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> The new Porche 911 and other supercars, does your character drive them?
post Jan 16 2012, 04:16 AM
Post #1

Prime Runner

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Ok not the particular car but how many of you let your characters get the high end cars? Now traditionally runners cars should be obscure blending in or heavily modded up with concealed wepaons or well. We all know, but do you indulge in luxury cars too. Maybe to blend in, maybe to run in like James Bond's Astin Martin DB5. Or something you keep on the side like Patrick Swayze's BMW in Road House- the nice car kept under cover while he uses a junker for work.

The second question would be, do you indulge in that fantasy you always wanted? That $200k car that you're never gonig to really get in RL without winning the lottery? Or maybe because common sense says you don't want to meet your hero, it won't live up or maybe it's just too damn scarey

A couple of years ago, for example I drove a brand new, less than 2,000 miles on the clock, Mustang. Got it on the high way and it crept up to 90 on me, oops, but the hard, wishbone suspension made the whole thing shake like hell. Independent suspension would increase the cost by $5k. More recenlty I've had my VW doing 90 on the highway, again, oops, and didn't feel the shimmy the way the tighter suspended mustang did.

I love my real life bike, a 1200cc HD sportster, but the 'dream' bike that would probably terrify me if I got it, is the HD V-Rod with the 125hp porche engine.
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Saint Sithney
post Jan 16 2012, 04:36 AM
Post #2


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I want a Norton NRV700 so bad. That thing is the ultimate suicycle.

210 HP rotary engine. SO RAD.
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post Jan 16 2012, 05:02 AM
Post #3

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Snow_Fox @ Jan 16 2012, 04:16 AM) *
Ok not the particular car but how many of you let your characters get the high end cars?

I've definitely had some characters who owned high-end vehicles, particularly 5 or 10 years ago when we played at a higher power level. Sometimes it's appropriate, say for the character's cover identity, but sometimes it's just a foolish choice. Gearheads are like any other kind of addict, and we'll do, as I suspect you know well, some pretty stupid shit to get our fix. I drive a car that's just unbelievably dangerous, whose design is 72 years old, without a roof or doors in the Michigan winter, and I'm really happy to do so. I drove my BMW 3-series with no clutch for half a year or so; that's no clutch, so up- and down-shifting by rev-matching, and when you come to a red light you have to turn the car off while it's in first gear and then use the starter to move the car forward when the light turns green; also, no reverse gear. Sometimes a shadowrunner who really ought to know better is driving around in 77 grand worth of Eurocar [or 200 grand worth of Harland & Wolff, if you swing that way], because they just can't help themselves.

In my games, the Eurocar stands in a position directly between today's Ferrari and Porsche, in terms of design, usability, flash, and public perception: the Westwind 2000 is a supercar, but it's an everyday supercar like the 911, that you wouldn't do a double-take to see on the streets of a major metroplex. [And the BMW 3420LS is like an M6CLS, if such a thing existed: a stripped-down version of the two-door grand tourer, the standard model of which is a rolling tech demo and sex appeal emitter.] But above that are hypercars like today's Porsche GT and Pagani Zonda: for example, I made one called the Porsche Winter with the vehicle creation rules, which I had because I played a civilized version of the game. These kinds of hypercars will be - as they are in real life - genuine temptations for gearheads of the criminal variety. You'd never drive one on the job, no, but to have, to drive in the middle of the night down I-5 [at 800 miles an hour because my civilized vehicle creation rules were genuinely insane], that's something a wealthy gearhead might just consider.
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post Jan 16 2012, 06:07 AM
Post #4

Advocatus Diaboli

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Those rules were insane: I think I had a supersonic boat.
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post Jan 16 2012, 06:48 AM
Post #5

Immortal Elf

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Triumph Rocket III Roadster, customized and chopped at a local shop. I'd want to help in doing so as well, learn how to properly do things, like Dad used to.
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Saint Hallow
post Jan 16 2012, 06:58 AM
Post #6

Moving Target

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For RL? I would want either a Tesla Roadster or a new 201x Camaro.

For SR? I had a character who owned a pimped out Hyung Shin (sports sedan) for meetings with Johnsons & just cruising. When "on the job", we usually stole a vehicle so it couldn't be traced to us.

When the job needed it, we used either...

a "heavily modded" truck with armor, chameleon coat, gun ports, high performance engine, off-road suspension, etc... for off-road/wilderness work.
or a "heavily stealthed" sedan with chameleon coat, armor, & a ton of ECM/ECCM gear for surveillance or covert urban/city operations.

Both the truck and "stealth sedan" were owned by a rigger.
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post Jan 16 2012, 07:01 AM
Post #7

Immortal Elf

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Oh, right. For SR I'd want a Medium Sedan modified into a Muscle Car (Crate Engine and other modifications) for personal use.

For jobs, depends on the job, but the inclusion of a Chuckwagon in SotA'73 gives many, many options!
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Saint Hallow
post Jan 16 2012, 07:48 AM
Post #8

Moving Target

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I forgot to add, that my RL car choice was not my 1st. I chose those just for fun & positive outlook. I would want to be like SR & have multiple vehicles.

