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> Chummer Character Generator
post Jun 17 2011, 12:12 PM
Post #901

Moving Target

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Just noticed something else:

It would be awesome, if you could implement options in the chummer which allow us users to implement new stuff(weapons,modifications,ware ec.) without having to alter your xml´s(my last modification got overridden by an update).
There was a chargen that could do that, but that was the only option i remember it had that yours is (as of now) missing. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

Enjoy your weekend! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/cyber.gif)
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post Jun 17 2011, 12:19 PM
Post #902

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Jun 17 2011, 02:57 AM) *
Surge Class II at least seems to be a point sink. I made a legal Cahracter, saved it, but when I looad it, I get the message, that I may not spend more than 35 BP on Qualities.
Martial Arts are also gone, weird.

Where are the Sim Modules? Found them. They are only avalable as Commlink Plugins.

Why do Trodes and Sim Modules have ratings?

I'll look into the SURGE and Martial Arts thing.

For some screwy reason I gave everything on SR4A 328 filled in the Rating of the Gear with its Device Rating. No idea what I was thinking, but it has been there for a long time. Next update will remove those.
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Dakka Dakka
post Jun 17 2011, 12:56 PM
Post #903

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I'm still not quite sure how to use spare clips and ammo. Spare clips are available as Weapon Accessories and as Gear. Ammunition however is only available as gear and can only be purchased in multiples of 10. This is RAW, it does not help with assigning bullets to magazines (as the clips should have been called). Magazines can not be assigned a capacity or a weapon.

Another thing, the ammo capacity of (custom) underbarrel weapons is not halved.

The off-the-rack options for the Ruger Thunderbolt are not available. Internal Smartlink for ¥400, Laser Sight for ¥100. Arsenal p. 24.

The MBW should raise the Dodge Skill, not provide a pool bonus.

Though I find lots of bugs in your program, I really appreciate what you are doing. Keep up the good work.
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post Jun 17 2011, 08:49 PM
Post #904

Moving Target

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I put Improved Sensor Array on a drone and it doesn't increase the drones sensor capacity.
How do you upgrade the drones sensor package? I can't find it on the pop menu any more.
I'm thinking the menu item was removed after all the vehicles and drones got the sensor packages were all put in as part of the vehicle or drone.

I think you added the ability to add sub-items to gear.
In this sense the vision and audio sensors on vehicles and drones, such as microphones and trideo cameras, should be able to have additional sensors added to them.
The Audio and visual enhancements are both costing sensor package slots. They should be costing slots to the microphone or camera they are put in.

Edit: I just found the drone sensor arrays, based on size, they are under sensors, for the sensor packages. But are useless at that location.

I was thinking, would it be possible to change the sensor package size to an attribute of the vehicle? Then you can have the Improved Sensor Array increase the attribute.
Make it so each vehicle or drone has a child on the tree called Sensors with a capacity based on the attribute.

Page 105 of Arsenal states vehicles have a standard sensor package that includes,
• Atmosphere Sensor (taking up 1 Capacity)
• 2 Cameras (front and back, taking up 2 Capacity)
• 2 Laser Range Finders (front and back, taking up 2 Capacity)
• 2 Motion Sensors (front and back, taking up 2 Capacity)
• Radar (taking up 5 Capacity)
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post Jun 17 2011, 08:53 PM
Post #905

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jun 17 2011, 02:49 PM) *
I put Improved Sensor Array on a drone and it doesn't increase the drones sensor capacity.
How do you upgrade the drones sensor package? I can't find it on the pop menu any more.
I'm thinking the menu item was removed after all the vehicles and drones got the sensor packages were all put in as part of the vehicle or drone.

Sensors are Gear, so they're just part of the Add Gear menu item now. The Improved Sensor Array thing is done manually, so after you add that Mod, pop out the current Sensor, then select Add Gear from the drop-down menu and put the larger size in.
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post Jun 17 2011, 09:09 PM
Post #906

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Jun 17 2011, 06:56 AM) *
I'm still not quite sure how to use spare clips and ammo. Spare clips are available as Weapon Accessories and as Gear. Ammunition however is only available as gear and can only be purchased in multiples of 10. This is RAW, it does not help with assigning bullets to magazines (as the clips should have been called). Magazines can not be assigned a capacity or a weapon.

