me speculating on how the japoneese books will look (EDIT : AND War! in german which seems to have removed some things here and there)

QUOTE (Nebular @ Sep 13 2011, 01:57 PM) *
(I'd also like to get all of the current translation issues out of the way before introducing any new ones)

I think our current version is stable enough. I see no feedback from betatesters so I'm PMing you that file now.
(EDIT : PM sent (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) )
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post Sep 13 2011, 08:22 PM
Post #2032

Moving Target

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I like the latest updates that made this usable in Win7 but somehow I can't seem to see all the options like I did before. Say for Adept powers, I see one checkbox when I add a power and that line is all squished. So I don't know if it's the box for a Geas or Adept Way.

The Karma Summary on the right side seems to overlap the labels over the actual numbers. But hey, I can see all the Skills now!

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post Sep 13 2011, 08:33 PM
Post #2033

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Marwynn @ Sep 13 2011, 03:22 PM) *
I like the latest updates that made this usable in Win7 but somehow I can't seem to see all the options like I did before. Say for Adept powers, I see one checkbox when I add a power and that line is all squished. So I don't know if it's the box for a Geas or Adept Way.

The Karma Summary on the right side seems to overlap the labels over the actual numbers. But hey, I can see all the Skills now!

That's weird. Both my laptop and desktop machines are running Windows 7 and it looks just fine (the desktop is also the development machine). Two of my players are also using Windows 7 on their laptops and don't have any issues at our games. Could you take a screenshot and post a link to it so I can see what it looks like on yours?
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post Sep 13 2011, 08:38 PM
Post #2034

Moving Target

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Here you go. A little small though.
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post Sep 13 2011, 09:02 PM
Post #2035

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Sep 13 2011, 09:44 AM) *
This is currently in Career Mode (there's a drop down list right above the Active Skills to choose what you'd like to see). I intentionally left this out of Create Mode since everything is a 0 Rating Skill until you put points into them. I could copy this over to Create Mode if people really wanted it.

What I would like to see would be a drop down that changes the sort order.
Give the option to sort by Group Skill, by Skill Rating, or the default Alphabetical.
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post Sep 13 2011, 09:17 PM
Post #2036


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QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Sep 13 2011, 11:02 PM) *
What I would like to see would be a drop down that changes the sort order.
Give the option to sort by Group Skill, by Skill Rating, or the default Alphabetical.

Maybe also sorting by associated attribute ?
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post Sep 13 2011, 09:54 PM
Post #2037

Moving Target

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QUOTE (ChatNoir @ Sep 13 2011, 04:17 PM) *
Maybe also sorting by associated attribute ?

Could also do A->Z and Z->A for each of them as well.
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post Sep 13 2011, 11:16 PM
Post #2038

Shooting Target

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French language file is now available courtesy of Jazz and the fine folks who tested everything (ChatNoir, deurk, KharN, Leoric, Level Up, and Ruskov)! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Sep 13 2011, 11:21 PM
Post #2039

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Marwynn @ Sep 13 2011, 03:38 PM) *

That's really weird. I was sure the scaling changes I made would have fixed that. 2 things I need to know then: what resolution are you using, and what are your font size settings (you can check that one by right-clicking the desktop, choose Screen Resolution, click the "Make text and other images larger or smaller" link, and let me know whether Small, Medium, or Large is selected).
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post Sep 14 2011, 12:37 AM
Post #2040


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QUOTE (Nebular @ Sep 12 2011, 11:18 AM) *
Neat idea. I'll have to look into this as I've never used MapTools before. Hopefully it's not too hard to create the character for it.

That would be great! The token is both the visual representation of your character on the map, and the repository for the character information. It is represented by a .jpg and allows you to make your rolls with the appropriate dice pools.

I found myself wishing in our last session that I could pull up several corpsec guards, and plop them straight down into tokens.

Thanks for considering it.

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post Sep 14 2011, 12:37 AM
Post #2041


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Double Post: Ignore.
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post Sep 14 2011, 12:59 AM
Post #2042

Running Target

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I joined a magic group and now whenever I reload my character it asks if I am sure I want to join a magic group and if I click yes it eats another 5 karma
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post Sep 14 2011, 09:36 AM
Post #2043

Moving Target

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I think you may not have overwrited the french file over beta versions. I don't know if you used the one I PMed you ?