RL choice #1 - Armored truck (like those used by banks) (fr zombie apocalypse).
RL choice #2 - Tesla Roadster or 201X Camaro for urban fun.

If I could, I would own #1 & #2.
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post Jan 16 2012, 08:06 AM
Post #9


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Aircraft seem to have more allure for the runners willing to spend lots on their vehicle as far as my gaming experience goes.
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post Jan 16 2012, 01:54 PM
Post #10

Moving Target

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In game I had a character spend something like $150k or 200k on something along these lines. Black naturally. It was a fairly large part of her background so it felt apropos. Didn't regret it. She did jobs in it without issue but was *VERY* careful with it.

RL, I'm more in love with something along these lines. That's a bit of a fantasy though. This spring I'll be starting my search for a G2 RX-7 or a Nissan 300ZX Z31. Problem is that they are older cars and went through the "Fast and Furious" generation so finding one that wasn't modded in a stupid way will be difficult.
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post Jan 16 2012, 02:41 PM
Post #11

Prime Runner

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QUOTE (3278 @ Jan 16 2012, 12:02 AM) *
. I drive a car that's just unbelievably dangerous, whose design is 72 years old, without a roof or doors in the Michigan winter, and I'm really happy to do so.
I can only think that's the original Gaz-Wiley (sp?) Jeep.

For runners my character always had a super tricked out Mustang- We adaptedthe Honda turbo for stats before it was cannonical to do that, and then I drove the real thing and the handling just didn't live up to it becasue of the suspension issues. A serious let down for me and it dropped off my 'dream car' list but it was such an established part of my favorite character, she was stuck with the damn thing and the handling became an in house joke with other characters giving her grief about it.

Other characters have knock abouts for runs but she has a semi-public/professional life so she can drive in the mustang regularly.


is my RL dream bike but I know I'd be terrified of it if I got on the damn thing. Seen in the showroom it is even better but you couldn't put saddle bags on it. Then again I'd love to figure out the Sr (3rd ed) stats for it as a racer with a massive body and if you notice, the pegs are for a cruiser

At the other end of the scale my husband who says he does not enjoy driving and has a car just as a way to get around wants this


as his next car which does raise the other option for runners, instead of muscle cars or wrecks with secrets, is the small peppy little commuter cars, properly super up-remember Derrek Montgomery drove a jack rabbit with a specially tuned engine.
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post Jan 17 2012, 01:46 AM
Post #12

Old Man Jones

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My 'old man' character drives a moderately modified BMW. Some weapons, armor, drone rack, and stuff to hide the fact that it's a highly illegal vehicle.

My actual rigger/face character drives everything from battlevans to Segways. All heavily modified. Most recently purchased a stealthed up Air Supply drone to serve as air support and re-supply. I will say that the armored beast materializing out of thin air to unload heavy artillery, on hapless opponents that were only expecting a small ops team, is immensely satisfying. Oddly, the rigger doesn't have any "fancy" high-status vehicles. Perhaps she should get some.

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Daddy's Litt...
post Jan 17 2012, 03:36 PM
Post #13

Moving Target

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I know my husband's character is fulfilling a car fantasy- for recreation and up scale work he has an Astin Martin
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post Jan 17 2012, 05:26 PM
Post #14

Neophyte Runner

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while I do play in a biweekly game, more often than not I generate Characters for people who forget them in my own biweekly game. (Hey...I play weekly in one form or another. Nice.) These characters more often than not have a "cool car". Whether that's a 1950's pick up truck, or a muscle car from the 70's or a sleek modern car depends on the character.
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post Jan 17 2012, 07:44 PM
Post #15

Moving Target

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Nissan Jackrabbit + Valkyrie module + rigging module, 10/15k.

welp someone shot me.
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post Jan 17 2012, 11:21 PM
Post #16


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I have a rotating group of players since I can only get my SR fix on the MUD. In-game there are a lot of stock cars (SR3) that are available but also some really crazy custom builds by the Administrators (like the 1968 Plymouth GTO that one of the Night Ones drives around.) My point that I make to my players on my runs is don't get caught doing gangsta stuff while in your custom ride, it makes you really easy to track down. That being said, I also tend to GM off the 'Cool Scenes, Bring the Rock Show' model so if you are in one of my games, chances are your car is gonna take some damage. To the point, where a regular player of mine wants to start getting paid in car parts. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Jan 18 2012, 12:09 AM
Post #17

Moving Target

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I just finished my latest rigger character, a cyborg who doubles as a "street sam" after a fashion. His vehicles and drones are all fairly discrete outwardly, but far from discrete in capabilities. He is very much from the Han Solo school of grease monkeys.
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Neko Asakami
post Jan 18 2012, 04:20 AM
Post #18

Moving Target

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My group is really all over the place when it comes to cars. One of my players drives a Sizuki Mirage, our rigger drives a heavily modified Ford Spiral 115Ti (which he branded as a VERY used Ferrari), our face decided that he didn't want the stock Mercury Comet that came on the pre-gen character and jimmied points around until he could afford a used Mitsubishi Nightsky that's been modified with armor fit for a president.