To be honest, I'm not entirely sure either. The problem is that clips are listed as Weapon Accessories in the rules which means they need to be associated with a particular gun, but it doesn't really make sense to slap a bunch of them into the Weapon's Accessory listing and print out, so I put 'em in Gear (in addition to leaving them in Weapon Accessories since that's where they are in the book and I figured that would be where people expect to find them, but this could also cause confusion). I'm thinking they should come out of Weapon Accessories altogether. My intention was to just have Clips/Magazines be more of a placeholder item to say I've got X of these on me, so I can swap ammo as needed since you won't likely be refilling them in the middle of a gunfight.

Since all of the prices in SR4A list Ammo as Cost X per 10, that was the method I went with. You can actually buy any number of bullets you'd like. The up/down arrows for the spinner box are told to increment by 10 since that's the purchase quantity in the book, but it will let you type in any number you want in the actual box and calculate the price properly.

QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Jun 17 2011, 06:56 AM) *
Though I find lots of bugs in your program, I really appreciate what you are doing. Keep up the good work.

Thanks! With 53,000+ lines of code (and 94,000+ lines of data), it gets hard to spot bugs on my own. Doesn't help that developers are the worst people to test their own stuff since they subconsciously avoid certain ways of doing things. I'm still surprised how far this thing has come in 11 weeks! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Jun 17 2011, 09:17 PM
Post #907

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Nebular @ Jun 17 2011, 03:53 PM) *
Sensors are Gear, so they're just part of the Add Gear menu item now. The Improved Sensor Array thing is done manually, so after you add that Mod, pop out the current Sensor, then select Add Gear from the drop-down menu and put the larger size in.

Ah, thanks.
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post Jun 17 2011, 10:34 PM
Post #908

Moving Target

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Put clips in gear, and when added to the character have them select the firearm it's for.
Then you could also assign ammo do it. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
I would also allow to assign a clip to a firearm, and put a note on the clip that shows which firearm it's assigned to.
Ares Predator Clip (in use in My Ares Predator #1) or something like that.
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post Jun 18 2011, 12:51 AM
Post #909


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Nebula you are a genius.

One thing I'd LOVE to see in Chummer though is the optional rule to buy power points as Initiation bonus instead of metamagic techniques. I'd not expect it to handle the case of additional metatechniques by karma (where this rule wouldn't apply) only the possibility to add power points by initiation (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Jun 18 2011, 12:55 AM
Post #910


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Awesome Program Many Thanks. But I have a question I have been making characters and I was messing around with Metagenetic Improvement (Attribute) Quality and it allows me to use this on Magic/Edge
Now I don't know if that was just an oversight or Intentional but I was under the impression that Magic/Edge where Attributes but not Mental or Physical they where stand alone and in the Quality's description it states.

A character with Metagenetic Improvement possesses a
genetic expression that enhances the genes connected to the development
of a certain Mental or Physical attribute

Anyhow This Program Rocks I love it thanks! I have been pumping out Characters left and right!
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post Jun 18 2011, 06:06 AM
Post #911

Moving Target

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AIs have inherent programs, that have a starting rating that is based off of one of the mental stats.
There is a maximum number of starting inherent programs equal to the AI's Rating.
Page 89 of RC lists which programs are associated with which stats.
The Rating of Inherent Programs cannot be increased during character creation.

The inherent programs also come with the program options Ergonomics and Optimization. The inherent programs can't have any other options.
There is no mention of what the rating is for the Optimization program option. I'm thinking it should equal the System Rating.

The cost for improving an inherent program is a number of karma equal to the new rating.
The maximum rating for a program is equal to double the system rating.
There is no mention of buying new inherent programs (which I find strange). If it's possible I would think the first point costs 2 karma.
I would think it would be possible to get new inherent programs otherwise no one would make an AI that started with less than a 6 Rating.
With a limit for the number of Inherent Programs equalling the Rating of the AI.

I'm thinking this all needs to go on an Inherent Programs tab.

I sent an email off the Catalyst asking about if you can buy new Inherent Programs or not, and what the rating Optimization starts at.
I'll post here what their response is.
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post Jun 18 2011, 06:19 AM
Post #912

Moving Target

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The Skills based off of Resonance should be disabled if the person does not have the Resonance attribute.
The same is true for many of the Magic based skills.

