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> Industrial magic., Or, what spells would you consider useful to a mechanic?
post Jul 13 2011, 10:50 PM
Post #1

Running Target

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Branching off from another topic, so as to not derail that thread completely, there came a mention of using certain spells, in particular Shape (metal) for industrial purposes. Other then this spell, and the obvious Analyze Device, and Fix spells, what does everyone think would make good spells for the mechanically inclined character?

A couple designed spells I have considered are below

Heat Metal (Environmental)
Type: P • Range: LOS • Duration: S • DV: (F÷2)-3
Temper (Environmental)
Type: P • Range: Touch • Duration: S • DV: (F÷2)-5
These spells are variations of the Alter Temperature spell, which can only increase the temperature of metal objects. They are often used as low risk ways to make metal more maleable for the purposes of re-shaping.
Heat metal is single target. Temper requires the caster to touch the object he wishes to heat.

Water Saw (Environmental)
Type: P • Range: LOS • Duration: S • DV: (F÷2) +4
This spell is used to forcefully, and continuously slice objects with hard water, similar to a water saw. In order to use this spell, an amount of hard water must be available and within sight of the caster. When used against an object, this spell uses the effects of Water and Metal, adding it's force to the damage down to determine knockdown, and shredding loose portions. To make a directed cut, the caster must roll a suitable technical skill, with the net hits of the spell counting as a modifier to the test, up to the skill rating of the caster. If used for the purpose of attacking, this spell can only be directed once per pass, and has a damage code of (F)P+2, and AP half +5. The attack is made using only the net hits of the spell when it was cast.
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post Jul 13 2011, 10:58 PM
Post #2

Moving Target

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QUOTE (HunterHerne @ Jul 13 2011, 05:50 PM) *
Heat Metal (Environmental)
Type: P • Range: LOS • Duration: S • DV: (F÷2)-3
Temper (Environmental)
Type: P • Range: Touch • Duration: S • DV: (F÷2)-5
These spells are variations of the Alter Temperature spell, which can only increase the temperature of metal objects. They are often used as low risk ways to make metal more maleable for the purposes of re-shaping.
Heat metal is single target. Temper requires the caster to touch the object he wishes to heat.

I think Temper and Heat Metal would both work better as variants of Ignite. Seems to be more towards focused intense heat.
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post Jul 13 2011, 11:01 PM
Post #3

Running Target

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QUOTE (Rubic @ Jul 13 2011, 07:58 PM) *
I think Temper and Heat Metal would both work better as variants of Ignite. Seems to be more towards focused intense heat.

You might be right. After all, the heating wouldn't be actually permanent, at least not anymore then the fire Ignite causes wouldn't die out, and it could probably be sustained for as long as it is needed to be that hot.
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post Jul 13 2011, 11:45 PM
Post #4

Moving Target

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Levitate, Magic Fingers, and perhaps a Tradition with a Spirit of Man is what my Mechamage used. Had a toolbox of Fetishes thanks to all the Drain involved, and a bound Spirit of Fire to provide the heating.

Also, Elemental Wall (Light) was fun as a cutting tool. And don't forget Clean Metal, it removes impurities in the element.

A spell that removes air, from forming air bubbles, or specialized micro-shape spells would also be cool.
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post Jul 14 2011, 03:36 AM
Post #5

Running Target

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Fluffwise Fix is the spell to go, Crunchwise not so much.
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post Jul 14 2011, 11:21 AM
Post #6

Moving Target

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Recharge from WAR! might also be useful.
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post Jul 14 2011, 11:22 AM
Post #7

jacked in

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Clairvoyance... checking inside those engines, without having to take them apart... very useful. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Of course, you will need to figure out some way to actually see in there. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

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Tymeaus Jalynsfe...
post Jul 14 2011, 01:46 PM
Post #8

Prime Runner Ascendant

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QUOTE (Thanee @ Jul 14 2011, 04:22 AM) *
Clairvoyance... checking inside those engines, without having to take them apart... very useful. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Of course, you will need to figure out some way to actually see in there. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)


Analyze Device shouid work well for that one, I would think... Or a Sepcialized Diagnostics type spell. Should not be all that hard to get something like that.
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post Jul 14 2011, 03:59 PM
Post #9

