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> Chummer Character Generator
post Jun 6 2011, 03:54 PM
Post #751

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jun 6 2011, 10:33 AM) *
Well the example that comes to mind off the top of my head is the Empathy software.
It's under Vision Enhancements, Sensors, and in the programs file, but then I think everything there is duplicated from the gear file.
I remember seeing one other instance of this, but I don't remember what it was.

And since I was just thinking of gear and software, is there a way to attach program options to the software they are being used in?
So it shows up as say: Attack (Area 5) 6

I'll add it to the list o' stuff. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

I apparently also lied about swapping Qualities not being in the in next update. Just finished putting it in. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Jun 6 2011, 05:59 PM
Post #752


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My adept character will not save into career mode. Says:

"This character is not valid and breaks the following rules: No Magic Tradition has been selected."

I have only chosen the adept quality 5BPs. I'm pretty sure an adept does not need a tradtion, as a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure that tradtions are optional even for mages and mystic adepts.
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post Jun 6 2011, 06:55 PM
Post #753

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Argent @ Jun 6 2011, 12:59 PM) *
My adept character will not save into career mode. Says:

"This character is not valid and breaks the following rules: No Magic Tradition has been selected."

I have only chosen the adept quality 5BPs. I'm pretty sure an adept does not need a tradtion, as a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure that tradtions are optional even for mages and mystic adepts.

Yeah, this is will be fixed in today's update. The problem was that I was checking to make sure a Tradition was selected if you had the MAG Attribute available instead of checking for the Magician tab being available (who knew there'd be differences between .MAGEnabled and .MagicianEnabled?! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) )
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post Jun 6 2011, 08:02 PM
Post #754

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Jun 6 2011, 11:54 AM) *
I'll add it to the list o' stuff. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

I apparently also lied about swapping Qualities not being in the in next update. Just finished putting it in. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

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post Jun 6 2011, 08:31 PM
Post #755


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Thank you for the Text mode, it's wonderful!

I would like to request a feature: Some way to output the Karma and Nuyen logs, either as part of the existing character sheets or as a separate 'character sheet', so I can keep them with my sheet. This would be handy for both me and my GM (Questions 'when did I last award Karma?' 'What have you been focusing spending on?' become quickly solved!)
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post Jun 6 2011, 09:39 PM
Post #756

Shooting Target

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It's here!

Build 106
  • added support for <fresspositivequalities /> to Improvement Manager which allows a number of BP in free Positive Qualities
  • added support for <fressnegativequalities /> to Improvement Manager which allows a number of BP in free Negative Qualities
  • replaced the Changeling BP Adjustment Qualities with <freepositivequalities /> and <freenegativequalities /> Improvements as needed
  • Enforce Skill Rating Maximum option now saves its value to the correct place instead of overwriting the value for the Skill Defaulting Includes Modifiers option
  • adding Gear to a Vehicle now gives you the Free! option
  • adding Nexi to a Vehicle now gives you the Free! option
  • item 10 in the File menu's most recently used list now uses 0 as its mnemonic and loads correctly
  • Condition Monitor penalties now affect Defaulted Active Skills when the option to include Modifiers in Defaulted Skills is diabled
  • Character is now responsible for calculating its own Initiatives/Initiative Passes, Condition Monitors, and Armor Encumbrance instead of the Create and Career windows doing it
  • Active and Knowledge Skills no longer show a negative number for the dice pool since they cannot go lower than 0
  • added a button to the Gear tab to reduce the selected piece of Gear's Quantity by 1
  • Adepts are no longer required to have a Magic Tradition selected when moving to Career Mode
  • character sheet now shows the correct number for Nuyen
  • dates can now be selected when creating Karma and Nuyen Rewards/Expenses
  • returned Improved Physical Attribute Adept Power back to its SR4A cost since the cost Powers in the Runner's Tool Kit are apparently wrong
  • re-wrote Qualities to be a class instead of a series of strings (see below)
  • added support for swapping Qualities in Career Mode
  • Minigrenades now add a Minigrenade Weapon instead of Grenade which have the correct Grenade Launcher ranges
  • added Skillsofts and Activesofts to Vehicles where appropriate
  • Gear in the Gear list can now be reorganised using drag and drop
Changes to Qualities
Qualities have undergone a complete re-write. Existing character will convert their Qualities over to the new format when they are loaded. It is recommended that you immediately save your character after opening it to keep these Quality changes. The code to convert these Qualities will be removed around June 20 (update notes will be posted to inform of the change). Qualities are now handled like other items in that they can be added/removed using the Add and Delete buttons and are listed in a single tree. The Select a Quality window by default lists only the Qualities that the character may take - a checkbox is provided to show all Qualities, regardless of qualification.