Would like to see something that would allow for changing the sorting for the skills.
Alphabetical, by Attribute and by Skill Group would be good.
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post Jun 18 2011, 07:15 AM
Post #913

Moving Target

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The Microphone and Trideo Camera Sensors are taking up their rating in sensor slots.
They should be just 1.
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post Jun 18 2011, 07:49 AM
Post #914

Neophyte Runner

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The... "Program Options" selected for a Technomancer's complex forms aren't costing any BP/Karma.

Also noticed that during character creation that if you go back and increase a TM's Resonance attribute that the complex forms already chosen cannot be improved to the new limit (tested in BP mode only, starting at Resonance 1, adding any complex form, then increasing Resonance). This might not be present if a character file is saved and re-loaded, though I honestly don't know.
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post Jun 18 2011, 11:28 AM
Post #915

Moving Target

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I think u missed to read my last post again!
*feels invisible*

QUOTE (McDougle @ Jun 17 2011, 02:12 PM) *
It would be awesome, if you could implement options in the chummer which allow us users to implement new stuff(weapons,modifications,ware ec.) without having to alter your xml´s(my last modification got overridden by an update).
There was a chargen that could do that, but that was the only option i remember it had that yours is (as of now) missing. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

To cut it short-> please give us a way to add in items/powers/electrokittens INSIDE chummer! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/cool.gif)

War-NSCs would be great, too! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Jun 18 2011, 02:57 PM
Post #916

Moving Target

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QUOTE (McDougle @ Jun 18 2011, 06:28 AM) *
I think u missed to read my last post again!
*feels invisible*

To cut it short-> please give us a way to add in items/powers/electrokittens INSIDE chummer! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/cool.gif)

War-NSCs would be great, too! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

You can create your own custom data. Copy the data file you need and name it with custom_ at the beginning of it. make sure that _gear.xml or _armor.xml is the end of the name.
Delete all the data out of it and place in your custom data in the appropriate places.
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post Jun 18 2011, 05:00 PM
Post #917

Neophyte Runner

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Oh, McDougle, you don't need any special program to create/edit an XML file. XML files are nothing more than TXT files with a different extension, so something like Notepad is all you need.
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post Jun 18 2011, 05:33 PM
Post #918

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (McDougle @ Jun 18 2011, 06:28 AM) *
I think u missed to read my last post again!
*feels invisible*

To cut it short-> please give us a way to add in items/powers/electrokittens INSIDE chummer! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/cool.gif)

War-NSCs would be great, too! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

Sorry, I wasn't actually ignoring it, I was thinking about if this would really be needed, how much work this would actually be, and if it would actually be worth it. In short, there is far too much work that would need to go into this to justify doing this. There are 25 data files, most of which have their own format, meaning I would need about 20 different editors, and the schema changes from them from time-to-time. One of the main reasons I chose to use XML was so I could avoid this altogether. If someone wants to enter custom data, all they need to do is use something like Notepad to edit text files and use the existing content as a template. I also have information on all of the data files on the Chummer Wiki that describe their contents.

The additional changes to Contacts haven't been made yet because there are a number of things that are a higher priority, such as incorrect/missing BP/Karma costs, save/load issues, Attribute problems, and the like. It's not that people's suggestions aren't being worked on; I'm just one guy with so much time and need to put a higher importance on core issues over optional/house rules. If it's something quick to sneak in, I try to, but not everything is as simple as it would some times seem (as much as I like it to be). (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Jun 18 2011, 05:34 PM
Post #919

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (cbass187 @ Jun 17 2011, 07:55 PM) *
Awesome Program Many Thanks. But I have a question I have been making characters and I was messing around with Metagenetic Improvement (Attribute) Quality and it allows me to use this on Magic/Edge
Now I don't know if that was just an oversight or Intentional but I was under the impression that Magic/Edge where Attributes but not Mental or Physical they where stand alone and in the Quality's description it states.

A character with Metagenetic Improvement possesses a
genetic expression that enhances the genes connected to the development
of a certain Mental or Physical attribute

Anyhow This Program Rocks I love it thanks! I have been pumping out Characters left and right!

You're right, it should be allowing special Attributes. I'll have this corrected for the next update.
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post Jun 18 2011, 06:24 PM
Post #920

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (SpellBinder @ Jun 18 2011, 01:49 AM) *
Also noticed that during character creation that if you go back and increase a TM's Resonance attribute that the complex forms already chosen cannot be improved to the new limit (tested in BP mode only, starting at Resonance 1, adding any complex form, then increasing Resonance). This might not be present if a character file is saved and re-loaded, though I honestly don't know.

