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Minimax le Rouge
post Sep 18 2011, 08:55 AM
Post #2101


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i noticed 2 weird things:
I creat ed a Human, i can give him the "Human Looking" Quality.

And i can give Him Second-Hand Cultured Bioware.
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post Sep 18 2011, 09:49 AM
Post #2102

Moving Target

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* Weapon accessories as items (like the silencer for exemple, because it's a consumable so you need to have a few ones in inventory just in case) ?
It seems hardcoded, I can't find the xml describing it.
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post Sep 18 2011, 02:14 PM
Post #2103

Shooting Target

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Skills and Qualities data files have been updated to correct their errors.
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post Sep 18 2011, 02:17 PM
Post #2104

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Jazz @ Sep 18 2011, 04:49 AM) *
* Weapon accessories as items (like the silencer for exemple, because it's a consumable so you need to have a few ones in inventory just in case) ?
It seems hardcoded, I can't find the xml describing it.

Weapon Accessories and Mods are both found in the weapons.xml file. That XPath for Accessories is /chummer/accessories while Mods are in /chummer/mods.
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post Sep 18 2011, 03:22 PM
Post #2105

Moving Target

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Xpath... Well err... Ok... (*googling and wikipeding*). Oh, XPath... I see ^^

What kind of software can I use to explore that ? That's quite something I'd use for other xml... (edit nvm, found one. Studying queries atm, I'm come from SQL, I'm a DB2 man ^^)

Oh, and do you plan to make accessories as items or should we custom them ?
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post Sep 18 2011, 03:57 PM
Post #2106

Moving Target

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Hahaha, great. Look what I did in 15 minutes :
[ Spoiler ]

There's errors left but I could have done the same for any other category else. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Sep 18 2011, 04:12 PM
Post #2107

Moving Target

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* someone told on fr forum that home nodes for AI are missing.
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post Sep 18 2011, 04:14 PM
Post #2108


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Wah, some trads are ... specials yo say the least (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) The first and last one for example are both funny and so wrong (so, also funny ^^)

And what the hell does a Rhino in the skills. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/spin.gif)
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post Sep 18 2011, 04:41 PM
Post #2109

Moving Target

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*Drone & Vehicle display panel is broken. there's two rating box, two quantity box, etc.

I had a non-existing xml error message crash moving ratings of sensors from these boxes in french version, for the MCT FlySpy drone in the 1st exemple of the packs.

I'm sorry I can't provide more details leading to that crash (for now).
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post Sep 18 2011, 04:46 PM
Post #2110

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Jazz @ Sep 18 2011, 11:41 AM) *
*Drone & Vehicle display panel is broken. there's two rating box, two quantity box, etc.

I had a non-existing xml error message crash moving ratings of sensors from these boxes in french version, for the MCT FlySpy drone in the 1st exemple of the packs.

I'm sorry I can't provide more details leading to that crash (for now).

In the French language file, you have "Rating:" (Label_Rating) and "Gear Rating:" (Label_GearRating) with the same content ("Indice:").
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post Sep 18 2011, 05:21 PM
Post #2111

Moving Target

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Free Spirits:
  • Characters should be required to pick a tradition and their available powers should be limited by the spirit types available to that tradition.
  • Depending on the tradition, they should automatically get the Materialization or Possession power.
  • There are several qualities, beyond those listed in RC, that don't make sense for a Free Spirit (ex Changeling, Latent Dracomorphosis, Mysterious Implant, etc)
  • The "Cyberware and Bioware" tab should be hidden
  • The "Add Spirit" button should be disabled (Spirits can't summon spirits much less bind them)
  • The Conjuring skill group and related skills should be unavailable
  • While technically not prohibited, skills that involve the use of any form of electronic display don't make sense for Free Spirits since "spirits are un-able to see or interpret simsense, electronic projections on screens, or AR displays." (RC 92)
  • It would be nice, if possible, for the properties frame of the Spirit Pact power allow you to select the type of pact and enter the name of the person the pact is with (though not as required fields since entering into a pact is optional)
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post Sep 18 2011, 06:57 PM
Post #2112


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After updating, I'm receiving the following error:

"Could not load default language file!"

A friend is also having the issue on a different machine.
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post Sep 18 2011, 07:08 PM
Post #2113

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Sep 18 2011, 04:46 PM) *
In the French language file, you have "Rating:" (Label_Rating) and "Gear Rating:" (Label_GearRating) with the same content ("Indice:").

Yeah but... That is not the only problem...

A drone, or anything on a drone have only one Rating, if any.

