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post Nov 20 2012, 03:15 AM
Post #576


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Smohalla returns to the clearing.

It looks like there is not much to learn from this encounter.

...Other than that the Sisters are very much able to take care of themselves.
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post Nov 20 2012, 05:00 AM
Post #577

Old Man of the North

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Stogie thinks that over for a moment. "Well, they were able to take care of themselves against a team woefully unprepared for this place. If a magician or two had come for them, the invaders would have been beefed up just like you and I have been, Smohalla. It could have been a very different encounter. The Sisters had Ignorance on their side."
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post Nov 20 2012, 05:26 AM
Post #578


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This is true.

A thought comes to me - there is probably another player involved in this game.

Gunny knew enough about the Sisters to know the danger of their magic.
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post Nov 20 2012, 05:40 PM
Post #579

Old Man of the North

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"Interesting thought. But how could someone know enough about the Sisters to want to destroy them, without knowing their power? Their magic?"
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post Nov 21 2012, 02:06 AM
Post #580


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A good point. It's hard to believe anyone would send this group and not prepare them.

Perhaps they did have some kind of magical support and there is now no trace of it...

Are we even safe in assuming that this group was sent after the Sisters?

Maybe now is a good time to discuss our plans.

I for one can reach out to some friends to ask for some information, if they have any relevant.
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post Nov 28 2012, 11:59 PM
Post #581


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Finishing up their investigation, the group begins the trek back to the Sisters' camp. That's the shortest distance back to town too, should anyone be headed there later. Smohalla - unable to bear the thought of walking half a day at regular human speed - summons a modest spirit to help accelerate the team's travel. No need to sprint this time - just something to make it easier on his feet. Plus, that will give everyone time to talk things over as they return to camp.

Do they want to get in touch with Gunny? The team has his contact information but the nearest wireless signal is in Greenwater, assuming the transmitter didn't burn down with the rest of town. (Stogie's pretty sure he picked up a signal there a few days ago, but he was distracted by the devastation and the background count.) Memories of Toothy dance in everyone's head, a reminder of how dangerous these lands can be. A buddy system is necessary; traveling in pairs is the minimum, all together is best. But, if it comes to it, Stogie, Jake, and Ellesar could probably make their way to civilization mostly unharmed. In fact, if Smohalla summoned a spirit to help them along, they could probably run to town and back in less than a day.

The team stops at a ridge about a kilometer west of the Sisters' camp. The sharp-eyed members of the team - i.e. not Ellesar - can see the women huddled around the fire in the distance, seemingly in conversation.
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post Nov 29 2012, 02:17 AM
Post #582


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Do you wish to travel to Greenwater?

I can stay at the camp with the Sisters and await your return.

Or we can all go together for safety, although I suspect it would be a safer journey than last time.
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post Nov 29 2012, 05:20 AM
Post #583

Old Man of the North

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Stogie stops to take a breather. He points in the direction of the town. "From Greenwater we could actually contact somebody by commlink. As far as Gunny goes, we could report to him, but what would we say? 'We're not sure you have it right, Gunny'? I would be interested to find out who is sending other people out here. Even more so I don't think it is Gunny. We must have barely left the day before, before those unfortunates whose bones we just picked came out here too. I can't see him sending two teams at the same time.

"I have a friend who might be able to give me some names of those who might hunt the Sisters. But then searching out those people could take some time. Will that help us reach our objective? For that matter, are we certain what our objective is?

"What I'm tryin' to say, men, is we are standing at a crossroad, and we don't have more than a constipated crap idea what we should do."
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post Nov 29 2012, 10:11 AM
Post #584


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A slightly puzzled look quickly crosses Smohalla's face.


Perhaps if we could confirm what our objective is, now.

I do not fear combat, and if it comes to that we can bring those who can aid our cause.

Yet I believe that these women are not evil, at worst misguided.

They could be valuable allies if we could cure this seeming infection in their souls.

