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> Chummer Character Generator
post Nov 4 2011, 09:34 PM
Post #2926

Moving Target

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I think the only things I can't find in chummer are the medical treatments, various services and poison/diseases. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

And NPC, but... Well.
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post Nov 5 2011, 12:10 AM
Post #2927

Moving Target

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S.O.X.' stuff :

[ Spoiler ]

This is untested stuff. I don't know if it makes Chummer to bug or not (sorry, late and tired)
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post Nov 5 2011, 12:33 AM
Post #2928

Moving Target

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I can´t rightclick bioware(cyberware works).
->important for notes
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post Nov 5 2011, 01:02 AM
Post #2929

Moving Target

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  • Changing name does not trigger the save dialog
  • FIRE button options are untranslated
  • When an accessory has weapon cost, Cost displays 'Weapon Cost' untranslated
  • Contact color picker displays terms in English
  • On the gear tab, when you select a gear item, Category is still untranslated
  • Is it normal that matric programs like Catalogue have a capacity?
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post Nov 5 2011, 01:12 AM
Post #2930

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Nov 3 2011, 05:10 PM) *
Things that affect Armor, Accel, Speed, Body, and Handling do. What Mods affect a Vehicle's Sensor Rating?

I found the following related Sensor rating in SR4A pg 334:

The Sensor package rating should be used for most situations and is equal to the average rating of all the sensors in a package (rounded up). Sensors that do not possess ratings are treated as if they had a rating equal to the package’s rating for this purpose only.

So the vehicle or drone sensor rating should be updated to the average of the sensors placed in it's sensor package.
I'm not sure if ratings for sub-items, like the vision/auditory enhancements should be included or not. I'm more towards the not as few have ratings, and those that do give a bonus to rolls based on that sense.
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post Nov 5 2011, 01:17 AM
Post #2931

Moving Target

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Not sure why, but it seems that just opening a character triggers the, "Character changed" code because it not always wants to save the character right after I open one.
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post Nov 5 2011, 01:21 AM
Post #2932

Moving Target

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QUOTE (deurk @ Nov 4 2011, 09:02 PM) *
  • Changing name does not trigger the save dialog
  • FIRE button options are untranslated
  • When an accessory has weapon cost, Cost displays 'Weapon Cost' untranslated
  • Contact color picker displays terms in English
  • On the gear tab, when you select a gear item, Category is still untranslated
  • Is it normal that matric programs like Catalogue have a capacity?

What matrix program is Catalogue?
According to UW pg 114, Common Use, Hacking, Autosofts and Simsence programs have a capacity equal to it's rating divided by 2 for the purposes of putting program options in them.
I don't recognize Catalogue so not sure which category it's in.
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post Nov 5 2011, 02:30 AM
Post #2933

Moving Target

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For drones that have the mechanical arm, or walker mode modifications could you please add something to them to show which is the left, or right.
Also it would be nice to have something that shows how many legs it's got. (Maybe put "Mechanical Leg" under Walker Mode for each leg)
This is especially important for the humanoid shaped ones and putting cyberware in them.
Also giving the mechanical arm, walker mode capacity for cyberlimb accessories would be good too.

Another idea would be to allow the ability to put Cyberarms/legs as the only thing you can attach to the Mechanical Arms and Walker Mode Mods.
Then allow standard Cyberware changes to them. This would allow for the ability to select left/right as well as obvious and Synthetic.

Currently Walker Mode doesn't let you add cyberlimb accessories to it. The description doesn't say it can have them, but it does seem reasonable that if
arms can have them, legs could too. I like the idea of having a handgun stored in one of the legs.

I also noted that AIs are capable of taking cyberware, bioware.
Causes the essence to go below zero. Tab should probably be hidden.
Free Spirits have access to that tab as well.

I know this was mentioned as being missing before, but this was just a thought.
The two post mortem cyber items, the hollowed out cyberlimb and cybertorso.
They should be added to gear, under "Post-Mortem Modifications" or something similar.
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post Nov 5 2011, 06:00 AM
Post #2934

Moving Target

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The Cyberarm Gyromount should have a rating of 3. At least that is what is in the description of it.