Also, Gear rating and Rating translate as the same in french. If I had to translate "Gear rating:" as "Indice d'équipement:", that didn't fit. The official french translation team had the same fitting problem with Shadowrun Tables, so they used sometimes Indice for Gear Rating in some tables, and write sometime "Indice de l'équipement" ("Rating of the gear") instead of Gear Rating or "Indice d'équipement". "Indice d'équipement" is still the official term in the (official) glossary but I can't find a table with that in it. so I don't really know if there is a difference...

Anyway I do not know a single item in that game that have two different ratings, and two different quantity fields ("Qty" and "Quantity" in english). You really have to have two Rating and two Quantity ? (still for quantity, I have to find where I saw that)

There's also very strange behaviours leading to impossibilities to know what is the one that is in use.

Try this :
* create a dummy character
* add a MCT Fly-Spy
* clic on the drone's name. Notice everything is grey and un-editable. Both Ratings are 0/2, and quantity is 1.
* hit the down arrow key one time. Notice everything is grey and un-editable. Both Ratings are 0/2, and quantity is 1.
* hit the down arrow key one time. Notice Quantity become editable. Both Ratings are 0/2, and quantity is 1.
* hit the down arrow key one time. Notice Quantity and Rating (the "2" one) are editable. Both Ratings are 0/2, and quantity is 1.
* hit the up arrow key one time. Notice Quantity and Rating (the "2" one) stay editable. Both Ratings are 0/2, and quantity is 1.
* hit the up arrow key one time. Notice Quantity and Rating (the "2" one) stay editable. Both Ratings are 0/2, and quantity is 1.
* hit the up arrow key one time. Notice Quantity and Rating (the "2" one) stay editable. Both Ratings are 0/2, and quantity is 1.
* hit the up arrow key one time. Notice Quantity and Rating (the "2" one) stay editable. Both Ratings are 0/2, and quantity is 1.
* Delete the MCT Fly-Spy, the display stays. -> That's a glitch, because you can't edit things (comes back to grey status).

These boxes never come back to grey un-editable status. You can change them but without knowing what you changed...

And this have a second different working in carrier mode.
* Select a dummy char in carrier mode.
* Give him 10000000000000000 nuyen
* Buy a MCT Fly-Spy and redo the same thing. This time the top Rating field gives "2", and only when the cursor is placed on the appropriate Manoeuver item in the list, seem to work as intended and you can never edit them, even if you put a microphone on it (100% working as intended I think).
* Remove the MCT Fly-Spy, the display stays. -> That's a glitch, because you can't edit anything.

IMHO, one Quantity box and one Rating box is enough, especially if they are never to be lit together at once...

Ok, let's put that problem away... Let's try to put rated gear in drones, then, to see this second rating box in action... But... Err... I can't... Each rating box are greyed in the add gear -> select your gear screen (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sarcastic.gif) (creation/carrier) (or that's me being that much knurd, let's work on that with my old friend red wine (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif) )

I'm 100% sure I saw Qty and Quantity on the same screen somewhere in Chummer. It seems that isn't on drones, but I'm sure I saw that somewhere.

Where did I see that. Arg, I should have print screen. Or maybe that was from old drones screen. Hmmm...
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post Sep 18 2011, 07:10 PM
Post #2114


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QUOTE (Kyrand @ Sep 18 2011, 01:57 PM) *
After updating, I'm receiving the following error:

"Could not load default language file!"

A friend is also having the issue on a different machine.

you probably missed an update a while back, i had a similar expeience and this was the outcome:

QUOTE (EpicSpire @ Sep 7 2011, 03:49 PM) *
i started chummer today and got the most recent update.

then it flagged a warning: "Could not load default language file"

and now i can't access chummer at all.

QUOTE (Nebular @ Sep 7 2011, 03:51 PM) *
Hmm, that's weird. There are only 2 ways this should be able to happen: either from updating from a build older than 184 to 190, or if the language file was not selected as part of the update process.

In any event, you can download the whole thing from http://www.dndjunkie.com/dev/chummer/chummer.zip. Just unzip it to your Chummer directory and you should be good to go.
The other option is to create the lang directory (if you don't already have it), download the language file from http://www.dndjunkie.com/dev/chummer/lang/en-us.xml (right-click and choose save as), then copy it to the lang directory.

QUOTE (EpicSpire @ Sep 7 2011, 03:56 PM) *
it was due to the first,. i bet anything, cause i updated the one on my netbook which i havent used in a week.

thanks for the fast response.