Outstanding Items
  • Gear Categories
  • Remove Old Quality Conversion Code
  • License Types
  • Look into Karma/Nuyen Expense Rollback
  • Karma/Nuyen Expense on Character Sheets
Updated NPC Saves
The updated NPC save files are also available from here.
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post Jun 6 2011, 09:53 PM
Post #757

Moving Target

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Long list of changes.

As an optional rule, would it be possible to have it so essence only affects the max for Magic and Resonance?
Basically only max is reduced unless current is the same as max then both get reduced. The cost to increase is always based on current + 1 and not total bought + 1.
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post Jun 7 2011, 01:02 AM
Post #758

Moving Target

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I put in a nexus with a Process Limit of 10, Response 6, System 6, Firewall 6 and the cost came out way too low.
It should have costed
Response: 6x10x100 = 6,000
System: 6x18x50 = 5,400
Firewall: 6x10x50 = 3,000
For a grand total of 14,400

Looks like the cost of Response is missing.

I also think the Persona Limit should be editable.

If you look at the pre-packaged nexi they all have persona limits greater than 3 times system.
Seems to me the 3 times system should be a minimum and have the max at 50.

Are the pre-packaged nexi in the gear? I don't see them anywhere.

Upgrades for a commlinks Response and Signal should both have a Do it yourself checkbox. This would cut the cost in half.
This can be found on page 227 in SR4A under the heading "Using Hardware".

Just tired the Custom Commlink.
Looks great, but... When I selected a Firewall of 6 it went to the regular upgrade thing and only gave me the option to put in a system of 1 or 2 when before it had been 1 to 10.

After deleting the Firewall of 6 it went back to 1 to 10. When I selected a System of 6 it did the same thing as above except that Firewall was allowing a range of 1 to 3.
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post Jun 7 2011, 02:22 AM
Post #759

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Jun 6 2011, 10:39 PM) *
It's here!

Build 106
  • added support for <fresspositivequalities /> to Improvement Manager which allows a number of BP in free Positive Qualities
  • added support for <fressnegativequalities /> to Improvement Manager which allows a number of BP in free Negative Qualities
  • replaced the Changeling BP Adjustment Qualities with <freepositivequalities /> and <freenegativequalities /> Improvements as needed
  • Enforce Skill Rating Maximum option now saves its value to the correct place instead of overwriting the value for the Skill Defaulting Includes Modifiers option
  • adding Gear to a Vehicle now gives you the Free! option
  • adding Nexi to a Vehicle now gives you the Free! option
  • item 10 in the File menu's most recently used list now uses 0 as its mnemonic and loads correctly
  • Condition Monitor penalties now affect Defaulted Active Skills when the option to include Modifiers in Defaulted Skills is diabled
  • Character is now responsible for calculating its own Initiatives/Initiative Passes, Condition Monitors, and Armor Encumbrance instead of the Create and Career windows doing it
  • Active and Knowledge Skills no longer show a negative number for the dice pool since they cannot go lower than 0
  • added a button to the Gear tab to reduce the selected piece of Gear's Quantity by 1
  • Adepts are no longer required to have a Magic Tradition selected when moving to Career Mode
  • character sheet now shows the correct number for Nuyen
  • dates can now be selected when creating Karma and Nuyen Rewards/Expenses
  • returned Improved Physical Attribute Adept Power back to its SR4A cost since the cost Powers in the Runner's Tool Kit are apparently wrong
  • re-wrote Qualities to be a class instead of a series of strings (see below)
  • added support for swapping Qualities in Career Mode
  • Minigrenades now add a Minigrenade Weapon instead of Grenade which have the correct Grenade Launcher ranges
  • added Skillsofts and Activesofts to Vehicles where appropriate
  • Gear in the Gear list can now be reorganised using drag and drop
Changes to Qualities
Qualities have undergone a complete re-write. Existing character will convert their Qualities over to the new format when they are loaded. It is recommended that you immediately save your character after opening it to keep these Quality changes. The code to convert these Qualities will be removed around June 20 (update notes will be posted to inform of the change). Qualities are now handled like other items in that they can be added/removed using the Add and Delete buttons and are listed in a single tree. The Select a Quality window by default lists only the Qualities that the character may take - a checkbox is provided to show all Qualities, regardless of qualification.

Outstanding Items
  • Gear Categories
  • Remove Old Quality Conversion Code
  • License Types
  • Look into Karma/Nuyen Expense Rollback
  • Karma/Nuyen Expense on Character Sheets
Updated NPC Saves
The updated NPC save files are also available from here.

