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> Long Coats?, Who wears these?
post Apr 18 2004, 06:56 AM
Post #1


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Why does virtually everyone wear a long-coat? Yes, I know that it adds to the concealability of you're weapons. But it sticks out like a sore thumb, except for in winter, or perpetually cold/rainy locations. And the fact that it makes it easy to conceal a weapon means that anyone wearing one is going to be looked at more.

Wearign a T-shirt, jeans and vest, with a pistol securely tucked into a concealable holster is IMHO, 100% better. You don't stand out that much, so the authorities have less of a reason to look at you carefully. And when you're drawing attention, you're already losign that "concealable" edge.

Consider dropping to a less obvious weapon. I do it all the time.
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Crusher Bob
post Apr 18 2004, 07:05 AM
Post #2


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Notice that Seattle is prepetually rainy :D But yes, clothing should be determined by your environment. Notice that wearing your trench coat to the black tie dinner won't do either.
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post Apr 18 2004, 07:08 AM
Post #3

Moving Target

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^shrug^ I don't know. I thought it looked cool when I saw it in all the vids. I guess I just fell in to the Fad.
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post Apr 18 2004, 07:19 AM
Post #4

Canon Companion

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Scully and Mulder looked good in their trenchcoats. Remember it is alos wise to wear a longcoat in windy places too.
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post Apr 18 2004, 07:26 AM
Post #5

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Carrie-Anne Moss (The Matrix) showed us that you can have a lot of style wearing a long coat. And Keanu Reeves showed us you can have a lot of guns.
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post Apr 18 2004, 07:27 AM
Post #6

Moving Target

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asking questions like that is like asking "why do Mexican mariachi bands wear sombreros?"

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post Apr 18 2004, 07:38 AM
Post #7

Moving Target

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Because everyone wants to be their favorite Matrix character, of course.

If they have katanas and MAC-10's while doing it, all the better! Granted, doing something like that in my game means the Hand of God comes down to slap you rather than save you.

Hate katanas...so much...
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post Apr 18 2004, 07:41 AM
Post #8

Moving Target

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Ditto. Katanaphiles...gah. Too many through my game.
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Fresno Bob
post Apr 18 2004, 07:46 AM
Post #9

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I wear a trenchcoat sometimes, when its cold or windy. No one seems to look at me. Saying trenchcoats get you funny looks is like saying "You can put a small gun in a boot, so anyone wearing boots will be looked at strangely."
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post Apr 18 2004, 07:51 AM
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Yeah. When it's cold or windy. But other than that, why? And maybe you're lucky. But 'round here, trench's get you the "trenchcoat mafia" comments.

but I guess style is what's important when running. Style is what keeps your ass alive.
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post Apr 18 2004, 07:52 AM
Post #11


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I wear a full length leather trenchcoat year round. Though I live in Wyoming, the wind here absolutely sucks, so it's a bit more accepted here than say, oh...Arizona.

On a social end, it goes with pretty much anything I wear. When I used to go clubbing a lot, I'd usually wear it with a black wifebeater underneath. I also used to do independent/freelance marketing. Combine the trench with black, pin stripped suit, and my leather fedora hat, and it's actually very professional.

Just my 0.02 :nuyen:
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post Apr 18 2004, 07:54 AM
Post #12

Moving Target

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You make a good point with blending in with one's surrondings, but if the game is in the basic setup of the seattle sprawl that t-shirt and jeans will look out of place most of the year.

http://www.beautifulseattle.com/ws02cli.htm has some resources as to what to expect weather wise.

It's driest time of year is last half of July, early August. The longest stretch of days where it's usually not raining is three to four weeks during this time.

The prevalance of long coats is a very good idea, this rain isn't exactly our rain. It's not something you're gonna wanna go singing in...

And it's usually stays overcast even when it's not raining.

Plus it's all about style. Especially with all the wanna-be runners.
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Fresno Bob
post Apr 18 2004, 08:11 AM
Post #13

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Hey, I'm wearing my trenchcoat right now! I'm freaking cold, and supposed to be writing a report for English class...
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post Apr 18 2004, 08:25 AM
Post #14

Canon Companion

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QUOTE (Voorhees)
Hey, I'm wearing my trenchcoat right now! I'm freaking cold, and supposed to be writing a report for English class...