Moving Target

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Isn't there a spell called Catalog? It gives you an itemized listing of the given objects in range, if I remember right. I could see a tinkered version to focus on a given object with multiple parts. It could help when it comes to making sure you got all the bolts and bits back in, but could lead to hilarity when you get some reading indicating 40 BTL chips, 20 round APDS, chain of elf ears...
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post Jul 14 2011, 04:01 PM
Post #10

The ShadowComedian

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Shape Element Spell with the element in question being your preferred working material.
For example: Shape(Metal)
Has combat applications too.
What is the gun made of?
I shape the barrel shut.
What is the tank made of?
i shape it into swiss cheese.
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post Jul 14 2011, 06:00 PM
Post #11

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Marwynn @ Jul 13 2011, 07:45 PM) *
Also, Elemental Wall (Light) was fun as a cutting tool. And don't forget Clean Metal, it removes impurities in the element.

Pure iron or steel would not be ideal; steel itself is an alloy, and the pure form of that alloy would likely be as brittle as glass. The trick is to keep the DESIRED impurities.

However, I will grant you that cleansing it would be good for preparing the metal for mixing prior to forging
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Jul 14 2011, 12:01 PM) *
Shape Element Spell with the element in question being your preferred working material.
For example: Shape(Metal)
Has combat applications too.
What is the gun made of?
I shape the barrel shut.
What is the tank made of?
i shape it into swiss cheese.

Shape Element is not likely powerful enough to shape a tank into swiss cheese so quickly. It works slowly. However, if you can bypass the object resistance, it could seal that gun shut. However, I dare you to get close enough to touch it, and to make your complex action to cast before the guy holding the gun makes a simple action to pull the trigger. Possible if you're in astral form and they don't have any awakened assistance.

Now, creating a "Melt [element]" spell that merely causes the element to distort and melt might be viable for combat, at reduced potency, but it would not well serve industrial uses compared to "shape".
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post Jul 14 2011, 06:06 PM
Post #12

The ShadowComedian

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Is shape element a touch range spell? O.o
I thought it was LOS? o.O
Industrial Magic: INDUCTION!
creates REALLY strong REALLY localized magnetic fields that change polarization REALLY fast.
NOW you are cooking with magic!
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post Jul 14 2011, 06:11 PM
Post #13

Running Target

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QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Jul 14 2011, 02:06 PM) *
Is shape element a touch range spell? O.o
I thought it was LOS? o.O
Industrial Magic: INDUCTION!
creates REALLY strong REALLY localized magnetic fields that change polarization REALLY fast.
NOW you are cooking with magic!

Actually, it`s an area spell, and breaks the material apart at force damage per turn, if you beat the OR (No DR test). Once it is broken down, you can shape the object however you want.
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post Jul 14 2011, 06:13 PM
Post #14

The ShadowComedian

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That's nowhere in the SR Books i hope . .
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post Jul 14 2011, 06:19 PM
Post #15

Moving Target

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Ah, my mistake, just double checked Street Magic.
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post Jul 14 2011, 06:22 PM
Post #16

Running Target

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QUOTE (HunterHerne @ Jul 14 2011, 02:11 PM) *
Actually, it`s an area spell, and breaks the material apart at force damage per turn, if you beat the OR (No DR test). Once it is broken down, you can shape the object however you want.

That's so Dr. Manhattan
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post Jul 14 2011, 06:23 PM
Post #17

The ShadowComedian

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QUOTE (Makki @ Jul 14 2011, 08:22 PM) *
That's so Dr. Manhattan

No. Dr.M is "I think and it happens".
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post Jul 14 2011, 06:29 PM
Post #18

Running Target

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QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Jul 14 2011, 02:13 PM) *
That's nowhere in the SR Books i hope . .

Well, the technical wording is as below.
Loose material can be moved and re-shaped easily,
but material that is connected or reinforced (such as walls
or other material part of a structure) must be broken apart
by reducing its Structure rating by Force points per Combat

SM, 174
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post Jul 14 2011, 06:32 PM
Post #19

The ShadowComedian

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Ah. I see.
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post Jul 14 2011, 07:20 PM
Post #20

Immortal Elf

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Not spells, but Task Spirits and Earth Elementals can come in real handy.