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post Sep 18 2011, 08:01 PM
Post #2115

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Jazz @ Sep 18 2011, 07:08 PM) *
This time the top Rating field gives "2"

hahaha... this time I tried to put "Indice" and "Indice d'Eq:" for the two labels, just to be sure that didn't sort the scrolling through fly options problem.

In carrier mode, it seem the display field next to the normal rating label is populated with the value "2" but in creation mode, only the field near Gear Rating is populated with the "2".


If I had a viper tongue, and I have, I'd say that makes my "no need two boxes" point quite valid ^^

edit- I'll stay with "Indice d'Eq:". Will give you that with the next release.
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post Sep 18 2011, 08:31 PM
Post #2116

Moving Target

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Ooooooooh tragedy. Can't find my old red friend, there's not a damn (belgium (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif) ) beer left in the fridge and it's sunday evening.

I was thinking that maybe the Rating/Gear Rating problem is one source of PACKS parsing corruption problems... What do you think ?

A lot of these problems comes from overlapping <gear> things, especially when you have a drone, that have a sensor module, that have a camera, that have vision enhancement, all of these with different ratings.


Now if i say hello to another friend, I'll stop bug reporting in 10 minutes (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
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post Sep 19 2011, 04:52 AM
Post #2117

Running Target

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added a flying eye and got

************** Exception Text **************
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Chummer.CharacterOptions.BookFromCode(String strCode)
at Chummer.frmCreate.RefreshSelectedVehicle()
at Chummer.frmCreate.treVehicles_AfterSelect(Object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.TreeView.OnAfterSelect(TreeViewEventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.TreeView.TvnSelected(NMTREEVIEW* nmtv)
at System.Windows.Forms.TreeView.WmNotify(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.TreeView.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

also I don't think they are supposed to have a toolkit
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post Sep 19 2011, 10:02 AM
Post #2118

Moving Target

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* All legal software should come with Copy Protection and Registration options (UN p.108)

* You may want a new tab or enhance Lifestyle to manage per month costs (RA games, Body shops, Matrix services, free Software patches and so on)
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post Sep 19 2011, 12:53 PM
Post #2119

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Jazz @ Sep 19 2011, 06:02 AM) *
* All legal software should come with Copy Protection and Registration options (UN p.108)

It also would be helpful if some things were arranged in terms of "Identity Management."

In theory, registered software, comlinks, bank accounts, living quarters, legally owned vehicles, Matrix subscriptions, licenses, etc should all be tied to a specific SIN.

To go along with this, taking one of the SINner qualities should automatically include a free SIN with the characters real name and country of origin (as entered on the main page).
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post Sep 19 2011, 02:20 PM
Post #2120


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And another bug:
I built a character with SURGE Class II, and the 10 BP for the Handicap I had to take were actually added to my BP pool.

Edit: never mind, I was discounted 10 BP because I chose Metagenetic Improvement.
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post Sep 19 2011, 05:09 PM
Post #2121

Moving Target

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* "Lucifer lamp bulb" is 100Y per hour, capped 500 hours, not only 100Y.
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post Sep 19 2011, 05:30 PM
Post #2122

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Jazz @ Sep 19 2011, 12:09 PM) *
* "Lucifer lamp bulb" is 100Y per hour, capped 500 hours, not only 100Y.

Boost the Qty to match then. Anything with a per X quantifier (100Y/m, 100Y/hr, etc) is implemented like this. Price is set a the per X cost and Qty needs to be increased to bring it up to the length/duration/cost you're after.
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post Sep 19 2011, 08:30 PM
Post #2123


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Are you going to add the 99 Bottles content?
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post Sep 19 2011, 08:36 PM
Post #2124

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Credstick @ Sep 19 2011, 03:30 PM) *
Are you going to add the 99 Bottles content?

I was under the impression that it was just a fiction book with no stats. I have no intention of picking it up so unless someone has it and wants to supply the data for it, I won't be adding it.
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post Sep 20 2011, 05:01 PM
Post #2125


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Something about cyberlimbs parts in attributes average rating calculation :

Maybe there's a rule I miss but everybody don't count 5 parts for average attribute rating. (for example : 2 legs, 2 arms, 1 torso and 1 head)

Can we add a customisable number of parts for this average value in character sheet ?

Over point : "If you have any nuyen left over from Resources, you may add +1 to the dice roll for every 100¥ left over, up to a maximum of 3 times the number of dice rolled" SR4A p.88
It's not a priority but for High level lifestyles character it represent 12*500=6000 nuyens (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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