Also having a way to easily see book names as opposed to the code would be wonderful, or at least show the code next to the name in the options window.
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post Nov 5 2011, 06:55 AM
Post #2935

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Nov 2 2011, 09:38 AM) *
You cannot have items with a variable price without them being tide to a Rating, so I went with the lowest. If you need higher prices Sim or BTL Recordings then either custom items need to be added or additional amounts Nuyen need to be deducted in Career Mode.

one last post for the night.

In the same way that you look at the cost to see if it's "Rating*x" could you not also look for "VARIABLE" and have chummer put in an edit box where the cost label would normally be?
This would allow the player to put in an appropriate cost for it.

Also I was trying to create custom peripherals and was having some difficulties.
The peripherals such as the Sample Devices Table in SR4A pg 222 and the Sample Peripheral Nodes table on page 48 of Unwired.
I tried creating a category called "Peripherals" and put all the items in that category, but the items showed up as "Chummer.ListItem" in the list box in Chummer.
Half the time an error message will occur when I click on any of the items listed.
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post Nov 5 2011, 08:06 AM
Post #2936

Moving Target

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QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Nov 5 2011, 01:21 AM) *
What matrix program is Catalogue?
According to UW pg 114, Common Use, Hacking, Autosofts and Simsence programs have a capacity equal to it's rating divided by 2 for the purposes of putting program options in them.
I don't recognize Catalogue so not sure which category it's in.

Sorry, Catalogue is French for Browse, but it displays a capacity of 15 for rating 3, Analyze has capacity 0 for rating 3, Edition has capacity 1 for rating 2.
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post Nov 5 2011, 08:39 AM
Post #2937

Moving Target

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  • Damages codes are untranslated, P is ok in French for Physique, but S does not work for Etourdissant. Can we get a 'E' translation?
  • Metatype is not translated in the character sheets
  • To be consistent, could we translate attributes in the <attributes> tree like in <skills>?
  • I thought we could edit advanced lifestyles?
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post Nov 5 2011, 08:55 AM
Post #2938

Moving Target

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QUOTE (deurk @ Nov 5 2011, 04:06 AM) *
Sorry, Catalogue is French for Browse, but it displays a capacity of 15 for rating 3, Analyze has capacity 0 for rating 3, Edition has capacity 1 for rating 2.

That's definitely not right.
Unwired on page 114 says the following for capacity and program options:

Only Common Use (p. 226, SR4), Hacking (p. 226, SR4),
Autosoft (p. 240, SR4, and p. 112), and Simsense programs (including
BTLs and skillsofts) may be equipped with program options.
Each program can be maximally equipped with a number of
options equal to half its rating (round down). If a program does
not possess a rating (like BTLs), it can carry only 1 program option
unless the gamemaster decides otherwise. Note that Copy
Protection and Registration do not count towards this limit.

So a rating 1 program has a capacity of 0, rating 2 to 3 has 1, 4 to 5 has 2 and so on.
So having a capacity of 15 is way out of the park on what it should have.

What I'm getting from Chummer seems different that what you are getting.
The Capacity is mostly coming up correct, except that a rating 1 program is showing up as a capacity of 1.
Agents are also showing as having capacity when they shouldn't.

When you put a Matrix Program on a vehicle it's Capacity is not displayed. Same with Autosofts.
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post Nov 5 2011, 09:08 AM
Post #2939

Moving Target

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QUOTE (deurk @ Nov 5 2011, 09:39 AM) *
  • Damages codes are untranslated, P is ok in French for Physique, but S does not work for Etourdissant. Can we get a 'E' translation?

There's also the availibility : R is ok but F stands for forbidden in english, F should be P in french (for "prohibé", prohibited).
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post Nov 5 2011, 09:21 AM
Post #2940

Moving Target

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From Ogiko Anima (who tried and couldn't subscribe to Dumpshock) :

With a character created before the french version, all of these also displays in the character sheet :
* Displayed metatype : Dwarf (should translate to "Nain")
* Weapon range : S M L E (should translate to "C M L E")
* Weapon damage : Etourdissant displayed S instead of E

In the Game Master Summary FR :
* in the weapon part, the associated skill doesn't dusplay (in both fr/en versions)

Ogiko Anima suggests :
* Untranslated vehicle sheet (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
* Notes with contacts/ ennemy sheet
* Notes with lifestyles sheet
* Modifying an allready created lifestyle should be autorised by Chummer
* The character sheet should display which armor is equiped (because Chummer don't use all of the armor stats and it's difficuult to see from where boosts comes on a paper sheet)
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post Nov 5 2011, 09:22 AM
Post #2941