It looks like increasing RES does increase the limit on the Complex Form from what I can see. I know some of of the Complex Forms like Simrig and Smartlink only allow up to Rating 1, so that could make it appear as though the limit is never being raised when in fact it shouldn't. Which Complex Forms are you seeing this issue with?

Edit: It looks like this happens when you have a Complex Form selected, change your RES, then try to improve the selected Complex Form. The field still things the maximum is your old RES value because a different Complex Form hasn't been selected yet. The work around for this right now is to just select a different Complex Form, then go back to the one you want to modify. This will be corrected in the next update.
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post Jun 18 2011, 07:30 PM
Post #921

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Jun 17 2011, 07:56 AM) *
The MBW should raise the Dodge Skill, not provide a pool bonus.

This is how it is working in the current build (118). It is being applied as a Rating Modifier instead of a Dice Pool Modifier. The tooltip should show it as Rating Modifier (2) or Rating Modifier (X of 2) depending on the Dodge Skill's Rating.
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post Jun 18 2011, 07:33 PM
Post #922

Shooting Target

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QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Jun 17 2011, 02:57 AM) *
Surge Class II at least seems to be a point sink. I made a legal Cahracter, saved it, but when I looad it, I get the message, that I may not spend more than 35 BP on Qualities.
Martial Arts are also gone, weird.

I have the SURGE bit fixed up. It was loading the free BP Improvements that come with the Quality properly. I can't seem to reproduce the Martial Arts issue though, and it shouldn't matter if it's a character with the older or new Quality format since they're completely separate.
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Burrito Al Pasto...
post Jun 18 2011, 09:07 PM
Post #923


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The Uneducated quality is preventing the purchase of any technical skills but allows the purchase of technical skill groups. This is doubly wrong; it should prevent the purchase of technical skill groups, and permit the purchase of technical skills at double cost. (This is an actually-making-me-not-able-to-make-my-character issue.)

Codeblock and Codeslinger should ask for a specific action they're taken with, but they currently don't. There may be others like this.

The Natarki human metavariant should have Shiva Arms twice (for a total of three pair). Characters with Shiva Arms should be able to take Ambidexterity multiple times. Ranks, perhaps, with a maximum number of ranks of Ambidexterity equal to one plus twice the rank of Shiva Arms?

Everybody now has a Resonance and Magic of 1, greyed out? That's weird and unintuitive. (Fortunately it doesn't show up on the standard sheet.)

There's also some standing issues with optional weapon mods not being available, but that's not significant if there'll be new functionality for that in the near future to have weapon-specific options purchasable from the right-click menu like stock mods.

Also, I suspect that you can get some highly illegal results with PACKS, but I don't think that's a huge concern right now.
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post Jun 18 2011, 11:17 PM
Post #924

Moving Target

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Could the Book and Page number be changed so that instead of displaying the Book Code it displays the book name?
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post Jun 18 2011, 11:23 PM
Post #925

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Burrito Al Pastor @ Jun 18 2011, 05:07 PM) *
The Uneducated quality is preventing the purchase of any technical skills but allows the purchase of technical skill groups. This is doubly wrong; it should prevent the purchase of technical skill groups, and permit the purchase of technical skills at double cost. (This is an actually-making-me-not-able-to-make-my-character issue.)

Codeblock and Codeslinger should ask for a specific action they're taken with, but they currently don't. There may be others like this.

The Natarki human metavariant should have Shiva Arms twice (for a total of three pair). Characters with Shiva Arms should be able to take Ambidexterity multiple times. Ranks, perhaps, with a maximum number of ranks of Ambidexterity equal to one plus twice the rank of Shiva Arms?

Everybody now has a Resonance and Magic of 1, greyed out? That's weird and unintuitive. (Fortunately it doesn't show up on the standard sheet.)

There's also some standing issues with optional weapon mods not being available, but that's not significant if there'll be new functionality for that in the near future to have weapon-specific options purchasable from the right-click menu like stock mods.

Also, I suspect that you can get some highly illegal results with PACKS, but I don't think that's a huge concern right now.

Under Abilities the Nartaki only have listed one "Shiva Arms" also says in the description "(for a total of four arms)".
The over all wording for the Nartaki is bad, as I can see how it could be taken for them to have a total of six arms.
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