The troll gunman used to beat up random passerby up for their Vespas (I used the stats the for Dodge Scoot) until he and the elf adept decided that they wanted to go out looking for new bikes to steal. Several bad rolls (and one critical glitch on a Seattle Gangs knowledge check) later they found a four real nice sup'd up bikes with a silver and green paint scheme outside a dive bar in Puyallup. Long story short, they ended up challenging the Ancients to a drag race for pink slips, played dirty, killed an Ancient and ran off with his bike. Now they both have Enemy: The Ancients and are scared crapless of going anywhere near any of the Elven districts in Seattle. On the other hand, the troll managed to score a VERY nicely modified Harley-Davidson Scorpion. It's no longer silver and green though, the FIRST thing they did (before calling the rest of the group in for backup even!) was stop at Kong-Wal-Mart and buy enough black primer to COAT the thing.
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post Jan 18 2012, 06:23 AM
Post #19

Immortal Elf

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Now they just need to chrome dip it. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

I wish I had characters to choose vehicles for.

Jon "Money" Johnson has a Jackrabbit knock-off from a PCC company called a "Jackalope", he loves it for shadow work, and it's been modified beyond belief by the best of shadow garages in Seattle. His daily driver when he's being a good civilian is a Lincoln Sprawlcar (Large Sedan version of the Mercury Comet), with added armor and other slight modifications.

Nas has a GMC Commodore and a Triumph Rocket-IV Cruiser Roadster, both heavily modified, just like him.
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post Jan 19 2012, 01:43 AM
Post #20

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Snow_Fox @ Jan 16 2012, 02:41 PM) *
I can only think that's the original Gaz-Wiley (sp?) Jeep.

Nice ID. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) That's right: the design of my Wrangler YJ - seen here hanging out in my back yard just now - is from the original Willys MB. I used to drive one of those, and my YJ is a massive improvement: it's got wider leaf springs, a roll cage, and seat belts!

QUOTE (Snow_Fox @ Jan 16 2012, 02:41 PM) *
which does raise the other option for runners, instead of muscle cars or wrecks with secrets, is the small peppy little commuter cars, properly super up-remember Derrek Montgomery drove a jack rabbit with a specially tuned engine.

There's a Shibboleth for you: "Hey, who here knows who Dirk Montgomery is?" (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

Real-life analogs of shadowrunners tend to drive one of two types of cars on and off the job: Jackrabbits, which is to say, whatever the least interesting, most common car of the day is, or else vans/SUVs that allow for several passengers and much cargo. Which you pick has a lot to do with what kind of crime you tend to do. In Shadowrun, of course, I think you'd have to be utterly mad to get your own car within a week of a crime you had anything to do with, but a lot of that depends on how crushingly realistic you make your game.
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post Jan 19 2012, 02:51 AM
Post #21

Immortal Elf

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QUOTE (Snow_Fox @ Jan 16 2012, 10:41 AM) *
At the other end of the scale my husband who says he does not enjoy driving and has a car just as a way to get around wants this


as his next car which does raise the other option for runners, instead of muscle cars or wrecks with secrets, is the small peppy little commuter cars, properly super up-remember Derrek Montgomery drove a jack rabbit with a specially tuned engine.
Yep! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) That's why one of my characters has one. Even if it's a knock-off because C-N stopped producing them. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/nyahnyah.gif)
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post Jan 19 2012, 02:47 PM
Post #22

jacked in

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Back then my mage character had a souped-up Dodge Viper that had cost over 1,000,000¥. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

In SR4 my car of choice is the Rover 2068. Though most of the time I settle with a Rapier. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)


P.S. I really liked that bit with the car in Roadhouse. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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Saint Hallow
post Jan 19 2012, 09:11 PM
Post #23

Moving Target

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The more I think about it, the more I realize my dream SR cars would be "modded out" stealth vehicles with armor, ECM, ECCM, speed & handling monsters that look like ordinary pieces of crap cars while my real life dream vehicle would be some ugly, uber-powered zombie apocalypse machine with armor, storage, & major fuel efficiency.
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post Jan 20 2012, 12:37 AM
Post #24

Immortal Elf

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I've been trying to figure out how to turn the family Swift+ and make it Zed-Proof.

So far, the major restriction I have is the stupidity of using plastics for the body panels and the bumper being made out of Styrofoam with a thin sheet of VERY EXPENSIVE plastic over it.

Plan B (And more likely), fix up one of the old cars that's in a neighbors lot.
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Saint Hallow
post Jan 20 2012, 12:39 AM
Post #25

Moving Target

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I was thinking of grabbing an bank truck, altering the inside to accomodate supplies, & turn the engine into something more fuel efficient.
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