What do you think of this objective?
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post Dec 1 2012, 03:30 AM
Post #585

Moving Target

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"As far as we know the sisters have no ill will towards us for the time being. I agree that they could make great allies." Ellesar sighs. "But we need to make sure that they don't hurt any innocents in the meantime. I don't entirely trust these ladies."

He leans against a tree, thinking to himself. After a couple of moments he looks up at the other two. "As for Greenwater, I doubt we should split up to go. It's dangerous enough here with all three of us."
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post Dec 2 2012, 04:42 AM
Post #586

Old Man of the North

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Stogie doffs his hat and scratches his head. "OK, then. We don't know how many teams have been sent up here, but we do know we weren't the only ones. Why don't we go back to the Sisters' camp, and do a little defensive rearranging in case more come by soon. Helping the Sisters be safe in their own home can't hurt. Frankly, I would like to resolve our mission, stopping the destruction, in a non-violent way with the Sisters. That's going to require becoming more friendly with the Sisters and understanding them more.

"Once the fortification is done, we can zip down to the town with Smohalla's help to speed us. Ask questions there, get some more info, and decide our next move. Whaddaya think?"
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post Dec 3 2012, 02:30 AM
Post #587


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Let's waste no time then
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post Dec 4 2012, 12:45 AM
Post #588


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The team descends from the ridge to return to camp. About 50 meters away from the campsite, Smohalla is suddenly accosted on the astral by three fierce-looking spirits!

They bear the clear astral markings of Ellie, Hester, and Selene. While the spirits the women summoned so far have been relatively small and domesticated, these are entirely different. They're high Force - at least 6, maybe more - and they each have the attitude of a junkyard bulldog.

While Smohalla tries not to wet his loincloth, Ellie barks out to bring the spirits to heel. They chomp and snarl, yanking on their invisible chains, but grudgingly relent. The spirits seem to chafe against the women's control. The Force of the spirits may be higher than the women's Magic, which often leads to haughty, headstrong spirits.

The men find the women seated around the fire, deep in discussion. They have dark looks on their faces, Ellie's furrowed brow conveying her blackened attitude. It's so different from how she first looked when you met her, all smiles and pleasantries. The contrast is saddening.

"Welcome back," Ellie says without real warmth. "We have been conversing with the great God and Goddess. Did you find the site? What did it tell you?"
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post Dec 4 2012, 02:34 AM
Post #589

Moving Target

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"I agree," Ellesar adds. "Perhaps our elf friend is still hanging around in Greenwater."
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post Dec 4 2012, 03:15 AM
Post #590


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Smohalla sits down gently next to Ellie and stares into the fire.

Our trip did not find much that we did not already know.

It seems we are of the same mind, that this camp needs protection.

Perhaps we can help fortify your camp.

Then we will travel to an area where we can ask others for information about this attack.

After this speech, Smohalla turns his gaze on the women.

I'm interested in your God and Goddess - what wisdom did they have for you?
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post Dec 5 2012, 12:55 AM
Post #591


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Smohalla takes a moment to assense the women. He gets a good look but doesn't find any evidence of active spells or outside influences. What he sees is anger, and a sense of foreboding. The campsite swirls with the magic of their spirits and the heightened emotions of the Sisters.

"We were discussing our response to this invasion," Ellie says. "We spoke with our God and Goddess to ask them whether we should remain here or if we should relocate. The men who seek us have not found our home yet, but they will in time."

She pauses for a moment. The women regard the men closely.

"Tell me," Ellie begins to ask. "What would you do? Would you stay and protect your home, to fight until you could fight no more, or would you move and begin again, to continue the struggle? We have invested much work in this place. It is why the magic here suits us so well, and makes it as fine a place as any to make a stand. Should we stay and fight those who oppose us as they present themselves? Sic semper evello mortem Tyrannis."
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post Dec 5 2012, 04:57 AM
Post #592

Old Man of the North

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"It seems to me," Stogie opines, "that any decision based on the amount of information we have could be trouble. If it was me, I would try to find out who is behind this action against you. Knowing that would make us all better equipped to respond. Stay or run, but based on information.

