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> Long Coats?, Who wears these?
Luke Hardison
post Apr 21 2004, 01:12 PM
Post #76

Moving Target

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I don't live in Miami, but I have been there in September, and it really wasn't very warm at all, not even compared to where I live in Texas. We saw clear skies and low 60's all week. For that matter, it wasn't humid compared to where I live in Texas ........
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post Apr 21 2004, 03:11 PM
Post #77


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It's not that hot in florida during the fall/winter, but I think you may have just caught a bad weather period. In north carolina, charlotte in particular, I know we stay with 80 and up well into september. August is the hottest month of the year over here. But it's the humidity as well.
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Drain Brain
post Apr 21 2004, 06:56 PM
Post #78

The Sewer Jockey

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I read a bit of this thread last night and it inspired me to do a little practical research on a related topic.

I own two principal items of coat-wear, a long leather trench (oh so very stylish and goth) and what my fiancee calls "that ugly grey thing" - an old grubby urban camo bomber jacket.

I went upstairs to the armoury (my family runs a theatrical props business) and put on a shoulder rig holding an automatic pistol (fake, obviously, but its a perfect replica of a Sig P226). Then I tried on the two coats and asked a panel (my parents, my fiancee and my best friend) which concealed the rig better.

The bomber won.

So why do we get an arbitrary 50% bonus for length of coat when a bulging-style padded coat hides all sins (like my fat belly)? I'll grant that it would help more with AR's and katanas :sleepy: but for the light pistol under your arm, surely it should apply to other items as well! Thoughts?
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post Apr 21 2004, 07:02 PM
Post #79

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Drain Brain)
So why do we get an arbitrary 50% bonus for length of coat when a bulging-style padded coat hides all sins (like my fat belly)? I'll grant that it would help more with AR's and katanas :sleepy: but for the light pistol under your arm, surely it should apply to other items as well! Thoughts?

I don't think there's any good answer to that. Bomber jackets, parkas, normal winter coats like you see on the ski slopes, etc. are all going to hide pistols and hell, probably an SMG too better than a long coat.

Although, you can have the long coat tailored to help increase it's ability to hide a pistol. Give it a little more room on that side or whatever.

It's just another thing that boils down to "Long coats and katana's are cool!" Ah well...
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Drain Brain
post Apr 21 2004, 10:34 PM
Post #80

The Sewer Jockey

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Certainly a fair comment - I'll agree with you from a personal styling point of view. When I go out socially that would be my RL choice. The same goes for IC. The long coat also maintains the "I wonder what he's hiding under there?" effect.

However practicality dictates otherwise. My leather trench has four pockets of moderate size which are not very secure. I know it's not armoured or designed for anything other than casual wear, but that's that. My bomber, on the other hand, has four sealable main pockets and a fifth sealable arm pouch. On top of that, for transportation of tools/accessories/whatever, there's a vest with an additional 14 pockets, or a padded version of same (for that little bit of extra toasty warmth) with only another 7. You see where I'm headed?

Assuming that I don't have to conceal a sword, shotgun or other lengthy item, then I'll take the armoured coat any day. Stylistically like a bomber jacket, it gets away with having an awful lot of carrying space without arousing suspicion. If you put that many pockets on a long coat, you'd look like a freak!

Still, different strokes for different folks I guess...
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Hot Wheels
post Apr 21 2004, 10:42 PM
Post #81

Moving Target

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How about a country western look- a long coat as like a frock coat for business over a suit vest and slacks.
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