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> Chummer Character Generator
post Sep 14 2011, 06:46 PM
Post #2051

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Credstick @ Sep 14 2011, 01:29 PM) *
When changing back to english from french, it does not change all elements back to english. It requires a restart of the application before everything is read from english again.

Yup. I looked into switching the language when it's selected without having to restart the application, but there's a rediculous amount of overhead with trying to do this. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif) Part of the problem is that there are so many underlying child controls that all need to intercept an event and pass themselves to the Language Manager to get translated. There were a ton of event hooks that would only ever be triggered once under rare conditions (how many times does someone really change their language after it is set to their preferred one?).
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post Sep 14 2011, 07:06 PM
Post #2052

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Sep 13 2011, 06:21 PM) *
That's really weird. I was sure the scaling changes I made would have fixed that. 2 things I need to know then: what resolution are you using, and what are your font size settings (you can check that one by right-clicking the desktop, choose Screen Resolution, click the "Make text and other images larger or smaller" link, and let me know whether Small, Medium, or Large is selected).

Using 1680 x 1050 and at Medium.
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post Sep 14 2011, 09:41 PM
Post #2053

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Marwynn @ Sep 14 2011, 02:06 PM) *
Using 1680 x 1050 and at Medium.

It's the Medium setting that is messing things up. The setting I had changed was supposed to completely disable scaling, meaning that whatever I set it to is the exact size it will draw as, but the setting doesn't seem be working as it is documented. Grand. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
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post Sep 14 2011, 11:43 PM
Post #2054

Shooting Target

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Build 197
  • Sell Item window title now populates from the selected language
  • Character Name field now repositions and resizes itself to avoid overlapping with the Character Name label
  • tooltips for Gear + and - buttons are now populated from the selected language
  • Attribute names are now populated from the selected language
  • changing the Equipped status of Armor now removes or re-adds any Improvements for the Armor and its Armor Mods and Gear
  • changing the Equipped status of Armor Mods or Armor Gear now removes or re-adds any Improvements for them
  • added a button to speed up the process of purchasing more Ammo of the selected type in Career Mode
  • context menu for Underbarrel Weapons is now set properly when loading a saved character
  • added support for adding Underbarrel Weapons to Vehicle Weapons
  • loading a saved character that has joined a Group/Network is no longer asked to spend Karma on joining the group again
  • controls should resize better when using a font size larger than the Windows default
  • Enter and Escape keys now work in the Advanced Lifestyle window
  • changed how the lists in Select Armor, Select Armor Mod, Select Weapon, Select Weapon Accessory, and Select Gear windows work (should not see any difference in how this works hopefully, but it this is the first step towards allowing data to be translated)
  • Metavariants no longer inherit Qualities from their parent Metatype
  • Metatypes now have their vision Qualities as free Positive Qualities
New Strings
  • Tab_IncreaseLifestyleMonths
  • Tab_DecreaseLifestyleMonths
  • Tip_IncreaseGearQty
  • Tip_DecreaseGearQty
  • String_AttributeBODLong
  • String_AttributeBODShort
  • String_AttributeAGILong
  • String_AttributeAGIShort
  • String_AttributeREALong
  • String_AttributeREAShort
  • String_AttributeSTRLong
  • String_AttributeSTRShort
  • String_AttributeCHALong
  • String_AttributeCHAShort
  • String_AttributeINTLong
  • String_AttributeINTShort
  • String_AttributeLOGLong
  • String_AttributeLOGShort
  • String_AttributeWILLong
  • String_AttributeWILShort
  • String_AttributeEDGLong
  • String_AttributeEDGShort
  • String_AttributeMAGLong
  • String_AttributeMAGShort
  • String_AttributeRESLong
  • String_AttributeRESShort
  • String_AttributeINILong
  • String_AttributeINIShort
Outstanding Items
  • Cyberlimb Average in Tooltip?
  • Maptools Integration
  • Gremlins Quality in Dice Roller
  • House Rule: Metatypes Cost Karma 2:1
  • House Rule: Reduce Essence Cost of Cyberware/Bioware Checkbox
  • Hacked Programs
  • Support for Cyborgs
  • Omae Character Feedback
  • GM Character Management/Karma/Nuyen/Gear Distribution
  • Multiple Clips and Different Ammo
  • A.I. Inherent Programs
  • Cheat Sheets?
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post Sep 15 2011, 12:09 PM
Post #2055