And nothing says lovin' like a Fire Elemental in the Oven!
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post Jul 14 2011, 07:26 PM
Post #21

The ShadowComedian

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QUOTE (CanRay @ Jul 14 2011, 09:20 PM) *
Not spells, but Task Spirits and Earth Elementals can come in real handy.

And nothing says lovin' like a Fire Elemental in the Oven!

Calcifer is Howl's resident fire demon. As the result of a mysterious bargain with Howl some years ago he agrees to heat and power the castle. Although he is bound to the earth he has a great amount of magic. He promises to use his magic to break the curse on Sophie, providing she breaks the contract between him and Howl. Howl describes Calcifer as "his weakest point", because Calcifer wouldn't give away another demon if it entered the castle, even if it had hostile intentions. However, Howl's statement is true in more ways than one.

Calcifer is powerful, but can be just as cowardly as Howl, preferring to run from the Witch rather than fight her. However, he, also like Howl, will fight when the need arises. He is also fairly crabby and a little mean-spirited, which stems from being bound to the hearth in the moving castle for over five years. He has a natural fear of water, and also worries quite frequently about running out of logs, which are essentially his food. Sophie seems to be the only one capable of forcing him to do anything he doesn't want to do, a trait she also extends to Howl, and to a lesser extent, Michael as well.

He is also the first one to recognize Sophie's incredible ability to talk life into the world around her, which is the reason he allowed her into the castle in the first place and was so eager to make a bargain with her - if anyone but she were to break the contract he had with Howl, then Calcifer would die. Fortunately, she is able to talk life into him, and he survives losing Howl's heart, even deciding to continue living with them after he is freed.
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post Jul 14 2011, 09:11 PM
Post #22

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Rubic @ Jul 14 2011, 01:00 PM) *
Pure iron or steel would not be ideal; steel itself is an alloy, and the pure form of that alloy would likely be as brittle as glass. The trick is to keep the DESIRED impurities.

However, I will grant you that cleansing it would be good for preparing the metal for mixing prior to forging

Yep, I know. Don't want to remove all that carbon and so on to make steel. So maybe it would be better as a specialized Spell: Clean Steel instead of Clean Metal. Or you could just add a Drain Modifier for a specific type of "cleansing".

This Industrial Mage best partner up with a Technomancer though... Hmm, just had an idea.
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Shinobi Killfist
post Jul 16 2011, 08:25 PM
Post #23

Neophyte Runner

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QUOTE (Makki @ Jul 13 2011, 11:36 PM) *
Fluffwise Fix is the spell to go, Crunchwise not so much.

Depending on how good the mage is Fix works out well on a practical scale as well. You wont poof the car into perfect shape, but you can Fix a lot of drones and you can remove parts and fix them on larger objects. Engines are a few hundred pounds on cars so that would be hard to pull off unless you are absurdly good, but assuming you are a mechanic you might be removing engine parts and fixing them then putting them back in. I can think of a lot of drones and parts that come in under 20 kilos which a decent mage/mechanic might pull off.(6-7 force 3-4 hits). Note the weight limit and amount of boxes it "heals" are based on hits and not net hits so as long as you get to the OR you should be fine. Admittedly on a drone that is hard, but a engine part not so much. It wont just heal a car like the heal spell which the spell kind of implies it is for, but it might save money on parts and cut down on labor time. If they wanted it to heal a car, they should not have made it a weight based limit but a body based one.
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post Jul 16 2011, 09:07 PM
Post #24

Immortal Elf

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You know, I just realized that the infamous "Spirit of Metal" would actually be quite useful in a lot of industrial purposes.

As long as you don't mind the final product looking like something out of a Heavy Metal album cover...
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post Jul 16 2011, 09:30 PM
Post #25

Running Target

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QUOTE (CanRay @ Jul 16 2011, 06:07 PM) *
You know, I just realized that the infamous "Spirit of Metal" would actually be quite useful in a lot of industrial purposes.

As long as you don't mind the final product looking like something out of a Heavy Metal album cover...

I certainly wouldn't mind. A lot of those look pretty awesome.
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