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> Chummer Character Generator
post Oct 29 2011, 04:48 AM
Post #2776

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Jazz @ Oct 28 2011, 05:37 PM) *
* S.O.X. got a few more things in it (really few, like 2 items, a few spells, and a few other things). Do you want them ?

QUOTE (esprism @ Oct 28 2011, 11:10 PM) *
It's a German and French Background supplement subtitled "Radioactive Shadows of Europe".


Automatic translation is understandable.

Huh, sounds interesting. Who doesn't love irradiated freaks? Too bad it's not available in English. If some can put together the necessary XML for it I can roll it into the files.
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post Oct 29 2011, 07:20 AM
Post #2777

Moving Target

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The S.O.X. spells are already in Chummer, seems they were included in the digital grimoire.

Oh, another detail: The pool rating for data search, for example, is given as logic + data search. Technically, this is true, but in practice you roll against data search + browse program/complex form most of the time. Is there even a situation where you roll against logic + data search? One possible idea would be to include the option of calculating the data search pool differently, but I suggest simply adding additional information to the display of the CFs/programs (for example, the pool to use it), which would probably be more streamlined.
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post Oct 29 2011, 09:02 AM
Post #2778

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Oct 28 2011, 11:01 PM) *
Cheat sheets that show dice totals are on the list already. I'm having a hard time getting around to it though as it means needing to come up with a list of all of the actions and Tests a player can take and how they're calculated. It has been on the bottom of my list for quite some time.

I'd be happy to help in any way I can to get this a higher priority. It would be of tremendous help for new players who don't know what they can or not do in the game most of the time. Chummer has already started to be a requirement for serious players and GMs, it would be for novice players with something like that in place.

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post Oct 29 2011, 09:03 AM
Post #2779

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Oct 29 2011, 04:48 AM) *
Huh, sounds interesting. Who doesn't love irradiated freaks? Too bad it's not available in English. If some can put together the necessary XML for it I can roll it into the files.

Will do.
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post Oct 29 2011, 11:09 AM
Post #2780


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A small error report. The Firewall 3 commlink operating system upgrade (plugin for commlinks) is a bargain for the moment because it also includes a System 8 software.
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post Oct 29 2011, 11:10 AM
Post #2781

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Oct 28 2011, 11:01 PM) *
Skinlink can be implanted in Cyberware. So Skinlink is staying right where it is in both Cyberware and Gear.
No problem doing so but you then need all items from generic and electronic accessories that can equip any device from gear.xml in cyberware.xml aswell... I think they should be cyberware modification because the human body is not a device.

QUOTE (Nebular @ Oct 28 2011, 11:01 PM) *
Any generic or custom GM items like you mentioned would need to be done as custom data items. That's part of the point of having support for it - I don't want to muddy up the data files with generic placeholders when users can quickly put together the actual item to fit their need.

As a GM, when I'm telling a story, I can't program these new items in a new custom file that I then have to transmit to my players via email or USB key while gaming.
Its purpose is for quick insert "let's care to find or add that later will we" : if that don't go into Chummer, I'll put that generic item in a custom file of mine anyway because I need that.

QUOTE (Nebular @ Oct 28 2011, 11:01 PM) *
I'm having a hard time getting around to it though as it means needing to come up with a list of all of the actions and Tests a player can take and how they're calculated.

Morphée "The Joker", in France, made a great cheat sheet for the matrix, I think if you can put that in. For presentation, Ultyme made that great hacking flow chart. I'll try to find you more material in english this time to help you with that.

Which "db bugs" are you referring to?
I'll make a central list.
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post Oct 29 2011, 11:15 AM
Post #2782

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Irian @ Oct 29 2011, 07:20 AM) *
The S.O.X. spells are already in Chummer, seems they were included in the digital grimoire.
These spells got the same names but are not entirelly the same, dixit all the discussions we had about that when translating DG (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
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post Oct 29 2011, 11:40 AM
Post #2783

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Oct 28 2011, 11:01 PM) *
Things like the winter suit and the like will not be moved to Armor as the book does not describe them as Armor nor give Armor stats for them (making them Armor would also incorrectly cause them to count against the one piece of worn armor optional rule and mess up a player's Armor Encumbrance).