Moving Target

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post Sep 15 2011, 12:39 PM
Post #2056

Moving Target

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QUOTE (deurk @ Sep 15 2011, 12:09 PM) *

+1. With attributes in french, I just can say french are not lost anymore AND that Chummer is now almost legal in whole Canada (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

I hide two easter eggs in the french translation. One is obvious, the second quite hard to spot (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Sep 15 2011, 02:47 PM
Post #2057

Moving Target

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Well two bugs and some thinking about "by-clip" ammo gestion.

That commlink asks me if I want to buy more ammunition (message is Tip_IncreaseGearQty)

In a way, that is nice, because it helps adding stuff to the inventory.
The problem is in a case of a commlink, it adds the commlink into the "mother commlink".

As a gear's gear, I think. Let's verify in the .chum :
(sorry for quotin loooooooong stuff)
<name>Transys Avalon</name>
<extra />


<guid>78d165c5-17f0-4b4f-a84e-30aca5d4e8c0</guid><name>Vector Xim</name><category>Commlink Operating System</category><maxrating>0</maxrating><rating>0</rating><qty>1</qty><avail>0</avail><cost>200</cost><extra /><bonded>False</bonded><equipped>True</equipped><bonus></bonus><source>SR4</source><page>328</page><firewall>1</firewall><system>1</system><children /><notes />

<guid>6bdb3a81-cddc-4659-93b2-6be36628b157</guid><name>Transys Avalon</name><category>Commlink</category><armorcapacity>[2]</armorcapacity><maxrating>0</maxrating><rating>0</rating><qty>1</qty><avail>0</avail><cost>5000</cost><extra /><bonded>False</bonded><equipped>True</equipped><bonus /><source>SR4</source><page>328</page><response>4</response><signal>4</signal><children /><notes />


<notes /></gear>

So, that's it, it's in the commlink's gear.

This button is nice, even for other stuff as ammo but :

If it's for everything, as you see there's a bug in making new buyed in gear of the original stuff, and the tooltips should mention "Buy more" / "Acheter davantage".
If this is the way you choose Nebular, maybe that button should appear in weapons, vehicles and drones and so on.

If it's for ammo only, then the button should appear only for ammo.

Anyway, it's quite a nice button to have on every stuff I think. That makes the gestion of big gear list a lot more simple.

I buy some ammo for my Pred IV. Having the ammo selected, I go to the weapon tab. I shoot with my Pred until no ammo. I come back to the gear tab. Without touching anything, the allready selected ammo shows me the number of ammunition I had before shooting.
Then I select another thing, re-select ammo and there, number of ammo is 0.

It happens the same things when you shoot only a little : ammo's refresh is made at selection only but it should be made at changing tabs.

Saving stuff between shooting and refresh works well, even for non-depleted ammo stacks. The stack keep telling the old value if not refreshed, but it saves the good values and reloading acts as a refresh.

If you gonna have a gestion of ammo "by clip", maybe this is a temp bug fix anyway.

By clip ammo gestion
That's a big big big can of worms because it involve a lot of more micro in chummer.

The followoing is just voiced thinking not asking anything. Just voiced thinking.

There's a lot of ways to acheive this. I think there's two roads.

Road A, the Clip tab
That would put all ammos and clips in the same tab, to avoid messing around with gear. But it can makes things difficult if you try to put things in your ammos (like drugs or things like that).