Hey man, it's April! Cold? Huh?
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post Apr 18 2004, 08:25 AM
Post #15

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The rain here is this perpetual mistlike drizzle that has the ability to get absolutely everywhere, and tends to ignore short coats. We don't carry umbrellas much, because they don't do any good. Long coats will do the trick better than windbreakers, that's for sure.

Besides which, there's lots of styles in long coats. Businessmen in khaki longcoats, as eveningwear, and so on. They're not all the tommygun trench.
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post Apr 18 2004, 08:27 AM
Post #16

Moving Target

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Long coats are just like pants. You can wear them everywhere most of the year and there's a style that fits any occasion.


Oh, and they work well at hiding those awesome katanas!!!! :love: :love:

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Fresno Bob
post Apr 18 2004, 09:07 AM
Post #17

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QUOTE (toturi)
Hey man, it's April! Cold? Huh?

I live in Central California man. We're going through a freak cold snap right now.
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post Apr 18 2004, 09:36 AM
Post #18

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Voorhees)
QUOTE (toturi)
Hey man, it's April! Cold? Huh?

I live in Central California man. We're going through a freak cold snap right now.

Fresno here...

Dear lord man, enjoy it while we can, the longer we can put off the summer, the better.
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post Apr 18 2004, 09:48 AM
Post #19

Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill.

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Are you people insane? It hit 60 the other day and we ran out and rejoiced in the not-freeking-raining weather. I will be lucky if the mercury pegs 80 all summer. All two fraging months of it. *mutters*put off summer, take you out back and shoot you.
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post Apr 18 2004, 09:51 AM
Post #20

Immortal Elf

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if everyone wears longcoats, then do they really stick out?
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post Apr 18 2004, 10:02 AM
Post #21

Shooting Target

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Well, personally I almost always wear a long coat of some sort irl, or a frock coat or long suit jacket. And yes, I stick out.

That said, alot of subcultures dress in specific ways and many of them incorporate long coats of one kind or another. As someone else mentioned, it is rainy in Seattle, and with acid rain I would think there's been an increase in coats treated to resist chemicals (like the Greatcoat and the Ulysses, for instance, if you're wealthy). However, if you are indoors or if you happen to be in Miami during the summer, wearing a long coat will make people look twice at you...
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post Apr 18 2004, 10:06 AM
Post #22

Moving Target

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Yeah, insane. With six weeks of 100+ days, and rarely seeing a say from May til the end of September that's under 90, what sane person wouldn't want this?

Yeap sure is something to look forward to, and combined with the average of a half an inch of precipitation during these five months, sure makes it wonderful.

*mutters* welcoming summer, take you out back and shoot you.

Edit: It'd look a lot better if I didn't take my time and two people didn't post while I was writing :P
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post Apr 18 2004, 02:00 PM
Post #23

Moving Target

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When the weather's cold, windy and rainy, (quintessential Seattle weather, as I understand it) it won't stick out so much. If it's 40 celcius and humid, you will draw attention like flies to shit, if not from the cops, from every person you walk by. Not to mention from the corporate security you talk to.

Like snowRaven said, acid rain will play into this. More people, especially those wearing expensive suits and the like, will walk around in water proof coats. With umbrellas too. IMHO, if you're out and about in a C-or lower-rating area, a cheap water-proof poncho may help you fit in better than a 500 nuyen coat.
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post Apr 18 2004, 03:59 PM
Post #24


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I used to have a trench coat I wore everywhere, but in Atlanta it was more of a teen fashion statement than any real practical use.

Now I wear a barn coat if it gets cold -- not nearly as stylish, but so very warm.

And it does help present a better image than what I used to do. :grinbig:

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post Apr 18 2004, 04:22 PM
Post #25

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Wear your lined coat over some tres chic clothing and it looks less like you're hiding something and more like you're professional and fashion-conscious. Plus, with some form-fitting AND the coat, you're relatively safe to recieve fire and return it.
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