Of course they messed up with. When you wear a divingsuit, then if you wear a jacket on top of it, it's actually harder to move that with a jacket only. They should count as armor like clothes does.
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post Oct 29 2011, 11:58 AM
Post #2784

Moving Target

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* Can you add a button in the skill tab in carrier mode, next to each skill ?
When that button is pressed, the dicerolling window is called, with the score, the player will just have to modify it (or not), check gremlins (or not) and hit "roll" (or press the enter key).
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post Oct 29 2011, 12:16 PM
Post #2785

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Jazz @ Oct 29 2011, 11:58 AM) *
* Can you add a button in the skill tab in carrier mode, next to each skill ?
When that button is pressed, the dicerolling window is called, with the score, the player will just have to modify it (or not), check gremlins (or not) and hit "roll" (or press the enter key).

+1 on that
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post Oct 29 2011, 01:10 PM
Post #2786

Moving Target

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* For cheat sheets, so far I found :
Magic world :
Astral combat
Indirect combat spellcasting
Various magic actions

Matrix world :
Hacking flow chart (french)
Various hacking actions (french)
Another various hacking action (english)
Various matrix actions (french)

Physical world :
Drone combat
Melee combat
Ranged combat
Various combat actions (french)
Barriers and explosives (french)

Generic :
VegPacket cheat sheets
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post Oct 29 2011, 01:12 PM
Post #2787


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I have a request for some house rules, but I'm afraid you'll hate the French, after all requests have already done deurk and Jazz. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

With friends, we play in a particular setting (the Euroline Project) in which the price of restricted and forbidden materials is higher (x2 and x3). The cost of spells is also higher (BP's for sure and I believe that karma also in the career mode). I'm not sure for the adept powers or technomancer stuff, I'll ask my GM.
For now, we can work it out for equipment: just buy two or three times what you want in creation mode, then delete it when you're in career mode. But for cyber / bioware is not possible (essence) and the same is true for spells (max number of spells).

Would it be possible to add some options in the house rules to increase the price of R and F gear and something for the spell cost ?
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post Oct 29 2011, 01:44 PM
Post #2788

Moving Target

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- Augmented attributes tooltips are not using translated strings
- All advanced contact options are not translated
- How can we have translated suggested specializations?
- Is there a way we can have access to the 2 french translations files on your update host so that you would not need to retrieve them each time we make a modification?
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post Oct 29 2011, 05:22 PM
Post #2789

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Jazz @ Oct 29 2011, 07:58 AM) *
* Can you add a button in the skill tab in carrier mode, next to each skill ?
When that button is pressed, the dicerolling window is called, with the score, the player will just have to modify it (or not), check gremlins (or not) and hit "roll" (or press the enter key).

would be better to add a drop down to the dice roller letting you select the skill you want to roll instead of adding dozens of buttons.
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post Oct 30 2011, 01:42 PM
Post #2790

Moving Target

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Suggestion: "Add Custom Spell"-button in spells tab

->It could easily work like the advanced lifestyles

-Step by step info is on SM p.159, the drain modifiers on p.163.
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post Oct 30 2011, 01:43 PM
Post #2791

Moving Target

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* Where are the source/page of the Critters ?

* Crash in english version : new Critter -> eastern Dragon -> info tab -> check "mark character as created" -> file -> save as -> crash after saving.
[ Spoiler ]
Then try file -> open -> open the file you created and re-crash :
[ Spoiler ]
It seem the assenssing skill @ 8 makes chummer behaves a strange way.

QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Oct 29 2011, 06:22 PM) *
would be better to add a drop down to the dice roller letting you select the skill you want to roll instead of adding dozens of buttons.

Why not, both may be cool.
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post Oct 30 2011, 04:35 PM
Post #2792

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Jazz @ Oct 30 2011, 08:43 AM) *
* Where are the source/page of the Critters ?

* Crash in english version : new Critter -> eastern Dragon -> info tab -> check "mark character as created" -> file -> save as -> crash after saving.

The source and page information are the same tags as everywhere else. They're the last 2 tags in the <metatype /> block.

That was a pain in the butt to fix. For some reason Skill Groups were being forcefully put back to a maximum Rating of 6 when in Career Mode, even if they've been given a higher value, and the whole problem just cascaded from there. This is fixed in the next update.
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post Oct 30 2011, 04:44 PM
Post #2793

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (deurk @ Oct 29 2011, 08:44 AM) *

- Augmented attributes tooltips are not using translated strings
- All advanced contact options are not translated
- How can we have translated suggested specializations?
- Is there a way we can have access to the 2 french translations files on your update host so that you would not need to retrieve them each time we make a modification?