Road B, the ammo & clip filter.
That would put a filter inventory in the same gear tab, to locate easier where are your clips and your ammos.

Road C, from weapon tab. I think it's the best way.

Road A / B
* There is a lot of problem with ammo and clip. The easier to spot is Chummer now don't have "by weapon" clips. For ammo, it's "by category" that is good as it is I think.
But clips should be "by weapon" and have a fixed ammo capacity. In that case, for ease of use I advice to make a "weapons I allready have" / "don't type that clip yet" / "weapon I don't have" (then call the weapon list) to avoid to much micro at clip buying, for new buyed clips and at rigth clic or something for existing untyped clips only.

* Either road A or B, you need to be able to unstack things. When you have 1000 ex-ex round for heavy pistols, rigth clic on that ammo stack, you should have two options :
- "Put that in a clip", the software first seek if there is a clip of any "heavy pistol" type, list them and should ask "which clip" and you're almost done.
- Unstack. that would be very fine for a lot of "buy by stack but can put things in it", like RFID sensor tags, needle ammo or whatever you have in stack that can be unstacked and enhanced or used in.
I made sensors tags with stuff in it as custom items allready, so the thing I know about that is there's a problem with the price/unit. A stack of 20 RFID tag cost 5 nuyen, by unit that cost 0.25 Nuyen and I didn't tried to force Chummer to have 0.25 prices, I made all tags worthing 0 and 1 worthing 5.

You should be able to put drugs in the ammo (like needle ammo) or whatever the GM permits. that was a problem I had with one of my players having a sliver gun, I couldn't make him have 20 ammo of drug A, 20 ammo of drug B and 20 ammo of drug C.

If you buy 60 ammo, you can't unstack, and if you buy 20 ammo, put drug A and buy 20 more ammo, that makes you 40 ammo with drug A.

I had :
Buy 20 needle for assault cannon, put drug A
Buy 20 needle for bow, put drug B
Buy 20 needle for heavy pistols, put drug C
Then edit the .chum of drug A and B needles to heavy pistols again.

You should be able to duplicate a clip when rigth clicking on a clip or buy a new one maybe by clicking on the "buy more" button.
When duplicating, the software would try to find all the needed stuff in gear (same "clip" or an unused one, same "ammo, ammo's gear") and make a new one. Else if there's no gear available it should say "can't do" or something.

I don't think you should be able to buy a new clip as a non-empty one. I really don't know in fact.

Maybe you could also improve the drag and drop. You could move things in or between items but before that, I think you should have the same drag and drop when moving a file in Windows : you should see before let go if you are droping the item in or between.

You should be able to remove some ammo from clips...

And last but not least, you should have a quick "Reload all clips as how they were before getting empty" if you can. Same thing as duplicating, that should autobuy stuff.

I really think you have to have an ammo tab for all that stuff. But that can make things problematic with existing stuff I don't know.

Then you'll have "double sized clip" and "ammo skip system" problems (well, you can clic on an alternative FIRE! button but still, chummer have to manage "ammo 1 then ammo 2 then ammo 3, then 2 ammo1 then 4 ammo 3" in the clip if you see what kind of big headache it is : that means a clip tab is needed but with drugs I don't know (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sarcastic.gif) ).

Road C
The simpler :
Rigth clic on a weapon and :
- You could have "reload all the clips of that weapon with..." then call a windows with all of the ammo of that kind of weapon you have in the gear tab.
- You could have "buy an empty clip for that weapon" aswell, same to avoid micro.
- "Buy ammo for that weapon."

Maybe you should have a window to display the clips instead of having them in weapon's gear, to have easy access.
there, rigth clic on one clip and options, reload, refill, buy things :
- Reload listbox : Reload with ammo of that kind of ammo I have / Reload with another kind of ammo I have.
- Refill fully with other ammo (remember they should be on top of the old one) / Refill partially (for ammo skipping system maybe)
- Buy the same clip
- Buy ammo for that clip.