Awesome! Chummer's looking better and better all the time.
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post Jun 7 2011, 02:34 AM
Post #760

Shooting Target

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The pre-packaged Nexi aren't anywhere right now. I saw that table a number of times and for some reason I kept thinking they were Drones and that I had already entered the Drones from the earlier books. I'll look at adding those while I'm working on the fixing up the Nexi price calculations.
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post Jun 7 2011, 02:45 AM
Post #761

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Jun 6 2011, 09:34 PM) *
The pre-packaged Nexi aren't anywhere right now. I saw that table a number of times and for some reason I kept thinking they were Drones and that I had already entered the Drones from the earlier books. I'll look at adding those while I'm working on the fixing up the Nexi price calculations.

hmm, a drone loaded with a nexi....
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post Jun 7 2011, 02:51 AM
Post #762

Neophyte Runner

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Hopefully in the near future we can see Groups/Meshes and Ordeals/Tasks available to the Initiation/Submersion grades.
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post Jun 7 2011, 03:30 AM
Post #763

Moving Target

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QUOTE (SpellBinder @ Jun 6 2011, 09:51 PM) *
Hopefully in the near future we can see Groups/Meshes and Ordeals/Tasks available to the Initiation/Submersion grades.

They are there, at least I saw them there for submersion once in career mode.
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post Jun 7 2011, 03:38 AM
Post #764

Neophyte Runner

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Haven't messed around that much with career mode (and I see them there), but in karma build mode the options aren't present.

Added: Oh, Certified Credsticks don't have a rating and are a flat 25 (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nuyen.gif) a pop regardless of their type (Standard, Silver, Gold, Platinum, or Ebony).
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post Jun 7 2011, 04:06 AM
Post #765

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (SpellBinder @ Jun 6 2011, 10:38 PM) *
Haven't messed around that much with career mode (and I see them there), but in karma build mode the options aren't present.

Added: Oh, Certified Credsticks don't have a rating and are a flat 25 (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nuyen.gif) a pop regardless of their type (Standard, Silver, Gold, Platinum, or Ebony).

Which options are missing?

Credsticks are a little weird. The Rating is intended to represent how much Nuyen is loaded on to them. So a "Rating 1000" Credstick holds 1,000:nuyen: and costs 1,025:nuyen: (1,000 for the loaded amount, 25 for the Credstick itself). This was about the only way I could think of representing it while keeping it within the limitations of being Gear.
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post Jun 7 2011, 04:12 AM
Post #766

Neophyte Runner

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The options to add a Group/Mesh and/or Ordeal/Task to your Initiation/Submersion grades during karma-gen of a character.

And regarding the credsticks, I can see the idea intent in using the rating as a measure of how much is on them (just not something I ever accounted for in tracking the funds of my Shadowrun characters; it all got pooled into a single lump sum). Just might want to be able to actually let a credstick have a rating of zero to represent no funds on the stick. Could also break up the credsticks into their five types with their corresponding limits (SR4a, page 267 has them outlined).
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post Jun 7 2011, 04:24 AM
Post #767


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When looking to check the Nuyen fix, I discovered the Text Only sheet doesn't have Nuyen on, nor does the GM's Summary. Not sure if it's needed for the latter but it'd be handy for the former.

Changing information on the Character Info section doesn't trigger the 'character changed' flag.
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post Jun 7 2011, 04:51 AM
Post #768

Neophyte Runner

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Found a glitch with the Metagenetic Improvement quality, in that it not only added to the minimum and maximum attribute values, but also augmented the attribute as well. For example, a character with Logic 4 and Metagenetic Improvement (Logic) would have an augmented Logic of 5. Taking the <val> tag out of the quality seems to fix this so the quality works like it's supposed to.

Added: Almost missed this as I usually tag the "Ignore Character Creation Rules" box, but the Changeling qualities really mess things up. For instance, taking the Class III SURGE and Metagenetic Improvement qualities maxes out your allowance for qualities in Chummer when it shouldn't. Maybe if there was a way to flag qualities as being taken as a SURGE quality, with a separate points count for them that doesn't count against your Qualities limit until exceeded (like taking 15 BP of SURGE qualities for a Class I SURGE means 5 BP is spent against your Qualities limit) could be implemented.
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post Jun 7 2011, 07:09 AM
Post #769


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QUOTE (SpellBinder @ Jun 6 2011, 08:51 PM) *
Found a glitch with the Metagenetic Improvement quality, in that it not only added to the minimum and maximum attribute values, but also augmented the attribute as well. For example, a character with Logic 4 and Metagenetic Improvement (Logic) would have an augmented Logic of 5. Taking the <val> tag out of the quality seems to fix this so the quality works like it's supposed to.