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Jazz @ Nov 5 2011, 09:21 AM) *
From Ogiko Anima (who tried and couldn't subscribe to Dumpshock) :

With a character created before the french version, all of these also displays in the character sheet :
* Displayed metatype : Dwarf (should translate to "Nain")
* Weapon range : S M L E (should translate to "C M L E")
* Weapon damage : Etourdissant displayed S instead of E

In the Game Master Summary FR :
* in the weapon part, the associated skill doesn't dusplay (in both fr/en versions)

Ogiko Anima suggests :
* Untranslated vehicle sheet (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
* Notes with contacts/ ennemy sheet
* Notes with lifestyles sheet
* Modifying an allready created lifestyle should be autorised by Chummer
* The character sheet should display which armor is equiped (because Chummer don't use all of the armor stats and it's difficuult to see from where boosts comes on a paper sheet)

All of his requests are already in my post (a few posts back) and the rest is just in the character sheets that I have to complete translation of.
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post Nov 5 2011, 09:37 AM
Post #2942

Moving Target

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Another thing, could we please have a separate sheets directory where Chummer would look directly for said language?
I'd like to be able to have all French sheets (and only those) displayed when printing something.

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post Nov 5 2011, 09:45 AM
Post #2943

Moving Target

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Skillsofts (Activesoft, Knowsoft, and Lingusoft), and Autosofts should all allow for Program Options. Right now they don't.
on page 108 of Unwired it states that
legal registered software is equipped with
both the Copy Protection and the Registration program options
(see p. 115). Note that all Common programs (Analyze, Browse,
Command, Edit, Encrypt, Purge, Reality Filter, and Scan), agents,
autosofts, skillsofts, and commercial operating systems acquired by
the basic software rules and prices (see pp. 225–228 and 320–322,
SR4) are considered legal software that include these options by

So all of these should come pre-equipped with these two program options.
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post Nov 5 2011, 12:56 PM
Post #2944

Moving Target

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Hi there!

First, I'd like to say that I'm a huge fan of Hummer. Since I started using it, I've not looked at anything else for SR4 char-gen.

Having said that, there were a few things I thought of that might be helpful. The big one was possibly having a seperate tab just for com links. Where we can set active/passive/hidden mode, selecting which programs are loaded, and possibly setting which gear is slaved to it. That might be a good setting for most gear to have. A "slaved to:" setting.

Other things I noticed is that there is no way to specifically set AI inherent programs, or a specific place for an AI's home node info.
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Minimax le Rouge
post Nov 5 2011, 01:58 PM
Post #2945


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EDIT : all armors and armors mods have a [0] capacity
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post Nov 5 2011, 02:24 PM
Post #2946

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Minimax le Rouge @ Nov 5 2011, 01:58 PM) *
EDIT : all armors and armors mods have a [0] capacity

That's the way it should be, except for armor suits.
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Minimax le Rouge
post Nov 5 2011, 03:21 PM
Post #2947


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i will be reading the thread backward to try to discover what happened to armors.

EDIT : that's weird, but you are right. Sorry for the disturbance ^^'
EDIT 2 : but the problem stay for militaty armors and theirs mods. they should'nt be [0] their values are given in AR182. Same problem with full body armor, Urban Explorer Jumpsuit and their helmets (AR44).
EDIT 3 : i tried to modifie a Lined coat, i can add all the armors mods in it, whitout a problem. Can you manage to have a rating points calculation for the "mundane" armors please ?
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post Nov 5 2011, 08:01 PM
Post #2948

Moving Target

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Time modification in journal entries is weird, I have 24 hours system clock and I cannot set anything under 12:00 (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
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post Nov 5 2011, 08:07 PM
Post #2949

Moving Target

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On the Vehicle Block character sheet it has System, Response, Firewall, and Signal, but they are all blank.
System isn't needed because that's your Pilot, unless it's supposed to represent a commlink that is on the
vehicle/drone. At which point there should be some place for the Response, Firewall and Signal that goes
with the Pilot.

What I find strange is there is a specific place for Autosofts, but they are still listed in Gear.
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post Nov 5 2011, 08:07 PM
Post #2950

Moving Target

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When buying ammunition, weapon type selection screen displays its content in English
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