Then the clip is counted as a weapon gear and take no capacity, and the RELOAD button use clips from weapon's gear (as the vehicule & drone ??). If all ammo are the same, if a clip is not full.

You should be able to put things in your ammo from road A/B things (like unstack, fill with drugs and so on)

And there's things I don't even imagined (and i've got a lot of imagination : i can imagine a "floor" box in weapon tab in carrier mode aswell, where skipped ammo or used and ejected clips with smartlink weapons are (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif) ) ! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Today, we can skip ammo manually like I said (edit .chum to make the needed needles and reload/fire/reload/fire/reload so I think that should be a feature you need when you release that.

Big big big big can of worms and loads of micro (but for road c) as you can see...
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post Sep 15 2011, 03:07 PM
Post #2058

Shooting Target

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Ok, that's way too much stuff to look at this early in the morning. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

#1: It looks like once Ammo is selected, the Buy More Ammo button remains enabled forever which is not correct. It should only ever be available for Ammo and never for anything else.
#2: In Career Mode, the Ammo amounts only change if you reload your weapon or manually deduct ammo. Ammo from the Gear tab is never depleted between shots - they've already been removed from your Gear and loaded into the guy where they're consumed.
#3: There are two big problems with clips: there a Weapon Mod called Additional Clip that isn't actually a piece of Gear, and there's a piece of Gear called Spare Clip which is never associated with a Weapon. For now at least, the Ammo stuff is staying as-is in regards to reloading/clips/other madness. I'm going to have to think about how to handle splitting the same type of ammo up so you can put different drugs into things like injection darts.
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post Sep 15 2011, 03:23 PM
Post #2059

Moving Target

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Yeah and I just stopped to edit my message (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)

Ammo skip system and clip loaded with ammo A / B / C / C / B / B / B / C / A are a problem too. Or Bullet / empty / empty / empty / empty / empty and Russian roulette (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)

I think you should have unstack + road C. Just read road C in my post. I really think that's the best for ease of use.

-edit- taht wasn't true, now I stpped to edit. Sorry.
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post Sep 15 2011, 07:43 PM
Post #2060

Moving Target

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(I'm re-reading myself an I release I sound like a new stranger in USA :/)

Sorry for the difficulty it is to read that post. Maybe I should reformulate, slowly, with more thinking, now I know what are "road A/B/C".
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post Sep 16 2011, 03:43 AM
Post #2061


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little display problem : after adding a specialisation to knowledge skill and refuse karma cost, we can select a spec. in the list.

How can we add a specialisation for common skills after creation ?

in french mode when upgrading a skill with 0 karma :
[ Spoiler ]
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post Sep 16 2011, 09:10 AM
Post #2062

Moving Target

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* Securetech armor should not count as supplemental armor for the encumbrance calculation.
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post Sep 16 2011, 09:19 AM
Post #2063

Moving Target

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QUOTE (esprism @ Sep 16 2011, 03:43 AM) *
little display problem : after adding a specialisation to knowledge skill and refuse karma cost, we can select a spec. in the list.

How can we add a specialisation for common skills after creation ?

It seem the carrier skill tab for spec was broken by last release :/

QUOTE (esprism @ Sep 16 2011, 03:43 AM) *
in french mode when upgrading a skill with 0 karma

In english too.
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post Sep 16 2011, 09:25 AM
Post #2064

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Sep 15 2011, 03:07 PM) *
#2: In Career Mode, the Ammo amounts only change if you reload your weapon or manually deduct ammo. Ammo from the Gear tab is never depleted between shots - they've already been removed from your Gear and loaded into the guy where they're consumed.

I'm telling about refreshing ammo count on ammo stacks.

It should "when changing tabs", not "when selecting the ammo stack".

If the ammo stack is allready selected before moving through Gear Tab -> Weapon Tab -> shoot/reload -> Gear Tab, the amount on the ammo stack is not correct. You have to select another item and come back to the ammo stack for the count to be refreshed at an exact amount.