"As for defense, well your offense worked pretty well the other night. We can fortify this place. Your astral friends would make great scouts to tell you when and where the enemies approach. Fight here from the strengthened defenses only if you have to, and you will delay them finding you. Meanwhile, we can go to town and investigate."
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post Dec 5 2012, 05:52 AM
Post #593


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I agree with Stogie's opinion.

Having more information before acting is wise.

We can have a two-headed approach.

Fortify this area for defense in the short-term.

We will search out those responsible as our offense.

Together we can work to figure out why men were sent.

As Smohalla said this he extended his arm and patted Ellie comfortingly on the shoulder.
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post Dec 5 2012, 03:58 PM
Post #594


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Ellie smiles slightly and presses her hand over Smohalla's. The touch helps. A small gleam appears in her eye as the corner of her mouth rises. "If it were me," she says to Stogie, correcting his grammar. "I was an English teacher for a few years before getting married," she explains apologetically. "Back before I was a publicly-wanted eco-terrorist with a bounty on my head."

She extends her hand to reach for Jake, who trots over. She scratches his ears as she turns to Ellesar. "And what would you recommend, Ellesar? What would you add to your friends' wisdom?"
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post Dec 5 2012, 11:58 PM
Post #595

Moving Target

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"The best offense is a good defense," Ellesar replies. "It's a popular phrase used among the Ghosts because it encompasses their ideals of awareness in all things." He allows his gaze to wander to the other sisters. "To answer your question more directly I think that we should not kill everyone that comes here. Information is a valuable resource that should not be squandered. Capture some and see what they know. Use your abilities to setup traps."

Ellesar finds himself staring into the fire, as if entranced by it. His thoughts begin to wander and he is forced to shake his head. "I would also suggest that if you have anyone you know in the outside world that doesn't feel the sudden urge to give you a third eye you should let us know so that we might contact them."
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post Dec 6 2012, 04:16 AM
Post #596


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Smohalla smiles at Ellesar's imagery, so different a meaning than he is used to.

He addresses the women once more.

If your final decision is that you must move...

Is your solitude something you value highly?

Would you find safety in numbers agreeable?
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post Dec 7 2012, 05:42 AM
Post #597


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Hester and Selene look intrigued with Ellesar's suggestion of capturing a bounty hunter. Judging by the looks on their faces, it seems that the idea had never occurred to them. The troll cracks her knuckles. You're pretty sure she's not loosening them up for therapeutic massage.

Ellie shakes her head a bit at Ellesar. "We're witches, my dear boy. Don't you know that we already have third eyes? But to answer your question, we haven't been in regular contact with the world for years. I haven't spoken to my husband since the 2060s. We are occasionally in touch with some kindred spirits but those are professional relationships. Stogie might know some of them already."

Ellie turns to Smohalla. "Our solitariness is not as important as our relationship with the Gaia. The places where the mana is strong are usually the places without Man. One must be careful to live in the balance with his or her surroundings, but it is possible to find help and fellowship in the society of others." She pats the ork next to her, who still looks like she's rolling around the possibilities of what she could do with a live captive.
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post Dec 10 2012, 02:40 AM
Post #598


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Smohalla is not happy with the two Sisters' apparent eagerness to hurt others.

His thoughts begin to wander.

Perhaps he was wrong about the wolf being the bad influence here.

What must these women have been through to cause them to behave like this?

He needs to speak with Ellie in private about this.
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post Dec 11 2012, 11:21 PM
Post #599


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Ellie claps her hands once. "So! Who knows how to fortify a campsite?" she asks, rubbing her hands together. She looks at Stogie, who suggested the idea, and then to Ellesar, who looks like a guy that knows how to dig a foxhole.
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post Dec 12 2012, 02:40 AM
Post #600


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Smohalla smiles a huge smile at this.

I would love to help, but in my advanced age...

He lets the sentence trail off, making a big show of moving around like an old man.

He lets the smile drop after a moment.

Maybe the spirits of this mountain could be asked for aid.
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