If this is during character creation wouldn't this be working as intended? I mean the min and max bump from the quality would be applied and then any BP or KP put into the attribute would boost the attribute score up from the new minimum. If this is obtained in career mode, then I'd have to double check the wording of the quality before I formed an opinion. Anyway, my understanding is that you start with the minimum score which is raised by the quality and then buy up from there for attributes.

To use your example, a character with a logic of 4 would have for free a starting logic of 1 and then the necessary BP cost to buy 3 more points to get it to 4. {1 free + 3 from BP}

While a character that took Metagenetic Improvement (Logic) during character creation would have for free Logic of 2 (1 for free plus the bump from Metagenetic Improvement) + the necessary BP or KP to bump it 3 more points taking the total to 5. {2 free + 3 from BP}
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post Jun 7 2011, 07:35 AM
Post #770


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Just an FYI, those metatypes like the Troll, Fomori, and Minotaur that didn't have their racial qualities show up on the character sheet, don't get them back when you open them and have the qualities converted. The characters are being treated as if they never had their racial qualities at all. Other qualities chosen by the player seem to be converted just fine. So, for any save file prior to this update that didn't have some or all racial qualities show up on the character sheet, your going to have to go ahead and rebuild the character.
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post Jun 7 2011, 07:40 AM
Post #771

Neophyte Runner

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But it is not working as intended. As a check I started with a Human base and chose a Changeling quality then Metagenetic Improvement (Logic) and went straight to the character sheet. The defaultable Logic skills showed up with a Pool of 2 and an Attribute of 3. In Chummer, no points had been spent on Logic had it was set to 2 (because of the increase of the minimum) and just to the right was a (3) in the Aug column.

In RC, the quality says nothing about the attribute increasing during gameplay (as opposed to the Impaired Attribute, which states will reduce the chosen attribute if said attribute is at its maximum), so the attribute affected by Metagenetic Improvement would not change unless it was at the racial minimum.
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post Jun 7 2011, 07:41 AM
Post #772


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And Guess what...

Starting to re-enter the Minotaur Bounty Hunter one of my players is playing and went to add his non-racial qualities and I get an error message that I can't have more then 35 BP in Qualities... I don't think it mentioned "Positive Qualities" in the error message though. So, Racial Qualities are counting against the BP Max for Qualities and they shouldn't.

Since it looks like the save file is also an XML file, maybe adding a <racial></racial> tag into qualities that can be set yes or no when you select your race and the qualities are added to the character would fix this. If its set to "yes", "y" or maybe "1" it shouldn't count against the starting BP that can be spent on qualities during character creation. On the other hand if its left blank or set to "no", "n" or "0" it would count. what ever designator is easiest to understand ore implement would work I guess.
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post Jun 7 2011, 07:58 AM
Post #773

Neophyte Runner

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Certainly looks like that. Did a little quick test with a Minotaur myself. Noticed the pre-selected qualities totaled 30 BP in positive qualities. Could choose a 5 BP positive quality, but the next 5 BP positive quality popped up a message (for the record, the qualities chosen, in order, were Adept & Ambidextrous).

Also, the build point summary on the right said 5 BP at this point. In the least, if the 35 BP (or 70 karma) limits on positive/negative qualities can be taken from that value instead can help clear up this part of the qualities issue. And it might work on the Changeling issue I mentioned above, though I think the SURGE qualities should be tracked separately as the negative SURGE qualities cannot be bought off during game play (reference RC, page 110; note there's a list of SURGE negative qualities that can be taken without being a changeling).
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post Jun 7 2011, 10:49 AM
Post #774

Moving Target

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I didnt know there was a new chargen!

I will try this one out ASAP!

Thanks so much! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/rotfl.gif)


I´ve never seen any editor that did include so much(and even the new stuff (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) ) material!

A question though(i hope it wasnt already asked before):
Will you include group-connections/enemies in future updates?

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post Jun 7 2011, 01:02 PM
Post #775


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Starting nuyen problem:

SR4A pg 88. If you have nuyen left over from resources, you may add +1 to the dice roll for ever 100 nuyen left over, up to max of 3 times the number of dice rolled.

I only have 19 nuyen remaining at the end of character creation so I should receive a +0 to the dice roll, I always get +9 to the dice roll. I only purchased one month of low lifestyle. Have not tried this with any other lifestyles.
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