(this problem is peanuts (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif) )
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post Sep 16 2011, 11:01 AM
Post #2065


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Hi, I'm having a problem when I try to add an Allergy (Common Moderate) to a new character. I select the Quality, click OK, I fill in the box with the source of the allergy : polluants. In English, it's ok, the Quality is added but in french, I have an error saying "Le format de la chaine d'entrée est incorrect" = "The format of the input string is incorrect"

Here's the debug log I got :
[ Spoiler ]

The same thing happens with Qualities where you have to give some assiciated info after the first selection (phobia, lost loved one, addiction, etc) But for exemple, Mentor Spirit works fine.
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post Sep 16 2011, 12:52 PM
Post #2066

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Jazz @ Sep 16 2011, 04:10 AM) *
* Securetech armor should not count as supplemental armor for the encumbrance calculation.

Edit: Never mind, I read the item wrong. I'll have this corrected in the next update. Apparently Helmets and Shields are also being incorrectly used for determining Armor Encumbrance.
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post Sep 16 2011, 03:20 PM
Post #2067


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I found a bug:

When trying to change from the cyclops metavariant to the minotaur metavariant during character creation the program throws an error. This didn't happen in build 167 which I was using before, though the old build handled the dermal armor wrong and changed the +1 bonus into a -1 malus when I tried to change the metavariant.
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post Sep 16 2011, 09:03 PM
Post #2068

Shooting Target

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Build 198
  • Buy Ammo button is now properly disabled when non-Ammo Gear is selected in Career Mode
  • Vehicles can now come pre-equipped with Weapons
  • added Stoner-Ares M202 to Edgecrusher
  • Skillsofts Complex Forms can now select their appropriate Program Options
  • added support for Hacked Programs and Software
  • added support for Gremlins to the Dice Roller window
  • Attribute tooltip now shows when the Attribute is being affected by a Cyberlimb
  • fixed an issue where "BP" being translated in the selected language to throw errors when adding certain Qualities in Create Mode
  • Armor from Helmets and Shields and SecureTech PPP System Categories no longer count towards Armor Encumbrance
  • fixed an issue that prevented Active Skills from display at the proper width in Career Mode
  • clicking the Change Specialization button for an Active or Knowledge Skill now puts the focus on the Specialization field
  • rejecting the Karma cost or not having enough Karma when changing an Active or Knowledge Skill Specialization now puts it back to its old value instead of erasing it entirely
  • Metatype no longer inherit bonuses from their parent Metatype
New Strings
  • Label_SelectGear_Hacked
  • Label_DiceRoller_Gremlins
  • String_CyberlimbAttributeModifier
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post Sep 17 2011, 02:07 AM
Post #2069

Moving Target

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You forgot a string. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Well, I'm testing this and sending to you as usual.

* In "create a character"/"choose metatype menu", I quickly saw a glitch, since now dwarves are highligted by default.

* Hacked software versions should show somewhere it's hacked. Maybe in the name, between () ?
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post Sep 17 2011, 02:56 AM
Post #2070


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Another thing I found in the new release: I think have content of Attitude showing up even though I did not mark it as a source to be used. When I want to add a armor mod to my victory jumpsuit it also shows me things like "AR Enhanced". I'm not sure the source for this is Attitude, however in the source section it says "AT" which I'm guessing stands for Attitude (would be nice to have a glossary of these sources, btw. I couldn't find one so far)

Also, the reach modifier is increased every time you change the metatype from one troll variant to another. Since I happened to change the variant of my new character quite a bit the character sheet now shows him to have an unarmed melee reach of 4 O_o

Edit: did a small test and noticed that the reach is never decreased to it's natural state when you change your metatype, not just between troll variants.
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post Sep 17 2011, 05:14 AM
Post #2071

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Jazz @ Sep 16 2011, 09:07 PM) *
You forgot a string. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Well, I'm testing this and sending to you as usual.

