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> Other Ethnic Metahumans
post Apr 14 2004, 02:53 PM
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Has anyone ever seen or developed any metahumans from other areas of the world. I know we have Asian and Euro variant, but what about african, Indian, Middle East?? I have a troll who is of African Heritage (Think MR.T with Bone Lacing) and we are playing in the year of the comet. Id love to change him to a variant, but none of them seem to fit his background.

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Ancient History
post Apr 14 2004, 04:05 PM
Post #2

Great Dragon

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Metavariants are not for the Politically Correct. Just because there's a variant for one species in an area doesn't mean every metahuman species in that area has to have a variant.
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post Apr 14 2004, 04:13 PM
Post #3

Moving Target

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These are completely non-canon and non-balance tested, but a friend of mine made them up for his SR campaign.

Unusual Metavariants

The ones that would interest you are: Leprechauns, Morlocks, Ettins. As a side note, I notice he also has a number of custom shifter races.
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post Apr 14 2004, 06:23 PM
Post #4

Shooting Target

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Don't have any african, but I have a few others:

Korean Troll (no name since I don't know Korean)
+4 Body, -1 Quickness, +5 Strength, -2 Charisma, -2 Intelligence. Thermographic Vision, +1 Reach. Lacks dermal armor, but index and middle finger on each hand are elongated and hardened into spade-like claws (Str+1)L damage. Taller than normal trolls, with longer arms.

Elfling (or Burrow Elf; Scandinavian Elf variant)
-1 Body, +2 Quickness, -1 Strength, +2 Charisma, +1 Willpower. Lowlight Vision, Sense of Direction, Allergy(Sunlight; Mild). Most if not all magically active Elflings are shamans, and they follow totems that prefer not being out in the open, staying hidden and on the outskirts of convention. Short (1.5m tall) elf who prefers to live underground and usually come out only at night. x2 movement multiplier.

Daioni (Japanese Troll)
+5 Body, -2 Quickness, +4 Strength, -2 Charisma, -2 Intelligence, +1 Willpower. Thermographic Vision, +1 Reach. Massive troll with spiral horns, large protruding eyes, red, orange or blue skin and hooves. They have a slightly higher propensity for magic.

Stonetroll (Scandinavian Troll)
+5 Body, -1 Quickness, +4 Strength, -2 Charisma, -2 Intelligence, -1 Willpower. Thermographic Vision, +1 Reach, Dermal Armor 2, Allergy(Sunlight; Mild) - Stonetrolls can choose to increase their allergy to sunlight one level and gain an extra point of Dermal Armor. Their skin is tough and covered with knoblly warts and calcium deposits. Albinos are common among stonetrolls (increase the allergy to sunlight an additional step).
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post Apr 14 2004, 07:04 PM
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QUOTE (Ancient History)
Metavariants are not for the Politically Correct. Just because there's a variant for one species in an area doesn't mean every metahuman species in that area has to have a variant.

i agree... I was really looking to see if anyone knew any good Africain Folklore to tie to a troll race.I dont think he would like Eygptian....More Central or Southern African.

I like some of the others though.
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Ancient History
post Apr 14 2004, 07:26 PM
Post #6

Great Dragon

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Why not just throw him a token SURGE? Like suddenly growing Masai-tribal scars made from the same material as his horns on his face, with an associated social bouns/penalty?
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post Apr 14 2004, 08:05 PM
Post #7


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Heh, you could try the Anthropophagus.

More seriously, you can try the Chemosit.
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post Apr 15 2004, 02:09 PM
Post #8

Moving Target

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Seems as though the Chemosit is more of an ork metavariant, given its relatively small stature. I suppose in terms of the SR universe, it has some sort of ghoul disease, what with its partiality for human BRAINS!!!

As for the Anthropophagus, well, if anyone wants to turn it into a metavariant, they're on their own.
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