The first two will be corrected in the next update. I'll see what I can do about getting the basic specializations translatable as well. The last one will not be doable as updating file version information also requires access to an XML file that catalogues all of the files that can be downloaded and their current version number. Allowing others to have access to this means that I might end up overwriting language file information with what's in my development copy, anyone dong translation work replacing the changes made by someone else, or anyone else mucking about with version information they're not supposed to (or adding or removing entries that would cause a larger number of other problems).
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post Oct 30 2011, 04:45 PM
Post #2794

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (drakir @ Oct 29 2011, 06:09 AM) *
A small error report. The Firewall 3 commlink operating system upgrade (plugin for commlinks) is a bargain for the moment because it also includes a System 8 software.

The Gear data file has been updated to correct this. If one of your characters has this, you'll need to remove it then re-added it so it picks up the change.
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post Oct 30 2011, 04:45 PM
Post #2795

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Oct 30 2011, 04:44 PM) *
The first two will be corrected in the next update. I'll see what I can do about getting the basic specializations translatable as well. The last one will not be doable as updating file version information also requires access to an XML file that catalogues all of the files that can be downloaded and their current version number. Allowing others to have access to this means that I might end up overwriting language file information with what's in my development copy, anyone dong translation work replacing the changes made by someone else, or anyone else mucking about with version information they're not supposed to (or adding or removing entries that would cause a larger number of other problems).

Okey dokey. If you found any idea about streamlining the update of translations, let me know.
Thanks for the other items!
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post Oct 30 2011, 04:56 PM
Post #2796

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (ChatNoir @ Oct 29 2011, 08:12 AM) *
I have a request for some house rules, but I'm afraid you'll hate the French, after all requests have already done deurk and Jazz. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

With friends, we play in a particular setting (the Euroline Project) in which the price of restricted and forbidden materials is higher (x2 and x3). The cost of spells is also higher (BP's for sure and I believe that karma also in the career mode). I'm not sure for the adept powers or technomancer stuff, I'll ask my GM.
For now, we can work it out for equipment: just buy two or three times what you want in creation mode, then delete it when you're in career mode. But for cyber / bioware is not possible (essence) and the same is true for spells (max number of spells).

Would it be possible to add some options in the house rules to increase the price of R and F gear and something for the spell cost ?

I'll take a look and see if these are doable. I think they are, but I need to double-check. You can already modify the Karma cost of everything through the Options window. These are house rules so they'll take a while to get around to.
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post Oct 30 2011, 06:02 PM
Post #2797

Shooting Target

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Build 238
  • A.I.s now use the correct Optimization plugin
  • Gear plugins now properly use their Rating when applying Improvements when added to a character
  • changing a Gear's Rating now correctly updates any Improvements they apply to the character
  • searching should now work with accented characters
  • augmented Attribute tooltips now use the translated object names when appropriate
  • advanced Contact option strings now read from the language file
  • fixed an issue where Critters with Skill Groups higher than Rating 6 would cause an error when being saved as Created and loaded in Career Mode
  • Commlinks and Commlink Operating Systems are now saved, loaded, and printed properly when added to a Vehicle
New Strings
  • String_SelectContactConnection_Members
  • String_SelectContactConnection_AreaDistrict
  • String_SelectContactConnection_AreaSprawlwide
  • String_SelectContactConnection_AreaNational
  • String_SelectContactConnection_AreaGlobal
  • String_SelectContactConnection_MagicalMinority
  • String_SelectContactConnection_MagicalMost
  • String_SelectContactConnection_MagicalVast
  • String_SelectContactConnection_MatrixActive
  • String_SelectContactConnection_MatrixBroad
  • String_SelectContactConnection_MatrixPervasive
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post Oct 30 2011, 07:31 PM
Post #2798

Moving Target

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Once again, excellent reactive work (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
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post Oct 30 2011, 08:09 PM
Post #2799

Moving Target

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fr.xml and fr-data.xml are updated, see in sig.
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post Oct 31 2011, 03:33 PM
Post #2800


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This program is absolutely amazing. It turns character generation from an all day event to... Well it still takes a few hours, but such an improvement.

I have noticed one minor issue. I am trying to add two geas to a character, but the geas option does not show up after adding it the first time. According to the rules, characters should be able to have multiple geas, though if you break one it counts as breaking all of them (so if you had two it would be a -2 to your magic for the day)
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