* In "create a character"/"choose metatype menu", I quickly saw a glitch, since now dwarves are highligted by default.

* Hacked software versions should show somewhere it's hacked. Maybe in the name, between () ?

Yeah, the Metatype thing is now a side effect of the new way I'm doing lists to support eventual translation stuff. All of the lists now behave like that. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)

Hacked software should show that it's Hacked when that is taken. It should appear in the brackets either as (Hacked) if there was no other extra text to enter, or (some text, Hacked). Seems to be working from what I can see. Is it not behaving like that for you?
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post Sep 17 2011, 05:16 AM
Post #2072

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Valnar @ Sep 16 2011, 09:56 PM) *
Another thing I found in the new release: I think have content of Attitude showing up even though I did not mark it as a source to be used. When I want to add a armor mod to my victory jumpsuit it also shows me things like "AR Enhanced". I'm not sure the source for this is Attitude, however in the source section it says "AT" which I'm guessing stands for Attitude (would be nice to have a glossary of these sources, btw. I couldn't find one so far)

Also, the reach modifier is increased every time you change the metatype from one troll variant to another. Since I happened to change the variant of my new character quite a bit the character sheet now shows him to have an unarmed melee reach of 4 O_o

Edit: did a small test and noticed that the reach is never decreased to it's natural state when you change your metatype, not just between troll variants.

Who doesn't want Reach 4?! *sigh* Fine, I'll ruin super-Reach for everyone and look into it. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Sep 17 2011, 05:18 AM
Post #2073

Shooting Target

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French language file has been updated to have the new strings for Build 198.
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post Sep 17 2011, 06:29 AM
Post #2074


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I have a question about the Securetech Armor:

the rule for it says "These armor pieces do not count as separate armor for purposes of encumbrance; instead, these items modify the rating of armor worn by their rating just as helmets and shields do"

the way i interpret this is if you are using the house/optional rule on page 44 pf Arsenal "Ignore armor encumbrance entirely if a character is simply wearing a single armor item (even if that's a full body armor suit). Only apply encumbrance when a character is stacking armor or using a lot of armor accessories (helmet, shield, forearm guards, etc.)."

so i think that means the securetech should still cause encumbrance -unless- the above optional rule is in place AND the wearer is only wearing a single armor item.

i mention this because a player in my game just handed in a character with a 2 body and 3 str (using the body + str rule) and his character is not encumbered with a 9/9 armor rating, although i am sure he should be.

his armor set up was:

Steampunk overcoat: 3/3
Half Body Form Fit : 4/1
Vital protectors: 1/1
Leg and arm casings 1/1
Shin guards: 0/1
Forearm Guards: 0/1
Helmet: 0/2

Total protection: 9/9
Encumbrance value: 5/3... (Should be 7/8)

am i mis-interpreting the rule? the rule actually uses forearm guards and helmet/shields as an example...

according to Chummer it is adding the value of the Securetech to the armor rating, but is not increasing the encumbrance.

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post Sep 17 2011, 07:23 AM
Post #2075

Shooting Target

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From: Calgary, AB
Member No.: 24,349

The change I made after some people said the PPP stuff shouldn't count towards Armor Encumbrance was wrong. I changed it so that Helmets and Shields and SecureTech PPP System Armors didn't count towards Armor Encumbrance when instead it should have been changed so they don't count towards the number of worn pieces.

The SecureTech PPP System Armors are treated exactly like Helmets and Shields. Helmets and Shields don't count as individual pieces of Armor for the purposes of determining stacking (as in they don't count as pieces on their own meaning a single piece of Armor and a Helmet is considered to be 1 piece, not 2), but there is nothing say that they do not count towards Armor Encumbrance. This will be corrected in the next update. (see next post as I don't want to just let that one sit over the weekend!)
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