I left a "BETA" there by purpose in my Chummer to check if you overwrite or just create the file. It seems you just created the file since I still have the beta, that didn't overwrite.

The french xml is not in the .zip release of Chummer by the way.

-edit- workaround for betatesters :
"Pour les betatesteurs, vous êtes restés en version beta. Donc, à faire : repasser le soft en anglais, éteindre le soft, changer le nom du fichier en fr2.xml (ou l'effacer) et effectuer une mise à jour"

(sorry for french but they are betatesters after all (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) )

-edit2- you seem to have made a new release of en-us.xml without telling me new strings :/ I'll PM you that fast.
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post Sep 14 2011, 09:44 AM
Post #2044

Moving Target

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QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Sep 13 2011, 09:02 PM) *
What I would like to see would be a drop down that changes the sort order.
Give the option to sort by Group Skill, by Skill Rating, or the default Alphabetical.

QUOTE (ChatNoir @ Sep 13 2011, 09:17 PM) *
Maybe also sorting by associated attribute ?

QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Sep 13 2011, 09:54 PM) *
Could also do A->Z and Z->A for each of them as well.

I'd like also alphabetical order within sub-categories : Combat, Magic, Physical, Resonance, Social, Technical, Piloting, like in the book in fact, and "Only Combat", "Only Magic", "Only Physical" and so on filters.
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post Sep 14 2011, 10:39 AM
Post #2045

Moving Target

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PM sent (sorry for triple post)
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post Sep 14 2011, 11:53 AM
Post #2046

Moving Target

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Oh, and by the way, does Chummer reads from en-us.xml if something is not found in fr.xml ?
Because if i'm late in translation, french guys will have no-message-found crashes each update you provide with no UI translation yet.
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post Sep 14 2011, 01:14 PM
Post #2047

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Jazz @ Sep 14 2011, 06:53 AM) *
Oh, and by the way, does Chummer reads from en-us.xml if something is not found in fr.xml ?
Because if i'm late in translation, french guys will have no-message-found crashes each update you provide with no UI translation yet.

Yes. It reads in the entire en-us file first, then the selected language file, replacing the English strings with the selected language strings based on the key. So if a key isn't found in the selected language file, it doesn't gets replaced and is left in English.

The English file update last night was to correct a mistake - I had left a couple of extra characters in a string for testing and forgot to remove them. It also happened to contain a few new strings that do not exist in the current build but will in the next update (along with a number of others). The update notes will, as usual, have the full list of new strings. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

If I make a change to the English file without posting any change notes, it's just a correction to the English content and doesn't add or change anything that would affect other languages. Usually just to fix spelling mistakes.
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post Sep 14 2011, 01:15 PM
Post #2048

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Shortstraw @ Sep 13 2011, 07:59 PM) *
I joined a magic group and now whenever I reload my character it asks if I am sure I want to join a magic group and if I click yes it eats another 5 karma

This will be fixed in the next update.
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post Sep 14 2011, 01:21 PM
Post #2049

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Jazz @ Sep 14 2011, 04:36 AM) *
I think you may not have overwrited the french file over beta versions. I don't know if you used the one I PMed you ?

I left a "BETA" there by purpose in my Chummer to check if you overwrite or just create the file. It seems you just created the file since I still have the beta, that didn't overwrite.

The french xml is not in the .zip release of Chummer by the way.

The French file that is up there shold be the first non-beta version that you gave me a link to (it doesn't have the beta information in the name and just reads "Français" as its name). It wasn't rolled into the zip because I haven't had to rebuild it for an update yet. It will be put in when I need to re-zip things for the next update.
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post Sep 14 2011, 06:29 PM
Post #2050


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QUOTE (Nebular @ Sep 14 2011, 08:14 AM) *
Yes. It reads in the entire en-us file first, then the selected language file, replacing the English strings with the selected language strings based on the key. So if a key isn't found in the selected language file, it doesn't gets replaced and is left in English.

The English file update last night was to correct a mistake - I had left a couple of extra characters in a string for testing and forgot to remove them. It also happened to contain a few new strings that do not exist in the current build but will in the next update (along with a number of others). The update notes will, as usual, have the full list of new strings. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

If I make a change to the English file without posting any change notes, it's just a correction to the English content and doesn't add or change anything that would affect other languages. Usually just to fix spelling mistakes.

When changing back to english from french, it does not change all elements back to english. It requires a restart of the application before everything is read from english again.
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